Politics, MAGA and Evangelicals

Unless the middle class and lower vote out Republicans who write tax laws that allow such anti/American anti-union oligarchs to benefit their financial empires.

We can’t do that until white Christian nationalists, the evangelicals, quit applying their irrational supernatural metaphysical ‘truths’ to our secular system of government in the voting booth. If they ever start voting middle class self-interest instead of faith based belief in Reagan’s trickle down economics we will resolve 90 percent of our problems.
I can see you take issue with Christianity, but it would seem that you have a religion of your own regarding economics.

We're not taxing our way out of the massive debt we have. Plenty of nations have made the mistake of trying to tax their way out of debt, and it ends very poorly every time. And as far as who writes tax laws goes, it's typically bipartisan.
I can see you take issue with Christianity
I have no issue with Christians at all. My mom was a Christian. Joe Biden is a Christian and great American. I am a rational theist as were our first four presidents, Thomas Paine and Benjamin Franklin. Economics is science - it needs rational humans to get it right. We don’t have that now. We have the wealthiest writing tax laws entirely because white Christian nationalistic Republicans vote faith-based culture wars instead of self-economic interest.
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If you're one of the many (like me) who thinks that much of America's Christian population has sold its soul to a con man

Is this is an illogical statement you made?
For example, I thought Evangelicals put God first --not America, not Trump, not Biden.

And according to Evangelicals, the holy bible dictates their way of living. According to them, the Holy Bible frowns upon homosexuality and abortions. Biden loves the idea of homosexuality and he fights hard for abortions to occur. Trump does not support homosexuality nor abortions.

Who was the con?? And how did Evangelicals support him conning them??

If anything, according to Evangelicals line of thinking... if a man is knowingly trying to get your vote while he promotes some tenet that you are against --then he is the con man. Which means, Biden is the con man once he tries to get an Evangelical to vote for him. True?
Which means, Biden is the con man once he tries to get an Evangelical to vote for him. True?
Biden is trying to get law abiding citizens to vote for him. Their religion has nothing to do with it. Biden is a Catholic.

Four out of 10 Republicans are pro-choice. Biden is a pro-choice Christian as every American Christian should be when they live in the United States of America, the bastion of religious freedom in the world.
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If you're one of the many (like me) who thinks that much of America's Christian population has sold its soul to a con man, here's a really interesting interview -- and one really fascinating point.

Tim Alberta is a devout Christian who has been so troubled by this that he has written a book on the topic. The interview is almost 36 minutes, but there is one moment where I think he makes a very interesting (and even fair, kind of) point. This doesn't absolve the obvious dishonesty and rank hypocrisy that we see, but at least it explains it in a way:

At 11:46: "For a lot of these people who are panicked, who are just stricken with fear about the culture changing so quickly and the country turning on Christianity, and that their faith is in the crosshairs and one day they're going to be persecuted for their faith in this country -- a lot of folks believe that -- they think the barbarians are at the gates, and so they need a barbarian to defend them. To protect them.

"And so, they look at Trump, and the behavior and the rhetoric, and in some sense, because he is not bound by biblical teachings, not bound by biblical virtues, he is free to fight for them in ways that no good Christian ever would".

Holy crap, that's interesting. MAGA followers by and large and not very good at articulating their reasoning, and he does a very good job here. Again, it doesn't explain away many of the behaviors, but at least there is some reasoning here to grab on to.

Better think again. I am agnostic. I used to be a Democrat. I voted for Trump. You need to rethink that post of yours. Like: Liberal men pretending to be women competing in women's sports...Then, there's the Liberal fighting RACISM by allowing racially exclusive hiring standards (DIE)...Seems like a litany of hypocritical contradictions WOKE liberal democrat cultist are willing to accept. But you object to that behavior ONLY when your political opponents do it. But not your own cult of weirdos. Explain.
I have no issue with Christians at all. My mom was a Christian. Joe Biden is a Christian and great American. I am a rational theist as were our first four presidents, Thomas Paine and Benjamin Franklin. Economics is science - it needs rational humans to get it right. We don’t have that now. We have the wealthiest writing tax laws entirely because white Christian nationalistic Republicans vote faith-based culture wars instead of self-economic interest.
Rational humans understand that wealth envy is not rational and is the basis for most of the "tax the rich" rhetoric. It is not in our economic self-interest to tax the rich more anymore than it is in our interest to tax more in general.

