Political correctness vs. freedom to think.

So....is what Griffin did considered PC or isn't it? Someone help me understand! Please!

it's PC because it follows the current lefty logic of "Trump Bad", but done in poor taste. She isn't being castigated for her hatred of Trump, but how she expressed it.

PC is about ideas mostly, not execution. ThoughtCrime.

That's retarded.

Not at all. PC implies a certain outcome of thought or viewpoints that align to whatever is the "correct" way of thinking.

Since it was born in the campus setting, and campuses have been notoriously lefty for decades, left leaning viewpoints are considered "PC", while anything else isn't.

You don't see libertarians being called PC, nor social conservatives.
She acted as if a beheading , murdering, ghoul in the name of"liberal comedy" and got what she deserved
Colbert deserved the same

Cowering to PC occurred during Obama as nothing could be said about him without a "racist" rebuttal
That's over also
Gotta grow up libs, quit living like emotional retards
The latest example is comedian Kathy Griffin holding the mock severed head of the President of the United States

I've never seen a presidential candidate be so disrespectful of, well, everybody. So I'm just not that surprised by such gruesome humor. But in reality I still think the fake head looked better than Kathy.

You reap what you sow. Orange Clown.
"Wacky Mac" - wow, how Trump-like of you! Cool! Peas in a pod, huh?

As I've posted elsewhere, I see no reason for punishment, no reason for an apology. You folks are what you are. It's not like it would change you. Who cares?

And thanks for asking!

interestinK you need to conflate kathy griffin with ME just cuz you can't handle your own contradictory talking points. :eusa_clap:
Conflating you and Griffin is pretty easy. Regressives.

And you're welcome to point out the contradiction.

oh look, the PC bogeyman has a new "regressive" parroting theme. :eusa_clap:
And the regressive can't point out the "contradiction" she alleged.

They're liars They're all liars.

So....is what Griffin did considered PC or isn't it? Someone help me understand! Please!

it's PC because it follows the current lefty logic of "Trump Bad", but done in poor taste. She isn't being castigated for her hatred of Trump, but how she expressed it.

PC is about ideas mostly, not execution. ThoughtCrime.

That's retarded.

Not at all. PC implies a certain outcome of thought or viewpoints that align to whatever is the "correct" way of thinking.

Since it was born in the campus setting, and campuses have been notoriously lefty for decades, left leaning viewpoints are considered "PC", while anything else isn't.

You don't see libertarians being called PC, nor social conservatives.
The PC zealots determine what is not allowed to be said. The rest of us just try to keep up with their ever-expanding list.

Freedom of expression. Let these people shine the light on themselves.
And as always, we see the regressives doing their standard deflect/pivot/attack routine.

They're trying to put everyone ELSE on the defensive when one of their own pooped her pants.
So....is what Griffin did considered PC or isn't it? Someone help me understand! Please!

it's PC because it follows the current lefty logic of "Trump Bad", but done in poor taste. She isn't being castigated for her hatred of Trump, but how she expressed it.

PC is about ideas mostly, not execution. ThoughtCrime.

That's retarded.

:lol: marty is just upset because he is hardly ever correct about anything.
"Wacky Mac" - wow, how Trump-like of you! Cool! Peas in a pod, huh?

interestinK you need to conflate kathy griffin with ME just cuz you can't handle your own contradictory talking points. :eusa_clap:
LOL, Wacky Macky "conflated" you with Trump, which makes sense since both You and Donald Duck seem to read and write at the same 3rd grade level.
The Regressives just HAVE to make every thread about lil' ol' me.

You'll notice I never have to name names. They just start in.

DAMN I'm good.

I wub me.
When the PC Shock Troops reflexively attack you it's a sure sign that you're both sane and have command of both your reason and objectivity.

Congratulations Mac.
It's a gift....
And as always, we see the regressives doing their standard deflect/pivot/attack routine.

They're trying to put everyone ELSE on the defensive when one of their own pooped her pants.

You think I'm defensive? You think I am defending her?

Man. Life must be easy when you get to make up everything.
So....is what Griffin did considered PC or isn't it? Someone help me understand! Please!

it's PC because it follows the current lefty logic of "Trump Bad", but done in poor taste. She isn't being castigated for her hatred of Trump, but how she expressed it.

PC is about ideas mostly, not execution. ThoughtCrime.

That's retarded.

