Police State: DUI Checkpoint, Civil Rights Audit...

Only the crazies object to sobriety checkpoints. They are just as legal and constitutional as the mandatory searches at airports.

Drunk drivers are killers and maimers and all decent people want them caught and prosecuted. No more coddling.

And that applies to drivers intoxicated with marijuana.

Of course. These states that are legalizing MJ are being paid by the auto industry to do so. Legal pot will cause many more crashes, as it's supposed to.. Car crashes mean car sales..
Yet another "small government" tea party conservative standing up for the big government police state.

No one is opposed to EVERYTHING a govt does. Protecting people from injury by others is the fundamental purpose of govt. Fighting drunk drivers and speeders and texting drivers is something even libertarians should support. THINK
paulitician Please add some commentary to the OP. Thanks.

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somebody else was doing that & it drove me crazy as well. Put SOME effort into your threads Paulie.

As to the OP, it appears Paulie has an issue w/ police as this is his umpteenth thread criticizing them for carrying-out their duties.
This is how you handle a checkpoint. Kudos.

There is a fine line between protecting one's individual rights and being an asshole.
Like it or not, these checkpoints are legal, endorsed by the US SCOTUS and are not going anywhere.
It is highly likely that new legislation and court rulings are going to come down. Rulings which will make it a misdemeanor offense to antagonize, delay, and be a general pain in the ass toward the police while in the act of performing their lawful and constitutional duties.
it's ok to ask questions or simply be silent. That is if the law permits it. But if one is going to fire up a camera and start driving around looking for checkpoints with the intention of acting like a douche bag, they get what they deserve.
For example. A motorist who thinks he has the upper hand can expect a very lengthy delay in their trip waiting for the drug sniffing dog to show up.....Or be detained as the Sergeant in charge wakes up a magistrate n order to ask for a warrant to search a vehicle.
The easy way out is just show your fucking license, be polite and move on. Christ.
With all this bullshit going on with the cops, far left wing troublemakers doing anything and everything to antagonize and interfere with the police, how long do you think it's going to be before the police in all jurisdictions start doing everything strictly by the book?
It's already started. NYC cops are not making arrests until a supervisor shows up. In fact they are calling supervisors in for routine traffic stops which is delaying motorists for hours.
NYC cops are pissed off because the politicians are not supporting them. They are pissed because the Top Brass is sucking up to the politicians. They are pissed off because the media has whipped up an anti law enforcement frenzy....
LEO's across the country are asking out loud "since they don't want us doing it, what will they do if they ( the citizens)have to police themselves"...
Don't be so smug with this nonsense. It WILL backfire. I am telling you.....
Cops love to run these Unconstitutional Checkpoints because they get lot's of overtime. It also feeds the Lawyers and Prison Industrial Complex. If you know your rights then you know you don't have to roll down the window.

No, I'm not saying it's ok to drink and drive, I'm saying "Traveling in your Privately Owned Conveyance" isn't reasonable suspicion of drunken driving.
The checkpoints (with which I disagree) are NOT unconstitutional. SCOTUS has ruled on this....
IMO this is lazy police work, but these things are not going anywhere. As long as we have politically motivated self enriching screeching groups such as MADD running around, we will have to endure these checkpoints.
Remember, the easiest way to avoid them is to not go through them. SCOTUS has also ruled that a motorist is under NO obligation to go through one of these checkpoints. One can simply make a turn or reverse their path to avoid the stop.. I have done this before..
Here is my advice to the police. Flash a note to the driver that you are only trying to get intoxicated drivers off the roads. If you fail to cooperate we will break your window and pull you dragging and screaming from the car and you will be tested for DUI/DWI by your cooperation or by OUR FORCE. Otherwise this will only take about 24 seconds of your valuable time. WHAT DO YOU PREFER?


I just wonder how long before they change the rules.

Remember guys we do not have right to judicial review - we are on our own.

Here is advice from actual lawyers. Read and heed, in my opinion.

What To Do At A DUI Roadblock
interesting.....I will present this to my police officer friends and get their opinion....
I believe many officers upon reading this will simply not want the hassle and tell the driver to move along.
Any ego driven officer would feel his authority is being challenged and thus become agitated and may become "creative" in giving said driver a good lesson in 'ballbusting'
Only the crazies object to sobriety checkpoints. They are just as legal and constitutional as the mandatory searches at airports.

