Police State: State Cop Shoots At Minivan Full Of Kids...

It was all about that "I'm the Gestapo, i'll show you who's Boss!" mentality. She spoke harshly to him. His Gestapo pride was hurt. Therefore he escalated the situation. The woman was angry about receiving a speeding ticket. That's a very common reaction. The Officer should have been able to handle it in a calm professional manner. But his ego was stung, he took it personally. He should be punished for his behavior.

Ok cool.

But she should be punished too!

She was like a wild animal...... and she is NOT above the Law.

She reacted like many people do when they get a speeding ticket. He should have been able to handle her harsh words. This incident could have been avoided. Our Police just need better training.

How long have you been a cop?
I would rather see the woman head off on her way with her speeding ticket. That would be much more preferable to seeing a child get shot to death. Our Police need to use more common sense.
I think it's clear we need to start training our Police differently. Their propensity for aggression and violence has become a tragic epidemic. What has happened to common sense and decency? These are their fellow Citizens for God's sake. It's time to re-think the Militarization of our Police Force.

Hey dumbass, it needs to be MORE militarized.

As in much more training and funding, like the military.

Some states have police academy training that is only a couple months, and that's it, cops on the street. Many have little training beyond that, especially small agencies. They cant afford it. You know...the beloved tax dollar and all.

Make police training the same length and funding as Army training for their MP's. 3 months of police academy (boot camp) and another 6-12 months of formal job related training.

This cop who shot was a dumbass and made a move in stress and panic. The others? They were ok. You cant resist arrest, period. She did. You cant lock yourself in a car when under arrest. The cops can, will, and SHOULD break your window and take you into custody. A simple speeding ticket was all it was going to be. And she created all that mess up to the point of the shooting. The shooting part was in fact 100% wrong.

So, on that note, we need more discipline and order in police work. Which means NO MORE "COMMUNITY POLICING" which is being pushed by soft assed politicians who want cops kissing asses all day, instead of simply enforcing the law and doing it with discipline and order.

A MORE militarized police force wouldn't have as many lapses in judgement or corruption, thanks to more training and discipline.

But that's gonna cost money. Ready to pay up? Or just disband domestic police and let the Army and Marines keep order inside our borders?
I would rather see the woman head off on her way with her speeding ticket. That would be much more preferable to seeing a child get shot to death. Our Police need to use more common sense.

That's all it was going to be, until SHE drove off.

Nothing the initial cops did was wrong. She cannot drive off. And when she did, she cannot resist arrest by refusing to exit the car.

The one that shot was 100% wrong and should be relieved of duty.

The woman and her brat kid were 100% wrong.
I think it's clear we need to start training our Police differently. Their propensity for aggression and violence has become a tragic epidemic. What has happened to common sense and decency? These are their fellow Citizens for God's sake. It's time to re-think the Militarization of our Police Force.

Hey dumbass, it needs to be MORE militarized.

As in much more training and funding, like the military.

Some states have police academy training that is only a couple months, and that's it, cops on the street. Many have little training beyond that, especially small agencies. They cant afford it. You know...the beloved tax dollar and all.

Make police training the same length and funding as Army training for their MP's. 3 months of police academy (boot camp) and another 6-12 months of formal job related training.

This cop who shot was a dumbass and made a move in stress and panic. The others? They were ok. You cant resist arrest, period. She did. You cant lock yourself in a car when under arrest. The cops can, will, and SHOULD break your window and take you into custody. A simple speeding ticket was all it was going to be. And she created all that mess up to the point of the shooting. The shooting part was in fact 100% wrong.

So, on that note, we need more discipline and order in police work. Which means NO MORE "COMMUNITY POLICING" which is being pushed by soft assed politicians who want cops kissing asses all day, instead of simply enforcing the law and doing it with discipline and order.

A MORE militarized police force wouldn't have as many lapses in judgement or corruption, thanks to more training and discipline.

But that's gonna cost money. Ready to pay up? Or just disband domestic police and let the Army and Marines keep order inside our borders?

Yes we know, the Gestapo is always right. We've heard that before in a place called Germany. :cuckoo:
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I think it's clear we need to start training our Police differently. Their propensity for aggression and violence has become a tragic epidemic. What has happened to common sense and decency? These are their fellow Citizens for God's sake. It's time to re-think the Militarization of our Police Force.

Hey dumbass, it needs to be MORE militarized.

As in much more training and funding, like the military.

