Police State: Cop Drags Woman, 77, From Car After ID Refusal...

Really? So all women who commit traffic violations should go to jail?

clearly not. Women who escalate a traffic violation and do not cooperate with law enforcement who are lawfully doing their job.......though? Yes.

Clearly not?

But you just said:

"Any woman refusing to comply with the Law *does belong in jail."

A traffic violation is a violation of the law. So according to your first statement, all women who violate the traffic laws should go to jail - and according to your second, only those who refuse to cooperate after their violation should go to jail.

Which is it?

oh jesus christ
Listen to the psychopath calling someone else crazy. You are the one who started this hysterical thread, then doubled down on crazy with the "have your papers" shit...then when someone calls you out on your lunacy, you have the gall to act offended? Go change into your big boy pantries. You watched the video from start to finish....she refused to show her driver's license after a violation that she got pulled over for, then when ordered to get out of the car, she refused again. This is not some kind of police abuse....the officer was fully within his duties to attest this woman.

That doesn't mean it was the best way to handle the situation.

You tell me what was. Then, put a snotty ass teen driver in the seat instead of a cranky old lady.

That's kinda the point. It wasn't a snotty ass teen driver who just wants to cause trouble. It was an old lady who needed to pee real bad and wanted to explain her situation before she sent the cop back to his car with her ID. Last time I was at a traffic stop they took my ID and went to their car and didn't come back for a lifetime or two.There's no law against the cops having empathy for other humans, is there?
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clearly not. Women who escalate a traffic violation and do not cooperate with law enforcement who are lawfully doing their job.......though? Yes.

Clearly not?

But you just said:

"Any woman refusing to comply with the Law *does belong in jail."

A traffic violation is a violation of the law. So according to your first statement, all women who violate the traffic laws should go to jail - and according to your second, only those who refuse to cooperate after their violation should go to jail.

Which is it?

oh jesus christ

Are those not your statements? All women who violate the law should go to jail. Period. Nevermind that there are dozens or hundreds of legal offenses for which an officer can exercise discretion on that matter.
clearly not. Women who escalate a traffic violation and do not cooperate with law enforcement who are lawfully doing their job.......though? Yes.

Clearly not?

But you just said:

"Any woman refusing to comply with the Law *does belong in jail."

A traffic violation is a violation of the law. So according to your first statement, all women who violate the traffic laws should go to jail - and according to your second, only those who refuse to cooperate after their violation should go to jail.

Which is it?

oh jesus christ

Clearly not?

But you just said:

"Any woman refusing to comply with the Law *does belong in jail."

A traffic violation is a violation of the law. So according to your first statement, all women who violate the traffic laws should go to jail - and according to your second, only those who refuse to cooperate after their violation should go to jail.

Which is it?

oh jesus christ



seriously though.
As soon as I heard about this I knew the dem nazis tuk mah rights folks would be all over it. Thank goodness it's documented.
A question for all you loyal Goose Steppers...Would you allow someone to treat your own Grandmother this way?
A question for all you loyal Goose Steppers...Would you allow someone to treat your own Grandmother this way?

My Grandmother wouldn't behave this way. Ever.
And what do you mean "allow?"

Are you out there fighting cops? NO? Just pissing on a message board? YOURE allowing it, there bub.
A question for all you loyal Goose Steppers...Would you allow someone to treat your own Grandmother this way?

Expecting adherence to the law and allowing law enforcement to do their job is not 'goose stepping'...

And if my grandmother was uncooperative, belligerent, or whatever to a cop, she would get a harsher degree too... and deservedly so
Boy, you Goose Steppers are a real mess. Whose Grandmother doesn't get a bit cranky? Jail is not where this cranky ole Grandmother belongs. Shame on you Goose Steppers. You're lost causes.
Maybe he should have face slammed her into the pavement the way they do it in LA.
She broke a law. He dragged her out of the car because she ignored his requests for ID. Stupid old bat.

Yes, a stupid cranky old bat. We can agree on that. But jail is not where she belongs. It could have and should have been handled differently.
he followed procedure.. she did not comply... he arrested her.

Big hairy deal.
Do you know what the procedure is? Of course you don't.

Driving without a license in Texas is a misdemeanor with a fine up to $200.

Hardly worth putting a tax paying citizen in jail for. Also, Illegal Aliens get released on scene in the vast majority of cases in Texas for driving without a license. Americans should get the same courtesy.

I won't even get into the fact that unless you are engaging in the act of Commerce, a Police Officer cannot cite you for violations of traffic laws!

That is Texas Law.
So, in Texas, you cannot get a speeding ticket unless you are engaging in an act of commerce? Really? Bull fucking shit.

No one SAID she was driving without a license, dumb ass. She refused to SHOW her license when requested to.

You're being purposely obtuse.
Texas Law states that Officers can't write tickets unless a City Population is ABOVE 50,000 or a County is ABOVE 200,000.

Do you know where that stop was? Do you know where the Cop is from? Of course you don't, but I do. Keene, Texas.

Keene Texas. Population 6,167.

They have no authority to write tickets under Texas State Law.

PLUS, under Texas State Law in order for a person to be arrested for "failure to show License" they must have been previously Lawfully Arrested.

What was she previously Arrested for? Nothing! The Cop is in violation of the Law. She has a good case against the officer and the city of Keene.

CONservative. Dumbest Poster EVAH!
She broke a law. He dragged her out of the car because she ignored his requests for ID. Stupid old bat.
What Law did she break?

Good luck. I've tried. It's very difficult trying to reason with rabid Goose Steppers. I seriously believe some of these Goose Steppers would actually watch and do nothing as a Gestapo thug beat the the living shit out of their own Grandmothers. They really are that far gone. The saddest and most shocking thing is that most Americans have that same Authority-Worship mentality. I guess i'll just never get it.
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Nice how Police treat our eldery huh? Imagine this being your Grandmother? 'To protect and Serve?' Yeah, i think most Americans just laugh at that thought nowadays. Most of our Police Force is made up of roided-up power-mad assholes. We need revolutionary change in how our Police are trained.

Texas Cop Drags 77-year-old Grandmother from Car - YouTube

Paulitician, when it comes to this issue, you are one sick son of a bitch.

What we need are citizens who respect authority and follow the fucking rules. You don't have a choice of whether or not you provide license and insurance when pulled over. It is mandatory.

And if it were "my grandmother" - I'd be appalled at her attitude towards a law enforcement officer and wish that she would have been tased as well.
Nice how Police treat our eldery huh? Imagine this being your Grandmother? 'To protect and Serve?' Yeah, i think most Americans just laugh at that thought nowadays. Most of our Police Force is made up of roided-up power-mad assholes. We need revolutionary change in how our Police are trained.

Texas Cop Drags 77-year-old Grandmother from Car - YouTube

Once again we see a USMB poster with the "BLAME THE WOMAN FOR WHAT SHE IS WEARING WHEN SHE IS RAPED" syndrome.

Sorry, this arrogant bitch thought she was above the law. Hope she took an epic and painful face plant into the cement.

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