Political Naiveness, epidemic in the New Right?

Wry Catcher

Diamond Member
Aug 3, 2009
San Francisco Bay Area
Considering all the comments in posts made by those who claim the title of Conservative, it occurs to me that politically naive best describes the bulk of comments, opinions, hate for liberals and fear of ides which conflict with the dogma they have been inundated by and thus echo.

The posts by those self defined conservatives seem to be dominated by lies, half-truths, rumors, innuendos, character assassinations, sarcasm and personal attacks of those who offers differing ideas which challenges the dogma of 21st Century Conservative; it seems most of which they learned, they got from sources which disdain the MSM as biased and dishonest.

Which leaves the question, from who, what and where do they gather their information?
There are no conservatives, especially here, and that is actually a damn shame.

As for their "sources", a lot of people make a lot of money telling people who can't think for themselves, AKA dittoheads, that everyone else, especially the Liberals, are the stupid assholes so be proud of not thinking (that's for jerks), and please, buy my latest ________ saying just that...
Considering all the comments in posts made by those who claim the title of Conservative, it occurs to me that politically naive best describes the bulk of comments, opinions, hate for liberals and fear of ides which conflict with the dogma they have been inundated by and thus echo.

The posts by those self defined conservatives seem to be dominated by lies, half-truths, rumors, innuendos, character assassinations, sarcasm and personal attacks of those who offers differing ideas which challenges the dogma of 21st Century Conservative; it seems most of which they learned, they got from sources which disdain the MSM as biased and dishonest.

Which leaves the question, from who, what and where do they gather their information?


I love it when regressives have a projection fit.

Ya can't get more entertaining than that.
Considering all the comments in posts made by those who claim the title of Conservative, it occurs to me that politically naive best describes the bulk of comments, opinions, hate for liberals and fear of ides which conflict with the dogma they have been inundated by and thus echo.

The posts by those self defined conservatives seem to be dominated by lies, half-truths, rumors, innuendos, character assassinations, sarcasm and personal attacks of those who offers differing ideas which challenges the dogma of 21st Century Conservative; it seems most of which they learned, they got from sources which disdain the MSM as biased and dishonest.

Which leaves the question, from who, what and where do they gather their information?


I love it when regressives have a projection fit.

Ya can't get more entertaining than that.
Case in point, and right on time, pun intended.
Political Naiveness, epidemic in the New Right?

nah, just dishonest morons.
Why conservatives prefer propaganda to reality

"Enter right-wing media, which has a nifty trick of convincing audiences it’s the other guys who are the liars, all while actually being much less trustworthy in reality. From conservative screaming about the “media elite” to Fox News’s old slogan “Fair and Balanced,” conservative media is rife with the message that everyone is out to get you, conservative viewer, and only in the warm blanket of right-wing propaganda will you be safe."
I've thought there is an element of the party, particularly the Tea Party element, that is just simply new at this stuff and making a lot of newby mistakes.

Look, the genesis of the movement was probably Rick Santelli's rant on CNBC in 2009. That's only six years, compared to the experience of the Left and the Right, which goes way back.

A lot of these people, looking at Tea Party rallies, may never have really been politically active. So they're kind of stuck in this echo chamber/group think thing as they feel their way through this process.

Sarah Palin, with all her simplistic platitudes, was the first icon. And now she endorses the second icon, Trump, appropriately. They do have their similarities.
Sarah Palin, with all her simplistic platitudes, was the first icon. And now she endorses the second icon, Trump, appropriately. They do have their similarities.
To say that they are lacking in taste and good judgment, would be an understatement. As for your analysis, perfectly valid.

The funny thing is, even people like Cereal Killer (who should know better) thinks there a "revolution" going on, with no clue as to how those die with a whimper here, time and again. In a rigged game the powers that be are not about to let go of the reins no matter how many dogs like Trump run alongside the horses of the status quo barking their little heads off. The Palins and Trumps might want big changes, but no one who matters does, that's bad for business and business is already not so great...
Considering all the comments in posts made by those who claim the title of Conservative, it occurs to me that politically naive best describes the bulk of comments, opinions, hate for liberals and fear of ides which conflict with the dogma they have been inundated by and thus echo.

The posts by those self defined conservatives seem to be dominated by lies, half-truths, rumors, innuendos, character assassinations, sarcasm and personal attacks of those who offers differing ideas which challenges the dogma of 21st Century Conservative; it seems most of which they learned, they got from sources which disdain the MSM as biased and dishonest.

Which leaves the question, from who, what and where do they gather their information?
Much of what manifests on the right can be described as naïve, sophomoric, simplistic – indeed, childish.

Many of the problems and issues facing the Nation are complex and involved, requiring solutions predicated on facts and objective, documented evidence, realized through rational, critical thinking – something often anathema to conservative doctrine and dogma.

Conservative dogma is, for the most part, the product of poor reasoning, logical fallacies, and a blind adherence to beliefs and subjective perception devoid of fact or merit.

Consequently, conservatives disdain facts and evidence that conflict with rightist dogma, they ridicule and deride thoughtful discourse, critical thinking, logic and reason, and efforts to follow facts and evidence to their logical, reasonable conclusion.

This explains the contempt most on the right have for rational, logical analysis – it's not uncommon to hear conservatives make references to 'liberal elite' 'eggheads' 'ivory tower' 'Eastern establishment' – along with the right's unwarranted attack on colleges and universities as 'hotbeds of liberal activism.'