Some states have police academy training that is only a couple months, and that's it, cops on the street. Many have little training beyond that, especially small agencies. They cant afford it. You know...the beloved tax dollar and all.

Make police training the same length and funding as Army training for their MP's. 3 months of police academy (boot camp) and another 6-12 months of formal job related training.

This cop who shot was a dumbass and made a move in stress and panic. The others? They were ok. You cant resist arrest, period. She did. You cant lock yourself in a car when under arrest. The cops can, will, and SHOULD break your window and take you into custody. A simple speeding ticket was all it was going to be. And she created all that mess up to the point of the shooting. The shooting part was in fact 100% wrong.

So, on that note, we need more discipline and order in police work. Which means NO MORE "COMMUNITY POLICING" which is being pushed by soft assed politicians who want cops kissing asses all day, instead of simply enforcing the law and doing it with discipline and order.

A MORE militarized police force wouldn't have as many lapses in judgement or corruption, thanks to more training and discipline.

But that's gonna cost money. Ready to pay up? Or just disband domestic police and let the Army and Marines keep order inside our borders?

Yes we know, the Gestapo is always right. We've heard that before in a place called Germany. :cuckoo:

So classy, calling cops the "Gestapo". Your college professor would be so proud.

I wrote hundreds of basic speeding tickets. Only twice did a moron try to drive off and run. That changes the deal. She tried to drive off, which means she is going to jail. Once that happens, play time is over. She is under arrest. Get out of the car. She tried to resist again, and run again. She is 100% wrong. The cop who made the stop and broke the window was 100% by the book.

The guy that shot? I see him as 100% wrong. However, in many states, they are allowed to shoot tires out of a fleeing vehicle to make sure the fleeing vehicle doesn't T-bone some innocent driver down the road and kill them. Not sure what the cop was aiming at. Cant tell.

Easy way to prevent this? DONT RUN FROM THE POLICE.
Hey dumbass, it needs to be MORE militarized.

As in much more training and funding, like the military.

Some states have police academy training that is only a couple months, and that's it, cops on the street. Many have little training beyond that, especially small agencies. They cant afford it. You know...the beloved tax dollar and all.

Make police training the same length and funding as Army training for their MP's. 3 months of police academy (boot camp) and another 6-12 months of formal job related training.

This cop who shot was a dumbass and made a move in stress and panic. The others? They were ok. You cant resist arrest, period. She did. You cant lock yourself in a car when under arrest. The cops can, will, and SHOULD break your window and take you into custody. A simple speeding ticket was all it was going to be. And she created all that mess up to the point of the shooting. The shooting part was in fact 100% wrong.

So, on that note, we need more discipline and order in police work. Which means NO MORE "COMMUNITY POLICING" which is being pushed by soft assed politicians who want cops kissing asses all day, instead of simply enforcing the law and doing it with discipline and order.

A MORE militarized police force wouldn't have as many lapses in judgement or corruption, thanks to more training and discipline.

But that's gonna cost money. Ready to pay up? Or just disband domestic police and let the Army and Marines keep order inside our borders?

Yes we know, the Gestapo is always right. We've heard that before in a place called Germany. :cuckoo:

So classy, calling cops the "Gestapo". Your college professor would be so proud.

I wrote hundreds of basic speeding tickets. Only twice did a moron try to drive off and run. That changes the deal. She tried to drive off, which means she is going to jail. Once that happens, play time is over. She is under arrest. Get out of the car. She tried to resist again, and run again. She is 100% wrong. The cop who made the stop and broke the window was 100% by the book.

The guy that shot? I see him as 100% wrong. However, in many states, they are allowed to shoot tires out of a fleeing vehicle to make sure the fleeing vehicle doesn't T-bone some innocent driver down the road and kill them. Not sure what the cop was aiming at. Cant tell.

Easy way to prevent this? DONT RUN FROM THE POLICE.

Oh Boo Hoo for the little Gestapo buffoon. Poor wittle baby couldn't handle a few harsh words from a Mother driving a Minivan. He shouldn't be a Police Officer. He's a roided-up knucklehead. Is his wounded Gestapo pride really worth killing an innocent child?
I think it's clear we need to start training our Police differently. Their propensity for aggression and violence has become a tragic epidemic. What has happened to common sense and decency? These are their fellow Citizens for God's sake. It's time to re-think the Militarization of our Police Force.