What we should be doing is cutting spending -- dramatically. That is the only way out of our debt mess.

As for culture wars, when the social left has captured the media, academia, and now the government, then yes, conservatives will respond accordingly.
Biden is trying to get law abiding citizens to vote for him. Their religion has nothing to do with it. Biden is a Catholic.
I disagree, and I disagree because its an inaccurate statement.
Biden never said he is trying to get law-abiding citizens to vote for him.
Both him and Trump are trying to get registered voters to vote for them, and Biden knows plus you also know --not every reg'd voter is a law-abiding citizen. It is not a requirement for voting.

I'll repose my question, as though this is not an issue of you simply being too spooked to answer it; if Biden supports abortions and homosexuality while trying to get the vote of people who are against both --how does that not make him equivalent to a con man?

Can you list what you call a candidate, who is OPENLY against tenets that you openly support, while he is trying to get you to vote for him?

Biden is a pro-choice Christian as every American Christian should be when they live in the United States of America, the bastion of religious freedom in the world.

I disagree that every American Christian should be that what you said. In fact, it is irrational illogical and satanic to be a Christian who support abortions.

Evangelicals believe that the killing of humans temporarily living in a woman's womb, is not a religious freedom... and Evangelicals use The Holy Bible scripture [Jeremiah 1:5] to support that premise.
That's an interesting timeline to use. Big government as we know it didn't really start until the late 1800s. So, from 1787 to about 1890, there were 2 major wars that did cost a lot for their time, but they didn't involve permanent tax increases. Both the Mexican-American War and the Civil War did involve taxes to fund them, but they went away shortly thereafter. The federal government overall had very little administrative overhead up until Progressives started to dramatically grow government. That's the real reason why debt started becoming a problem.

Actually, it was kind of different in that back in those days, the government was funded by tariffs, excises, and taxes on things like alcohol. The income tax seemed like a more equitable way to raise revenues because it was.

World War I was extremely costly and was wholly unnecessary for our involvement. World War II was even more expensive, but the New Deal was more costly in the long run. Wars have a beginning and end. Bureaucracy doesn't tend to ever end. Once you create an agency, ending it is nearly impossible. Now that public sector unions exist, this is even harder to do.

I would disagree on WWI. The German Empire were sinking American ships in the hope of starving out the allies before they starved themselves. Navigation of the Seas is a principle of international relations.

Here's the thing about the New Deal. In the long run, it made the country richer, because it redistributed wealth. Before the new deal, 70% of the population lived below the poverty line. By the end of the 1960's it fell to 22% and today it's at 9.8%. Why, because in addition to the poverty relief programs in the New Deal, there was also the empowerment of unions and a middle class.

I'm not a Reagan fan, but his problem wasn't tax cuts. It was big government. Had we not engaged in the arms race and trimmed down various parts of government, that debt wouldn't have been amassed.

Would it have, though? Defense spending under Reagan never got over 5% of GDP. It wasn't a spending problem, it was a taxation problem. The Laffer Curve was a laugh, Trickle Down didn't, and supply side really was "voodoo economics". The trick the right has pulled is that it's convinced average working people that the rich ARE better than them somehow and deserve to have an inordinate amount of the wealth in this country.

Reagan's successors made similar mistakes, but again, that's because of spending. No amount of taxation of the rich is going to pay for the kinds of debts we have now, even if you could tax them 100%. And frankly, you'll be lucky to get anymore than about 20%, because the rich essentially write tax policy and can easily offshore money. Just ask the Brits how high taxation worked out for them in the 70s.

It worked out fine, until Milk-Snatcher Thatcher decided those poor kids didn't deserve anything. Then you had a series of Tory governments rolling back the progress that was made. the UK isn't really a good comparison, because until the 1950's, their entire economy was based on looting their empire of riches.
Actually, it was kind of different in that back in those days, the government was funded by tariffs, excises, and taxes on things like alcohol. The income tax seemed like a more equitable way to raise revenues because it was.

