POLICE STATE: Cops shoot mentally ill man for gardening!!!!

Proves he's mentally ill, though. Is it bad training on the part of the cops or don't we pay enough to get a really professional force?

Proves he was a waste of flesh and oxygen and the officers did us all a favor by capping his ass.
NEVER bring a machete to a Gun Fight
Proves he's mentally ill, though. Is it bad training on the part of the cops or don't we pay enough to get a really professional force?

Ok... what should've happened? Psycho is trying to hack people apart with a machete and spraying toxic wasp spray at everyone. YOU arrived as the cop. What would YOU do?
Ok... what should've happened? Psycho is trying to hack people apart with a machete and spraying toxic wasp spray at everyone. YOU arrived as the cop. What would YOU do?
Non-lethal methods. Don't they all have stun guns these days?
Proves he's mentally ill, though. Is it bad training on the part of the cops or don't we pay enough to get a really professional force?
Proves he was a waste of flesh and oxygen and the officers did us all a favor by capping his ass.
Kill all the the mentally ill? I remember there being someone with that idea years ago! I thought we'd learned our lesson, but I guess not. Be careful about doing anything peculiar. It could be your ass that's capped.
Why haven't any leaders in the white community come forward to condemn this Christian terrorist? How many could he have killed if he'd been able to set off all 6 bombs in his bag?
Kill all the the mentally ill? I remember there being someone with that idea years ago! I thought we'd learned our lesson, but I guess not. Be careful about doing anything peculiar. It could be your ass that's capped.

Kill the dangerous ones. That's for sure.

Yes, be careful when you act contrary to the accepted order of things.
Ok... what should've happened? Psycho is trying to hack people apart with a machete and spraying toxic wasp spray at everyone. YOU arrived as the cop. What would YOU do?
Non-lethal methods. Don't they all have stun guns these days?

Hes trying to hack people apart with a machete...and you're butt hurt about them shooting him. How cute.

Oh...he was spraying people with wasp spray. No one knew what thr aerosol was at the moment...and pepper spray IGNITES when tazed...so had it been any sort of flammable spray...and the cop tazed him...he could've ignited multiple people.

You cop haters have gone full retard.
"POLICE STATE: Cops shoot mentally ill man for gardening!!!!"

Another ignorant rightwing demagogue who has no idea what a 'police state' actually is.
He's trying to be ironic but coming across as an ass instead.

Well...it was supposed to be a sarcastic thread. Kinda mocking what a moron cop hater or bleeding heart liberal may say about this cop shooting a man who was trying to hack people to death with a machete, spraying them with poison, and carrying explosives.

BUT SADLY...no sarcasm. Liberal morons actually came here and agreed with the sarcasm and actually DID criticize the police. Wow.
Ban machetes....and wasp spray!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"POLICE STATE: Cops shoot mentally ill man for gardening!!!!"

Another ignorant rightwing demagogue who has no idea what a 'police state' actually is.
He's trying to be ironic but coming across as an ass instead.

Well...it was supposed to be a sarcastic thread. Kinda mocking what a moron cop hater or bleeding heart liberal may say about this cop shooting a man who was trying to hack people to death with a machete, spraying them with poison, and carrying explosives.

BUT SADLY...no sarcasm. Liberal morons actually came here and agreed with the sarcasm and actually DID criticize the police. Wow.

You have no sense of humor idiot boy. You used THE FACT that law enforcement in this nation has ACTUALLY used unnecessary force on numerous occasions in recent months to try and trick people into agreeing with you. You could not have done that had there not been real cases of over zealous cops in the news.

You got a person or two to fall into your little dopey trap. You had to....because IN REALITY.......nobody is claiming that the cops in this case did anything wrong. You couldn't find anyone to bang on the cops for this....so you had to trick someone into it.

Totally lame. You sad piece of shit.

By the way, who is known for beginning threads with the words "POLICE STATE"? Is he a lib?

Proves he's mentally ill, though. Is it bad training on the part of the cops or don't we pay enough to get a really professional force?
Proves he was a waste of flesh and oxygen and the officers did us all a favor by capping his ass.
Kill all the the mentally ill? I remember there being someone with that idea years ago! I thought we'd learned our lesson, but I guess not. Be careful about doing anything peculiar. It could be your ass that's capped.

You missed the "hacking at people with a machete" bit.

"POLICE STATE: Cops shoot mentally ill man for gardening!!!!"

Another ignorant rightwing demagogue who has no idea what a 'police state' actually is.
He's trying to be ironic but coming across as an ass instead.

Well...it was supposed to be a sarcastic thread. Kinda mocking what a moron cop hater or bleeding heart liberal may say about this cop shooting a man who was trying to hack people to death with a machete, spraying them with poison, and carrying explosives.

