Politicians: Diversity is what makes us great!


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
Do our politicians really mean that when they say it...OR, is there another political motive? We hear all the politicians leading the nations shitholes always making said proclamation..don’t we?
What statistics would indicate that we are better because of “diversity”? Is Los Angeles better / great? Is San Francisco better / great?
Let’s not be myopic here, let’s talk with the overall impact in mind.
It seems to me that anytime “diversification” is deployed the only beneficiaries are those creating the diversity.
My views on diversity may be biased, as I am a product of a foreign culture and upbringing. I say biased because having first hand experience has given me some undeniable insight into the common struggles undergone by any and all indigenous and migrating people. The struggles I am referring to include both the difficulty that brought about the initial drive for change as well as the after effects of the adaptation process. In my case the drive towards change came about as the sum of experiences that my family underwent while living in the former Soviet Union. It was precisely this sum of experiences that inspired, and encouraged my family to risk everything for a chance at a better life.

The opportunities created by the influx of diverse cultures are the various specialties and skills that people from other parts of the world bring to our society. America has been benefiting from its diverse make up since its inception. The greatest benefit of a diverse population is the enlightenment that can be derived from it by the populace as a whole. The benefits of vast diversity are no longer specific to one nation as it may have predominately existed in past history. Contemporary times have allowed us to see the effects of diversity on a global scale. It is no longer unusual to see nations once characterized by only a few major ethnic, racial and religious groups, evolving into a plethora of such groups or a microcosm of the world in its entirety. Much of these fairly recent changes can be attributed to technological advancements that have contributed to enhancements in educational opportunities and radical systematic overhauls throughout the world.

The greatest challenges brought on by greater diversity lay in how we adapt to such change. In many cases the additions of new populations have brought out the worst in people as well. It is just as much a part of human nature to embrace and include, as it is to expel and isolate. Adaptation (or lack there of) to diversity is nothing new. We can see countless examples of such shifts throughout history. Time and time again we see how important of a role economic stability plays in a nation’s ability to deal with increasing diversity. Diversity can very easily become viewed as a threat to society if it is accompanied by a lull in economic expansion. A diverse society can either use its differences to unite into a stronger whole or to fragment into a division of many, a nation of none.

No reason for diversity in the USA in my opinion . It simply leads to having to deal with foreign ways and foreign thinking . [see 'ilham omar' and 'talib' and their Imported 'somali' electors ] . And then laws , rules and regulations change to accommodate diversity. Many foreigners for example want to modify American Gun Rights and Freedom of Speech in the USA . I see that as a poor trade just to have a 'somali' killer/murderer ' on the Minnesota police force .
My views on diversity may be biased, as I am a product of a foreign culture and upbringing. I say biased because having first hand experience has given me some undeniable insight into the common struggles undergone by any and all indigenous and migrating people. The struggles I am referring to include both the difficulty that brought about the initial drive for change as well as the after effects of the adaptation process. In my case the drive towards change came about as the sum of experiences that my family underwent while living in the former Soviet Union. It was precisely this sum of experiences that inspired, and encouraged my family to risk everything for a chance at a better life.

The opportunities created by the influx of diverse cultures are the various specialties and skills that people from other parts of the world bring to our society. America has been benefiting from its diverse make up since its inception. The greatest benefit of a diverse population is the enlightenment that can be derived from it by the populace as a whole. The benefits of vast diversity are no longer specific to one nation as it may have predominately existed in past history. Contemporary times have allowed us to see the effects of diversity on a global scale. It is no longer unusual to see nations once characterized by only a few major ethnic, racial and religious groups, evolving into a plethora of such groups or a microcosm of the world in its entirety. Much of these fairly recent changes can be attributed to technological advancements that have contributed to enhancements in educational opportunities and radical systematic overhauls throughout the world.

The greatest challenges brought on by greater diversity lay in how we adapt to such change. In many cases the additions of new populations have brought out the worst in people as well. It is just as much a part of human nature to embrace and include, as it is to expel and isolate. Adaptation (or lack there of) to diversity is nothing new. We can see countless examples of such shifts throughout history. Time and time again we see how important of a role economic stability plays in a nation’s ability to deal with increasing diversity. Diversity can very easily become viewed as a threat to society if it is accompanied by a lull in economic expansion. A diverse society can either use its differences to unite into a stronger whole or to fragment into a division of many, a nation of none.


