Police State: DUI Checkpoint, Civil Rights Audit...

This is how you handle a checkpoint. Kudos.

There is a fine line between protecting one's individual rights and being an asshole.
Like it or not, these checkpoints are legal, endorsed by the US SCOTUS and are not going anywhere.
It is highly likely that new legislation and court rulings are going to come down. Rulings which will make it a misdemeanor offense to antagonize, delay, and be a general pain in the ass toward the police while in the act of performing their lawful and constitutional duties.
it's ok to ask questions or simply be silent. That is if the law permits it. But if one is going to fire up a camera and start driving around looking for checkpoints with the intention of acting like a douche bag, they get what they deserve.
For example. A motorist who thinks he has the upper hand can expect a very lengthy delay in their trip waiting for the drug sniffing dog to show up.....Or be detained as the Sergeant in charge wakes up a magistrate n order to ask for a warrant to search a vehicle.
The easy way out is just show your fucking license, be polite and move on. Christ.
With all this bullshit going on with the cops, far left wing troublemakers doing anything and everything to antagonize and interfere with the police, how long do you think it's going to be before the police in all jurisdictions start doing everything strictly by the book?
It's already started. NYC cops are not making arrests until a supervisor shows up. In fact they are calling supervisors in for routine traffic stops which is delaying motorists for hours.
NYC cops are pissed off because the politicians are not supporting them. They are pissed because the Top Brass is sucking up to the politicians. They are pissed off because the media has whipped up an anti law enforcement frenzy....
LEO's across the country are asking out loud "since they don't want us doing it, what will they do if they ( the citizens)have to police themselves"...
Don't be so smug with this nonsense. It WILL backfire. I am telling you.....

I hear ya, but Freedom & Liberty is a messy thing. It can be complicated. That's why so many prefer Totalitarian systems. Totalitarian systems are far more organized and orderly. But we're not that. We're America.

Citizens are innocent till proven guilty. But unfortunately the trend has been this rapid slide towards a Police State. More & more often, Americans are being deemed guilty till proven innocent. We're going in the wrong direction. Many Citizens are frustrated. But i do respect what you're saying. There is a fine line. It is messy.
Ya kiddin?...Right??

I don't have a sense of humor. Failure to comply with an officers commands is equal to an admission of guilt so far as I'm concerned.
That's irrational.....

So much for 'innocent till proven guilty' ay? It's very sad so many Americans are endorsing this rapidly expanding Police State. It does remind you of how the German Citizens reacted during the rise of Hitler and the Nazis. We're definitely going in the wrong direction.
paulitician Please add some commentary to the OP. Thanks.

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somebody else was doing that & it drove me crazy as well. Put SOME effort into your threads Paulie.

As to the OP, it appears Paulie has an issue w/ police as this is his umpteenth thread criticizing them for carrying-out their duties.

I didn't criticize the Police. I merely applauded this man for being rational and intelligent. You are not required to speak to the Police in this situation. He provided all documentation that was required of him. It was an intelligent peaceful expression of his rights. And the Police did their job correctly. A good lesson for all of us.
BS. It is the language of those who suck the marrow out out life, enjoy it and squeeze every drop of experience they can out of it.

Then get to look their Maker in the eye and beg for mercy because they were too busy having FUN to live a PROPER life. For these people I have less than no sympathy.
The man didn't fail to comply. Did you watch the video? And no, Americans are actually considered innocent till proven guilty. Maybe you should consider relocating to Iran, North Korea, or China? Bon voyage.

I watched enough of it to make me physically ill.

This "innocent until proven guilty" BS is destroying the country; and I'd love to leave but those places aren't accepting Americans at this time. Something about too many people like you trying to sneak Democracy and Freedom into their countries.
Guess so. Loony Authoritarians intrigue me. Why do they worship Authority? How did they get to that point? It's perplexing.

I don't worship Authority. I worship two simple concepts.... Right and Wrong. I learned from an early age that those are the only two options in life and that once you've chosen the latter of the two, there is no way to get back to the former. The easiest way to stick the being Right, is to not allow the Wrong to be around you. To root it out in all its forms and separate yourself from it completely.
The man didn't fail to comply. Did you watch the video? And no, Americans are actually considered innocent till proven guilty. Maybe you should consider relocating to Iran, North Korea, or China? Bon voyage.

I watched enough of it to make me physically ill.

This "innocent until proven guilty" BS is destroying the country; and I'd love to leave but those places aren't accepting Americans at this time. Something about too many people like you trying to sneak Democracy and Freedom into their countries.

'innocent until proven guilty' is 'destroying' the country? HUH WHAAA?? This country was founded on that. My God, you Authority-Worshippers truly have lost it. Unbelievable. :cuckoo:
So much for 'innocent till proven guilty' ay? It's very sad so many Americans are endorsing this rapidly expanding Police State. It does remind you of how the German Citizens reacted during the rise of Hitler and the Nazis. We're definitely going in the wrong direction.

This country started down the Wrong path in the 1860's. It was furthered by the Sufferage movement of the early 20th Century, our inability to stay out of two EUROPEAN wars (We should have nuked the entire island of Japan in 1945), and then the cultural and civil rights eras of the 1960's.
'innocent until proven guilty' is 'destroying' the country? HUH WHAAA?? This country was founded on that. My God, you Authority-Worshippers truly have lost it. Unbelievable. :cuckoo:

Innocent until proven Guilty places the rights of the CRIMINAL above the rights of the VICTIM. Thereby allowing a majority of the Guilty to end up getting away with their crimes and not paying any sort of price for them.
Apparently, there are still some people who have not had a loved one, friend, or family member killed by a drunk driver. I have had 4 killed, including a brother-in law who was hit by a drunk who had just pulled out of a bar, and was driving on the wrong side of the road. It was his pick-up against my brother-in-law's motorcycle. His fiancée was paralyzed for life. (BTW the drunk got off on a technicality involving lost paperwork by the police).

But it is ok, Paul, because I believe in karma, and I feel confident that someday it will make itself known to you.

I lost a good friend and my brother to drunk drivers. I still think checkpoints are wrong.

Can I help you jam your OTHER foot in your mouth, now?

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