Police State: State Cop Shoots At Minivan Full Of Kids...

I think she was high on the drug. The Gestapo should have given her the Colonoscopy/Enema treatment.

But seriously, why have we allowed our Police to get so far out of control?
It is against Federal law to shoot at a fleeing vehicle.


UNLESS......it falls under Tennessee vs Garner, the "Fleeing Felon" rule, which allows law enforcement officers to shoot at any fleeing felon; on foot or car; IF they can say that the person would cause an immediate danger to human life if allowed to escape. SUCH AS....a car fleeing the cops that may run a red light and hit another driver, which is why under Graham vs Connor a police chase is considered "lethal force" whether a gun is used or not, because it is a means of arrest and resistance that could result in serious bodily injury or death.

SEE...remember in Boston, when the two terrorists were running from cops in a car, and they shot back at the FLEEING CAR??? Um...yeah. Wanna arrest the Boston cops who did it? THAT fleeing vehicle fell under "Fleeing Felon/Tennessee vs Garner" you idiots.

GOD DAMN you people need to go to basic 101 police academy.

Wrong, Slingblade:

Tennessee v. Garner, 471 U.S. 1 (1985)[1], was a case in which the Supreme Court of the United States held that under the Fourth Amendment, when a law enforcement officer is pursuing a fleeing suspect, he or she may use deadly force only to prevent escape if the officer has probable cause to believe that the suspect poses a significant threat of death or serious physical injury to the officer or others.

State the probable cause.
Jesus Christ. I’d run too. Bunch of deranged armed tax collectors beating my car full kids with a baton and pointing guns at me. What sane person WOULDN’T GTF out of there? As far as the initial ‘running’ goes, it looks like that’s totally trumped up. They were done. She left. Godd*mned cops are all out of their godd*mned minds. Her poor kid instinctually did the right thing; bad guy attacks your mom – you protect her. I would’ve done the same thing only I probably would’ve killed the a**hole. Using force against a woman over an arbitrary, selectively enforced speed limit. What nonsense! And then shooting at kids for disrespecting your authority. Man they had her information. They could’ve picked her up anywhere. Why on earth would deadly force be required???? We gotta get this cop nonsense under control even if that means violence. Clearly the courts and honor aren’t getting it done.

One thing is for certain about these Jack-Booted Gangsters in the Police State:

They sure do love to shoot unarmed civilians, and get away with it.

The reason this woman didn’t comply is quite simple: She’s sick of them. She’s sick of the pigs/Gestapo trying to strongarm and extort revenue to fund the evil occupiers of tyranny.

Get used to resistance.

It’s pretty clear that the public fears the New Mexico State Police when they incite panic to run.
… Here’s a safety tip; fore-go any travel to New Mexico.


Now get an M4 or M16, a 12 gauge, and 6 shot 0.38 revolver and learn how to make booby traps with gasoline and poison ivy fumes. The time is near.
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I think it's clear we need to start training our Police differently. Their propensity for aggression and violence has become a tragic epidemic. What has happened to common sense and decency? These are their fellow Citizens for God's sake. It's time to re-think the Militarization of our Police Force.

It is becoming increasingly clear that the Police force is turning dramatically against the people.

I fully realize that being a cop is a rough job - I do. However, there are far too many instances of "shoot first and ask questions later" going on today.

This clown cop should be fired immediately and charged with reckless endangerment and attempted murder.

I don't give a damn WHAT the circumstances were/are. You DO NOT shoot at a van with small children in it. You maintain pursuit (at a distance) call in the helicopters to follow the car and wait for a chance to end the chase without loss of life.

From the looks of the number of people killed with guns in this country every year, I would say that it is not just the cops turning against people.

You have people like you Randall celebrating the stand your ground killing of a young black man and I believe I even read where many of you gun nuts will kill over the theft of something from your car or truck. And applaude the killing of a criminal stealing cigs and lottery tickets.

Nah the cops haven't gone crazy. The rest of us have (gone crazy) and the cops are worried about it.

