Political Correctness, tolerance and the LGBT community


Gold Member
May 15, 2007
Full Definition of TOLERANCE
: capacity to endure pain or hardship : endurance, fortitude, stamina
a : sympathy or indulgence for beliefs or practices differing from or conflicting with one's own

b : the act of allowing something : toleration

Tolerance - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Perhaps this does not belong in the Politics forum and I apologize if it does not. Mods, feel free to move it if you think it belongs elsewhere.

Tolerance is something that most people believe in. Most of us believe that we should be tolerant of others and want others to be tolerant of us. Tolerance is a good thing! Those who are tolerant are praised and those who are not are hated. Or is that really true? I think not! Because in actuality, those who are praised are intolerant of others and those who are hated tend to be victims of slander by those who are praised.

I was watching CNN earlier this week before work (Thursday morning around 8am Eastern Time I believe) and I saw an interview between the CNN Anchor and someone I believe was from the American Family Association, but I do not recall his name. The Anchor repeatedly threw the word tolerance at the interviewee, Personally, this is a sticking point for me as I believe that we should by all means be tolerant and respectful of those with whom we disagree.

I feel like every time I turn around I am accused of being "intolerant" because I disagree with the idea of homosexual marriage (I support civil unions for all and allowing religious institutions to perform marriage rites because we are a diverse nation and whether or not I agree with "marriage equality", I do not think my country is obligated to agree with me) or that I think homosexuality is a sin. But it became obvious to me during this interview that the anchor was saying "tolerance" when what he really wanted was "celebration" of the homosexual community not just acceptance but full blown celebration of the diversity that exists. That is the issue that I think needs to be corrected.

Tolerance by definition 2a above simply essentially means - live and let live. If does not say that one must agree with the beliefs or practices of the conflicting side. That definition also uses the word - sympathy. I looked up the word - sympathy which was defined as pity (not at all something that I believe the LGBT community is seeking). But tolerance is not what the left is demanding. The LGBT community does not want to be allowed to live and let live, they want to be celebrated, welcomed, adored. If they wanted tolerance then when a baker said, "I am sorry, but I cannot bake a cake for your wedding..." they would move on to another baker. That is not what is happening. Rather they demand that the religious beliefs of the baker be subservient to their desires. That is not tolerance. That is enslavement.

It is not intolerant to say, "I disagree with homosexuality, but it does not affect me in any manner, therefore, let them live their own lives and I will live my own". In fact, it is intolerant of the left to demand more than this. To demand that a baker/photographer or whatever profession perform a service for a homosexual couple at their wedding is in fact intolerant of the beliefs of the service provider albeit acceptable to the "politically correct" crowd. It is not intolerant for an atheist to say, "I do not believe in your god, now leave me alone". It is intolerant for the atheist to say, "I do not believe in your god, therefore, you may no longer use the phrase 'one nation under god' when reciting the Pledge of Allegiance nor can you pray anywhere within my or my children's vicinity".

If the political correctness movement espoused tolerance, I would be politically correct. It doesn't, The left does not want me to live and let live when it comes to abortion in this country. The left wants me to pay for it with my tax dollars. The left wants me to ignore the fact that nearly a million babies a year are murdered at the hand of abortionists. The left wants me to absolve them of murder by denying that the baby in the mother's womb is even human. The left does not want me to be tolerant of the homosexual community; rather the left wants me to join in their festivities regardless of my personal feelings about those festivities. So, who are the intolerant ones?

I felt that the interviewee really blew it when he allowed the anchor to get away with his ploy. The interviewee never once stopped the anchor and said, "Now hold on a minute. Who is it that is intolerant of other beliefs in this discussion? You, not me. So stop playing your games and stand up for your own stated convictions. Do you want tolerance or not and if you do, when will you begin?"

I get the fact that the religious community has lost the debate on morality in America. I understand that. But let's be honest here, it is the Left Wing of American politics that is not tolerant of the beliefs of others. Granted some on the right are also intolerant, but in today's society "political correctness" aka "the tolerate us movement" is by no means tolerant of others and it is heavily weighted to the left wing of the spectrum.

You want tolerance? Then be tolerant.

PS: for the record, I cannot see myself denying service to a homosexual couple unless they came to my shop and demanded my services or requested that I produce something that I believed was discriminatory against other human beings. On the other hand, if my help was requested by an abortionist, (maybe the printing of propaganda?) I would steadfastly deny performance of such services. Therefore, I am intolerant.
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Believe as you wish, but in public expect to be expected to treat everyone politely. If you run a paint shop, everybody gets to buy your product. If you run a pizza shop, everyone gets to buy your product. If you run a kosher shop, everyone gets to buy your product.

This is not hard to follow.
Believe as you wish, but in public expect to be expected to treat everyone politely. If you run a paint shop, everybody gets to buy your product. If you run a pizza shop, everyone gets to buy your product. If you run a kosher shop, everyone gets to buy your product.

This is not hard to follow.

No it isn't. It's wrong in several ways, but it isn't hard to follow.
Sorry Mac, we don't have time to be tolerant of people who hang ******* and burn witches, and very little time for those who think that's okay even if they don't go that far.
There are plenty of people who don't fall into either category, but you folks don't care.

Control, control, control.

Sorry Mac, we don't have time to be tolerant of people who hang ******* and burn witches, and very little time for those who think that's okay even if they don't go that far.