Not at all. PC implies a certain outcome of thought or viewpoints that align to whatever is the "correct" way of thinking.

Since it was born in the campus setting, and campuses have been notoriously lefty for decades, left leaning viewpoints are considered "PC", while anything else isn't.

You don't see libertarians being called PC, nor social conservatives.

You don't?

You clearly don't know what PC means. After all the time you spend talking about it, I thought you knew what it was.
The latest example is comedian Kathy Griffin holding the mock severed head of the President of the United States

I've never seen a presidential candidate be so disrespectful of, well, everybody. So I'm just not that surprised by such gruesome humor. But in reality I still think the fake head looked better than Kathy.

You reap what you sow. Orange Clown.
There has never been such a silver spoon rich clown in that office before.

Forbes tried but did not make it.

Neither did Perot.
Is there only one “right” way to think? That’s what a lot of educators and politicians would have us believe. Political correctness is going to destroy this nation if we don’t address it quickly. Entertainers are being used to influence public opinion in some of the worst imaginable ways. The latest example is comedian Kathy Griffin holding the mock severed head of the President of the United States. Consider what would happen if a comedian were to display model showing a mock lynching of Barack Obama. The national outrage would sweep the country like the eruption of a super volcano. There is no “right” way to think. There is only freedom to think based on personal experience.

I agree. The right would have us think there is one way to think about Kathy Griffin's stunt. We should be outraged, they say.

The right would also have us think that there is only one way to protest. We shouldn't support kneeling during the national anthem, or blocking streets, or shouting.

Political correctness exists on both sides, it would seem. By the way, I've heard tons of outrage from the left about Kathy Griffin's photo. So much so that she felt compelled to apologize. Her career was going to suffer, and she's not popular among the right in the first place.
The latest example is comedian Kathy Griffin holding the mock severed head of the President of the United States

I've never seen a presidential candidate be so disrespectful of, well, everybody. So I'm just not that surprised by such gruesome humor. But in reality I still think the fake head looked better than Kathy.

You reap what you sow. Orange Clown.
There has never been such a silver spoon rich clown in that office before.

Forbes tried but did not make it.

Neither did Perot.

They say he is playing checkers while all the other heads of state are playing Chess. I disagree completely. The Groppenfurher is playing Tic Tac Toe........
What Kathy did was politically incorrect. And all these righties are upset about it . Kind of hypocritical huh?

And what do you mean "if" people did this wh obama. Try a google image search sometimes .

No, it was actually very politically correct by current standards, i.e. "Bash teh Trump".

The issue was the implied violence of having to decapitate, in a rather bloody fashion, the sitting President's head.

No one is saying she should not have the view that the President sucks, or that even she would wish he was dead, the issue was the presentation.

PC would say you should be punished for having the thought or expressing it. This isn't about the thought, just the manner it was presented.

The regressives make the rules on PC, they decide what is and what is not offensive or racist or misogynist or homophobic or whatever.

Which, you have to admit, makes it pretty easy.


And what does that mean? The rights have no standards?
People need to understand political correctness exists for a reason and it's a necessity in this country.

Don't be fooled, every "funny" you get on this post is an implied "STFU".


Limiting vocabulary is the epitome of retardedness.

A lot of people's vocab is limited anways, then here comes somebody wanting to limit it further! :cuckoo:

So why is PC trying to dumb people down? Maybe so they don't get wise and revolt against PC bullshit?

Free speech coincides with free thought. keep that in mind, lest thy thoughts be chained up.

I used to talk to people in the manner Xelor does. He has a good vocabulary.

The thing is: 80% of everybody else does not.

Communicating an idea effectively trumps using good words, in my book.
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To some extent I see "political correctness" as a "cover-your-ass" sort of thing that encourages one to think and express thoughts clearly based on reason without using emotion as a crutch. For example Trump states his travel bans are lawful being that they're not based on religion. The courts struck down the bans partially based on Trump's non-politically correct rhetoric on Muslims that he expressed during his campaign.

Then there is "political correctness" in the form of holding an opinion that goes against society's prevalent norm. I don't see this either as a limitation to thought. In this situation it is more a question of how strong is one's belief and what consequences is one willing to accept for expressing those beliefs? If one offends enough people one should expect a counter-voice to be heard.
See a counter effort would be for someone to carve out a red haired vagina and dangle it around but we are Way Too mature and civilized to do it
She is a repugnant bimbo
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