Police: When you Shoot ;Please Shoot to Kill

You are an idiot. If you shoot the man, and he goes down, do you keep shooting?

What makes it difficult for people to evaluate shootings, police or otherwise, is that through decades of movies and television, we instinctively believe that when people get shot, they go down.

There are only two types of shots that can turn off a person like a switch. A shot that destroys enough of the brain to stop motor functions. Or, a shot that causes the suspect to loose enough blood to go into Stage 4 hypovolemia quickly enough to pass out.

People when shot, will often not even acknowledge they've been shot except through an expression of pain. Give enough of the right amount of drugs or sufficient anger, they may not even acknowledge they've been shot at all.

Shooting a suspect on the ground and motionless is just wrong. But, while the suspect is still motive, it's a judgement call that can only be made on the scene.
This bucket of shit should have took one right in his goddamn face. Why are taxpayers footing the bill for his behavior? Law enforcement please kill these fuckers.
City to pay $480G in medical costs for suspect injured after allegedly shooting police officer: reports

No idea what it is this time, but...

Typical Bush92 thread:

'I hate ___________. They are scum. Wish he/she was dead.'

Jeez man...get some exercise and try to burn off all that rage.

It's easy to get upset about things we read in the news or see on TV. Particularly when we believe we have a possible solution to it. It's an affectation of our empathy.

Not having an emotional response to something we believe is incredibly wrong is often associated with sociopathy.
So people are upset that the old phrase in many shops applies to even the police? If you break it, you bought it. I can’t count the number of times I’ve read that in a store.

The law calls on police if they are to use force, to use the force required to stop the suspect. Shoot to stop. If the officer continues using force after that, in other words, keeps shooting, that is no longer a line of duty use of necessary force, but has become MURDER. See Jason Van Dyke.

So besides being upset by the same standard applied to everyone else, if you break it you bought it, why would you encourage anyone to commit a felony?
1. they do not shoot to stop---you shoot to kill--because it is VERY hard to hit the target!!
--you have to aim center mass
--I fired pistols a lot in the USMC and it's hard to hit bull's eyes at even 10 yards without practice and discipline
------add adrenaline/target movement/etc etc --more difficult
if anyone does any research on police marksmanship, they will find it is very inaccurate!!!--for many reasons
[[sure --you have ''trick shooters--that practice ''trick/bull's eye shots-shooting/etc day after day/etc ]] but even with ''normal'' practice, it is not easy to hit center mass, much less the bull's eye

2. I was thinking about this subject today
I saw a video of these jackasses following a lady, hitting her on the HEAD, and then robbing her
--if you would feel any sympathy for these jackasses after a cop shot them [ in the back, or anytime ] then you need to go to Wonderland

SHOOT to KILL these jackasses--in the back, hands up--I don't care
YOU should feel SAFER when these dangerous jackasses DIE

You are an idiot. If you shoot the man, and he goes down, do you keep shooting? If you do, you can have the cell next to Jason Van Dyke. Shoot to stop means you stop shooting when there is no longer a threat. You shoot center mass, but that does not guarantee a kill. If you don’t know the vernacular then you should either shut up and stay with the poor white guy threads, or learn. The latter seems unlikely in your case.
...you're a dumbass idiot --you are like a lot of idiots = you do not think realistically = you are thinking in TV/movie terms--like when the suspect always misses Steve McGarrett
---.''if a man goes down''---if he's going down because he's been shot, usually the kill shot or not has ALREADY been fired
....''if a man goes down''--you don't fire one shot, then wait to look to see if the JACKASS [ like you ] has been hit!!!!!!!
..you make no sense at all---
why bring up race?? you proved yourself to be a racist
if you would feel any sympathy for these jackasses after a cop shot them

I don't feel any sympathy for guys who get shot by cops. I reserve that for their victims.

That being said, it's not being sympathetic to keep foremost in your mind that the police role in this situation is arrest and bringing that person before the courts to receive their punishment.

'Reasonable Force' means that force necessary to bring the assailant to the courts, not summary execution.
....a critical aspect is what people don't realize is these jackasses are NOT thinking like you and I or anyone that is ''sane''--they can be and are dangerous
.....IE = I was giving money to a Christmas red bucket guy at an intersection...I had some hand warmer empty packets in my car...the Red Bucket guy said ''give me one''!
not ''please'''/not anything a NORMAL thinking person would say=you can very easily see that someone who thinks like this, and committed a crime, etc- there will not be any REASONABLENESS ---these guys RESIST = dangerous =
..we do not want the cops to get into fistfights/etc = reasonable force MEANS someone will get hurt when there is resistance
....here, the cops should've shot, even though the jackass did not APPEAR to be a threat, yes??
if you would feel any sympathy for these jackasses after a cop shot them

I don't feel any sympathy for guys who get shot by cops. I reserve that for their victims.

