Polish Prime Minister's Jewish Holocaust 'Perpetrators' Comments Spark Outrage In Israel


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
very interesting development , in the same time , Poland attacks with the new laws Ukraine UIA. i hope it will end where it is today , and not go farther ...

Ukrainian Insurgent Army - Wikipedia

"Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki’s conservative Law and Justice party that fines or imprisons anyone claiming Poland was complicit in the systemic, mass execution of Jews and other groups during World War II. Warsaw has adopted the position that Germany, not Poland, is at fault for the Holocaust, though there is ample evidence of Polish collaborators in Hitler's so-called "Final Solution" of the Jews....

“Of course it’s not going to be punishable, not going to be seen as criminal, to say that there were Polish perpetrators, as there were Jewish perpetrators, as there were "Russian" perpetrators, as there were Ukrainian, not only German perpetrators,” Morawiecki said, refuting that the bill ignores Polish collaborators....

"[Poland] is trying to say that there were cases in which Jews collaborated with the Nazis, but one cannot compare numerically, and the circumstances are entirely different as well," Netanyahu said. "They don't deny that there were Poles who helped the Nazis and turned in Jews etc., but say you can't extend that to the entire Polish people. I told him, you can't fix one distortion with another.""

Polish PM's remarks about Jewish Nazi collaborators cause outrage in Israel
very interesting development , in the same time , Poland attacks with the new laws Ukraine UIA. i hope it will end where it is today , and not go farther ...

Ukrainian Insurgent Army - Wikipedia

"Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki’s conservative Law and Justice party that fines or imprisons anyone claiming Poland was complicit in the systemic, mass execution of Jews and other groups during World War II. Warsaw has adopted the position that Germany, not Poland, is at fault for the Holocaust, though there is ample evidence of Polish collaborators in Hitler's so-called "Final Solution" of the Jews....

“Of course it’s not going to be punishable, not going to be seen as criminal, to say that there were Polish perpetrators, as there were Jewish perpetrators, as there were "Russian" perpetrators, as there were Ukrainian, not only German perpetrators,” Morawiecki said, refuting that the bill ignores Polish collaborators....

"[Poland] is trying to say that there were cases in which Jews collaborated with the Nazis, but one cannot compare numerically, and the circumstances are entirely different as well," Netanyahu said. "They don't deny that there were Poles who helped the Nazis and turned in Jews etc., but say you can't extend that to the entire Polish people. I told him, you can't fix one distortion with another.""

Polish PM's remarks about Jewish Nazi collaborators cause outrage in Israel
This is quite interesting as Netanyahu is a Holocaust revisionist himself; believes that Hitler was not the mastermind of the Holocaust, but the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem thought this out and convinced Hitler to put his plan into action.
very interesting development , in the same time , Poland attacks with the new laws Ukraine UIA. i hope it will end where it is today , and not go farther ...

Ukrainian Insurgent Army - Wikipedia

"Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki’s conservative Law and Justice party that fines or imprisons anyone claiming Poland was complicit in the systemic, mass execution of Jews and other groups during World War II. Warsaw has adopted the position that Germany, not Poland, is at fault for the Holocaust, though there is ample evidence of Polish collaborators in Hitler's so-called "Final Solution" of the Jews....

“Of course it’s not going to be punishable, not going to be seen as criminal, to say that there were Polish perpetrators, as there were Jewish perpetrators, as there were "Russian" perpetrators, as there were Ukrainian, not only German perpetrators,” Morawiecki said, refuting that the bill ignores Polish collaborators....

"[Poland] is trying to say that there were cases in which Jews collaborated with the Nazis, but one cannot compare numerically, and the circumstances are entirely different as well," Netanyahu said. "They don't deny that there were Poles who helped the Nazis and turned in Jews etc., but say you can't extend that to the entire Polish people. I told him, you can't fix one distortion with another.""

Polish PM's remarks about Jewish Nazi collaborators cause outrage in Israel
This is quite interesting as Netanyahu is a Holocaust revisionist himself; believes that Hitler was not the mastermind of the Holocaust, but the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem thought this out and convinced Hitler to put his plan into action.
LOL, one for sure Netanyahu is a strange man, "Grand Mufti of Jerusalem" great joke )
Some Jews did collaborate with the Nazis, including Jewish Ghetto Police, Judenrate, Group 13, Jewish Sonderkommandos, Jewish Kapos, Jewish financiers in the Haavara Agreement, and even Mengele's assistant was a Jew named Miklós Nyiszli.
not really, they have had no choice . right?
I have the addresses of my in-laws parents home that were possessed by the local Poles.
Of course they want to deny any responsibility even though they're living in or on stolen property.
Some Jews did collaborate with the Nazis, including Jewish Ghetto Police, Judenrate, Group 13, Jewish Sonderkommandos, Jewish Kapos, Jewish financiers in the Haavara Agreement, and even Mengele's assistant was a Jew named Miklós Nyiszli.
not really, they have had no choice . right?

