Police State: State Cop Shoots At Minivan Full Of Kids...

So.....time for reality check.

How many cops are involved in misconduct? Such as unlawful acts, brutality, corruption, bribes, etc, etc?

LESS THAN 1% of them: Police Brutality Law Enforcement Misconduct Statistics

And that's from a website called policebrutality dot com, which I guess isn't very pro-police.

So, is a group formed by men- and all men are flawed- going to see some bad apples? Yes. The police see it. Teachers. Preists. The beloved military sure as hell has bad apples.

EVERY SINGLE group of humans ever formed has had bad apples. Why would cops be any different?

But at 1 in every 116 committing misconduct...at a rate of less than 1%....I think we should be thankful, as the police forces in Mexico, China, Russia, and a whole lot of other places, are far worse than what we have.

If you do your best to follow our nation's laws, be calm and respectful, don't fight or flee or shoot at the cops.....you have almost no chance of being a victim of police misconduct.
So.....time for reality check.

How many cops are involved in misconduct? Such as unlawful acts, brutality, corruption, bribes, etc, etc?

LESS THAN 1% of them: Police Brutality Law Enforcement Misconduct Statistics

And that's from a website called policebrutality dot com, which I guess isn't very pro-police.

So, is a group formed by men- and all men are flawed- going to see some bad apples? Yes. The police see it. Teachers. Preists. The beloved military sure as hell has bad apples.

EVERY SINGLE group of humans ever formed has had bad apples. Why would cops be any different?

But at 1 in every 116 committing misconduct...at a rate of less than 1%....I think we should be thankful, as the police forces in Mexico, China, Russia, and a whole lot of other places, are far worse than what we have.

If you do your best to follow our nation's laws, be calm and respectful, don't fight or flee or shoot at the cops.....you have almost no chance of being a victim of police misconduct.

Yeah uh huh, you keep telling yourself all that. You can get shot and killed by a Gestapo thug for much less than you think. Much less.
It is becoming increasingly clear that the Police force is turning dramatically against the people.

I fully realize that being a cop is a rough job - I do. However, there are far too many instances of "shoot first and ask questions later" going on today.

This clown cop should be fired immediately and charged with reckless endangerment and attempted murder.

I don't give a damn WHAT the circumstances were/are. You DO NOT shoot at a van with small children in it. You maintain pursuit (at a distance) call in the helicopters to follow the car and wait for a chance to end the chase without loss of life.

And when she runs a red light, and T-bones another car with a grandma and kid in it, kill them and one of her own kids, then the public asks why didn't the cops shoot the tires out to prevent this?

Funny you say all that about cops, while your avatar is for the national intelligence community, which has undoubtedly turned against the people.

There are 1,000,000 cops in America. Every year, we get a few dozen examples of bad ones, and the usual dipshits go into a fury about how evil and "Gestapo" all cops are.

Basically...fuck off.

Sonny, I was a federal agent for 22 years. I carried a Sig P220 everyday during that time. I have been stopped, frisked, cursed at, threatened with bodily harm, held overnight, had my vehicle searched (after invoking my 4th amendment rights), and held at gunpoint by the "police".

Oh, did I mention that I am Black?

Even after telling the "officer" I was a federal agent carrying, I was (on three occasions) put on the ground (on a highway) even AFTER seeing my credentials.

Do I hold a grudge? absolutely not. I understand their jobs. I understand the risks they take everyday. FACT: 96% of the active Police Officers out there today have never pulled their weapons on a suspect and less than that have ever fired on a suspect.

Why? Because most of these clowns don't have enough training and professionalism to be carrying a loaded weapon from the outset. Many are bullies with badges. All of them? absolutely not. But your profession needs to get it's act together. YOU ARE FAILING MISERABLY.

And don't give me this "we protect you" crap. That is BS and you know it. I have had officers tell me that "It's not our job to protect anyone. It's our job to enforce laws".

There will never be a day when I need one of them, to protect me.

So, you may now f*ck off.

Hey dumbass, "your profession"??? You were in it too as a federal agent. I worked 8 years for Atlanta PD. You worked for the Feds as an agent. You did the same job I did.....you just never left the desk. I did. When you do get on the street, come back and we'll talk.
So.....time for reality check.