BUT SADLY...no sarcasm. Liberal morons actually came here and agreed with the sarcasm and actually DID criticize the police. Wow.

You have no sense of humor idiot boy. You used THE FACT that law enforcement in this nation has ACTUALLY used unnecessary force on numerous occasions in recent months to try and trick people into agreeing with you. You could not have done that had there not been real cases of over zealous cops in the news.

You got a person or two to fall into your little dopey trap. You had to....because IN REALITY.......nobody is claiming that the cops in this case did anything wrong. You couldn't find anyone to bang on the cops for this....so you had to trick someone into it.

Totally lame. You sad piece of shit.

By the way, who is known for beginning threads with the words "POLICE STATE"? Is he a lib?


Have we read the same material? People have derided "the police" on what has been a valid action by police. Same as the Wilson/Brown matter. Even Holder found no wrong doing by the police in that situation. There was a bait set; and some took it line and sinker. I am amused by that....why not??

"POLICE STATE: Cops shoot mentally ill man for gardening!!!!"

Another ignorant rightwing demagogue who has no idea what a 'police state' actually is.
He's trying to be ironic but coming across as an ass instead.

Well...it was supposed to be a sarcastic thread. Kinda mocking what a moron cop hater or bleeding heart liberal may say about this cop shooting a man who was trying to hack people to death with a machete, spraying them with poison, and carrying explosives.

BUT SADLY...no sarcasm. Liberal morons actually came here and agreed with the sarcasm and actually DID criticize the police. Wow.

You have no sense of humor idiot boy. You used THE FACT that law enforcement in this nation has ACTUALLY used unnecessary force on numerous occasions in recent months to try and trick people into agreeing with you. You could not have done that had there not been real cases of over zealous cops in the news.

You got a person or two to fall into your little dopey trap. You had to....because IN REALITY.......nobody is claiming that the cops in this case did anything wrong. You couldn't find anyone to bang on the cops for this....so you had to trick someone into it.

Totally lame. You sad piece of shit.

By the way, who is known for beginning threads with the words "POLICE STATE"? Is he a lib?


Have we read the same material? People have derided "the police" on what has been a valid action by police. Same as the Wilson/Brown matter. Even Holder found no wrong doing by the police in that situation. There was a bait set; and some took it line and sinker. I am amused by that....why not??


You aren't capable.
TSA officers attacked with machete and wasp spray at New Orleans airport - CNN.com

This man was obviously mentally ill and he was "armed" with bug spray and an agricultural design tool. And cops shot him like a dog.

The man obviously was confused and thought he was gardening.

Cops SHOULD'VE. ...at a maximum just tackled him. They could've sprayed him or tased him or bean bagged him. They SHOULD'VE KNOWN he was mentally ill. They could've surrounded him and talked him down.

These trigger happy cops are so out of control when they cant tell that a mentally ill man who simply is confused and thinks he is working in a garden is not a threat to them.

Wow, what a gross distortion. Either you're the world's dumbest man alive, or you'll use any ol' incident to make hay out of your hatred for law enforcement.
TSA officers attacked with machete and wasp spray at New Orleans airport - CNN.com

This man was obviously mentally ill and he was "armed" with bug spray and an agricultural design tool. And cops shot him like a dog.

The man obviously was confused and thought he was gardening.

Cops SHOULD'VE. ...at a maximum just tackled him. They could've sprayed him or tased him or bean bagged him. They SHOULD'VE KNOWN he was mentally ill. They could've surrounded him and talked him down.

These trigger happy cops are so out of control when they cant tell that a mentally ill man who simply is confused and thinks he is working in a garden is not a threat to them.

Wow, what a gross distortion. Either you're the world's dumbest man alive, or you'll use any ol' incident to make hay out of your hatred for law enforcement.

Look at that, Bucs! You caught one. Wrong type, though, huh!
"POLICE STATE: Cops shoot mentally ill man for gardening!!!!"

Another ignorant rightwing demagogue who has no idea what a 'police state' actually is.
He's trying to be ironic but coming across as an ass instead.

Well...it was supposed to be a sarcastic thread. Kinda mocking what a moron cop hater or bleeding heart liberal may say about this cop shooting a man who was trying to hack people to death with a machete, spraying them with poison, and carrying explosives.

BUT SADLY...no sarcasm. Liberal morons actually came here and agreed with the sarcasm and actually DID criticize the police. Wow.

You have no sense of humor idiot boy. You used THE FACT that law enforcement in this nation has ACTUALLY used unnecessary force on numerous occasions in recent months to try and trick people into agreeing with you. You could not have done that had there not been real cases of over zealous cops in the news.