Same goes for Polish Blue Police there was a death penalty for those who didn't show up.

So, why do Jews keep harping on their atrocities?

Yet, Jewish Ghetto Police according to Jewish historian Emanuel Ringelblum were not only more brutal than Polish Nazi collaborators, but even the German Nazis, Latvian, and Ukrainians.

How come such brutality of Jews on Jews?
Some Jews did collaborate with the Nazis, including Jewish Ghetto Police, Judenrate, Group 13, Jewish Sonderkommandos, Jewish Kapos, Jewish financiers in the Haavara Agreement, and even Mengele's assistant was a Jew named Miklós Nyiszli.
not really, they have had no choice . right?

Same goes for Polish Blue Police there was a death penalty for those who didn't show up.

So, why do Jews keep harping on their atrocities?

Yet, Jewish Ghetto Police according to Jewish historian Emanuel Ringelblum were not only more brutal than Polish Nazi collaborators, but even the German Nazis, Latvian, and Ukrainians.

How come such brutality of Jews on Jews?
i think we ´d stay on the topic, Polish , Jewish Holocaust 'Perpetrators'

"The fate of the Jewish Policemen was ultimately equal to all Jews. Upon the liquidation of the ghettos (1942-1943) they were either killed on site or sent to the extermination camps"
Some Jews did collaborate with the Nazis, including Jewish Ghetto Police, Judenrate, Group 13, Jewish Sonderkommandos, Jewish Kapos, Jewish financiers in the Haavara Agreement, and even Mengele's assistant was a Jew named Miklós Nyiszli.
not really, they have had no choice . right?

Same goes for Polish Blue Police there was a death penalty for those who didn't show up.

So, why do Jews keep harping on their atrocities?

Yet, Jewish Ghetto Police according to Jewish historian Emanuel Ringelblum were not only more brutal than Polish Nazi collaborators, but even the German Nazis, Latvian, and Ukrainians.

How come such brutality of Jews on Jews?
i think we ´d stay on the topic, Polish , Jewish Holocaust 'Perpetrators'

"The fate of the Jewish Policemen was ultimately equal to all Jews. Upon the liquidation of the ghettos (1942-1943) they were either killed on site or sent to the extermination camps"

Jewish Ghetto Police were far worse Nazi collaborators than Poles were.

Jewish Ghetto Police delivered 10,000 Jews to the Nazis for the camps a day, and each Jewish Ghetto Police man sent 2,000 Jews to their death.


Arthur Leonard, eds.,Jewish Community Book: Suwalk and Vicinity(Tel Aviv: The Yair–Abraham Stern–PublishingHouse, 1989), 50. During the massive deportation of some 265,000 Jews from the Warsaw ghetto in the summer of1942, “Jewish police delivered 7,000 victims for transport to Treblinka [on July 25] and from then on delivered them ata minimum daily rate of 10,000. The average Jewish policeman in the Warsaw ghetto sent two thousand Jews to theirdeath, in order to save his own life.” See Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski,Jews in Poland: A Documentary History(NewYork: Hippocrene, 1993; Revised edition–1998), 115. The Jewish police, whose numbers had swollen from 1,600 inDecember 1941 to nearly 2,200, made itself notorious by its cooperation with the Germans in rounding up Jews.Emanuel Ringelblum wrote (in December 1942): “The Jewish police had a bad reputation even before the deportation.Unlike the Polish police, which did not take part in the abduction for the labour camps [from spring 1941], the Jewishpolice did engage in this dirty work. The police were also notorious for their shocking corruption and demoralization.”See Abraham Lewin,A Cup of Tears: A Diary of the Warsaw Ghetto(Oxford and New York: Basil Black inassociation with the Institute for Polish-Jewish Studies, Oxford, 1988), 17, 19.8 Yehuda Bauer has recently acknowledged that in the larger ghettos, it was the Judenräte who provided the Germanswith lists and cooperated in the handing over of victims. According to that historian, the Jewish police played a “majorrole” in the deportation of the Warsaw Jews to Treblinka in the summer of 1942, with similar roles being played by theJewish police forces in Łódź, Kraków, and elsewhere. See Yehuda Bauer,Rethinking the Holocaust(New Haven andLondon: Yale University Press, 2001), 143–44, 154. The ghetto in Grodno followed a typical pattern: “The Judenratwas compelled to prepare lists of names, transfer Jews from one ghetto to another, and declare that the deportees were,supposedly, being sent to places of work. …
very interesting development , in the same time , Poland attacks with the new laws Ukraine UIA. i hope it will end where it is today , and not go farther ...

