Police state or decriminalization in America’s sh!tholes?


What about the “war” on rape?
The “war” on murder?
The “war” on drunk driving?
To those of you whom love lawlessness the imposition of any law and order is considered “war” that should be stopped...right?
I don't love lawlessness I hate being in an authoritarian nation.

What about the “war” on rape?
The “war” on murder?
The “war” on drunk driving?
To those of you whom love lawlessness the imposition of any law and order is considered “war” that should be stopped...right?
I don't love lawlessness I hate being in an authoritarian nation.

You know that drug usage is major common denominator among violent criminal lowlife pieces of shits...right?
If we legalized drug usage and stopped the “war on drugs” more would use drugs...right? Then what...can you connect the dots?

What about the “war” on rape?
The “war” on murder?
The “war” on drunk driving?
To those of you whom love lawlessness the imposition of any law and order is considered “war” that should be stopped...right?
I don't love lawlessness I hate being in an authoritarian nation.

You know that drug usage is major common denominator among violent criminal lowlife pieces of shits...right?
If we legalized drug usage and stopped the “war on drugs” more would use drugs...right? Then what...can you connect the dots?
I've been around drug users all my life whether it be booze or pills from the doc, pot smokers and all the rest yet they are no more violent than non users..

What about the “war” on rape?
The “war” on murder?
The “war” on drunk driving?
To those of you whom love lawlessness the imposition of any law and order is considered “war” that should be stopped...right?
I don't love lawlessness I hate being in an authoritarian nation.

You know that drug usage is major common denominator among violent criminal lowlife pieces of shits...right?
If we legalized drug usage and stopped the “war on drugs” more would use drugs...right? Then what...can you connect the dots?
I've been around drug users all my life whether it be booze or pills from the doc, pot smokers and all the rest yet they are no more violent than non users..

Cool...so I ask, what percentage of criminals are NOT drug users?
Do you believe ALL Americans have an obligation to be positive contributing productive members of society?

What about the “war” on rape?
The “war” on murder?
The “war” on drunk driving?
To those of you whom love lawlessness the imposition of any law and order is considered “war” that should be stopped...right?
I don't love lawlessness I hate being in an authoritarian nation.

You know that drug usage is major common denominator among violent criminal lowlife pieces of shits...right?
If we legalized drug usage and stopped the “war on drugs” more would use drugs...right? Then what...can you connect the dots?
I've been around drug users all my life whether it be booze or pills from the doc, pot smokers and all the rest yet they are no more violent than non users..

Cool...so I ask, what percentage of criminals are NOT drug users?
Do you believe ALL Americans have an obligation to be positive contributing productive members of society?
You must have loved those Founding Fathers that were rebellious and revolutionary members of society and settled a nation with chaos, war, destruction and mayhem...and whiskey-a drug...

How do you make a five year old a positive contributing member of society?
What about the “war” on rape?
The “war” on murder?
The “war” on drunk driving?
To those of you whom love lawlessness the imposition of any law and order is considered “war” that should be stopped...right?
I don't love lawlessness I hate being in an authoritarian nation.

You know that drug usage is major common denominator among violent criminal lowlife pieces of shits...right?
If we legalized drug usage and stopped the “war on drugs” more would use drugs...right? Then what...can you connect the dots?
I've been around drug users all my life whether it be booze or pills from the doc, pot smokers and all the rest yet they are no more violent than non users..

Cool...so I ask, what percentage of criminals are NOT drug users?
Do you believe ALL Americans have an obligation to be positive contributing productive members of society?
You must have loved those Founding Fathers that were rebellious and revolutionary members of society and settled a nation with chaos, war, destruction and mayhem...and whiskey-a drug...

How do you make a five year old a positive contributing member of society?

The founders didn’t think we’d deviate from their intent...they didn’t know a welfare mandate would be imposed on productive Americans 150 years after they authored the constitution.

