Politics, MAGA and Evangelicals

Save it fool, for all your blabbering and ridiculous crap Trump is odds on favorite.
He is not in the cage with the bear yet. Next week he will find out six Catholics on the Supreme Court will not protect him from entering the cage, where he is no different than any other citizen, except most citizens are pretty much law abiding.

Jack Smith, and the federal government will be in the driver seat on the election interference DC trial after next week.

Your guy is under arrest, awaiting trial. He is not in the driver seat, unless he flees to another country where an American strongman-minded former US President Would be welcomed to their side.

Or, citizen Trump, could be in the driver seat by leading a rebellion of armed millions of MAGA to seize the entire Capitol and supreme court that betrays him, hoping the 40% of black Americans in the US military decide to back him and start shooting at their mamas to alleviate white grievance throughout the land.

But let’s face it Saint Sassyirishlass You don’t have a milligram of Ashley Babbitt’s Balls to engage in a violent rebellion for your dear billionaire leader. Do you. So that option is out.
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He is not in the cage with the bear yet. Next week he will find out six Catholics on the Supreme Court will not protect him from entering the cage, where he is no different than any other citizen, except most citizens are pretty much law abiding.

Jack Smith, and the federal government will be in the driver seat on the election interference DC trial after next week.

Your guy is under arrest, awaiting trial. He is not in the driver seat, unless he flees to another country where an American strongman-minded former US President Would be welcomed to their side.

Or, citizen Trump, could be in the driver seat by leading a rebellion of armed millions of MAGA to seize the entire Capitol and supreme court that betrays him, hoping the 40% of black Americans in the US military decide to back him and start shooting at their mamas to alleviate white grievance throughout the land.

But let’s face it Saint Sassyirishlass You don’t have a milligram of Ashley Babbitt’s Balls to engage in a violent rebellion for your dear billionaire leader. Do you. So that option is out.

Don't care
In the battle of good vs evil, how much more prominent is evil in this world? 230922 #00001

In the battle of good vs evil, how much more prominent is evil in this world? 230922 #00011

shockedcanadian appears to be endorsing the Cane Ridge Revival supernatural explanation for everything that overwhelmed the “rational theism” of the founding generation of leaders and the rebels who fought for them and individual liberty as an ideal.

Politics, MAGA and Evangelicals 240210 #648

Question for Ssint sparky: Do you agree with what Saint shockedcanadian says in POST Srvwgo10704 below?

Roe v. Wade getting overturned!! 230905 #10704
shockedcanadian Sep’23 Srvwgos: “Once a child is formed that child has rights.” shckdcndn 230905 Srvwgo10704

Politics, MAGA and Evangelicals 240210 #658
Nope , but for reasons i'll clarify for you

Big Bro has no right to monitor, dictate, or control our medical privacy

irrelevant to use of facts, reason in honest and meaningful political and civil discourse in my opinion

You accuse me of not debating Mac1958

“It sounds like you’re just trying to find a way to avoid a serious conversation with the man.”

Those are your words

So I ask if that is cowardly in your opinion and you babble unintelligible nonsense rather than giving me a simple yes or no
Don't care about your left loon word salad.
Win for me, but I do know your ignorance is Bliss. Where do you vote? In what state. I care about anti-American ignorant people voting in ignorance. So if you don’t vote you Dont matter. Or if you vote in some white Christian grievance enclave like Alabama the most damage you can do with your missing teeth is in the Senate, but we can deal with that one hillbilly state at a time.
Win for me, but I do know your ignorance is Bliss. Where do you vote? In what state. I care about anti-American ignorant people voting in ignorance. So if you don’t vote you Dont matter. Or if you vote in some white Christian grievance enclave like Alabama the most damage you can do with your missing teeth is in the Senate, but we can deal with that one hillbilly state at a time.
When are you going to answer my question?

Is it cowardly to refuse to debate the liberal mac?
Futurists are good at making predictions but usually not so good at living long enough to be around when they dont come true

I'm not a "futurist", I'm simply conveying what is obvious to those of us who are informed about technology and how it's advancing. You can pretend production automation and artificial intelligence aren't going to progress if it makes you feel better.
No Escape for Biden on the Cognitive Issue 240209
protectionist Feb’24 Snefbo: Biden as VP, did NOT have authority to have classsified documents in his home. prtctnst 340209 Snefbo00087

NotfooledbyW Feb’24 Vnefbo inserted a link: •¥• DocumentCloud excerpts: •¥¥•
… when he served as vice president and when the Afghanistan documents were found in Mr. Biden's Delaware garage in 2022, his possession of them in his Delaware home was not a basis for his prosecution because as vice president and president, he had authority to keep classified documents in his home.
end excerpts

Politics, MAGA and Evangelicals 240210
The Biden Docs Republican Special Council’s report states verbatim as follows:

“when he served as vice president and when the Afghanistan documents were found in Mr. Biden's Delaware garage in 2022, his possession of them in his Delaware home was not a basis for his prosecution because as vice president and president, he had authority to keep classified documents in his home.”

If you know better than Special Council Saint protectionist you need to reference your source as I have referenced the Document itself. I can’t imagine you have one. So my prediction is you will run. So prove me wrong or Stfu.

to Snefbo00087
I know what the special counsel said. I know exactly what he said. He's WRONG, and so are you.

Haven't you discovered yet the new law in America, 2024 style ? Regarding Biden, what is illegal, is legal.
Regarding Trump,what is legal, is illegal.

Not fooled by you, or your quotes.
The 388-page report said Biden had "willfully retained and disclosed classified materials" in the period after he left the vice presidency — well before he defeated Trump in 2020 to become president.

The Hur report does say that Biden knew he had possession of the classified Afghanistan documents after the vice presidency, and chose to keep those documents knowing he was violating the law. The Hur report, in fact, states that Biden discovered these classified documents back in 2017, when he was discussing the topic with his ghost writer.

So, when Biden and his people say a year ago they suddenly discovered classified documents in his garage and they rushed pell-mell to tell the Justice Department and the Archives and anyone else that would listen... This is just another Biden untruth. He's known for years and he had been pulling this trick for fifteen years, going back to his Senate days.
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