Politico Bombshell: Florida GOP Congressman & FOX News Regular Gruesome Matt Gaetz rents office space from longtime friend & donor at taxpayer expense



The world is coming to an end.

Guess you missed the recent outbreak at the Smithfield plant in SD. They just had their numbers double in cases because of the outbreak at the plant. SD may have been a low case state, but that has drastically changed.

SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (KTIV) -- The Smithfield Foods pork processing plant in Sioux Falls continues to be a hot spot -- and accounts for more than half of the state's 1,168 COVID-19 cases.

As of April 15, 644 people who work at the plant, or are connected to workers, have been infected. Data compiled by the New York Times indicates the plant has now become the number one hotspot in the country.

The company has shut down the plant indefinitely. A quick-response team from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is in Sioux Falls and will tour the plant on April 17.
Again, what rules were broken?

There's nothing in the rules which precludes him from leasing office space from a friend. I'll allow for the possibility that I missed that but, if I did, you'd have to show it to me...

It was part of the original article I linked to you. A relevant paragraph:

The guidelines state that leases for district offices must be "at fair market value as the result of a bona fide, arms-length, marketplace transaction. The Lessor and Lessee certify that the parties are not relatives nor have had, or continue to have, a professional or legal relationship (except as a landlord and tenant)."

These are taxpayer dollars. There’s going to be a lot of rules about how they’re spent. Especially when it comes to spending them with your buddies.

And, yet, there's absolutely nothing written in the rules which expressly prohibits dealing with friends. The fact that the negotiation was carried out by a representative of Gaetz, I believe, satisfies the "arm's length" requirement...
What is amusing to me is that somehow, dumbfuck liberals think that conservatives swear we never break the law.

That’s not true. The difference is we generally want them investigated and liberal assholes don’t want their people investigated.

If Gaetz broke the law, he should be punished.

I don’t believe you.

Conservatives stick by Trump as he obstructs one investigation after another.

I don’t fucking give a squirt of piss if you believe me or not.

Go hide under your bed for 5 years you fucking pussy.
Proof is in the pudding kiddo. Conservatives stand by the obstructionist in chief. They don’t want investigations. Not into their dead leader.

There was an investigation and what was the outcome? He wasn’t a Russian spy and you knew it from the beginning.
I must have missed the part where he testified.

Tax returns?

Memory lapses?
I got an idea, you bring in Eric Holder have him testify against the brown turd Oblummer for "Fast and Furious" where 10,000 Mexicans died(you know those people you want to live here) and 1 border again died, because Oblummer sure did use his executive privilege to block any congressional testimony for his "War Crimes against Humanity". I will then think about being against President Trump who never was convicted of anything...
What is amusing to me is that somehow, dumbfuck liberals think that conservatives swear we never break the law.

That’s not true. The difference is we generally want them investigated and liberal assholes don’t want their people investigated.

If Gaetz broke the law, he should be punished.

I don’t believe you.

Conservatives stick by Trump as he obstructs one investigation after another.

I don’t fucking give a squirt of piss if you believe me or not.

Go hide under your bed for 5 years you fucking pussy.
Proof is in the pudding kiddo. Conservatives stand by the obstructionist in chief. They don’t want investigations. Not into their dead leader.

There was an investigation and what was the outcome? He wasn’t a Russian spy and you knew it from the beginning.
I must have missed the part where he testified.

Tax returns?

Memory lapses?
I got an idea, you bring in Eric Holder have him testify against the brown turd Oblummer for "Fast and Furious" where 10,000 Mexicans died(you know those people you want to live here) and 1 border again died, because Oblummer sure did use his executive privilege to block any congressional testimony for his "War Crimes against Humanity". I will then think about being against President Trump who never was convicted of anything...

He knows he is a hypocrite.

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