I would disagree on WWI. The German Empire were sinking American ships in the hope of starving out the allies before they starved themselves. Navigation of the Seas is a principle of international relations.

Here's the thing about the New Deal. In the long run, it made the country richer, because it redistributed wealth. Before the new deal, 70% of the population lived below the poverty line. By the end of the 1960's it fell to 22% and today it's at 9.8%. Why, because in addition to the poverty relief programs in the New Deal, there was also the empowerment of unions and a middle class.

Would it have, though? Defense spending under Reagan never got over 5% of GDP. It wasn't a spending problem, it was a taxation problem. The Laffer Curve was a laugh, Trickle Down didn't, and supply side really was "voodoo economics". The trick the right has pulled is that it's convinced average working people that the rich ARE better than them somehow and deserve to have an inordinate amount of the wealth in this country.

It worked out fine, until Milk-Snatcher Thatcher decided those poor kids didn't deserve anything. Then you had a series of Tory governments rolling back the progress that was made. the UK isn't really a good comparison, because until the 1950's, their entire economy was based on looting their empire of riches.
The income tax was initially promoted as a tax that only the top 1% would pay. It didn't take long for that to change, and part of the reason for that is because the growth in government made it impossible to fund everything from just taxing that small portion of the population.

So, while some may have argued it was more equitable than tariffs, the actual implementation for it in the beginning was not equitable in any way. It only became more equitable when the tax was spread among the total populace.

It is true that Germany had been attacking our ships, but we were supplying their enemies. If we had been supplying both sides, things might have turned out differently.

You assume that wealth redistribution advanced our standard of living while the evidence leans more towards things like advances in technology and the natural distribution of wealth that comes from productivity. As much as people try to credit unions, a lot of changes happened because Henry Ford voluntarily set certain labor standards that other companies felt pressure to mimic to attract employees and reap the benefits of more productivity.

Wealth envy really does seem to be the basis of your logic on taxes. Just because I choose not to support taxing somebody more because they have more doesn't mean I think they are better than me or you. Wealth results from many positive qualities, but I don't assume that wealth makes someone better than someone else. There are definitely people out there that have ill-gotten wealth through collusion with government, but that isn't the majority of the rich. It also depends on how you define rich.

Thatcher helped modernize the UK's economy, they would be far poorer today had it not been for her.
Better think again. I am agnostic. I used to be a Democrat. I voted for Trump. You need to rethink that post of yours. Like: Liberal men pretending to be women competing in women's sports...Then, there's the Liberal fighting RACISM by allowing racially exclusive hiring standards (DIE)...Seems like a litany of hypocritical contradictions WOKE liberal democrat cultist are willing to accept. But you object to that behavior ONLY when your political opponents do it. But not your own cult of weirdos. Explain.
Another one who doesn't know my politics.

American Christianity has sold its soul to a con man, and it's had plenty of help. Especially from the GQP. You appear to be fine with that. You don't see the potential downside. You have no problem with mixing religion and politics, despite the clear historical evidence that warns against it. Okay.
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You sound like a moron. You get that, right? In normal, educated company, you would not be lobbing zingers. You would be embarrassing yourself as being low IQ.

Great answer. I am around normal, educated company everyday. It is you that would be an outsider in my company of professional with advanced degrees. Word of note. We aren’t in academia, but rather in the real world making real decisions.

BTW, what I posted wasn’t meant to be a “zinger”. It is an insight based on the actions and policies of Democrats. It shouldn’t come as much of a surprise given that the majority of young adults and kids agree with you. Have these young adults and children suddenly become authorities or do you think it is plausible that many older adults are not maturing and wising up as they have throughout history?
The income tax was initially promoted as a tax that only the top 1% would pay. It didn't take long for that to change, and part of the reason for that is because the growth in government made it impossible to fund everything from just taxing that small portion of the population.

So, while some may have argued it was more equitable than tariffs, the actual implementation for it in the beginning was not equitable in any way. It only became more equitable when the tax was spread among the total populace.