This is typical of conservatives who are, for the most part, fearful reactionaries, wishing to return to an idealized American past that never actually existed; an idealized fantasy where all an American needed to know was his job and the bible – ignorant, fearful, and contemptuous of other places, peoples, and points of view.
Considering all the comments in posts made by those who claim the title of Conservative, it occurs to me that politically naive best describes the bulk of comments, opinions, hate for liberals and fear of ides which conflict with the dogma they have been inundated by and thus echo.

The posts by those self defined conservatives seem to be dominated by lies, half-truths, rumors, innuendos, character assassinations, sarcasm and personal attacks of those who offers differing ideas which challenges the dogma of 21st Century Conservative; it seems most of which they learned, they got from sources which disdain the MSM as biased and dishonest.

Which leaves the question, from who, what and where do they gather their information?

Pretty vague nonsense.

You want to be a little more specific?
Considering all the comments in posts made by those who claim the title of Conservative, it occurs to me that politically naive best describes the bulk of comments, opinions, hate for liberals and fear of ides which conflict with the dogma they have been inundated by and thus echo.

The posts by those self defined conservatives seem to be dominated by lies, half-truths, rumors, innuendos, character assassinations, sarcasm and personal attacks of those who offers differing ideas which challenges the dogma of 21st Century Conservative; it seems most of which they learned, they got from sources which disdain the MSM as biased and dishonest.

Which leaves the question, from who, what and where do they gather their information?
Much of what manifests on the right can be described as naïve, sophomoric, simplistic – indeed, childish.

Many of the problems and issues facing the Nation are complex and involved, requiring solutions predicated on facts and objective, documented evidence, realized through rational, critical thinking – something often anathema to conservative doctrine and dogma.

Conservative dogma is, for the most part, the product of poor reasoning, logical fallacies, and a blind adherence to beliefs and subjective perception devoid of fact or merit.

Consequently, conservatives disdain facts and evidence that conflict with rightist dogma, they ridicule and deride thoughtful discourse, critical thinking, logic and reason, and efforts to follow facts and evidence to their logical, reasonable conclusion.

This explains the contempt most on the right have for rational, logical analysis – it's not uncommon to hear conservatives make references to 'liberal elite' 'eggheads' 'ivory tower' 'Eastern establishment' – along with the right's unwarranted attack on colleges and universities as 'hotbeds of liberal activism.'

This is typical of conservatives who are, for the most part, fearful reactionaries, wishing to return to an idealized American past that never actually existed; an idealized fantasy where all an American needed to know was his job and the bible – ignorant, fearful, and contemptuous of other places, peoples, and points of view.

Much of what manifests on the right can be described as naïve, sophomoric, simplistic – indeed, childish.

Hope & Change!!! Durr.
Its all in the genes.

Conservatives are less intelligent than left wingers, says controversial study - and right wing politics lead people to be racist

Right-wingers are less intelligent than left wingers, says study

  • Children with low intelligence grow up to be prejudiced
  • Right-wing views make the less intelligent feel 'safe'
  • Analysis of more than 15,000 people
Small-minded people, literally.
Its all in the genes.

Conservatives are less intelligent than left wingers, says controversial study - and right wing politics lead people to be racist

Right-wingers are less intelligent than left wingers, says study

  • Children with low intelligence grow up to be prejudiced
  • Right-wing views make the less intelligent feel 'safe'
  • Analysis of more than 15,000 people

How much less intelligent?
Roughly 10 IQ points:

YOu are comparing states, that often go one way in an election by very small percentages and trying to make a partisan point with differences of just a few points.

And you libs have the nerve to attack our intelligence?

Its all in the genes.

Conservatives are less intelligent than left wingers, says controversial study - and right wing politics lead people to be racist

Right-wingers are less intelligent than left wingers, says study

  • Children with low intelligence grow up to be prejudiced
  • Right-wing views make the less intelligent feel 'safe'
  • Analysis of more than 15,000 people

How much less intelligent?
It isnt something I could quantify for you, but anecdotally I suspect that the gap is wider than the ocean. Certainly people I grew up with and went to the dark side were generally needing extra help in class.
Last edited:
Its all in the genes.

Conservatives are less intelligent than left wingers, says controversial study - and right wing politics lead people to be racist

Right-wingers are less intelligent than left wingers, says study

  • Children with low intelligence grow up to be prejudiced
  • Right-wing views make the less intelligent feel 'safe'
  • Analysis of more than 15,000 people

How much less intelligent?
Roughly 10 IQ points:

YOu are comparing states, that often go one way in an election by very small percentages and trying to make a partisan point with differences of just a few points.

And you libs have the nerve to attack our intelligence?

Forget the colors, read the numbers. Smarter people are liberals, and usually better educated, which goes hand in glove. This isn't news, or partisan in the way I'm approaching it.
Its all in the genes.

Conservatives are less intelligent than left wingers, says controversial study - and right wing politics lead people to be racist

Right-wingers are less intelligent than left wingers, says study

  • Children with low intelligence grow up to be prejudiced
  • Right-wing views make the less intelligent feel 'safe'
  • Analysis of more than 15,000 people

How much less intelligent?
It isnt something I could quantify for you but anecdotally I suspect that the gap is wider than the ocean. Certainly people I grew up with and went to the dark side were generally needing extra help in class.

It doesn't strike you as odd that the article didn't contain that information?

I mean, for all we know it could be trivial.

Any report on a study that claims to find a difference in intelligence and doesn't report on what the measured difference was is either being purposefully misleading, or is written by a moron.

And ironically, that none of you libs though to question that, reflects very strongly and negatively on YOUR INTELLIGENCE.

The link is complete crap.

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