Political Cartoon

What is 8% of 600,000? That is the number of potential mothers would die if abortion was illegal.
Hey dipshit, if the Supreme Court struck down Roe vs Wade it does not make abortion illegal it just leaves it up to the individual states
What do you think (if that’s possible) is going to happen to women who live in states where abortion is outlawed?
They will:

1. Have the baby.
2. Give the baby up for adoption (there are a LOT of people who want to adopt a baby).
3. Drive to a bordering state and kill their baby.
4. Vote for candidates who vow to lift restrictions.
5. Accept that the majority of the people in their state do not want abortion.
6. Scream at the sky.

Which one they do is up to them.
They will:

1. Have the baby.
2. Give the baby up for adoption (there are a LOT of people who want to adopt a baby).
3. Drive to a bordering state and kill their baby.
4. Vote for candidates who vow to lift restrictions.
5. Accept that the majority of the people in their state do not want abortion.
6. Scream at the sky.

Which one they do is up to them.
You forgot one item. Die due to an ectopic pregnancy.

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