How many cops are involved in misconduct? Such as unlawful acts, brutality, corruption, bribes, etc, etc?

LESS THAN 1% of them: Police Brutality Law Enforcement Misconduct Statistics

And that's from a website called policebrutality dot com, which I guess isn't very pro-police.

So, is a group formed by men- and all men are flawed- going to see some bad apples? Yes. The police see it. Teachers. Preists. The beloved military sure as hell has bad apples.

EVERY SINGLE group of humans ever formed has had bad apples. Why would cops be any different?

But at 1 in every 116 committing misconduct...at a rate of less than 1%....I think we should be thankful, as the police forces in Mexico, China, Russia, and a whole lot of other places, are far worse than what we have.

If you do your best to follow our nation's laws, be calm and respectful, don't fight or flee or shoot at the cops.....you have almost no chance of being a victim of police misconduct.

Yeah uh huh, you keep telling yourself all that. You can get shot and killed by a Gestapo thug for much less than you think. Much less.

WHAT??? You mean out of 1,000,000 cops, there are some bad apples, and a few who panic and shoot someone that they shouldn't?

NO SHIT. Happens in the military, too. You could get shot by a gang member also. Or anyone with a gun.

You have a problem accepting realities of human existence.
And when she runs a red light, and T-bones another car with a grandma and kid in it, kill them and one of her own kids, then the public asks why didn't the cops shoot the tires out to prevent this?

Funny you say all that about cops, while your avatar is for the national intelligence community, which has undoubtedly turned against the people.

There are 1,000,000 cops in America. Every year, we get a few dozen examples of bad ones, and the usual dipshits go into a fury about how evil and "Gestapo" all cops are.

Basically...fuck off.

Sonny, I was a federal agent for 22 years. I carried a Sig P220 everyday during that time. I have been stopped, frisked, cursed at, threatened with bodily harm, held overnight, had my vehicle searched (after invoking my 4th amendment rights), and held at gunpoint by the "police".

Oh, did I mention that I am Black?

Even after telling the "officer" I was a federal agent carrying, I was (on three occasions) put on the ground (on a highway) even AFTER seeing my credentials.

Do I hold a grudge? absolutely not. I understand their jobs. I understand the risks they take everyday. FACT: 96% of the active Police Officers out there today have never pulled their weapons on a suspect and less than that have ever fired on a suspect.

Why? Because most of these clowns don't have enough training and professionalism to be carrying a loaded weapon from the outset. Many are bullies with badges. All of them? absolutely not. But your profession needs to get it's act together. YOU ARE FAILING MISERABLY.

And don't give me this "we protect you" crap. That is BS and you know it. I have had officers tell me that "It's not our job to protect anyone. It's our job to enforce laws".

There will never be a day when I need one of them, to protect me.

So, you may now f*ck off.

Hey dumbass, "your profession"??? You were in it too as a federal agent. I worked 8 years for Atlanta PD. You worked for the Feds as an agent. You did the same job I did.....you just never left the desk. I did. When you do get on the street, come back and we'll talk.

Yes, we just gotta get those evil Al Kater Moms in Minivans! They're definitely a threat to our American way of life. Man, you Authority-Worshippers sure are a hoot. :cuckoo:
Sonny, I was a federal agent for 22 years. I carried a Sig P220 everyday during that time. I have been stopped, frisked, cursed at, threatened with bodily harm, held overnight, had my vehicle searched (after invoking my 4th amendment rights), and held at gunpoint by the "police".

Oh, did I mention that I am Black?

Even after telling the "officer" I was a federal agent carrying, I was (on three occasions) put on the ground (on a highway) even AFTER seeing my credentials.

Do I hold a grudge? absolutely not. I understand their jobs. I understand the risks they take everyday. FACT: 96% of the active Police Officers out there today have never pulled their weapons on a suspect and less than that have ever fired on a suspect.

Why? Because most of these clowns don't have enough training and professionalism to be carrying a loaded weapon from the outset. Many are bullies with badges. All of them? absolutely not. But your profession needs to get it's act together. YOU ARE FAILING MISERABLY.

And don't give me this "we protect you" crap. That is BS and you know it. I have had officers tell me that "It's not our job to protect anyone. It's our job to enforce laws".