How did the cop know that the lady resisting arrest wasn't going to pull her Glock or her Desert Eagle and start firing away. At them. How were they supposed to know what this lady was capable of?

Crazy shootings happen every day in this country. You think the cops aren't worried when they make a traffic stop?
Jesus Christ. I’d run too. Bunch of deranged armed tax collectors beating my car full kids with a baton and pointing guns at me. What sane person WOULDN’T GTF out of there? As far as the initial ‘running’ goes, it looks like that’s totally trumped up. They were done. She left. Godd*mned cops are all out of their godd*mned minds. Her poor kid instinctually did the right thing; bad guy attacks your mom – you protect her. I would’ve done the same thing only I probably would’ve killed the a**hole. Using force against a woman over an arbitrary, selectively enforced speed limit. What nonsense! And then shooting at kids for disrespecting your authority. Man they had her information. They could’ve picked her up anywhere. Why on earth would deadly force be required???? We gotta get this cop nonsense under control even if that means violence. Clearly the courts and honor aren’t getting it done.

One thing is for certain about these Jack-Booted Gangsters in the Police State:

They sure do love to shoot unarmed civilians, and get away with it.

The reason this woman didn’t comply is quite simple: She’s sick of them. She’s sick of the pigs/Gestapo trying to strongarm and extort revenue to fund the evil occupiers of tyranny.

Get used to resistance.

It’s pretty clear that the public fears the New Mexico State Police when they incite panic to run.
… Here’s a safety tip; fore-go any travel to New Mexico.


Now get an M4 or M16, a 12 gauge, and 6 shot 0.38 revolver and learn how to make booby traps with gasoline and poison ivy fumes. The time is near.

You think the police departments are not aware of the right wing wacko's like this dude?
And wouldn't you be worried if you knew that there were more and more of these wack jobs out there every day. And it was your JOB to protect the rest of us from THEM wackos.

And you wonder why the police might over react? Not me. There are a growing number of crazy people out there carrying guns. Who knows what they will do with those guns when presented with a speeding ticket.
I think it's clear we need to start training our Police differently. Their propensity for aggression and violence has become a tragic epidemic. What has happened to common sense and decency? These are their fellow Citizens for God's sake. It's time to re-think the Militarization of our Police Force.

It is becoming increasingly clear that the Police force is turning dramatically against the people.

I fully realize that being a cop is a rough job - I do. However, there are far too many instances of "shoot first and ask questions later" going on today.

This clown cop should be fired immediately and charged with reckless endangerment and attempted murder.

I don't give a damn WHAT the circumstances were/are. You DO NOT shoot at a van with small children in it. You maintain pursuit (at a distance) call in the helicopters to follow the car and wait for a chance to end the chase without loss of life.

From the looks of the number of people killed with guns in this country every year, I would say that it is not just the cops turning against people.

You have people like you Randall celebrating the stand your ground killing of a young black man and I believe I even read where many of you gun nuts will kill over the theft of something from your car or truck. And applaude the killing of a criminal stealing cigs and lottery tickets.

Nah the cops haven't gone crazy. The rest of us have (gone crazy) and the cops are worried about it.

How did the cop know that the lady resisting arrest wasn't going to pull her Glock or her Desert Eagle and start firing away. At them. How were they supposed to know what this lady was capable of?

Crazy shootings happen every day in this country. You think the cops aren't worried when they make a traffic stop?

I will keep that in my mind next time the police flash their blue and whites on me and pull me over.
It is against Federal law to shoot at a fleeing vehicle.


UNLESS......it falls under Tennessee vs Garner, the "Fleeing Felon" rule, which allows law enforcement officers to shoot at any fleeing felon; on foot or car; IF they can say that the person would cause an immediate danger to human life if allowed to escape. SUCH AS....a car fleeing the cops that may run a red light and hit another driver, which is why under Graham vs Connor a police chase is considered "lethal force" whether a gun is used or not, because it is a means of arrest and resistance that could result in serious bodily injury or death.

SEE...remember in Boston, when the two terrorists were running from cops in a car, and they shot back at the FLEEING CAR??? Um...yeah. Wanna arrest the Boston cops who did it? THAT fleeing vehicle fell under "Fleeing Felon/Tennessee vs Garner" you idiots.