I left out the word “adult” and that provided you with an avenue to play stupid? Fuck you people are weirdos.
How do the two things correlate?
What do bases around the world have to with decriminalization and or a police state philosophy?
How would spending more at home ‘fix’ the criminal minded?
Haven’t we spent $22T on the criminal minded with no measurable gains made?
Dude. We're in a police state and it ain't working.
And how can you not see that shitting trillions away in wars overseas
is draining funds from home ?

Criminal minds ? Start in Washington DC and work your way down.

You’ve lost your fucking mind...What Democrat stronghold is a “police state”?
I’m not saying we don’t waste cash overseas...Nobody wants to say fuck the world like I do..,I’m saying that spending on our bottom feeding criminals doesn’t work. I don’t care how much you spend “you can never turn a sow’s ear into a silk purse.”

Your thread had promise until the truly unhinged chimed in.
Oh well, just a sign of the times.....

What about the “war” on rape?
The “war” on murder?
The “war” on drunk driving?
To those of you whom love lawlessness the imposition of any law and order is considered “war” that should be stopped...right?
I don't love lawlessness I hate being in an authoritarian nation.

So get the fuck out already! It's not as if we really want assholes like you here anyway. Try Venezuela, Norh Korea or anywhere that'll have your sorry ass. I know, try Mexico, it's close. I know Canada won't take you but Mexico might. .
Obviously, Democrats feel as though decriminalization is the answer....That doesn’t seem to be working as their communities, cities and states seem to be swirling further down sh!tter...What’s your thoughts?

Really, and I don't mean this as an insult, you are one dumb and biddable fool.

This is my initial thought. Now for the facts.

  1. The United States incarcerates 716 per 100,000 person, the highest in the world.
  2. Decriminalization does not mean no consequences, nor are high crimes (felonies) and violent misdemeanors decriminalized.
  3. Legalizing Marijuana has reduced by far the costs to prosecute and jail for a crime nearly universally violated.
  4. #1 is costly, better to provide funds to provide early intervention of young children by mental health professionals; funds to provide training in health centers on parenting and for childcare in needy communities and increase the number of probation and parole agents, a much less expensive method than incarceration.
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Obviously, Democrats feel as though decriminalization is the answer....That doesn’t seem to be working as their communities, cities and states seem to be swirling further down sh!tter...What’s your thoughts?

Really, and I don't mean this as an insult, you are one dumb and biddable fool.

This is my initial thought. Now for the facts.

  1. The United States incarcerates 716 per 100,000 person, the highest in the world.
  2. Decriminalization does mean no consequences, nor are high crimes (felonies) and violent misdemeanors decriminalized.
  3. Legalizing Marijuana has reduced by far the costs to prosecute and jail for a crime nearly universally violated.
  4. #1 is costly, better to provide funds to provide early intervention of young children by mental health professionals; funds to provide training in health centers on parenting and for childcare in needy communities and increase the number of probation and parole agents, a much less expensive method than incarceration.

What do you make of the trend of dems refusing to prosecute various property crimes?
Obviously, Democrats feel as though decriminalization is the answer....That doesn’t seem to be working as their communities, cities and states seem to be swirling further down sh!tter...What’s your thoughts?

Really, and I don't mean this as an insult, you are one dumb and biddable fool.

This is my initial thought. Now for the facts.

  1. The United States incarcerates 716 per 100,000 person, the highest in the world.
  2. Decriminalization does not mean no consequences, nor are high crimes (felonies) and violent misdemeanors decriminalized.
  3. Legalizing Marijuana has reduced by far the costs to prosecute and jail for a crime nearly universally violated.
  4. #1 is costly, better to provide funds to provide early intervention of young children by mental health professionals; funds to provide training in health centers on parenting and for childcare in needy communities and increase the number of probation and parole agents, a much less expensive method than incarceration.

The United States incarcerates 716 per 100,000 person, the highest in the world.
No other nation has the massive population of brown and blacks with the means to impose law and order like we do.

Decriminalization does not mean no consequences, nor are high crimes (felonies) and violent misdemeanors decriminalized.
Sorry, you can't write your own definitions.
The action or process of ceasing to treat something as illegal or as a criminal offense.

