Political Cartoon

Yeah, you got a dick so....


Ole washed up Dick Cheney, the so called republican that wears a big bright Democrat shirt underneath his Bush family western hat. 😆

Well maybe one day he'll let his daughter Lizz grow up too make her own way in life. ONE DAY !!! I mean he can't keep hatin on Trump for his little Lizzy all his life can he??
Not going to happen Butt Head, and your Canadian knucklehead might claim this and might claim that, but he or she are simply clueless about who the real culprits are, and they are clueless about how not having God involved in everything is basically or rather quintessentially the entire problem with this stuff going on today.

Then you throw in your "AMEN" at the end.. rotflmbo 🤣

This is what the results of WAR looks like when a brainwashed people who willfully supports a hostile barbaric government like HAMAS, who had turned a fortified small strip of land to be used essentially for a terrorist launch pad into a military base for the purpose of conducting a war against Israel.

They reep what they have sewn.

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