GOD DAMN you people need to go to basic 101 police academy.

Wrong, Slingblade:

Tennessee v. Garner, 471 U.S. 1 (1985)[1], was a case in which the Supreme Court of the United States held that under the Fourth Amendment, when a law enforcement officer is pursuing a fleeing suspect, he or she may use deadly force only to prevent escape if the officer has probable cause to believe that the suspect poses a significant threat of death or serious physical injury to the officer or others.

State the probable cause.
bucs90 has run away, beaten like a conservative. :lol:
The cop was shooting at the vehicle tires of a woman that refused to comply with the officer when pulled over for a minor traffic infraction. Do you think letting a maniac flee at high speed wasn't a danger to other drivers?
Why would any rational person escalate recieving a traffic citation into several felony charges, while jeopardzing her children in the process?
How can you justify this idiotic behavior?
Also her son attacked the officer. He was lucky to have been tazzed instead of being shot.
The woman sets a dangerous example for her children. Perhaps they should be removed from her incompetent care.

maybe training has changed, turning cops into killers. Cops aren't trained to shoot tires out on cars. Cops aren't taught to shoot cars with children inside. THE COP shooting the car was not warranted. Just because you fight back at a cop does not give them the authorization to use deadly force.
Deadly force is authorized only in certain situations and this wasn't one of them.

Possibly, but since neither of us were there and the video is spotty [at best] we'll never know the full truth.
I can surmise that the perp isn't exactly a Mother of the Year candidate. Had she acted with a modicum of responsibility, we wouldn't be reading about this.

The police had her license. Let her go. Pick her up later and she'll be facing the big stuff. Resisting arrest, hitting a police officer, 100 mph, drug stuff, if it's still in there. There's no sense in throwing you career away. Be cool headed. Call in extra help.
maybe training has changed, turning cops into killers. Cops aren't trained to shoot tires out on cars. Cops aren't taught to shoot cars with children inside. THE COP shooting the car was not warranted. Just because you fight back at a cop does not give them the authorization to use deadly force.
Deadly force is authorized only in certain situations and this wasn't one of them.

Possibly, but since neither of us were there and the video is spotty [at best] we'll never know the full truth.
I can surmise that the perp isn't exactly a Mother of the Year candidate. Had she acted with a modicum of responsibility, we wouldn't be reading about this.

The police had her license. Let her go. Pick her up later and she'll be facing the big stuff. Resisting arrest, hitting a police officer, 100 mph, drug stuff, if it's still in there. There's no sense in throwing you career away. Be cool headed. Call in extra help.
The cops were lawless and wreckless, and we're lucky there weren't any homicides involved.

The woman was right to flee from that criminal with a badge.
Police State: State Cop Shoots At Minivan Full Of Kids...
Hey, it's New Mexico, where they let people with 50 DUI'S drive on the road. That's the place the government did all those nuclear tests. It's called radiation sickness.
Jesus Christ. I’d run too. Bunch of deranged armed tax collectors beating my car full kids with a baton and pointing guns at me. What sane person WOULDN’T GTF out of there? As far as the initial ‘running’ goes, it looks like that’s totally trumped up. They were done. She left. Godd*mned cops are all out of their godd*mned minds. Her poor kid instinctually did the right thing; bad guy attacks your mom – you protect her. I would’ve done the same thing only I probably would’ve killed the a**hole. Using force against a woman over an arbitrary, selectively enforced speed limit. What nonsense! And then shooting at kids for disrespecting your authority. Man they had her information. They could’ve picked her up anywhere. Why on earth would deadly force be required???? We gotta get this cop nonsense under control even if that means violence. Clearly the courts and honor aren’t getting it done.

One thing is for certain about these Jack-Booted Gangsters in the Police State:

They sure do love to shoot unarmed civilians, and get away with it.

The reason this woman didn’t comply is quite simple: She’s sick of them. She’s sick of the pigs/Gestapo trying to strongarm and extort revenue to fund the evil occupiers of tyranny.

