Politics, MAGA and Evangelicals

Me either. We are normal adults who aren't terrified of words and scary catch phrase boogeymen.

Democrats are physiological adults with the minds of children. That pretty much explains the innocence and naïveté they exhibit on nearly every issue. ”Free” this and “free” that, nobody, including our enemies, would ever do things to hurt us, etc, etc, etc. A ”free” pizza Friday program would win that electorate. Maybe restaurants could start a ”kids and Democrats eat free, with every adult purchase” program.

But, back to the point. Do you also believe that taxes are meant to be a form of wealth redistribution?
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Trump's an AMAZING guy! First person in history where no one in his administration would listen to him,
Because a lot of what he suggested was a terrible idea and/or illegal
no one in congress would do what he wanted,
Because a lot of what he wanted was a terrible idea and/or illegal
everyone in DC spied on his every move,
never happened.
snitched on him,
When he broke the law, his would be accomplices decided they couldn't trust him.
ratted him out
Yeah...instead of going along with the ideas that were bad and/or illegal
and wiretapped him,
never happened.
yet despite all that, he somehow
still managed to
be a
Its easy to be a thug. That is why the prisons are full of thugs. Is this really news to you? You said you were an "expert witness"...do you really not know anything about the judicial system?
Quick, I want whatever the OP is smoking. :smoke:
Sounds like you've already smoked a ton of whatever you imagine the OP is smoking....
Democrats are physiological adults with the minds of children. That pretty much explains the innocene and naiveve they exhibit on nearly every issue. ”Free” this and “free” that, nobody, including our enemies, would ever do things to hurt us, etc, etc, etc. A ”free” pizza Friday program would win that electorate. Maybe restaurants could start a ”kids and Democrats eat free, with every adult purchase” program.

But, back to the point. Do you also believe that taxes are meant to be a form of wealth redistribution?
As opposed to the right wing loons who think some bearded guy on a cloud decides their fate.
joe how did voting third party help trump?...

If you just took commie Jill Stein's votes and added them to Hillary's, she'd have not only won MI, WI, and PA, but maybe FL and AZ as well.

Instead we had a lot of pompous people who voted for Commie Jill and Dope-Smoking Gary because "Well, Hillary has this in the bag, but I don't like her because she's an assertive woman! So I'll vote third party to show I'm special. It's not like the country is going to vote for Trump or anything."

And four years later, we had 1 million Covid deaths, riots in the streets, and 15% unemployment. But don't worry, that can't happen again.
If you just took commie Jill Stein's votes and added them to Hillary's, she'd have not only won MI, WI, and PA, but maybe FL and AZ as well.

Instead we had a lot of pompous people who voted for Commie Jill and Dope-Smoking Gary because "Well, Hillary has this in the bag, but I don't like her because she's an assertive woman! So I'll vote third party to show I'm special. It's not like the country is going to vote for Trump or anything."

And four years later, we had 1 million Covid deaths, riots in the streets, and 15% unemployment. But don't worry, that can't happen again.
put better candidates up joe....when you are at the bottom rung of the ladder looking for people to run....you get people like hillary,trump,biden and harris.....
put better candidates up joe....when you are at the bottom rung of the ladder looking for people to run....you get people like hillary,trump,biden and harris.....
Oh, do shut up.

Hillary was a perfectly fine candidate, other than the misogynists who have been screaming about her since 1992 were upset she dared to have an opinion and a vagina.
Oh, do shut up.

Hillary was a perfectly fine candidate, other than the misogynists who have been screaming about her since 1992 were upset she dared to have an opinion and a vagina.
sorry joe to many people did not like her....remember what you said about trump making people not like him?....same thing here....
If you're one of the many (like me) who thinks that much of America's Christian population has sold its soul to a con man, here's a really interesting interview -- and one really fascinating point.

Tim Alberta is a devout Christian who has been so troubled by this that he has written a book on the topic. The interview is almost 36 minutes, but there is one moment where I think he makes a very interesting (and even fair, kind of) point. This doesn't absolve the obvious dishonesty and rank hypocrisy that we see, but at least it explains it in a way:

At 11:46: "For a lot of these people who are panicked, who are just stricken with fear about the culture changing so quickly and the country turning on Christianity, and that their faith is in the crosshairs and one day they're going to be persecuted for their faith in this country -- a lot of folks believe that -- they think the barbarians are at the gates, and so they need a barbarian to defend them. To protect them.

"And so, they look at Trump, and the behavior and the rhetoric, and in some sense, because he is not bound by biblical teachings, not bound by biblical virtues, he is free to fight for them in ways that no good Christian ever would".

Holy crap, that's interesting. MAGA followers by and large and not very good at articulating their reasoning, and he does a very good job here. Again, it doesn't explain away many of the behaviors, but at least there is some reasoning here to grab on to.

Sounds more like a fake Christian.

Who are we supposed to vote for? Pro-abortion and pro-war Dems? Or just the pro-war Repubs?


“I believe that had Vice President Pence obeyed the orders from [Trump] … that declaration of Donald Trump as the next president would have plunged America into what I believe would have been tantamount to a revolution within a constitutional crisis in America, which in my view … would have been the first constitutional crisis since the founding of the Republic,” Luttig testified to Congress Thursday, later saying he “would have laid my body across the road” sooner than let Pence overturn the results. Judge Luttig.