Ukrainian Insurgent Army - Wikipedia

"Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki’s conservative Law and Justice party that fines or imprisons anyone claiming Poland was complicit in the systemic, mass execution of Jews and other groups during World War II. Warsaw has adopted the position that Germany, not Poland, is at fault for the Holocaust, though there is ample evidence of Polish collaborators in Hitler's so-called "Final Solution" of the Jews....

“Of course it’s not going to be punishable, not going to be seen as criminal, to say that there were Polish perpetrators, as there were Jewish perpetrators, as there were "Russian" perpetrators, as there were Ukrainian, not only German perpetrators,” Morawiecki said, refuting that the bill ignores Polish collaborators....

"[Poland] is trying to say that there were cases in which Jews collaborated with the Nazis, but one cannot compare numerically, and the circumstances are entirely different as well," Netanyahu said. "They don't deny that there were Poles who helped the Nazis and turned in Jews etc., but say you can't extend that to the entire Polish people. I told him, you can't fix one distortion with another.""

Polish PM's remarks about Jewish Nazi collaborators cause outrage in Israel
This is quite interesting as Netanyahu is a Holocaust revisionist himself; believes that Hitler was not the mastermind of the Holocaust, but the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem thought this out and convinced Hitler to put his plan into action.
A kapo or prisoner functionary (German: Funktionshäftling, see § Etymology) was a prisoner in a German Nazi concentration camp who was assigned by the SS guards to supervise forced labor or carry out administrative tasks. Also called "prisoner self-administration", the prisoner functionary system minimized costs by allowing camps to function with fewer SS personnel. The system was designed to turn victim against victim, as the prisoner functionaries were pitted against their fellow prisoners in order to maintain the favor of their SS overseers. If they were derelict, they would be returned to the status of ordinary prisoners and be subject to other kapos. Many prisoner functionaries were recruited from the ranks of violent criminal gangs rather than from the more numerous political, religious and racial prisoners; those were known for their brutality toward other prisoners. This brutality was tolerated by the SS and was an integral part of the camp system.

Prisoner functionaries were spared physical abuse and hard labor, provided they performed their duties to the satisfaction of the SS functionaries. They also had access to certain privileges, such as civilian clothes and a private room.[1] While the Germans commonly called them kapos, the official government term for prisoner functionaries was Funktionshäftling."
Some Jews did collaborate with the Nazis, including Jewish Ghetto Police, Judenrate, Group 13, Jewish Sonderkommandos, Jewish Kapos, Jewish financiers in the Haavara Agreement, and even Mengele's assistant was a Jew named Miklós Nyiszli.
not really, they have had no choice . right?

Same goes for Polish Blue Police there was a death penalty for those who didn't show up.

So, why do Jews keep harping on their atrocities?

Yet, Jewish Ghetto Police according to Jewish historian Emanuel Ringelblum were not only more brutal than Polish Nazi collaborators, but even the German Nazis, Latvian, and Ukrainians.

How come such brutality of Jews on Jews?
i think we ´d stay on the topic, Polish , Jewish Holocaust 'Perpetrators'

"The fate of the Jewish Policemen was ultimately equal to all Jews. Upon the liquidation of the ghettos (1942-1943) they were either killed on site or sent to the extermination camps"

Jewish Ghetto Police were far worse Nazi collaborators than Poles were.

Jewish Ghetto Police delivered 10,000 Jews to the Nazis for the camps a day, and each Jewish Ghetto Police man sent 2,000 Jews to their death.