You got a person or two to fall into your little dopey trap. You had to....because IN REALITY.......nobody is claiming that the cops in this case did anything wrong. You couldn't find anyone to bang on the cops for this....so you had to trick someone into it.

Totally lame. You sad piece of shit.

By the way, who is known for beginning threads with the words "POLICE STATE"? Is he a lib?


Ah...I bother you huh?

But you see...cop haters like you bit on this because it was no more or less ridiculous than most cop outrage stories.

And yes...a few cop haters arent liberals. Most are. But not all. But they are all morons.
Last edited:
"POLICE STATE: Cops shoot mentally ill man for gardening!!!!"

Another ignorant rightwing demagogue who has no idea what a 'police state' actually is.
He's trying to be ironic but coming across as an ass instead.

Well...it was supposed to be a sarcastic thread. Kinda mocking what a moron cop hater or bleeding heart liberal may say about this cop shooting a man who was trying to hack people to death with a machete, spraying them with poison, and carrying explosives.

BUT SADLY...no sarcasm. Liberal morons actually came here and agreed with the sarcasm and actually DID criticize the police. Wow.

You have no sense of humor idiot boy. You used THE FACT that law enforcement in this nation has ACTUALLY used unnecessary force on numerous occasions in recent months to try and trick people into agreeing with you. You could not have done that had there not been real cases of over zealous cops in the news.

You got a person or two to fall into your little dopey trap. You had to....because IN REALITY.......nobody is claiming that the cops in this case did anything wrong. You couldn't find anyone to bang on the cops for this....so you had to trick someone into it.

Totally lame. You sad piece of shit.

By the way, who is known for beginning threads with the words "POLICE STATE"? Is he a lib?


Ah...I bother you huh?

But you see...cop haters like you bit on this because it was no more or less ridiculous than most cop outrage stories.

And yes...a few cop haters arent liberals. Most are. But not all. But they are all morons.

You think I bit? What a ridiculous loser you are.

I'd like you to prove that I am a cop hater.
"POLICE STATE: Cops shoot mentally ill man for gardening!!!!"

Another ignorant rightwing demagogue who has no idea what a 'police state' actually is.
He's trying to be ironic but coming across as an ass instead.

Well...it was supposed to be a sarcastic thread. Kinda mocking what a moron cop hater or bleeding heart liberal may say about this cop shooting a man who was trying to hack people to death with a machete, spraying them with poison, and carrying explosives.

BUT SADLY...no sarcasm. Liberal morons actually came here and agreed with the sarcasm and actually DID criticize the police. Wow.

You have no sense of humor idiot boy. You used THE FACT that law enforcement in this nation has ACTUALLY used unnecessary force on numerous occasions in recent months to try and trick people into agreeing with you. You could not have done that had there not been real cases of over zealous cops in the news.

You got a person or two to fall into your little dopey trap. You had to....because IN REALITY.......nobody is claiming that the cops in this case did anything wrong. You couldn't find anyone to bang on the cops for this....so you had to trick someone into it.

Totally lame. You sad piece of shit.

By the way, who is known for beginning threads with the words "POLICE STATE"? Is he a lib?


Ah...I bother you huh?

But you see...cop haters like you bit on this because it was no more or less ridiculous than most cop outrage stories.

And yes...a few cop haters arent liberals. Most are. But not all. But they are all morons.

You think I bit? What a ridiculous loser you are.

I'd like you to prove that I am a cop hater.

Easy. Your post history.
He's trying to be ironic but coming across as an ass instead.

Well...it was supposed to be a sarcastic thread. Kinda mocking what a moron cop hater or bleeding heart liberal may say about this cop shooting a man who was trying to hack people to death with a machete, spraying them with poison, and carrying explosives.

BUT SADLY...no sarcasm. Liberal morons actually came here and agreed with the sarcasm and actually DID criticize the police. Wow.

You have no sense of humor idiot boy. You used THE FACT that law enforcement in this nation has ACTUALLY used unnecessary force on numerous occasions in recent months to try and trick people into agreeing with you. You could not have done that had there not been real cases of over zealous cops in the news.

You got a person or two to fall into your little dopey trap. You had to....because IN REALITY.......nobody is claiming that the cops in this case did anything wrong. You couldn't find anyone to bang on the cops for this....so you had to trick someone into it.

Totally lame. You sad piece of shit.

By the way, who is known for beginning threads with the words "POLICE STATE"? Is he a lib?


Ah...I bother you huh?

But you see...cop haters like you bit on this because it was no more or less ridiculous than most cop outrage stories.

And yes...a few cop haters arent liberals. Most are. But not all. But they are all morons.

You think I bit? What a ridiculous loser you are.

I'd like you to prove that I am a cop hater.

Easy. Your post history.

Oh! You can't prove it. I get it. Fuck off.

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