It was an insurrection. The insurrectionists said so.​

hadit Jan’22 Siwait00254: They never intended to "win", as in the feverish rantings of some who insisted they were trying to take over the government. hvdvt 220113 Siwait00254

Trump Has Been Arrested For Creating Illegal Electors In Seven States​

NotfooledbyW Sep’23 Vthbaf00499: Therefore Pence could recognize the existence of a slate of electors from Michigan & Wisconsin naming him as the winner of the VP office by their voters when he knew that the voters chose Harris in Michigan & Wisconsin. nfbw 230905 Vthbaf00499

NotfooledbyW Sep’23 Vthnaf00499: Was Pence wrong to not take these two envelopes from Senator Ron Johnson?
nfbw 230905 Vthbaf00499

Politics, MAGA and Evangelicals​

In response to Saint hadit POST Siwait00254 those two envelopes that Senator Ron Johnson trued to hand to Mike Pence on the Morning of 06Jan2021 were not the actual certified results or anything official from Michigan and Wisconsin,

Trump through his campaign lawyers created those documents with the absolute irrefutable intent to win the 2020 election and they got to within a few feet of Mike Pence on the decisive day.

Why would Trump’s lawyers go out of the way of legitimate election law procedures to such great extent if not to create a “win” for their client. It is not plausible that the J6 Eastman plan never intended stop the transfer of power to Biden/Harris. It only failed from being seriously tested because Pence refused to accept those two envelopes and five others.

nfbw 240129 Vpmaez00536 to Siwait00254
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No, Debt is caused by not making the rich pay their fair share.

From 1787 to 1980, the National Debt was less than one trillion, despite fighting two World Wars, building an inter-state highway system, having a space program and all the social programs you whine about.

Then some idiot decided that the right were paying too much, the poor dears, and the National Debt tripled in 8 years under Reagan. It went up by another 1.5 Trillion under Bush, another 4 Trillion under Clinton, another 8 Trillion under Bush Jr, and so on until we are 33 Trillion today.
That's an interesting timeline to use. Big government as we know it didn't really start until the late 1800s. So, from 1787 to about 1890, there were 2 major wars that did cost a lot for their time, but they didn't involve permanent tax increases. Both the Mexican-American War and the Civil War did involve taxes to fund them, but they went away shortly thereafter. The federal government overall had very little administrative overhead up until Progressives started to dramatically grow government. That's the real reason why debt started becoming a problem.

World War I was extremely costly and was wholly unnecessary for our involvement. World War II was even more expensive, but the New Deal was more costly in the long run. Wars have a beginning and end. Bureaucracy doesn't tend to ever end. Once you create an agency, ending it is nearly impossible. Now that public sector unions exist, this is even harder to do.

I'm not a Reagan fan, but his problem wasn't tax cuts. It was big government. Had we not engaged in the arms race and trimmed down various parts of government, that debt wouldn't have been amassed.

Reagan's successors made similar mistakes, but again, that's because of spending. No amount of taxation of the rich is going to pay for the kinds of debts we have now, even if you could tax them 100%. And frankly, you'll be lucky to get anymore than about 20%, because the rich essentially write tax policy and can easily offshore money. Just ask the Brits how high taxation worked out for them in the 70s.
No, Debt is caused by not making the rich pay their fair share.

That's an interesting timeline to use.

MAGA wants to go back to the fifties through the Kennedy assassination before Archie Bunker’s “the coloreds” and “females” got all uppity.

That should include the upper tax brackets going back to the range of 90% which was a way of saying to the wealthy you pay for the defense of the nation that benefits you most while the rest of us fight in the trenches and work the foundries, the mines, the factories, the hospitals, the utilities, the construction of infrastructure etc etc etc.

So let’s go back to the fifties tax brackets until the war on terror and war against Putin to help Ukrainians defend their homeland are all over.
MAGA wants to go back to the fifties through the Kennedy assassination before Archie Bunker’s “the coloreds” and “females” got all uppity.

That should include the upper tax brackets going back to the range of 90% which was a way of saying to the wealthy you pay for the defense of the nation that benefits you most while the rest of us fight in the trenches and work the foundries, the mines, the factories, the hospitals, the utilities, the construction of infrastructure etc etc etc.

So let’s go back to the fifties tax brackets until the war on terror and war against Putin to help Ukrainians defend their homeland are all over.
It is true that personal tax brackets at the top were very high in the 50s. Corporate taxation was high too. However, it's also worth noting that this was a time when offshoring wasn't so easy. Most of the world was recovering from WW2. The US had a head start in economic growth, because we were one of the few wealthy countries not wartorn. We also had a massive supply of young people and were in the midst of discovering a lot of resources (oil and gas in particular). Conditions were perfect for having high taxation with little fear of tax evasion.

Today is completely different. If we went back to those taxes today, all you'd see is a mass exodus of wealth. America isn't the only shop in town anymore. We have to be competitive with a global market, which means balancing taxation with our advantages.
If we went back to those taxes today, all you'd see is a mass exodus of wealth.
Yes, unless the middle class and lower vote out Republicans who write tax laws that allow such anti/American anti-union oligarchs to benefit their financial empires.

We can’t do that until white Christian nationalists, the evangelicals, quit applying their irrational supernatural metaphysical ‘truths’ to our secular system of government in the voting booth. If they ever start voting middle class self-interest instead of faith based belief in Reagan’s trickle down economics we will resolve 90 percent of our problems.
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