It is becoming increasingly clear that the Police force is turning dramatically against the people.

I fully realize that being a cop is a rough job - I do. However, there are far too many instances of "shoot first and ask questions later" going on today.

This clown cop should be fired immediately and charged with reckless endangerment and attempted murder.

I don't give a damn WHAT the circumstances were/are. You DO NOT shoot at a van with small children in it. You maintain pursuit (at a distance) call in the helicopters to follow the car and wait for a chance to end the chase without loss of life.
I think it's clear we need to start training our Police differently. Their propensity for aggression and violence has become a tragic epidemic. What has happened to common sense and decency? These are their fellow Citizens for God's sake. It's time to re-think the Militarization of our Police Force.

It is becoming increasingly clear that the Police force is turning dramatically against the people.

I fully realize that being a cop is a rough job - I do. However, there are far too many instances of "shoot first and ask questions later" going on today.

This clown cop should be fired immediately and charged with reckless endangerment and attempted murder.

I don't give a damn WHAT the circumstances were/are. You DO NOT shoot at a van with small children in it. You maintain pursuit (at a distance) call in the helicopters to follow the car and wait for a chance to end the chase without loss of life.

Yes, there is a rampant propensity for aggression and violence amongst our Police today. It's all in their training. It needs to change.
Yes we know, the Gestapo is always right. We've heard that before in a place called Germany. :cuckoo:

So classy, calling cops the "Gestapo". Your college professor would be so proud.

I wrote hundreds of basic speeding tickets. Only twice did a moron try to drive off and run. That changes the deal. She tried to drive off, which means she is going to jail. Once that happens, play time is over. She is under arrest. Get out of the car. She tried to resist again, and run again. She is 100% wrong. The cop who made the stop and broke the window was 100% by the book.

The guy that shot? I see him as 100% wrong. However, in many states, they are allowed to shoot tires out of a fleeing vehicle to make sure the fleeing vehicle doesn't T-bone some innocent driver down the road and kill them. Not sure what the cop was aiming at. Cant tell.

Easy way to prevent this? DONT RUN FROM THE POLICE.

Oh Boo Hoo for the little Gestapo buffoon. Poor wittle baby couldn't handle a few harsh words from a Mother driving a Minivan. He shouldn't be a Police Officer. He's a roided-up knucklehead. Is his wounded Gestapo pride really worth killing an innocent child?

A few harsh words. The woman was out of control. She was screaming. Might have been high and shouldn't have been on the road in the first place. She was very obviously a danger to every other motorist on the road.
I think it's clear we need to start training our Police differently. Their propensity for aggression and violence has become a tragic epidemic. What has happened to common sense and decency? These are their fellow Citizens for God's sake. It's time to re-think the Militarization of our Police Force.

It is becoming increasingly clear that the Police force is turning dramatically against the people.

I fully realize that being a cop is a rough job - I do. However, there are far too many instances of "shoot first and ask questions later" going on today.

This clown cop should be fired immediately and charged with reckless endangerment and attempted murder.

I don't give a damn WHAT the circumstances were/are. You DO NOT shoot at a van with small children in it. You maintain pursuit (at a distance) call in the helicopters to follow the car and wait for a chance to end the chase without loss of life.

And when she runs a red light, and T-bones another car with a grandma and kid in it, kill them and one of her own kids, then the public asks why didn't the cops shoot the tires out to prevent this?

Funny you say all that about cops, while your avatar is for the national intelligence community, which has undoubtedly turned against the people.

There are 1,000,000 cops in America. Every year, we get a few dozen examples of bad ones, and the usual dipshits go into a fury about how evil and "Gestapo" all cops are.

Basically...fuck off.
I think it's clear we need to start training our Police differently. Their propensity for aggression and violence has become a tragic epidemic. What has happened to common sense and decency? These are their fellow Citizens for God's sake. It's time to re-think the Militarization of our Police Force.

It is becoming increasingly clear that the Police force is turning dramatically against the people.

I fully realize that being a cop is a rough job - I do. However, there are far too many instances of "shoot first and ask questions later" going on today.

This clown cop should be fired immediately and charged with reckless endangerment and attempted murder.

I don't give a damn WHAT the circumstances were/are. You DO NOT shoot at a van with small children in it. You maintain pursuit (at a distance) call in the helicopters to follow the car and wait for a chance to end the chase without loss of life.

Yes, there is a rampant propensity for aggression and violence amongst our Police today. It's all in their training. It needs to change.