Arthur Leonard, eds.,Jewish Community Book: Suwalk and Vicinity(Tel Aviv: The Yair–Abraham Stern–PublishingHouse, 1989), 50. During the massive deportation of some 265,000 Jews from the Warsaw ghetto in the summer of1942, “Jewish police delivered 7,000 victims for transport to Treblinka [on July 25] and from then on delivered them ata minimum daily rate of 10,000. The average Jewish policeman in the Warsaw ghetto sent two thousand Jews to theirdeath, in order to save his own life.” See Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski,Jews in Poland: A Documentary History(NewYork: Hippocrene, 1993; Revised edition–1998), 115. The Jewish police, whose numbers had swollen from 1,600 inDecember 1941 to nearly 2,200, made itself notorious by its cooperation with the Germans in rounding up Jews.Emanuel Ringelblum wrote (in December 1942): “The Jewish police had a bad reputation even before the deportation.Unlike the Polish police, which did not take part in the abduction for the labour camps [from spring 1941], the Jewishpolice did engage in this dirty work. The police were also notorious for their shocking corruption and demoralization.”See Abraham Lewin,A Cup of Tears: A Diary of the Warsaw Ghetto(Oxford and New York: Basil Black inassociation with the Institute for Polish-Jewish Studies, Oxford, 1988), 17, 19.8 Yehuda Bauer has recently acknowledged that in the larger ghettos, it was the Judenräte who provided the Germanswith lists and cooperated in the handing over of victims. According to that historian, the Jewish police played a “majorrole” in the deportation of the Warsaw Jews to Treblinka in the summer of 1942, with similar roles being played by theJewish police forces in Łódź, Kraków, and elsewhere. See Yehuda Bauer,Rethinking the Holocaust(New Haven andLondon: Yale University Press, 2001), 143–44, 154. The ghetto in Grodno followed a typical pattern: “The Judenratwas compelled to prepare lists of names, transfer Jews from one ghetto to another, and declare that the deportees were,supposedly, being sent to places of work. …
The role of the Judenräte in the Holocaust
Hannah Arendt stated in her 1963 book Eichmann in Jerusalem that without the assistance of the Judenräte, the registration of the Jews, their concentration in ghettos and, later, their active assistance in the Jews' deportation to extermination camps, fewer Jews would have perished because the Germans would have encountered considerable difficulties in drawing up lists of Jews. In occupied Europe, the Nazis entrusted Jewish officials with the task of making such lists of Jews along with information about the property they owned. The Judenräte also directed the Jewish police to assist the Germans in catching Jews and loading them onto transport trains leaving for Nazi concentration camps.

In her book, Arendt wrote that: "To a Jew, this role of the Jewish leaders in the destruction of their own people is undoubtedly the darkest chapter of the whole dark story. [...] In the matter of cooperation, there was no distinction between the highly assimilated Jewish communities of Central and Western Europe and the Yiddish-speaking masses of the East. In Amsterdam as in Warsaw, in Berlin as in Budapest, Jewish officials could be trusted to compile the lists of persons and of their property..."[5]

Arendt's view has been challenged by other historians of the Holocaust, including Isaiah Trunk in his book Judenrat: The Jewish Councils in Eastern Europe Under Nazi Occupation (1972). Summarising Trunk's research, Holocaust scholar Michael Berenbaum has written: "In the final analysis, the Judenräte had no influence on the frightful outcome of the Holocaust; the Nazi extermination machine was alone responsible for the tragedy, and the Jews in the occupied territories, most especially Poland, were far too powerless to prevent it."[6]
I don't believe six million Jews were killed. It's just too stupid to believe. Like, if the nazis really wanted to kill the Jews, why did they keep them alive in camps to be liberated later? And, where in Hell did six million Jews come from, after millions of Jews had already fled the growing antisemitism?
I have the addresses of my in-laws parents home that were possessed by the local Poles.
Of course they want to deny any responsibility even though they're living in or on stolen property.

Oh please, Israel's almost all stolen property, you Jews give Palestinians compensations first, how about that?
I lways disagree with you but not this time. Israel's hands are covered in blood and still occupying Arabs lands.
You would think after what the Germans to them, they would be merciful to the Palestinians!!!
As a Muslim i always found what the Jews went through in Europe is disgusting, same after the fall of the Islamic empire in the Iberian peninsula. But have 0 sympathy with what the Israelis are doing to the Palestinians and Syrians in the occupied territories.
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I have the addresses of my in-laws parents home that were possessed by the local Poles.
Of course they want to deny any responsibility even though they're living in or on stolen property.

Oh please, Israel's almost all stolen property, you Jews give Palestinians compensations first, how about that?
I lways disagree with you but not this time. Israel's hands are covered in blood and still occupying Arabs lands.
You would think after what the Germans to them, they would be merciful to the Palestinians!!!
As a Muslim i always found what the Jews went through in Europe is disgusting, same after the fall of the Islamic empire in the Iberian peninsula. But have 0 sympathy with what the Israelis are doing to the Palestinians and Syrians in the occupied territories.
What are they doing?
Why are the Arabs living in Israel multiplying like rabbits?
Why are there Arabs in the Knesset?
Gee, the Arabs are really suffering under the Israeli regime.
I have the addresses of my in-laws parents home that were possessed by the local Poles.
Of course they want to deny any responsibility even though they're living in or on stolen property.

