Police State: Cop Brutally Attacks 78 Year Old Grandma Delivering Cupcakes...

If someone assaults me, I will shoot them, no matter who they are.

Hmm...don't know if this cop is more dangerous to the community or you are.

How can you even feign to be supportive of the 2nd Amendment when it's primary purpose is to eliminate dangerous tyrants? Any time I see you making pro-gun posts I'm going to link this thread.

I'm a gun rights advocate and know many gun rights advocates. None of them think it's ok to shoot the police because they feel they're being assaulted by them. You're all alone on this one, cracker jack.

So when exactly do you think it's ok to shoot a Government Agent? When is it ok to activate our birthright to slay a tyrant? Did you ever see what the WWII veterans did in Athens, Tennessee over police brutality in the year of 1946?
How'd that play out?

Why don't you read it for yourself?
So when exactly do you think it's ok to shoot a Government Agent? When is it ok to activate our birthright to slay a tyrant? Did you ever see what the WWII veterans did in Athens, Tennessee over police brutality in the year of 1946?
How'd that play out?

The police brutality, shake downs and murders stopped in Athens Tennessee after the 1000+ strong WWII veterans took up arms and shot at the uniformed thugs.
I don't think you should be allowed to have firearms.

I don't think cops should either.

However, I'm sure Obama's FCC will soon eliminate me from the internet for "hate speech" and the endorsers of police-brutality against Americans will be rewarded with extra bandwidth.

So anyone who doesn't dream about shooting cops like you are endorsers of police brutality?
Please find in this thread where I said I desire to shoot cops for being cops?

I said assailants, thugs, and tyrants.

You're arguing like an authoritarian leftist, which is actually what you are. You've been revealed.

You said you will shoot a cop if you think he's assaulting you....like damn near everyone who is arrested by cops thinks their being assaulted. Own your damn words.
What if a cop was brutally assaulting your Mother or Grandmother? What would you do? It's a very tough question. I'd be very interested in hearing what most peoples' answers would be. Would you just watch it happen? Would you act?
It's not a tough question, I'd eliminate the assailant assaulting my family.

You sound like you pine for an excuse to shoot a cop.
So you'd allow a cop to assault your grandmother?

We've detected Marxist in Right-wing clothing.

I wouldn't shoot him.

Sorry, but if I feel that anyone, cop or no cop, is engaging in activity that might result in death or grievous bodily harm to one of my family, I am totally justified in using deadly force to remove the threat.
What if a cop was brutally assaulting your Mother or Grandmother? What would you do? It's a very tough question. I'd be very interested in hearing what most peoples' answers would be. Would you just watch it happen? Would you act?
It's not a tough question, I'd eliminate the assailant assaulting my family.

You sound like you pine for an excuse to shoot a cop.
So you'd allow a cop to assault your grandmother?

We've detected Marxist in Right-wing clothing.

I wouldn't shoot him.

If I assaulted your grandmother, armed with a sidearm, would you shoot me?
What if a cop was brutally assaulting your Mother or Grandmother? What would you do? It's a very tough question. I'd be very interested in hearing what most peoples' answers would be. Would you just watch it happen? Would you act?
It's not a tough question, I'd eliminate the assailant assaulting my family.

You sound like you pine for an excuse to shoot a cop.
So you'd allow a cop to assault your grandmother?

We've detected Marxist in Right-wing clothing.

I wouldn't shoot him.

Sorry, but if I feel that anyone, cop or no cop, is engaging in activity that might result in death or grievous bodily harm to one of my family, I am totally justified in using deadly force to remove the threat.

If my grandmother were being arrested, even after being put forcefully to the ground, I wouldn't shoot a cop. There are other remedies that don't involve anyone dying.

Why are so many people looking for reasons to shoot cops? How deep does this cop hate run?
What if a cop was brutally assaulting your Mother or Grandmother? What would you do? It's a very tough question. I'd be very interested in hearing what most peoples' answers would be. Would you just watch it happen? Would you act?
It's not a tough question, I'd eliminate the assailant assaulting my family.

You sound like you pine for an excuse to shoot a cop.
So you'd allow a cop to assault your grandmother?

We've detected Marxist in Right-wing clothing.

I wouldn't shoot him.

If I assaulted your grandmother, armed with a sidearm, would you shoot me?

You sound like a little bitch so I'd probably just slap you and you'd start crying. When you tried to pull your gun out, I would knock it out of your hand and slap you again.

That's how that would go down.

The good news is, you'd be in jail alive. Real gun rights advocates are pro life and don't look for excuses to kill people.
I wouldn't shoot him.

If he were beating my mother, I would order him to stop and get on the ground. If he resisted, I would absolutely shoot him. I do not subscribe to the supremacy of the police. I still believe in the United States Constitution.