  1. "voters approved decriminalization of the drug"

  1. Legalizing Marijuana has reduced by far the costs to prosecute and jail for a crime nearly universally violated.
Legalizing drunk driving would reduce the cost to prosecute and jail DD's as well.

#1 is costly, better to provide funds to provide early intervention of young children by mental health professionals; funds to provide training in health centers on parenting and for childcare in needy communities and increase the number of probation and parole agents, a much less expensive method than incarceration.
We already do all that..it doesn't work...dark people are going to behave like dark people do.
Further, you don't give two fucks about 'costs'....you beg wetbacks to keep coming, you can't be taken seriously when you talk 'costs'.
Obviously, Democrats feel as though decriminalization is the answer....That doesn’t seem to be working as their communities, cities and states seem to be swirling further down sh!tter...What’s your thoughts?

Really, and I don't mean this as an insult, you are one dumb and biddable fool.

This is my initial thought. Now for the facts.

  1. The United States incarcerates 716 per 100,000 person, the highest in the world.
  2. Decriminalization does not mean no consequences, nor are high crimes (felonies) and violent misdemeanors decriminalized.
  3. Legalizing Marijuana has reduced by far the costs to prosecute and jail for a crime nearly universally violated.
  4. #1 is costly, better to provide funds to provide early intervention of young children by mental health professionals; funds to provide training in health centers on parenting and for childcare in needy communities and increase the number of probation and parole agents, a much less expensive method than incarceration.

The United States incarcerates 716 per 100,000 person, the highest in the world.
No other nation has the massive population of brown and blacks with the means to impose law and order like we do.

Decriminalization does not mean no consequences, nor are high crimes (felonies) and violent misdemeanors decriminalized.
Sorry, you can't write your own definitions.
The action or process of ceasing to treat something as illegal or as a criminal offense.

  1. "voters approved decriminalization of the drug"

  1. Legalizing Marijuana has reduced by far the costs to prosecute and jail for a crime nearly universally violated.
Legalizing drunk driving would reduce the cost to prosecute and jail DD's as well.

#1 is costly, better to provide funds to provide early intervention of young children by mental health professionals; funds to provide training in health centers on parenting and for childcare in needy communities and increase the number of probation and parole agents, a much less expensive method than incarceration.
We already do all that..it doesn't work...dark people are going to behave like dark people do.
Further, you don't give two fucks about 'costs'....you beg wetbacks to keep coming, you can't be taken seriously when you talk 'costs'.

As I wrote, you're dumb and ignorant. Drunk driving is a serious hazard, possession of MJ isn't. And, before you post another idiotic comment, driving under the influence of MJ is comes with the same punishment as driving drunk or driving using medicine prescribed by your doctor.

The father of racism is ignorance, fear and hate. All of which define you as deplorable.
Obviously, Democrats feel as though decriminalization is the answer....That doesn’t seem to be working as their communities, cities and states seem to be swirling further down sh!tter...What’s your thoughts?

Really, and I don't mean this as an insult, you are one dumb and biddable fool.

This is my initial thought. Now for the facts.

  1. The United States incarcerates 716 per 100,000 person, the highest in the world.
  2. Decriminalization does not mean no consequences, nor are high crimes (felonies) and violent misdemeanors decriminalized.
  3. Legalizing Marijuana has reduced by far the costs to prosecute and jail for a crime nearly universally violated.
  4. #1 is costly, better to provide funds to provide early intervention of young children by mental health professionals; funds to provide training in health centers on parenting and for childcare in needy communities and increase the number of probation and parole agents, a much less expensive method than incarceration.

The United States incarcerates 716 per 100,000 person, the highest in the world.
No other nation has the massive population of brown and blacks with the means to impose law and order like we do.

Decriminalization does not mean no consequences, nor are high crimes (felonies) and violent misdemeanors decriminalized.
Sorry, you can't write your own definitions.
The action or process of ceasing to treat something as illegal or as a criminal offense.

