Political correctness vs. freedom to think.

“Is there only one “right” way to think? That’s what a lot of educators and politicians would have us believe.”

In all of my life in education, no one educator ever told me ..” to think this way and this way only.”

It seems you are not quite educated enough to realize that examining any situation requires adaptation.

No 2 situations are exactly alike and require the exact same reasoning.

Having you r hand held all the time must get old.

Good luck with your “one” way of thinking.

Is there only one “right” way to think? That’s what a lot of educators and politicians would have us believe. Political correctness is going to destroy this nation if we don’t address it quickly. Entertainers are being used to influence public opinion in some of the worst imaginable ways. The latest example is comedian Kathy Griffin holding the mock severed head of the President of the United States. Consider what would happen if a comedian were to display model showing a mock lynching of Barack Obama. The national outrage would sweep the country like the eruption of a super volcano. There is no “right” way to think. There is only freedom to think based on personal experience.

There is no “right” way to think. There is only freedom to think based on personal experience.
"Wacky Mac" - wow, how Trump-like of you! Cool! Peas in a pod, huh?

interestinK you need to conflate kathy griffin with ME just cuz you can't handle your own contradictory talking points. :eusa_clap:
LOL, Wacky Macky "conflated" you with Trump, which makes sense since both You and Donald Duck seem to read and write at the same 3rd grade level.
The Regressives just HAVE to make every thread about lil' ol' me.

You'll notice I never have to name names. They just start in.

DAMN I'm good.

I wub me.
Griffin's response is perplexing. She is apologizing after seeing overwhelming negative reaction on social media. She sees the dollar signs diminishing. She has no empathy for those whose heads have been severed but she knows what a career killer is. She is like a criminal in court who reads a prepared statement to minimize her sentence. This is the kind of people who rise to the top under political correctness. Learn from it.

You seem very confused. Is what she did "PC"? That requires a yes or no answer.
What Kathy did was politically incorrect. And all these righties are upset about it . Kind of hypocritical huh?

And what do you mean "if" people did this wh obama. Try a google image search sometimes .

No, it was actually very politically correct by current standards, i.e. "Bash teh Trump".

The issue was the implied violence of having to decapitate, in a rather bloody fashion, the sitting President's head.

No one is saying she should not have the view that the President sucks, or that even she would wish he was dead, the issue was the presentation.

PC would say you should be punished for having the thought or expressing it. This isn't about the thought, just the manner it was presented.

The regressives make the rules on PC, they decide what is and what is not offensive or racist or misogynist or homophobic or whatever.

Which, you have to admit, makes it pretty easy.


Ohhhh! Mac thinks what she did was PC also? Outstanding!!!
And...........that is not what you stated or accused educators of doing.
If you cannot understand how to think. Your fault.

“Is there only one “right” way to think? That’s what a lot of educators and politicians would have us believe.”

In all of my life in education, no one educator ever told me ..” to think this way and this way only.”

It seems you are not quite educated enough to realize that examining any situation requires adaptation.

No 2 situations are exactly alike and require the exact same reasoning.

Having you r hand held all the time must get old.

Good luck with your “one” way of thinking.

Is there only one “right” way to think? That’s what a lot of educators and politicians would have us believe. Political correctness is going to destroy this nation if we don’t address it quickly. Entertainers are being used to influence public opinion in some of the worst imaginable ways. The latest example is comedian Kathy Griffin holding the mock severed head of the President of the United States. Consider what would happen if a comedian were to display model showing a mock lynching of Barack Obama. The national outrage would sweep the country like the eruption of a super volcano. There is no “right” way to think. There is only freedom to think based on personal experience.

There is no “right” way to think. There is only freedom to think based on personal experience.
CNN just let her go.

oh my! ANOTHER character assassination attempt by the PC police. :eusa_clap:
uh, she put the gun to her own head and pulled that social trigger. the videos of the "making of this photo" are funny as shit cause they know it's wrong but they believe the libs will save them and worship their bravery.


she did it to herself.
There is good taste and bad taste in comedy.

I am thinking Griffin's taste has been really bad.
Speaking of bad taste, you're the one that referred to her as a "babe".

For your edification:



You're Welcome
What Kathy did was politically incorrect. And all these righties are upset about it . Kind of hypocritical huh?