Hey moron, care to link to those things? Nobody does that any more idiot.

Well, except for your president's buddies in Iran.
You don't, because by law we banned it and society no longer allows you to. To Mac, that's being intolerant, only it isn't.

And who is your president, because Americans only have one, which means you aren't an American.
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Believe as you wish, but in public expect to be expected to treat everyone politely. If you run a paint shop, everybody gets to buy your product. If you run a pizza shop, everyone gets to buy your product. If you run a kosher shop, everyone gets to buy your product.

This is not hard to follow.

No it isn't. It's wrong in several ways, but it isn't hard to follow.

You are wrong, under the law, and that is not going to change.

BHO is all Americans' president, and that some one does not like it means nothing.
The fubars in IN and ARK has put the mainstream GOP, who do basically want to be decent, on notice that indecent does not work anymore.

The election will offer a better selection of GOP candidates next year.
Tolerance used to be a negative term (e.g., tolerating bad behavior). As with many other words. the secular Left has changed its definition to a positive affirmation of moral relativism. Combined with an ever increasing list of "protected classes" of people, it has become a weapon of cultural revolution as certain groups seek out businesses to sue for alleged "discrimination."

That being said, business which are "open to the public" should not be able to enjoy infrastructure benefits funded by general taxes while at the same time arbitrarily refusing to deal with certain individuals. However, neither should they be forced to provide personal services which are antithetical to the personal rights, health or safety of their employees. For example, the sale of general merchandise should be available to everyone, regardless of their race, religion or personal beliefs. On the other hand, businesses should have the right to refuse offensive personalization of their products, such as "Kill the Jews" on a birthday cake. Finally, participatory services (e.g., onsite catering) should be left to the discretion of individual businesses. Just as a Catholic priest should not be forced to preside at a Jewish wedding, neither should a Black performer be forced to sing at a KKK rally.

Unfortunately, discussion of these issues is dominated by persons and groups with much larger political and social agendas. As a result, obfuscation reigns and the masses are manipulated with irrelevancies.

Think for yourself.
Believe as you wish, but in public expect to be expected to treat everyone politely. If you run a paint shop, everybody gets to buy your product. If you run a pizza shop, everyone gets to buy your product. If you run a kosher shop, everyone gets to buy your product.

This is not hard to follow.

Should Mom-and-Pops That Forgo Gay Weddings Be Destroyed - Yahoo News

The above link is to an excellent article by a proponent of gay marriage. I have to say that I agree with an awful lot he says in the article.

The way to change minds is not at the barrel of a gun, but rather through true tolerance and debate. I have changed tremendously over the years that I have participated in social media such as usmessageboard. I would like to think I have become more tolerant of the beliefs of others. In fact, I would guarantee that I have. Not because it has been beaten into me, but rather because of discussions with many on the left that I have had.

Abortion is a topic that I can easily lean on to prove such a case. When I first entered this realm on the internet. I was all for over-turning Roe and arresting all abortionist and their patients and very long prison terms for those convicted. As time has moved on, I have come to realize that abortion is not an easy topic even for most of the pro-choice community and, in fact, my belief that the government should stay out of our business (except in the case of defending human life) is exactly what motivates an awful lot of the pro-choice movement. Over-turning Roe won't even solve the problem and may even make things worse.

You state, "Believe as you wish, but in public expect to be expected to treat everyone politely". That is fair enough. I can politely refuse to provide services to an abortionist who comes to my print shop. I do not have to be rude, but I will by no means serve her. The same goes for any other business transaction. I do not have to be rude in order to refuse service. Now in reference to providing service to everyone, there are few people I can even think of denying service to. An abortionist is the only one I can think of now. But, if you come to me and demand service, you will either not get it, or in the end, you will wish you did not. I do not take kindly to being forced to do anything against my will.

But back to the topic of this thread... if you want tolerance from me then you damned well better return the favor.
If you don't want to serve all members of the public equally, don't run a public business. Start a private club that like minded bigots want to join. Problem solved.
The fubars in IN and ARK has put the mainstream GOP, who do basically want to be decent, on notice that indecent does not work anymore.

The election will offer a better selection of GOP candidates next year.

I highly doubt the selection of GOP candidates next year will make a doggone bit of difference. A politician is a politician regardless of what initial he/she places after his/her name. The only things they really care about is winning the next election and which corporations are willing to line their pockets for the next favor.
Sorry Mac, we don't have time to be tolerant of people who hang ******* and burn witches, and very little time for those who think that's okay even if they don't go that far.

Hey moron, care to link to those things? Nobody does that any more idiot.

Well, except for your president's buddies in Iran.
You don't, because by law we banned it and society no longer allows you to. To Mac, that's being intolerant, only it isn't.

And who is your president, because Americans only have one, which means you aren't an American.

So in other words, your post was irrelevant nonsense.
Believe as you wish, but in public expect to be expected to treat everyone politely. If you run a paint shop, everybody gets to buy your product. If you run a pizza shop, everyone gets to buy your product. If you run a kosher shop, everyone gets to buy your product.

This is not hard to follow.

No it isn't. It's wrong in several ways, but it isn't hard to follow.

You are wrong, under the law, and that is not going to change.

BHO is all Americans' president, and that some one does not like it means nothing.

What? I'm wrong? It IS hard to follow? Well I guess it would be for an idiot like you. For me, it's easy.

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