  1. "voters approved decriminalization of the drug"

  1. Legalizing Marijuana has reduced by far the costs to prosecute and jail for a crime nearly universally violated.
Legalizing drunk driving would reduce the cost to prosecute and jail DD's as well.

#1 is costly, better to provide funds to provide early intervention of young children by mental health professionals; funds to provide training in health centers on parenting and for childcare in needy communities and increase the number of probation and parole agents, a much less expensive method than incarceration.
We already do all that..it doesn't work...dark people are going to behave like dark people do.
Further, you don't give two fucks about 'costs'....you beg wetbacks to keep coming, you can't be taken seriously when you talk 'costs'.

As I wrote, you're dumb and ignorant. Drunk driving is a serious hazard, possession of MJ isn't. And, before you post another idiotic comment, driving under the influence of MJ is comes with the same punishment as driving drunk or driving using medicine prescribed by your doctor.

The father of racism is ignorance, fear and hate. All of which define you as deplorable.

The truth hurts your fragile feelings...sorry. What would our incarceration numbers look like if we were an all white nation?...just curious.
Look bud, get stoned all you want, all the stoners I know are disgusting piece of shit lowlife degenerates. I'm sure that's just me though.
Obviously, Democrats feel as though decriminalization is the answer....That doesn’t seem to be working as their communities, cities and states seem to be swirling further down sh!tter...What’s your thoughts?

Really, and I don't mean this as an insult, you are one dumb and biddable fool.

This is my initial thought. Now for the facts.

  1. The United States incarcerates 716 per 100,000 person, the highest in the world.
  2. Decriminalization does not mean no consequences, nor are high crimes (felonies) and violent misdemeanors decriminalized.
  3. Legalizing Marijuana has reduced by far the costs to prosecute and jail for a crime nearly universally violated.
  4. #1 is costly, better to provide funds to provide early intervention of young children by mental health professionals; funds to provide training in health centers on parenting and for childcare in needy communities and increase the number of probation and parole agents, a much less expensive method than incarceration.

The United States incarcerates 716 per 100,000 person, the highest in the world.
No other nation has the massive population of brown and blacks with the means to impose law and order like we do.

Decriminalization does not mean no consequences, nor are high crimes (felonies) and violent misdemeanors decriminalized.
Sorry, you can't write your own definitions.
The action or process of ceasing to treat something as illegal or as a criminal offense.

  1. "voters approved decriminalization of the drug"

  1. Legalizing Marijuana has reduced by far the costs to prosecute and jail for a crime nearly universally violated.
Legalizing drunk driving would reduce the cost to prosecute and jail DD's as well.

#1 is costly, better to provide funds to provide early intervention of young children by mental health professionals; funds to provide training in health centers on parenting and for childcare in needy communities and increase the number of probation and parole agents, a much less expensive method than incarceration.
We already do all that..it doesn't work...dark people are going to behave like dark people do.
Further, you don't give two fucks about 'costs'....you beg wetbacks to keep coming, you can't be taken seriously when you talk 'costs'.

As I wrote, you're dumb and ignorant. Drunk driving is a serious hazard, possession of MJ isn't. And, before you post another idiotic comment, driving under the influence of MJ is comes with the same punishment as driving drunk or driving using medicine prescribed by your doctor.

The father of racism is ignorance, fear and hate. All of which define you as deplorable.

The truth hurts your fragile feelings...sorry. What would our incarceration numbers look like if we were an all white nation?...just curious.
Look bud, get stoned all you want, all the stoners I know are disgusting piece of shit lowlife degenerates. I'm sure that's just me though.

"I'm sure that's just me"? Are you admitting what is presumed, you believe you're a disgusting piece of shit lowlife degenerate?

Don't be so hard on yourself, I know that having Donald Trump as your mentor has infected your sense of morality and justice. Try to think for yourself, don't let Trump continue to fool you and make you believe Trumpism is anything but a 21st Century iteration of fascism.

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