So you think all white men rule as long as they wear different ties?? Looks like a bunch of egomaniacs to me.
Do our politicians really mean that when they say it...OR, is there another political motive? We hear all the politicians leading the nations shitholes always making said proclamation..don’t we?
What statistics would indicate that we are better because of “diversity”? Is Los Angeles better / great? Is San Francisco better / great?
Let’s not be myopic here, let’s talk with the overall impact in mind.
It seems to me that anytime “diversification” is deployed the only beneficiaries are those creating the diversity.
------------------------------------- checkout down town 'los angeles' . i think they have typhoid or typhus , tb , measles , mumps and the down town is mexican and 'otm' zhithole' . Course the food is claimed to be great but i still prefer 'Cliftons Cafeteria' as it is at least clean , 15 years ago . Same comments for 'van nuys' kalifornia and other locations through out 'kalifornia' until you get to northern kalifornia where it is pretty nice and civilized .
Do our politicians really mean that when they say it...OR, is there another political motive? We hear all the politicians leading the nations shitholes always making said proclamation..don’t we?
What statistics would indicate that we are better because of “diversity”? Is Los Angeles better / great? Is San Francisco better / great?
Let’s not be myopic here, let’s talk with the overall impact in mind.
It seems to me that anytime “diversification” is deployed the only beneficiaries are those creating the diversity.

I am believer in bad cultures, not inherently bad races. Of bad cultures America is currently afflicted with many. Diversity, however, as it pertains to many races living together productively all under the banner of American culture is definitely a great American strength. So long as some meaningful degree of assimilation occurs on the behalf of newly introduced ethnic groups, seems to me there's nothing much to worry about and much benefit to be harvested for our nation as a whole. However, when a radically different culture is dropped point blank among a generationally established and accepted American culture, that's another story indeed and often bad things will result, particularly if said new, hostile culture refuses to assimilate. Additionally, bad domestic cultures exist as well, such as inner city gangsta and narco-terror ones, but in their cases it is more a matter of their refusal to assimilate to the culture of American justice and law. If we could solve the issue of bad cultures seems to me no one would be mentioning race at all in diversification conversations.
Do our politicians really mean that when they say it...OR, is there another political motive? We hear all the politicians leading the nations shitholes always making said proclamation..don’t we?
What statistics would indicate that we are better because of “diversity”? Is Los Angeles better / great? Is San Francisco better / great?
Let’s not be myopic here, let’s talk with the overall impact in mind.
It seems to me that anytime “diversification” is deployed the only beneficiaries are those creating the diversity.

Diversity seems to be just the ticket for creating shit holes, increasing crime, bringing about widespread drug abuse and homelessness while wrecking economies. So what's the problem?
However, when a radically different culture is dropped point blank among a generationally established and accepted American culture, that's another story indeed

That is true, but mainly of our fear and not our curiosity. Also we expect them to assimilate overnight.
Do our politicians really mean that when they say it...OR, is there another political motive? We hear all the politicians leading the nations shitholes always making said proclamation..don’t we?
What statistics would indicate that we are better because of “diversity”? Is Los Angeles better / great? Is San Francisco better / great?
Let’s not be myopic here, let’s talk with the overall impact in mind.
It seems to me that anytime “diversification” is deployed the only beneficiaries are those creating the diversity.

Diversity seems to be just the ticket for creating shit holes, increasing crime, bringing about widespread drug abuse and homelessness while wrecking economies. So what's the problem?

They don't call us Prozac nation for naught.
Do our politicians really mean that when they say it...OR, is there another political motive? We hear all the politicians leading the nations shitholes always making said proclamation..don’t we?
What statistics would indicate that we are better because of “diversity”? Is Los Angeles better / great? Is San Francisco better / great?
Let’s not be myopic here, let’s talk with the overall impact in mind.
It seems to me that anytime “diversification” is deployed the only beneficiaries are those creating the diversity.
I would damn sure not like everyone being an exact replica of everyone else that would be boring.
Diversity is great so long as we are all capitalists. It doesn’t work if we are invaded by Islamic radicals or Socialists or both.
Do our politicians really mean that when they say it...OR, is there another political motive? We hear all the politicians leading the nations shitholes always making said proclamation..don’t we?
What statistics would indicate that we are better because of “diversity”? Is Los Angeles better / great? Is San Francisco better / great?
Let’s not be myopic here, let’s talk with the overall impact in mind.
It seems to me that anytime “diversification” is deployed the only beneficiaries are those creating the diversity.
I would damn sure not like everyone being an exact replica of everyone else that would be boring.

Are you implying that all people of one culture are identical?
Are you that retarded?
Do our politicians really mean that when they say it...OR, is there another political motive? We hear all the politicians leading the nations shitholes always making said proclamation..don’t we?
What statistics would indicate that we are better because of “diversity”? Is Los Angeles better / great? Is San Francisco better / great?
Let’s not be myopic here, let’s talk with the overall impact in mind.
It seems to me that anytime “diversification” is deployed the only beneficiaries are those creating the diversity.
I would damn sure not like everyone being an exact replica of everyone else that would be boring.

Are you implying that all people of one culture are identical?
Are you that retarded?
That is what you want...I prefer a little color in my life.The French culture is not the same as the German's, who's culture shall we force everyone to adhere to in this so called free nation?
Diversity is great so long as we are all capitalists. It doesn’t work if we are invaded by Islamic radicals or Socialists or both.

I’m still confused by that...tell me how I benefit when my neighbor moves in and cultural barriers stand between us?

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