Political Cartoon

More Guns, Less Crime by John Lott, Jr.

I have notes on this fine book in my storage. I will forward them to anyone contacting me by PM.
More Guns, Less Crime by John Lott, Jr.

I have notes on this fine book in my storage. I will forward them to anyone contacting me by PM.
I owned that book for years. I had to give my large library to charity when I could no longer tote it around as I moved. Lots of actual statistics in that book.
This sort of "woke tolerance" is happening in Blue City, USA every, single day now. The Lame Stream Media won't report it.

Get OUT of the Blue Jungles of America for your safety and the safety of your kids.

These loving black girls beat the hell out of an evil, blind woman because she's white. Evil whitey!!

looks like a hate crime
why isn't this on CNN and MSNBC?

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