Drunk drivers are killers and maimers and all decent people want them caught and prosecuted. No more coddling.
I can tell you with an educated opinion....Check points do not work. They are show pieces for the media and MADD....
Police officers are far more effective in catching drug and alcohol abusers when they police are on the move patrolling the roadways. Check points are simply an example of low hanging fruit.
No, I'm not saying it's ok to drink and drive, I'm saying "Traveling in your Privately Owned Conveyance" isn't reasonable suspicion of drunken driving.

Oh yes it is. Nearly everyone is a drunk driver. And BTW, your vehicle may be private but the road is public. THINK
Oh now you're talking out of your ass..
This is the same sentiment issued by a representative for the local MADD chapter here. She was quoted as saying that after 1 am the police should be stopping evedery car they see because in her opinion 80% of all drivers on the road after 1 am are driving drunk....The woman is an irrational screeching banshee....And the police chief at the time made it abundantly clear that the manpower to fulfill her demand did not exist.
In other words, your premise is absurd.
There is no empirical evidence that suggests you premise is accurate.
You go off on these irrational one size fits all tangents then you bring on a chuckle by typing "think" in all caps......Do you not see any irony in that?
I am for both the 4th and 5th amendments. The cops in the videos acted appropriately by letting the car go each time. That being said, I am not against road blocks to check for drunk drivers. The proper balance can be found for cops to get drunk drivers off the road and still not violate our constitutional rights.
I'm a little shocked to see some cons thinking violence is ok if a person doesn't take orders form a cop who does NOT have the authority to enforce orders unless you have committed a crime
Then you're easily shocked. Because if violence is what it takes to get people to obey then be as vile to the sumbitch as it takes.
da comrade
I am for both the 4th and 5th amendments. The cops in the videos acted appropriately by letting the car go each time. That being said, I am not against road blocks to check for drunk drivers. The proper balance can be found for cops to get drunk drivers off the road and still not violate our constitutional rights.[/QUOTE]Violating Constitutional Rights isn't a "balance". It's a violation.

Roads are built with OUR TAX MONEY, they belong to US. We have every RIGHT to Travel on them.

Cops work for US, not themselves, not Mayors, Governors, Presidents or Bankers. The work for US, let's keep them in line by reminding them of what their job is.

Laying down and sucking Law Enforcement Cawk will make make you safe.
Here is advice from actual lawyers. Read and heed, in my opinion.

What To Do At A DUI Roadblock
interesting.....I will present this to my police officer friends and get their opinion....
I believe many officers upon reading this will simply not want the hassle and tell the driver to move along.
Any ego driven officer would feel his authority is being challenged and thus become agitated and may become "creative" in giving said driver a good lesson in 'ballbusting'

Any response could be construed as a challenge. When the police stop you there is no, the police are wrong option. So anything, ANYTHING that challenges their ego could have bad results. But what I provided certainly is not confrontational, in my opinion.
I am for both the 4th and 5th amendments. The cops in the videos acted appropriately by letting the car go each time. That being said, I am not against road blocks to check for drunk drivers. The proper balance can be found for cops to get drunk drivers off the road and still not violate our constitutional rights.

Legalize Drunk Driving

What precisely is being criminalized? Not bad driving. Not destruction of property. Not the taking of human life or reckless endangerment. The crime is having the wrong substance in your blood. Yet it is possible, in fact, to have this substance in your blood, even while driving, and not commit anything like what has been traditionally called a crime."

Ya kiddin?...Right??

I don't have a sense of humor. Failure to comply with an officers commands is equal to an admission of guilt so far as I'm concerned.

The man didn't fail to comply. Did you watch the video? And no, Americans are actually considered innocent till proven guilty. Maybe you should consider relocating to Iran, North Korea, or China? Bon voyage.
Apparently, there are still some people who have not had a loved one, friend, or family member killed by a drunk driver. I have had 4 killed, including a brother-in law who was hit by a drunk who had just pulled out of a bar, and was driving on the wrong side of the road. It was his pick-up against my brother-in-law's motorcycle. His fiancée was paralyzed for life. (BTW the drunk got off on a technicality involving lost paperwork by the police).

But it is ok, Paul, because I believe in karma, and I feel confident that someday it will make itself known to you.

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