Political ventriloquism works.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
We all know how ventriloquism works; an entertainer uses a wooden dummy that appears to be a real person to convince an audience that it is real. If the ventriloquism is top notch many in the crowd become giddily mesmerized and persuaded that the fantasy is genuine. Most know that fabricated talking puppets are not actual people but some are so enthralled with the performance of the handler that they begin to believe the dummy is indeed real.

In 2008 a tailor-made facsimile of political correctness was found and large swaths of the American people fell for the show to the extent that Barack Obama was elected to the presidency in 2009. Obama was neatly crafted to be an ideologically and culturally perfect representation of a genius minority that ascended to academic excellence.

Some of the handlers (Harry Reid, Joe Biden) heaped praise on the counterfeit figure saying that it spoke with “no Negro dialect” like others that were the same color and it was the first of its hue to be bright “articulate and “clean”. The true believers ignored the backhanded remarks suggesting that others of that shade were not clean and so only a politically and academically manufactured wooden creation could be president.

Evidence that the imitation artifact was phony could be found everywhere as there was no verifiable history that the colorful talking manikin was even born in the United States. The handlers quickly produced a Cracker-Jacks-box birth certificate that satisfied believers and those that asked questions were immediately branded as “deniers”.

Healthcare in the US was promptly destroyed as the object of ventriloquism cheerfully yacked a lie to the people that they could keep their doctors and health providers. In eight years many in America became like Easter Islanders chopping down all the trees of wisdom and common sense building false idols to worship.

When confronted with a real person in the president’s chair the idol worshipers went right off the rails demanding investigations and probes into the outcome that exposed their foolishness. Now the dummy is silent because he has no ventriloquist to put words in his mouth.

His destructive legacy lives on though as average intelligence levels in the US drops via invited illegal immigration. The US isn’t even in the top 20 of first world industrialized countries regarding average intelligence.

Ventriloquism has more important purposes than entertainment; it can bring down a thriving civilization.

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