You're right. Lets take away their guns, have them dress in pink dress shirts. And make them ask citizens to "please let me arrest you, but if not, ok, go along with your day and never mind me". Yep. Lets completely pussify our cops.

And see how society turns out.
So classy, calling cops the "Gestapo". Your college professor would be so proud.

I wrote hundreds of basic speeding tickets. Only twice did a moron try to drive off and run. That changes the deal. She tried to drive off, which means she is going to jail. Once that happens, play time is over. She is under arrest. Get out of the car. She tried to resist again, and run again. She is 100% wrong. The cop who made the stop and broke the window was 100% by the book.

The guy that shot? I see him as 100% wrong. However, in many states, they are allowed to shoot tires out of a fleeing vehicle to make sure the fleeing vehicle doesn't T-bone some innocent driver down the road and kill them. Not sure what the cop was aiming at. Cant tell.

Easy way to prevent this? DONT RUN FROM THE POLICE.

Oh Boo Hoo for the little Gestapo buffoon. Poor wittle baby couldn't handle a few harsh words from a Mother driving a Minivan. He shouldn't be a Police Officer. He's a roided-up knucklehead. Is his wounded Gestapo pride really worth killing an innocent child?

A few harsh words. The woman was out of control. She was screaming. Might have been high and shouldn't have been on the road in the first place. She was very obviously a danger to every other motorist on the road.

Bullshit Gestapo nonsense. Look, if you can't handle a few harsh words from a Mother driving a Minivan, than just hang it up. You shouldn't be a Police Officer. He took this incident to an asinine level. They should make him a desk-jockey. The Public would be a lot safer.
Oh Boo Hoo for the little Gestapo buffoon. Poor wittle baby couldn't handle a few harsh words from a Mother driving a Minivan. He shouldn't be a Police Officer. He's a roided-up knucklehead. Is his wounded Gestapo pride really worth killing an innocent child?

A few harsh words. The woman was out of control. She was screaming. Might have been high and shouldn't have been on the road in the first place. She was very obviously a danger to every other motorist on the road.

Bullshit Gestapo nonsense. Look, if you can't handle a few harsh words from a Mother driving a Minivan, than just hang it up. You shouldn't be a Police Officer. He took this incident to an asinine level. They should make him a desk-jockey. The Public would be a lot safer.

You don't see the tens of thousands who DO just that every single day.

This woman resisted arrest. She didn't get all that from just being rude.

You've never been a cop, and never COULD be a cop. And I thank all the cops and military folks out there who bust their asses to keep American society safe and the best place in the world to live; A nation so great, that even a moronic dipshit like Paulitician can get by and spew nonsense on the internet and think he is oppressed.
A few harsh words. The woman was out of control. She was screaming. Might have been high and shouldn't have been on the road in the first place. She was very obviously a danger to every other motorist on the road.

Bullshit Gestapo nonsense. Look, if you can't handle a few harsh words from a Mother driving a Minivan, than just hang it up. You shouldn't be a Police Officer. He took this incident to an asinine level. They should make him a desk-jockey. The Public would be a lot safer.

You don't see the tens of thousands who DO just that every single day.

This woman resisted arrest. She didn't get all that from just being rude.

You've never been a cop, and never COULD be a cop. And I thank all the cops and military folks out there who bust their asses to keep American society safe and the best place in the world to live; A nation so great, that even a moronic dipshit like Paulitician can get by and spew nonsense on the internet and think he is oppressed.

She shouldn't have been arrested. But the Gestapo Dummy's pride was wounded. So he went into "I'm gonna show you who's Boss!" mode. The woman should have been allowed to head off with her speeding ticket and been done with it. He took it to an asinine level. All of these dummies should be made desk-jockeys immediately. It would very likely save some Citizens' lives.
Bullshit Gestapo nonsense. Look, if you can't handle a few harsh words from a Mother driving a Minivan, than just hang it up. You shouldn't be a Police Officer. He took this incident to an asinine level. They should make him a desk-jockey. The Public would be a lot safer.

You don't see the tens of thousands who DO just that every single day.

This woman resisted arrest. She didn't get all that from just being rude.

You've never been a cop, and never COULD be a cop. And I thank all the cops and military folks out there who bust their asses to keep American society safe and the best place in the world to live; A nation so great, that even a moronic dipshit like Paulitician can get by and spew nonsense on the internet and think he is oppressed.