There will never be a day when I need one of them, to protect me.

So, you may now f*ck off.

Hey dumbass, "your profession"??? You were in it too as a federal agent. I worked 8 years for Atlanta PD. You worked for the Feds as an agent. You did the same job I did.....you just never left the desk. I did. When you do get on the street, come back and we'll talk.

Yes, we just gotta get those evil Al Kater Moms in Minivans! They're definitely a threat to our American way of life. Man, you Authority-Worshippers sure are a hoot. :cuckoo:

You don't have a fucking clue whats out and about at 1am in neighborhoods in America. And you never will. YOu live a sheltered life, under a bubble of safety that the military and police provide. You should feel lucky you don't have to know what goes on outside of Main Street America in homes and streets you'd never have the guts to go into.
Some people will complain vociferously about a speeding ticket. .

That is a defense that must be raised at TRAFFIC COURT.

She had been detained. She drove away. She resisted arrest. Her son attacked the officer.


Probable cause to the max. What were they hiding?

But all of that must be ignored because the Reverend Al Sharpton will bring the homies to Albuquerque.
And when she runs a red light, and T-bones another car with a grandma and kid in it, kill them and one of her own kids, then the public asks why didn't the cops shoot the tires out to prevent this?

Funny you say all that about cops, while your avatar is for the national intelligence community, which has undoubtedly turned against the people.

There are 1,000,000 cops in America. Every year, we get a few dozen examples of bad ones, and the usual dipshits go into a fury about how evil and "Gestapo" all cops are.

Basically...fuck off.

Sonny, I was a federal agent for 22 years. I carried a Sig P220 everyday during that time. I have been stopped, frisked, cursed at, threatened with bodily harm, held overnight, had my vehicle searched (after invoking my 4th amendment rights), and held at gunpoint by the "police".

Oh, did I mention that I am Black?

Even after telling the "officer" I was a federal agent carrying, I was (on three occasions) put on the ground (on a highway) even AFTER seeing my credentials.

Do I hold a grudge? absolutely not. I understand their jobs. I understand the risks they take everyday. FACT: 96% of the active Police Officers out there today have never pulled their weapons on a suspect and less than that have ever fired on a suspect.

Why? Because most of these clowns don't have enough training and professionalism to be carrying a loaded weapon from the outset. Many are bullies with badges. All of them? absolutely not. But your profession needs to get it's act together. YOU ARE FAILING MISERABLY.

And don't give me this "we protect you" crap. That is BS and you know it. I have had officers tell me that "It's not our job to protect anyone. It's our job to enforce laws".

There will never be a day when I need one of them, to protect me.

So, you may now f*ck off.

Hey dumbass, "your profession"??? You were in it too as a federal agent. I worked 8 years for Atlanta PD. You worked for the Feds as an agent. You did the same job I did.....you just never left the desk. I did. When you do get on the street, come back and we'll talk.

Atlanta PD, huh….I have a nephew who works on the Atlanta PD as a Detective. Been there 19 years. YOU figure out who he is, smart guy.

Me sit at a desk? :lol:

I worked CI in Russia, Poland, East Germany, Yugoslavia, West Germany, Arlington VA, San Diego, Fort Knox, Fort Hood, Fort Dix, and Czechosolvakia.

I would have LOVED to sit at a desk.
Even after telling the "officer" I was a federal agent carrying, I was (on three occasions) put on the ground (on a highway) even AFTER seeing my credentials.


Oh....and let me add. Saying you are a federal agent, and having credentials and a gun, doesn't mean shit to any cop who works in a city.


Because you dumbasses leave your shit in your cars so often, and get your gun and creds stolen so often, that they are floating around South Atlanta so much that anyone can get them. I alone took 5 reports in 8 years of some dumbass federal agent- who of course talked like he was a hardened Rambo or something- who got his gun, badge, creds stolen from his unlocked car.

So yeah, having that doesn't mean shit. Joe Crackhead slinging crack on Jonesboro GA probably has a Border Patrol badge and creds in his crackhouse.
Sonny, I was a federal agent for 22 years. I carried a Sig P220 everyday during that time. I have been stopped, frisked, cursed at, threatened with bodily harm, held overnight, had my vehicle searched (after invoking my 4th amendment rights), and held at gunpoint by the "police".

