Politico: John Bolton to announce his 2016 plans TODAY

Bolton's got more foreign policy creds than the entire Obama admin and Hillary put together.
Nobody takes anything John Bolton says seriously when it comes to foreign policy.

Sure they do.... and why wouldn't they?
Because he's a raging neo-con. Nobody trusts the neo-cons when it comes to foreign policy.

As opposed to what? Hillary Clinton? What the fuck has she ever done, aside from being married to Bill, the defrocked lawyer and serial sex offender?

John Bolton? That is funny

I don't even think the clown car wants him

Libtards scared of him -- check.

Lets see...

Republicans that liberals are "scared" of

Palin, Cruz, Allen West, Carson,Backmann, Santorum.....now Bolton?

Mocking does not usually mean scared...it usually means the person has said something that is mockable
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John Bolton? That is funny

I don't even think the clown car wants him

Libtards scared of him -- check.

Lets see...

Republicans that liberals are "scared" of

Palin, Cruz, Alen West, Carson,Backmann, Santorum.....now Bolton?

Mocking does not usually mean scared...it usually means the person has said something that is mockable

Ok, do tell...

Just did
Thank heavens.

Hey, pubs, think Kasich.

Jon Stewart would have ended Bolton's candidacy in one night.

I saw Obama end Trump's candidacy at a formal banquet.

At best, Trump was never more than a joke

As compared to this?

Dem Field:

  1. St Hillary the Inevitable
  2. The Person who will actually get the Nominartion
Thank heavens.

Hey, pubs, think Kasich.

Jon Stewart would have ended Bolton's candidacy in one night.

I saw Obama end Trump's candidacy at a formal banquet.

At best, Trump was never more than a joke

As compared to this?

View attachment 41259

If photoshop is the best you have against Hillary....Republicans are doomed

If Hillary is the best you have... you're doomed. Seriously, it's 2015 and you're trotting out some 70 year old woman who's only experience is containing her husband's sexual affairs? She was a failure as SoS, she's as crooked as they come and a complete fraud.

Give me a break...

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