That being said, it's not being sympathetic to keep foremost in your mind that the police role in this situation is arrest and bringing that person before the courts to receive their punishment.

'Reasonable Force' means that force necessary to bring the assailant to the courts, not summary execution.

But IF you pull your weapon and are forced to defend yourself what are you trained to do? Shoot them in the leg, or shoot to kill?
if you would feel any sympathy for these jackasses after a cop shot them

I don't feel any sympathy for guys who get shot by cops. I reserve that for their victims.

That being said, it's not being sympathetic to keep foremost in your mind that the police role in this situation is arrest and bringing that person before the courts to receive their punishment.

'Reasonable Force' means that force necessary to bring the assailant to the courts, not summary execution.

But IF you pull your weapon and are forced to defend yourself what are you trained to do? Shoot them in the leg, or shoot to kill?

Life isn't a movie. There are several place I can shoot a person in the leg that are quite likely to cause death. There are several places I could shoot a person center mass where death would be much less likely.

The reason police shoot for center mass is not to kill, but because it is the part of the body least likely to be missed.

A missed shot isn't just a missed opportunity to stop an offender, a missed shot will continue to be lethal up to 1000 yards beyond the target. A missed shot could kill a baby in a stroller a block away from the offender. Missed shots are something to be avoided.
if you would feel any sympathy for these jackasses after a cop shot them

I don't feel any sympathy for guys who get shot by cops. I reserve that for their victims.

That being said, it's not being sympathetic to keep foremost in your mind that the police role in this situation is arrest and bringing that person before the courts to receive their punishment.

'Reasonable Force' means that force necessary to bring the assailant to the courts, not summary execution.

But IF you pull your weapon and are forced to defend yourself what are you trained to do? Shoot them in the leg, or shoot to kill?

Life isn't a movie. There are several place I can shoot a person in the leg that are quite likely to cause death. There are several places I could shoot a person center mass where death would be much less likely.

The reason police shoot for center mass is not to kill, but because it is the part of the body least likely to be missed.

A missed shot isn't just a missed opportunity to stop an offender, a missed shot will continue to be lethal up to 1000 yards beyond the target. A missed shot could kill a baby in a stroller a block away from the offender. Missed shots are something to be avoided.
most people do not want the cops just to execute people
...my point is, I would not feel bad if the cops shot jackasses [ in the back/hands up/etc ] that rob old ladies
if you would feel any sympathy for these jackasses after a cop shot them

I don't feel any sympathy for guys who get shot by cops. I reserve that for their victims.

That being said, it's not being sympathetic to keep foremost in your mind that the police role in this situation is arrest and bringing that person before the courts to receive their punishment.

'Reasonable Force' means that force necessary to bring the assailant to the courts, not summary execution.

But IF you pull your weapon and are forced to defend yourself what are you trained to do? Shoot them in the leg, or shoot to kill?

I've never been a cop, but I don't think one size fits all.

You have a guy high on drugs with a knife in his hand. You are a safe distance from him with your gun drawn. I would think that most cops are not going for a kill at that point, simply to disable the guy because he's out of his mind and you don't want to get hurt.

However when somebody pulls a gun and you have bullets buzzing three feet from your head, you empty the clip as soon as possible or until you are convinced your subject is disabled from further attack.
if you would feel any sympathy for these jackasses after a cop shot them

I don't feel any sympathy for guys who get shot by cops. I reserve that for their victims.

That being said, it's not being sympathetic to keep foremost in your mind that the police role in this situation is arrest and bringing that person before the courts to receive their punishment.

'Reasonable Force' means that force necessary to bring the assailant to the courts, not summary execution.

But IF you pull your weapon and are forced to defend yourself what are you trained to do? Shoot them in the leg, or shoot to kill?

Life isn't a movie. There are several place I can shoot a person in the leg that are quite likely to cause death. There are several places I could shoot a person center mass where death would be much less likely.

The reason police shoot for center mass is not to kill, but because it is the part of the body least likely to be missed.

A missed shot isn't just a missed opportunity to stop an offender, a missed shot will continue to be lethal up to 1000 yards beyond the target. A missed shot could kill a baby in a stroller a block away from the offender. Missed shots are something to be avoided.

Thanks for making my point.

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