Oh, did I mention that I am Black?

Even after telling the "officer" I was a federal agent carrying, I was (on three occasions) put on the ground (on a highway) even AFTER seeing my credentials.

Do I hold a grudge? absolutely not. I understand their jobs. I understand the risks they take everyday. FACT: 96% of the active Police Officers out there today have never pulled their weapons on a suspect and less than that have ever fired on a suspect.

Why? Because most of these clowns don't have enough training and professionalism to be carrying a loaded weapon from the outset. Many are bullies with badges. All of them? absolutely not. But your profession needs to get it's act together. YOU ARE FAILING MISERABLY.

And don't give me this "we protect you" crap. That is BS and you know it. I have had officers tell me that "It's not our job to protect anyone. It's our job to enforce laws".

There will never be a day when I need one of them, to protect me.

So, you may now f*ck off.

Hey dumbass, "your profession"??? You were in it too as a federal agent. I worked 8 years for Atlanta PD. You worked for the Feds as an agent. You did the same job I did.....you just never left the desk. I did. When you do get on the street, come back and we'll talk.

Atlanta PD, huh….I have a nephew who works on the Atlanta PD as a Detective. Been there 19 years. YOU figure out who he is, smart guy.

Me sit at a desk? :lol:

I worked CI in Russia, Poland, East Germany, Yugoslavia, West Germany, Arlington VA, San Diego, Fort Knox, Fort Hood, Fort Dix, and Czechosolvakia.

I would have LOVED to sit at a desk.

Ok. APD has over 1,000 officers. We probably never met. What zone did he work patrol in the 90s? I was in 3 and 5.

If you did all that.....you probably shouldn't be revealing it to strangers on the damn internest dumbass, sounds like you did very sensitive intell work. Since your IP address is accessable, and those ops were probably top secret, not a smart move. Typical Fed I guess, letting ego lead him to a dumb decision.

And you may have worked all those places. Who cares? Not me.
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I think it's clear we need to start training our Police differently. Their propensity for aggression and violence has become a tragic epidemic. What has happened to common sense and decency? These are their fellow Citizens for God's sake. It's time to re-think the Militarization of our Police Force.

The woman and her 16 year old son were assholes. They were a contributing factor to this near disaster.

And this has nothing to do with the militarization of our police force. They were equipped in the traditional fashion.

Though it is certainly a training issue.

yes, they were both wrong. and honestly, they seem like a middle class family and it boggles my mind why the mom would act like that. the kid was just being a dumb teenage punk the first time, but the second time, complete dumbass.

here is the thing, no matter how wrong they were, the police had the vehicle SURROUNDED and all the occupants were in the vehicle. there was no indication of any weapons, the police could have handled this completely different. you can tell how scared the mom is as she finally pulls over in front of the hotel.

cops are way to ichty trigger finger. shooting at the car with kids as it flees? no fucking way, no how.
I shooting at the car with kids as it flees? no fucking way, no how.

I don't agree with that part either. Some agencies will try to shoot the tires of a fleeing vehicle, because that vehicle could, and has many times in the past, hit other drivers resulting in death. I personally wouldn't have done that. Some agencies approve it though.

The woman caused a bad situation, that the cop then reacted badly in. Wouldn't have happened had she not tried to resist arrest. She created the situation. But that officer reacted badly while in it. Looked like a rural area, so shooting tires probably wouldn't be that urgent in that environment.
I don't agree with that part either. Some agencies will try to shoot the tires of a fleeing vehicle, because that vehicle could, and has many times in the past, hit other drivers resulting in death. I personally wouldn't have done that. Some agencies approve it though.

The woman caused a bad situation, that the cop then reacted badly in. Wouldn't have happened had she not tried to resist arrest. She created the situation. But that officer reacted badly while in it. Looked like a rural area, so shooting tires probably wouldn't be that urgent in that environment.

if you watch the video, he was not shooting at the tires and he kept shooting when the vehicle was at a distance to far to ensure a shot of the tires.

i agree, she created the situation, but the cops escalated it with undue force. that is as illegal as what she did.
if you watch the video, he was not shooting at the tires and he kept shooting when the vehicle was at a distance to far to ensure a shot of the tires.

i agree, she created the situation, but the cops escalated it with undue force. that is as illegal as what she did.