Taxing the rich is totally equitable. We don't tax those fuckers enough. We did a fine job after WWII, when the top 1% were paying a 93% tax rate (unless they could prove they were doing something constructive with that money, of course), where we were able to fund wars and highways and rocketships and social programs. JFK cut the top rate to 70%, and it was REPUBLICANS who said that was economically reckless.

Then your boy Ronny Ray-gun cut the taxes because he drank the Voodoo Economics Koolaid. It didn't really help the economy that much (The recovery from the 1981 recession was slow) and he quickly reversed course with the 1986 tax reform, which got the Right Wing howling. Then Bush promised "No New Taxes", but had to raise them because all the deregulation of the banks caused the S&L Crisis. Then along came Clinton, who raised them on the rich, and lo and behold, we got balanced budgets and economic prosperity. Didn't take long for Republicans to fuck that up again.

It is true that Germany had been attacking our ships, but we were supplying their enemies. If we had been supplying both sides, things might have turned out differently.

You mean the brutal, racist dictatorship might have won? Gee, I hope not.

You assume that wealth redistribution advanced our standard of living while the evidence leans more towards things like advances in technology and the natural distribution of wealth that comes from productivity. As much as people try to credit unions, a lot of changes happened because Henry Ford voluntarily set certain labor standards that other companies felt pressure to mimic to attract employees and reap the benefits of more productivity.

Nope, sorry, it was wealth redistribution, period, because Unions made sure working people got a fair wage. Not surprisingly, as unions have declined, we've seen the middle class decline as well. But this is a thing...


Wealth envy really does seem to be the basis of your logic on taxes. Just because I choose not to support taxing somebody more because they have more doesn't mean I think they are better than me or you. Wealth results from many positive qualities, but I don't assume that wealth makes someone better than someone else. There are definitely people out there that have ill-gotten wealth through collusion with government, but that isn't the majority of the rich. It also depends on how you define rich.

Again, the above picture applies to you. You are definitely the guy with the suspenders.

Wealth inquality is the biggest threat to our civilization. Do you want a list of countries that had extreme wealth inequality. Let's go.

France 1787
Russia 1917
China 1949
Cuba 1959
Iran 1978

None of those placed turned out well for the rich.

Thatcher helped modernize the UK's economy, they would be far poorer today had it not been for her.

Thatcher was a word that I can't use here on USMB.
I have no issue with Christians at all. My mom was a Christian. Joe Biden is a Christian and great American. I am a rational theist as were our first four presidents, Thomas Paine and Benjamin Franklin. Economics is science - it needs rational humans to get it right. We don’t have that now. We have the wealthiest writing tax laws entirely because white Christian nationalistic Republicans vote faith-based culture wars instead of self-economic interest.
Well, this is where it gets weird.

I've come across several GQP'ers here who, when pressed, admit that they're not actually even Christians. And yet, their party is pushing the destruction of the wall between church and state, and the orange man they adore clearly only pretends to be Christian for his own political gain.

Do these people not know World History, regarding combining church and state? Do they not look at the Middle East TODAY and realize this ain't a great idea?

You can't ask them because they're so poor at articulating their positions. But I sure do wonder.
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Taylor Swift is driving voter registration, and conservatives are terrified​

NotfooledbyW Jan’24 Vtsidv00080: Anybody who sends Trump a five dollar bill or more after J6 is ignorant nfbw 240130 Vtsidv00080

hadit Jan’24 Stsidv00082: They probably are. I'll let you know if I ever run into one. hvdvt 240140 Stsidv00082

It was an insurrection. The insurrectionists said so. 220122​

hadit Jan’22 Siwait00254: They never intended to "win", as in the feverish rantings of some who insisted they were trying to take over the government. hvdvt 220113 Siwait00254

Politics, MAGA and Evangelicals 240130​

They were there because DJT called them to stop the steal. And in a speech and in tweets that morning they were told that if Mike Pence does the right thing they get to be happy with Biden going home and Trump staying in the White House. Trump wins.

So why did Saint hadit last year claim that Trump and the J6 mob and some high ranking Republican lawmakers did not intend to "win" by trying the fake electors scheme? A Trump win following J6 would be the denial of the transfer of power to the duly elected incoming executive branch of government based on fraud.

nfbw 240130 Vpmaez00560 to Siwait00254
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