She shouldn't have been arrested. But the Gestapo Dummy's pride was wounded. So he went into "I'm gonna show you who's Boss!" mode. The woman should have been allowed to head off with her speeding ticket and been done with it. He took it to an asinine level. All of these dummies should be made desk-jockeys immediately. It would very likely save some Citizens' lives.

So, citizens should be allowed to simply drive away from a traffic stop if they don't feel like getting a ticket?

Yeah, lets soften up our police forces. There is a reason the insane violence in Mexico to our South hasn't reached our streets yet. Its our cops. We have the best cops in the world, and you're lucky, because if we didn't, a person like you would probably get your ass kicked every time you stepped into public.
You don't see the tens of thousands who DO just that every single day.

This woman resisted arrest. She didn't get all that from just being rude.

You've never been a cop, and never COULD be a cop. And I thank all the cops and military folks out there who bust their asses to keep American society safe and the best place in the world to live; A nation so great, that even a moronic dipshit like Paulitician can get by and spew nonsense on the internet and think he is oppressed.

She shouldn't have been arrested. But the Gestapo Dummy's pride was wounded. So he went into "I'm gonna show you who's Boss!" mode. The woman should have been allowed to head off with her speeding ticket and been done with it. He took it to an asinine level. All of these dummies should be made desk-jockeys immediately. It would very likely save some Citizens' lives.

So, citizens should be allowed to simply drive away from a traffic stop if they don't feel like getting a ticket?

Yeah, lets soften up our police forces. There is a reason the insane violence in Mexico to our South hasn't reached our streets yet. Its our cops. We have the best cops in the world, and you're lucky, because if we didn't, a person like you would probably get your ass kicked every time you stepped into public.

I got news for you, it has reached our streets. It reached them a long time ago. And that's because of the stupid 'War on Drugs.' Another ridiculous use of our Police Force. But hey i know, it's always gonna be 'The Gestapo is always Right' for you. You're far too gone to be reasoned with. So yes by all means, lets go ahead and shoot some innocent children to death because a Gestapo moron's pride was hurt. People like you are part of the problem, not the solution. The Militarization of our Police Force is bad for all of us.
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I think it's clear we need to start training our Police differently. Their propensity for aggression and violence has become a tragic epidemic. What has happened to common sense and decency? These are their fellow Citizens for God's sake. It's time to re-think the Militarization of our Police Force.

It is becoming increasingly clear that the Police force is turning dramatically against the people.

I fully realize that being a cop is a rough job - I do. However, there are far too many instances of "shoot first and ask questions later" going on today.

This clown cop should be fired immediately and charged with reckless endangerment and attempted murder.

I don't give a damn WHAT the circumstances were/are. You DO NOT shoot at a van with small children in it. You maintain pursuit (at a distance) call in the helicopters to follow the car and wait for a chance to end the chase without loss of life.

And when she runs a red light, and T-bones another car with a grandma and kid in it, kill them and one of her own kids, then the public asks why didn't the cops shoot the tires out to prevent this?

Funny you say all that about cops, while your avatar is for the national intelligence community, which has undoubtedly turned against the people.

There are 1,000,000 cops in America. Every year, we get a few dozen examples of bad ones, and the usual dipshits go into a fury about how evil and "Gestapo" all cops are.

Basically...fuck off.

Sonny, I was a federal agent for 22 years. I carried a Sig P220 everyday during that time. I have been stopped, frisked, cursed at, threatened with bodily harm, held overnight, had my vehicle searched (after invoking my 4th amendment rights), and held at gunpoint by the "police".

Oh, did I mention that I am Black?

Even after telling the "officer" I was a federal agent carrying, I was (on three occasions) put on the ground (on a highway) even AFTER seeing my credentials.

Do I hold a grudge? absolutely not. I understand their jobs. I understand the risks they take everyday. FACT: 96% of the active Police Officers out there today have never pulled their weapons on a suspect and less than that have ever fired on a suspect.

Why? Because most of these clowns don't have enough training and professionalism to be carrying a loaded weapon from the outset. Many are bullies with badges. All of them? absolutely not. But your profession needs to get it's act together. YOU ARE FAILING MISERABLY.

And don't give me this "we protect you" crap. That is BS and you know it. I have had officers tell me that "It's not our job to protect anyone. It's our job to enforce laws".

There will never be a day when I need one of them, to protect me.

So, you may now f*ck off.

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