Police State: State Cop Shoots At Minivan Full Of Kids...

Unfortunately, you could very well get yourself killed for 'back-sassing' an American Police Officer these days. Something's wrong. The Militarization of our Police Force needs to end. Their propensity for aggression and violence is out of control. They're becoming a danger to the Public.
I tried not to laugh, but that was damn funny.

"Don't back-answer me boy!! Don't you dare!"

I think it's clear we need to start training our Police differently. Their propensity for aggression and violence has become a tragic epidemic. What has happened to common sense and decency? These are their fellow Citizens for God's sake. It's time to re-think the Militarization of our Police Force.

The woman and her 16 year old son were assholes. They were a contributing factor to this near disaster.

And this has nothing to do with the militarization of our police force. They were equipped in the traditional fashion.

Though it is certainly a training issue.

Some people will complain vociferously about a speeding ticket. It happens. Our Police should be trained to deal with that. In my work, i deal with loud-mouthed assholes all the time. But I deal with it in a calm professional manner. I don't pull out a taser or a gun and proceed to attack them. This incident was completely unnecessary. The Cop escalated it to an absurd level. It's a lack of training. And that is due to the Militarization of our Police Force. They seem to lack common sense and compassion at this point.
Paul is 123% correct in this instance.

also.... that woman had a bad bad attitude. NO GOOD!

moral of the lesson eat your bad attitude in front of the Law.

People often complain vociferously about speeding tickets. It's actually pretty common. Our Police should be trained to deal with it calmly and professionally. This Cop escalated it to an unnecessary dangerous level.

May be so..... but people have to show a minimum of respect to the Police.

Do not start f***** with your bad attitude in front of them.

A little bit of control please! :mad:
Last time I checked, it was not unlawful to be disrespectful to a cop.

We can mouth off if we want to.

A cop should have the sense enough, the training and the self-control to deal with that situation in the correct and a professional manner.

I don't blame the woman one bit.

Much less the son, who is a minor and was simply responding to some madman with a badge attempting to harm his mother.

I would have have tried to break his neck if it were my mother.

I don't care who you think you are, you are not God.

It was all about that "I'm the Gestapo, i'll show you who's Boss!" mentality. She spoke harshly to him. His Gestapo pride was hurt. Therefore he escalated the situation. The woman was angry about receiving a speeding ticket. That's a very common reaction. The Officer should have been able to handle it in a calm professional manner. But his ego was stung, he took it personally. He should be punished for his behavior.
Again, Paulitician is 123% correct, in this instance.
I think it's clear we need to start training our Police differently. Their propensity for aggression and violence has become a tragic epidemic. What has happened to common sense and decency? These are their fellow Citizens for God's sake. It's time to re-think the Militarization of our Police Force.

Hey dumbass, it needs to be MORE militarized.

As in much more training and funding, like the military.

Some states have police academy training that is only a couple months, and that's it, cops on the street. Many have little training beyond that, especially small agencies. They cant afford it. You know...the beloved tax dollar and all.

Make police training the same length and funding as Army training for their MP's. 3 months of police academy (boot camp) and another 6-12 months of formal job related training.

This cop who shot was a dumbass and made a move in stress and panic. The others? They were ok. You cant resist arrest, period. She did. You cant lock yourself in a car when under arrest. The cops can, will, and SHOULD break your window and take you into custody. A simple speeding ticket was all it was going to be. And she created all that mess up to the point of the shooting. The shooting part was in fact 100% wrong.

So, on that note, we need more discipline and order in police work. Which means NO MORE "COMMUNITY POLICING" which is being pushed by soft assed politicians who want cops kissing asses all day, instead of simply enforcing the law and doing it with discipline and order.

A MORE militarized police force wouldn't have as many lapses in judgement or corruption, thanks to more training and discipline.

But that's gonna cost money. Ready to pay up? Or just disband domestic police and let the Army and Marines keep order inside our borders?
I'd agree with you on this with one stipulation. That IF and WHEN those same police EFF-UP they get their A$$es handed to them in the courts. That is, losing their jobs, losing their pension, going to jail, all of the above or any combination of the above depending on their offense, just like any normal citizen would.

Instead, what we CURRENTLY have, and what would PROBABLY happen more if what you say is done, will be the blue wall of silence and the police-can-do-no-wrong mentality that promotes corruption.

My friend, power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts ABSOLUTELY.

Be careful what you wish for.

I think it's clear we need to start training our Police differently. Their propensity for aggression and violence has become a tragic epidemic. What has happened to common sense and decency? These are their fellow Citizens for God's sake. It's time to re-think the Militarization of our Police Force.

It is becoming increasingly clear that the Police force is turning dramatically against the people.

I fully realize that being a cop is a rough job - I do. However, there are far too many instances of "shoot first and ask questions later" going on today.

This clown cop should be fired immediately and charged with reckless endangerment and attempted murder.

I don't give a damn WHAT the circumstances were/are. You DO NOT shoot at a van with small children in it. You maintain pursuit (at a distance) call in the helicopters to follow the car and wait for a chance to end the chase without loss of life.
I publicly stand by my RW fellow USMBER, in this instance.