And what do you mean "if" people did this wh obama. Try a google image search sometimes .

Politically incorrect??? WTF kinda BS is that. Still searching for anything where a semi-well known person took a photo with a castrated Obama head. Maybe you could help us out by posting a link.

You are confused too. Hard to believe.
Griffin's response is perplexing. She is apologizing after seeing overwhelming negative reaction on social media. She sees the dollar signs diminishing. She has no empathy for those whose heads have been severed but she knows what a career killer is. She is like a criminal in court who reads a prepared statement to minimize her sentence. This is the kind of people who rise to the top under political correctness. Learn from it.

You seem very confused. Is what she did "PC"? That requires a yes or no answer.

Griffin is among those who spearhead political correctness in contemporary society. Surely you are aware of that.
"Wacky Mac" - wow, how Trump-like of you! Cool! Peas in a pod, huh?

As I've posted elsewhere, I see no reason for punishment, no reason for an apology. You folks are what you are. It's not like it would change you. Who cares?

And thanks for asking!

interestinK you need to conflate kathy griffin with ME just cuz you can't handle your own contradictory talking points. :eusa_clap:
Conflating you and Griffin is pretty easy. Regressives.

And you're welcome to point out the contradiction.

oh look, the PC bogeyman has a new "regressive" parroting theme. :eusa_clap:
Griffin's response is perplexing. She is apologizing after seeing overwhelming negative reaction on social media. She sees the dollar signs diminishing. She has no empathy for those whose heads have been severed but she knows what a career killer is. She is like a criminal in court who reads a prepared statement to minimize her sentence. This is the kind of people who rise to the top under political correctness. Learn from it.

You seem very confused. Is what she did "PC"? That requires a yes or no answer.

Griffin is among those who spearhead political correctness in contemporary society. Surely you are aware of that.

You might be a nut. Was what she did PC? Was CNN firing her PC? Both?

Try harder.
"Wacky Mac" - wow, how Trump-like of you! Cool! Peas in a pod, huh?

interestinK you need to conflate kathy griffin with ME just cuz you can't handle your own contradictory talking points. :eusa_clap:
LOL, Wacky Macky "conflated" you with Trump, which makes sense since both You and Donald Duck seem to read and write at the same 3rd grade level.
The Regressives just HAVE to make every thread about lil' ol' me.

You'll notice I never have to name names. They just start in.

DAMN I'm good.

I wub me.
When the PC Shock Troops reflexively attack you it's a sure sign that you're both sane and have command of both your reason and objectivity.

Congratulations Mac.
"Wacky Mac" - wow, how Trump-like of you! Cool! Peas in a pod, huh?

interestinK you need to conflate kathy griffin with ME just cuz you can't handle your own contradictory talking points. :eusa_clap:
LOL, Wacky Macky "conflated" you with Trump, which makes sense since both You and Donald Duck seem to read and write at the same 3rd grade level.

weird how you had to delete and lie, just to act as if you had some sort of point.

delusional nonsense like this absolutely makes wacky mac's day! pathetic, but true. :eusa_clap:
"Wacky Mac" - wow, how Trump-like of you! Cool! Peas in a pod, huh?

interestinK you need to conflate kathy griffin with ME just cuz you can't handle your own contradictory talking points. :eusa_clap:
LOL, Wacky Macky "conflated" you with Trump, which makes sense since both You and Donald Duck seem to read and write at the same 3rd grade level.

weird how you had to delete and lie, just to act as if you had some sort of point.

delusional nonsense like this absolutely makes wacky mac's day! pathetic, but true. :eusa_clap:

Sorry my Gibberish translator is in the shop...

Please resend your message in English.
CNN just let her go.
Link ???
cnn.com - right there on the left somewhere down the line.
this was funny - to start your article:

Three weeks ago, around a quarter of the American population elected a demagogue with no prior experience in public service to the presidency.

so - we're now already getting their opinion and no this is not news. it's hate with ads all around it. but take away "community organizer" obama came in with next to no experience yet they loved it.

again - the standards some will hold to others but not themselves.
So....is what Griffin did considered PC or isn't it? Someone help me understand! Please!

it's PC because it follows the current lefty logic of "Trump Bad", but done in poor taste. She isn't being castigated for her hatred of Trump, but how she expressed it.

PC is about ideas mostly, not execution. ThoughtCrime.

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