Beating your mother? That's not what happened here, so are we deviating from the story at hand? She was treated roughly, not beaten. There's a difference. If you can't understand that difference, I can post the Rodney King beating as a visual aid.
It's time to stop this Militarization of our Police. We need to stop unleashing rabid mongoloid cops onto the Citizens. The goal is to 'Protect and Serve.' It's not to beat 78 year old Grandmas half to death for trying to deliver cup cakes to their grandchildren. We need immediate change in how we train our Police.
The problem is "our" police are really not ours.

Even if civilian police, themselves, are not aware of it they exist to protect and serve the rich and politically powerful! This fact was casually and unintentionally affirmed by former New York City Mayor, Michael Bloomberg, a multi-billionaire who served three terms in spite of the two-term regulation, and who was fond of saying the NYPD was his "private army." He wasn't kidding -- even if he thought he was.

The rich and politically powerful are not about to disrupt the system that empowers them by offending the armed, uniformed agents of the State, who protect and serve them, by punishing those protectors for occasionally brutalizing an ordinary, or less than ordinary, citizen.
It's time to stop this Militarization of our Police. We need to stop unleashing rabid mongoloid cops onto the Citizens. The goal is to 'Protect and Serve.' It's not to beat 78 year old Grandmas half to death for trying to deliver cup cakes to their grandchildren. We need immediate change in how we train our Police.
The problem is "our" police are really not ours.

Even if civilian police, themselves, are not aware of it they exist to protect and serve the rich and politically powerful! This fact was casually and unintentionally affirmed by former New York City Mayor, Michael Bloomberg, a multi-billionaire who served three terms in spite of the two-term regulation, and who was fond of saying the NYPD was his "private army." He wasn't kidding -- even if he thought he was.

The rich and politically powerful are not about to disrupt the system that empowers them by offending the armed, uniformed agents of the State, who protect and serve them, by punishing those protectors for occasionally brutalizing an ordinary, or less than ordinary, citizen.

The Civil Asset Forfeiture laws are the biggest contributor to the militarization of our police forces. But so few understand this. Get rid of the funding mechanism and you will have a tamer police force.
Are you knee-jerking again?

Cops should be held accountable when they fuck up like this. Not excused. Not applauded.

Fine and I agree, but that is not what I asked.

Should the penalty for defending oneself from a cop be death? Are the peasants to submit to police even if that means their own death or great bodily harm? Are police so far above the average person that they are immune from self-defense principles?
No, it shouldn't be that way but that is the way it is in practice. There is no logical reason that the penalty for killing a police officer is automatically the death penalty.
It's not a tough question, I'd eliminate the assailant assaulting my family.

You sound like you pine for an excuse to shoot a cop.
So you'd allow a cop to assault your grandmother?

We've detected Marxist in Right-wing clothing.

I wouldn't shoot him.

If I assaulted your grandmother, armed with a sidearm, would you shoot me?

You sound like a little bitch so I'd probably just slap you and you'd start crying. When you tried to pull your gun out, I would knock it out of your hand and slap you again.

That's how that would go down.

The good news is, you'd be in jail alive. Real gun rights advocates are pro life and don't look for excuses to kill people.

I'd like to see that.

"Mary obeyed the officer and left the school. She then pulled over to call her son and tell him what happened."

There is something fishy about this story...

Yeah, why would a granny obey and not have a knock down drag out fight? Smells fishy

She left the school and then pulled over to call her son but was approached by the same officer? Nah, nothing fishy in that story...the site itself screams left loon.

Irish and Stephanie, two dingbats that can neither read or use "The Google."

This is from wnd, a Republican rag. Maybe this will work for you as a source.

Cupcake cop goes ballistic on grandma 78
Im still not getting what happened between the time she stopped to call her son and the time the cop pulled her out of the car.
Im still not getting what happened between the time she stopped to call her son and the time the cop pulled her out of the car.
She brought donuts and didn't offer the cop one. He went ballistic. We can chalk all this up to hypoglycemic rage.
It's not a tough question, I'd eliminate the assailant assaulting my family.

You sound like you pine for an excuse to shoot a cop.
So you'd allow a cop to assault your grandmother?

We've detected Marxist in Right-wing clothing.

I wouldn't shoot him.

Sorry, but if I feel that anyone, cop or no cop, is engaging in activity that might result in death or grievous bodily harm to one of my family, I am totally justified in using deadly force to remove the threat.

If my grandmother were being arrested, even after being put forcefully to the ground, I wouldn't shoot a cop. There are other remedies that don't involve anyone dying.

Why are so many people looking for reasons to shoot cops? How deep does this cop hate run?

If a cop is endangering the life of one of my family for no good reason, then he's a criminal, not a cop. Granted, I may not need to shoot him/her to end the threat, but I WILL end the threat by whatever means necessary.

Yeah, I hate cops so much I became one just to spite myself...as well as my father, who was also a cop, plus my uncle...who was a cop...and of course my great grandfather...who was a cop. Moron.

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