This isn't a matter of right and left, this is a matter of right and wrong.

Apparently, I gave out to many reps in a 24-hr period, so I owe you one.
Jesus Christ. I’d run too. Bunch of deranged armed tax collectors beating my car full kids with a baton and pointing guns at me. What sane person WOULDN’T GTF out of there? As far as the initial ‘running’ goes, it looks like that’s totally trumped up. They were done. She left. Godd*mned cops are all out of their godd*mned minds. Her poor kid instinctually did the right thing; bad guy attacks your mom – you protect her. I would’ve done the same thing only I probably would’ve killed the a**hole. Using force against a woman over an arbitrary, selectively enforced speed limit. What nonsense! And then shooting at kids for disrespecting your authority. Man they had her information. They could’ve picked her up anywhere. Why on earth would deadly force be required???? We gotta get this cop nonsense under control even if that means violence. Clearly the courts and honor aren’t getting it done.

One thing is for certain about these Jack-Booted Gangsters in the Police State:

They sure do love to shoot unarmed civilians, and get away with it.

The reason this woman didn’t comply is quite simple: She’s sick of them. She’s sick of the pigs/Gestapo trying to strongarm and extort revenue to fund the evil occupiers of tyranny.

Get used to resistance.

It’s pretty clear that the public fears the New Mexico State Police when they incite panic to run.
… Here’s a safety tip; fore-go any travel to New Mexico.


Now get an M4 or M16, a 12 gauge, and 6 shot 0.38 revolver and learn how to make booby traps with gasoline and poison ivy fumes. The time is near.

You think the police departments are not aware of the right wing wacko's like this dude?
And wouldn't you be worried if you knew that there were more and more of these wack jobs out there every day. And it was your JOB to protect the rest of us from THEM wackos.

And you wonder why the police might over react? Not me. There are a growing number of crazy people out there carrying guns. Who knows what they will do with those guns when presented with a speeding ticket.

Like who? I know a few right wing wacko's as YOU put it who are Law Enforcement officers. They are also fellow members of a group I'm in.
Jesus Christ. I’d run too. Bunch of deranged armed tax collectors beating my car full kids with a baton and pointing guns at me. What sane person WOULDN’T GTF out of there? As far as the initial ‘running’ goes, it looks like that’s totally trumped up. They were done. She left. Godd*mned cops are all out of their godd*mned minds. Her poor kid instinctually did the right thing; bad guy attacks your mom – you protect her. I would’ve done the same thing only I probably would’ve killed the a**hole. Using force against a woman over an arbitrary, selectively enforced speed limit. What nonsense! And then shooting at kids for disrespecting your authority. Man they had her information. They could’ve picked her up anywhere. Why on earth would deadly force be required???? We gotta get this cop nonsense under control even if that means violence. Clearly the courts and honor aren’t getting it done.

One thing is for certain about these Jack-Booted Gangsters in the Police State:

They sure do love to shoot unarmed civilians, and get away with it.

The reason this woman didn’t comply is quite simple: She’s sick of them. She’s sick of the pigs/Gestapo trying to strongarm and extort revenue to fund the evil occupiers of tyranny.

Get used to resistance.

It’s pretty clear that the public fears the New Mexico State Police when they incite panic to run.
… Here’s a safety tip; fore-go any travel to New Mexico.


Now get an M4 or M16, a 12 gauge, and 6 shot 0.38 revolver and learn how to make booby traps with gasoline and poison ivy fumes. The time is near.

You think the police departments are not aware of the right wing wacko's like this dude?
And wouldn't you be worried if you knew that there were more and more of these wack jobs out there every day. And it was your JOB to protect the rest of us from THEM wackos.

And you wonder why the police might over react? Not me. There are a growing number of crazy people out there carrying guns. Who knows what they will do with those guns when presented with a speeding ticket.

Like who? I know a few right wing wacko's as YOU put it who are Law Enforcement officers. They are also fellow members of a group I'm in.

Are you asking a question, making a comment or complaining? I can't tell.
Wanna bet that those officers acting all crazy in the video also belong to some similar type of "group" like the one you belong to? Do you call your group the Friendly Clan?
Unfortunately, you could very well get yourself killed for 'back-sassing' an American Police Officer these days. Something's wrong. The Militarization of our Police Force needs to end. Their propensity for aggression and violence is out of control. They're becoming a danger to the Public.
I tried not to laugh, but that was damn funny.

"Don't back-answer me boy!! Don't you dare!"


lol. I hear ya. But sadly, it's a reality. We need to change how we train our Police.

The cop that fired the shots was absolutely stupid and should be charged. However, the first cop was in the right and the mother was stupid fool and NOT a victim. She got pulled over for speeding. While the cop was writing a ticket she drove off. That is grounds for arrest. Then her 14 yr old monster sized son gets out of the car and attacks the police. Sorry she deserved to be under arrest and the son should not have attacked the police officer.

The black mother here has the liberal entitlement attitude. How dare this cop give me a speeding ticket, then how dare he arrest me for leaving the scene. I guarantee she calls herself a victim, when nothing could be further from the truth!

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