Undue force?

What would you have done?

Tell the police back up to bring KFC Chicken and watermelons?

It was all about that "I'm the Gestapo, i'll show you who's Boss!" mentality. She spoke harshly to him. His Gestapo pride was hurt. Therefore he escalated the situation. The woman was angry about receiving a speeding ticket. That's a very common reaction. The Officer should have been able to handle it in a calm professional manner. But his ego was stung, he took it personally. He should be punished for his behavior.

Ok cool.

But she should be punished too!

She was like a wild animal...... and she is NOT above the Law.

She reacted like many people do when they get a speeding ticket. He should have been able to handle her harsh words. This incident could have been avoided. Our Police just need better training.

Was it her harsh words or the fact that she drove away (twice) from the cop?
if you watch the video, he was not shooting at the tires and he kept shooting when the vehicle was at a distance to far to ensure a shot of the tires.

i agree, she created the situation, but the cops escalated it with undue force. that is as illegal as what she did.

That may be the case. And even places where they can shoot tires, I usually don't agree with doing that.

I can assure one thing. 99% of cops DO NOT want to be involved in something like this. First, your name is smeared through the media. Then, your department inevitably turns on you. Believe it or not, PD's are far more concerned with lawsuits and liability than being loyal to a low ranking officer. So, the PD throws you under the bus. Finally, you get sued. And get dragged through all that. And all that is for the cops who shoot someone LAWFULLY and justly. Its awful. I was involved in one of those, and it sucked.

Like I said, there are 1,000,000 cops in America (3X fewer than there are military members). And while there are a few bad apples as ANY group of humans will always have, the vast majority want nothing more than to come to work, do their job right, and quietly go home.
Undue force?

What would you have done?

Tell the police back up to bring KFC Chicken and watermelons?


The only force that was likely undue was the shooting.

But the first cop? He was patient with it. When she tried to get back in the car, he could have lawfully used an armbar and planted her on the pavement to arrest her. But, because she was female, he didn't. Once he was attacked by the son also, he could have lawfully punched both square in the jaw, KO'ed them, and then arrested both.

But he didn't. And its because he didn't WANT to escalate it that far. But, in doing so, it got even more out of hand, and we see what happened.
Man, you know... I would love to see some of you folks in a place where the police are as hamstrung as you seem to want them to be. I can understand the criticism for the shooting officer...but the original officer that pulled her over was majorly coolheaded and fair with that idiot.

SHE put her kids in danger, it could have ended with a ticket if she hadn't driven off -twice-. Her son is a child, and if she'd taken the ticket and let it be a routine traffic stop... he could have stayed in his seat, avoided all the explanations watching his mom become a criminal is going to entail later.
Man, you know... I would love to see some of you folks in a place where the police are as hamstrung as you seem to want them to be. I can understand the criticism for the shooting officer...but the original officer that pulled her over was majorly coolheaded and fair with that idiot.

SHE put her kids in danger, it could have ended with a ticket if she hadn't driven off -twice-. Her son is a child, and if she'd taken the ticket and let it be a routine traffic stop... he could have stayed in his seat, avoided all the explanations watching his mom become a criminal is going to entail later.

Yep. The problem is 99% of people don't know what really goes on out of sight and out of mind in our country. They are shielded from it. They are obsessed with smart phones and TV. They live in sheltered lives.

But they don't see the rapes, murders, suicides, and horrible results of hard street drugs. Its all hidden from them....by the very people that they are criticizing all the time. And it pisses me off that the police chiefs of America have become so politically correct and sensitive that they don't take up for their people anymore.

And of course, it doesn't help that the media pushes EVERY incident of a bad apple as hard as they can, but will NEVER cover the good stories cops have, which outnumber the bad by 100X.

Maybe we should disband domestic police, and let the Army and Marines police our streets. And see how the public likes that in 5 years.
Funny part is the one guy in here who's name I'm not bothering to look up repeating that he should have just given her a ticket. Was the Officer supposed to do that while she tried to climb back into her car, after she pulled off the first time... or when her son decided to be a kid?

The whole "Crazy Diver T-Boning an innocent other driver" is going right over some heads too.

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