Oh please, Israel's almost all stolen property, you Jews give Palestinians compensations first, how about that?

I lways disagree with you but not this time. Israel's hands are covered in blood and still occupying Arabs lands.
You would think after what the Germans to them, they would be merciful to the Palestinians!!!
As a Muslim i always found what the Jews went through in Europe is disgusting, same after the fall of the Islamic empire in the Iberian peninsula. But have 0 sympathy with what the Israelis are doing to the Palestinians and Syrians in the occupied territories.
What are they doing?
Why are the Arabs living in Israel multiplying like rabbits?
Why are there Arabs in the Knesset?
Gee, the Arabs are really suffering under the Israeli regime.

Independent----do not aggravate yourself-----both sobie and issa parrot STANDARD islamo Nazi
propaganda-------I read that as a child and LATER as a young adult worked with muslims from
MOSQUE by rote--------the young medical school graduates I have known----MOSTLY never read the
like the way they claim muhmmad's friends "memorized" his Koran. It's the "religion". It is
MEMORIZED as an act of piety. Re read issa------note his allusion to the IBERIAN PENNINSULA----
muslim kids are taught that jews have been DELERIOUSLY HAPPY under Islamic rule-----like Moorish
Cordoba-----------my hubby was born a dhimmi-------as you probably know by now. He sometimes comes
into contact with people BORN IN THE SAME LAND-------who comment "oh yes----we had jews-----
they were very happy over there..." He always claims that he understands no Arabic at all so that he
can giggle over the filth they mutter about jews. I have lots of anecdotes----but TOO MANY----most
gleaned from muzzie doctors-----THE GOOD STUDENTS OF THEIR MUZZIE LAND. Even indian
muslims are taught that shit------in their muzzie grammar schools.
I have the addresses of my in-laws parents home that were possessed by the local Poles.
Of course they want to deny any responsibility even though they're living in or on stolen property.

Oh please, Israel's almost all stolen property, you Jews give Palestinians compensations first, how about that?
I lways disagree with you but not this time. Israel's hands are covered in blood and still occupying Arabs lands.
You would think after what the Germans to them, they would be merciful to the Palestinians!!!
As a Muslim i always found what the Jews went through in Europe is disgusting, same after the fall of the Islamic empire in the Iberian peninsula. But have 0 sympathy with what the Israelis are doing to the Palestinians and Syrians in the occupied territories.
What are they doing?
Why are the Arabs living in Israel multiplying like rabbits?
Why are there Arabs in the Knesset?
Gee, the Arabs are really suffering under the Israeli regime.
They are second class citizens sweet heart, just like the blacks under apartheid...their representatives in the parliament just kicked out by security forces, they get threatened and harassed all the time.
As for the Palestinians thousands of thrm got killed , their homes destroyed and their seized to give it to settlers from europe and other parts of the world.
I have the addresses of my in-laws parents home that were possessed by the local Poles.
Of course they want to deny any responsibility even though they're living in or on stolen property.

Oh please, Israel's almost all stolen property, you Jews give Palestinians compensations first, how about that?
I lways disagree with you but not this time. Israel's hands are covered in blood and still occupying Arabs lands.
You would think after what the Germans to them, they would be merciful to the Palestinians!!!
As a Muslim i always found what the Jews went through in Europe is disgusting, same after the fall of the Islamic empire in the Iberian peninsula. But have 0 sympathy with what the Israelis are doing to the Palestinians and Syrians in the occupied territories.
What are they doing?
Why are the Arabs living in Israel multiplying like rabbits?
Why are there Arabs in the Knesset?
Gee, the Arabs are really suffering under the Israeli regime.
They are second class citizens sweet heart, just like the blacks under apartheid...their representatives in the parliament just kicked out by security forces, they get threatened and harassed all the time.
As for the Palestinians thousands of thrm got killed , their homes destroyed and their seized to give it to settlers from europe and other parts of the world.

you lick the shit of KHUTBAH JUMAAT off the mosque floor each Friday-------HOMES DESTROYED? where? Thousands of whom killed?
"settlers" from where? when? second class citizens-------who and where? you should learn something about the history of the middle east----
and, for that matter------OF ISLAM

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