Politics, MAGA and Evangelicals

Politics, MAGA and Evangelicals 240201​

As sore helpless losers inexorably do, Doc7505 Jan’24 jbpal inserted a LINK that was POSTED ON JANUARY 22, 2024 by Saint Dr John who obviously backs the 2020 loser so he has nothing better to do other than lie about the winner here https://floppingaces.net/author/drjohn/

Joe Biden’s Presidency: a legacy of weakness and failure 240122​

Doc7505 Jan’24 jbpal: This is a succinct coverage of Joe Biden's 3 year history proves Biden is a Clear and Present Danger to America dvcnnnn 240122 jpbsl00001

Politics, MAGA and Evangelicals 240201​

But the author is anonymous. We know nothing about him.

And the economy and stock market are proving otherwise. You know Saint Doc7505 it’s our economy the same economic boom that Trump says he wants to crash before November., Boy a crashed US economy before the election would rescue strongman Putin’s genocide campaign into Ukraine.

Joe Biden’s Presidency: a legacy of weakness and failure 240122​

Doc7505 Jan’24 jbpal: Voting Democrat puts the entire free world at risk dvcnnnn 240122 jpbsl00001

Politics, MAGA and Evangelicals 240201​

There is a reason Putin wants Trump back in the White House and Biden out of his way. Biden is strong on defending Europe and Ukraine. Trump is weak,

Joe Biden’s Presidency: a legacy of weakness and failure 240122​

Doc7505 Jan’24 jbpal: From the beginning Joe's election has been suspect. Now after three years it can be almost certain that the bundling of mail in votes and the abnormalities of the election may have been true all along. dvcnnnn 240122 jpbsl00001

Politics, MAGA and Evangelicals 240201​

When you take take your case to a court of law Saint Doc7509 and you open with ”the bundling of mail in votes and the abnormalities of the election may have been true” - be prepared have a GTFO verdict within a few seconds when the judge hears you say “may” have been true because your client thinks that it was,

Joe Biden’s Presidency: a legacy of weakness and failure 240122​

Doc7505 Jan’24 jbpal: We can blame those who stole the election for Biden.dvcnnnn 240122 jpbsl00001

Politics, MAGA and Evangelicals 240201​

If you want to blame someone you have to name someone and then do that due process thing you may have heard about. It’s in the Constitution. Truth Social and X are not courts of law.

Joe Biden’s Presidency: a legacy of weakness and failure 240122​

Doc7505 Jan’24 jbpal: The government controlled media is more guilty than in this dvcnnnn 240122 jpbsl00001

Politics, MAGA and Evangelicals 240201​

Taylor Swift is a wonderful product of the Tennessee Bible Belt doing Christian Americana and Jesus proud. And she drives all you Republican white Christian nationalists nuts. doesn’t she?

to Doc7505 Jan’24 jbpal

He's said a lot of things. He performs a several hour long radio talk show, fer crisakes.

Do you have anything in particular that he said that triggers your fragile damaged dysfunctional mind?

Alex Jones says that Hezbollah in Lebanon is controlled by the IRGC.

Do you agree with Alex? Why nor why not?

Could you have missed his point by any farther if you had tried? Doubtful.

So Alex found a newspaper from 40 years ago and had someone read it to him? Good job Alex, here is a gold star, go have your nap now.
Could you have missed his point by any farther if you had tried? Doubtful.

So Alex found a newspaper from 40 years ago and had someone read it to him? Good job Alex, here is a gold star, go have your nap now.
Why do you so viciously hate people who read?

Could you directly quote exactly what Alex Jones said that has you so fucking triggered at such a visceral level that it landed and your panties squashed into a bunch deeper up your ass than the Kola Superdeep Well, LWNJ screwball? :cuckoo:

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Yawn, another Stormy Mac thread about how we aren't sopping to the whining of white people enough.

Again, the reason why Trump won in 2016 is because too many self-important assholes like you voted third party.

Evangelicals voted at the same percentages for Trump they did for Romney, McCain and Bush.
Jimmy Carter is religious and a really nice guy but he was without doubt a terrible President. Being religious and also the most powerful man in the world may not be the most effective combination.
Your hateful ideology isn't going to make you happy. It's only going to make you MORE miserable.

Donald Trump can't fix your life. Sorry.
My "hateful ideology"? :rolleyes:

WTF kind of ideology are you even talking about, LWNJ Democratic party of slavery supporter? :cuckoo:

Explain what you think is so "hateful" about the
"ideology" that you are accusing me of adhering to.

WTF dude?
Look at the weak strawmen you have to invent, just to feel "not stupid".
You don't even comprehend what a strawman argument is, moron.

I challenge you to directly quote even a single strawman argument that I have ever presented in the over 30,000 posts I have posted here at USMB in the last decade.
You don't even comprehend what a strawman argument is, moron.

I challenge you to directly quote even a single strawman argument that I have ever presented in the over 30,000 posts I have posted here at USMB in the last decade.
I quoted in it my post. Pay attention!
:cuckoo: How did you come to that stupid conclusion, moron?

You are one dumb motherfucker. The average Negro has an 85 IQ, and your IQ is far below the IQ of the average Negro.

I dont think you know what a strawman is. Being dumb must be so frustrating.

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