Get used to resistance.

It’s pretty clear that the public fears the New Mexico State Police when they incite panic to run.
… Here’s a safety tip; fore-go any travel to New Mexico.


Now get an M4 or M16, a 12 gauge, and 6 shot 0.38 revolver and learn how to make booby traps with gasoline and poison ivy fumes. The time is near.
I publicly stand by you in this instance Brother.

Possibly, but since neither of us were there and the video is spotty [at best] we'll never know the full truth.
I can surmise that the perp isn't exactly a Mother of the Year candidate. Had she acted with a modicum of responsibility, we wouldn't be reading about this.

The police had her license. Let her go. Pick her up later and she'll be facing the big stuff. Resisting arrest, hitting a police officer, 100 mph, drug stuff, if it's still in there. There's no sense in throwing you career away. Be cool headed. Call in extra help.
The cops were lawless and wreckless, and we're lucky there weren't any homicides involved.

The woman was right to flee from that criminal with a badge.

I heard there was no investigation into their behavior. I think that's terrible, if true. The woman did escalate the actions, but when the police were trying to taze the boy in the car, and hitting the windows with the night stick, I would have left the scene, too and tried to call police.

I have ON Star in my car and that is the first thing I thought of. I would have called for police assistance.
if you watch the video, he was not shooting at the tires and he kept shooting when the vehicle was at a distance to far to ensure a shot of the tires.

i agree, she created the situation, but the cops escalated it with undue force. that is as illegal as what she did.
I agree with you in this instance.
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Unfortunately, you could very well get yourself killed for 'back-sassing' an American Police Officer these days. Something's wrong. The Militarization of our Police Force needs to end. Their propensity for aggression and violence is out of control. They're becoming a danger to the Public.
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Man, you know... I would love to see some of you folks in a place where the police are as hamstrung as you seem to want them to be. I can understand the criticism for the shooting officer...but the original officer that pulled her over was majorly coolheaded and fair with that idiot.

SHE put her kids in danger, it could have ended with a ticket if she hadn't driven off -twice-. Her son is a child, and if she'd taken the ticket and let it be a routine traffic stop... he could have stayed in his seat, avoided all the explanations watching his mom become a criminal is going to entail later.

Yep. The problem is 99% of people don't know what really goes on out of sight and out of mind in our country. They are shielded from it. They are obsessed with smart phones and TV. They live in sheltered lives.

But they don't see the rapes, murders, suicides, and horrible results of hard street drugs. Its all hidden from them....by the very people that they are criticizing all the time. And it pisses me off that the police chiefs of America have become so politically correct and sensitive that they don't take up for their people anymore.

And of course, it doesn't help that the media pushes EVERY incident of a bad apple as hard as they can, but will NEVER cover the good stories cops have, which outnumber the bad by 100X.

Maybe we should disband domestic police, and let the Army and Marines police our streets. And see how the public likes that in 5 years.
I'm seeing a cop at the moment. She actually doesn't live far from my house.

Just last night I was telling her that I think it's the Police Department's RESPONSIBILITY to push the good stories out there. I asked her if she realizes that in our community, the police doesn't have a good name/rep. She responded defensively. I told her she shouldn't be defensive, that I'm not saying all are bad, just many, and that they're trigger happy. I brought up this instance we're talking about, she said she heard about it.

My point to her was that the PD should be pushing the many good stories to match or overpower the bad ones, because, like you said, there are many bad stories, and that's all we know.

She was coming from the point that only those people who have bad experiences with the police, aka the criminals and/or criminally minded, have a bad view of them. I told her that's not true, many people who have had little to no PERSONAL interactions w//the police in our community don't have a good feeling about them.

I told her I know she can't personally do anything about it, but that the PD should be more proactive in reaching out to the community.

Your response reminded me of her.
The woman was wrong to argue with the cop for giving her a ticket. The 14 year old son was wrong to attack the cop.

The lesson: When dealing with ANY law enforcement, always say, "Yes sir, what ever you say sir." to avoid being shot at. Record the incident on your phone cam, and present it in court.

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