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You are not so good with analogies I see? I'll explain: An accidental pregnancy is a baby unwanted, like an un-ordered steak, and all you care about is that the steak gets cooked (born) not thrown away (abortion) or left in the fridge until ordered (birth control). Pro-Life people care deeply about fetus, not the child it becomes. Like this:

What utter nonsense. We adopted our daughter at age 9 DAYS. When we contacted that one, small adoption agency, they had 5,000 COUPLES on their waiting list. We waited for 20 months before we received our daughter. She's now 44, married and a mother in her own right, but with 2 undergrad degrees and a JD. That one small agency had 5,000 couples waiting. How many other couples do you imagine there might have been in the other several hundred such agencies all over the country? The market is probably even stronger with 60,000,000 babies dead since 1973.
What utter nonsense. We adopted our daughter at age 9 DAYS. When we contacted that one, small adoption agency, they had 5,000 COUPLES on their waiting list. We waited for 20 months before we received our daughter. She's now 44, married and a mother in her own right, but with 2 undergrad degrees and a JD. That one small agency had 5,000 couples waiting. How many other couples do you imagine there might have been in the other several hundred such agencies all over the country? The market is probably even stronger with 60,000,000 babies dead since 1973.
My niece could not conceive and could not find a baby to adopt here in America so they adopted one from Russia and then another.

MY dear friend, Gary's son had a girlfriend on drugs who was unfit as a mother when she had a baby. A lovely couple from Virginia flew out to California to adopt the baby and are giving it everything any child could want or need.

Abortion is evil and cruel and its proponents are as well.

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