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BREAKING: Donald Trump's week from hell takes a turn for the worse as his hometown newspaper rips him to shreds and proudly endorses Joe Biden for president.

But it gets even worse for Trump...

"It’s time for those who remain undecided to look with a set of fresh eyes at the evidence amassing before them," the editors of the The Palm Beach Post wrote in a piece entitled "Ignore pundits, sure, but consider the evidence piling up against Trump."
Mar-a-Lago is of course located in Palm Beach, so we can be certain that Trump's rich neighbors will see the paper's endorsement — as well as its brutal attack on Trump.

"As annoying as the acid taunts of pundits and penmen about the former President may strike you, cast that rhetoric aside for a minute and evaluate the evidence," the paper stated.

"And we use the word 'evidence' advisedly, because aside from candidate Trump’s own crowd-stirring lies about the elections and an abundance of audio and video recordings going back years, there’s now a growing record of court testimony and documentation, tested by argument and counterargument, that is laying itself out before us," they added.

"Judges and juries of Trump’s peers in recent weeks have found the evidence overwhelming, to the tune of more than a half-billion dollars in fines, mounting with interest," they explained.

"In civil cases he’s been found to have engaged in sexual assault, defamation and corporate fraud, and the clock is winding down on criminal trials, as well," they went on. "The latter will put the lie to his claims he was cheated out of reelection. They will support charges he tried to racketeer his way to a win in Georgia and nationally – just listen to that recording again. And they will spell out how, with words, actions and inaction, he sought to overthrow the will of the voters on Jan. 6, 2021."

The Palm Beach Post endorsed Joe Biden for president in 2020 as well because they "yearned so strongly to remove" Trump. Now in 2024, they clearly want to do everything within their power to keep the MAGA maniac out of the White House.

"Trump has openly demonstrated why, even if you put character aside — which we can’t — the nation would have much to fear from his second term," the editors wrote.

"As you consider your ballot, though you might prefer his tilt to the right to Biden’s tilt to the left, ask yourself if this is the quality of a man who should represent you, speak for you, act in your name, be the master of your universe," they urged. "Don’t listen to the pundits. Just look at the evidence."

Well said!

We will be proudly voting for Joe Biden. Will you?

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