Politics, MAGA and Evangelicals

Yes, we all need skin in the game. Which party do you think has more people with no skin in the game? I’ll let you think on that one for a minute. It isn’t a difficult question for most rational people.
I have no idea what that question means, but since you're a Trumpster, I'm sure your answer completely favors the GQP.

I don't think you understood my point, but that's okay. I would have been shocked if you had.
I recall early in life, not sure when, reading a biography of Daniel Boone. My grandparents spoke of hereditary word of mouth that our family was related to Sarah Boone, the wife of the famed frontiersmen.

There was a passage in the book where someone asked Boone if he was a Christian and he replied something like what follies. What follows is purely from half a century of much used and abused memory but he said sonething sorta like this:

Shucks, don’t know. My mama told me I am a Christian so I’m guessin’ I are one.​

That is a fond assessment by me of Boone’s American Frontier Christianity which is Christianity uniquely compatible with Jefferson’s rational theology (see POST nfbw 240210 Vpmae00659} on a gut working person’s level to intellectual abilities of our First second third and fourth president. They brought the brains and frontiersmen and women brought the spirit and the Kentucky Long Rifle to the Amerucsn Revolution.

The contrast between Boone/Jefferson Christianity and Today’s Republican white Christian Nationalists “family” values, as espoused every day on Dr James Dobson’s AMERICAN FAMILY RADIO is stark.

Daniel Boone would leave his family for long periods of time, at times I seem to recall, and come back to Sarah when she was long enough pregnant that he was not daddy.. The babies were raised as if his own. Boone may have fathered a few young’uns in his experiences on the wild frontier away from home.

American civilization still came to be.
I dont want a managed economy where everyone has the same income by government mandate

That's a gobbledygook, irrelevant strawman. When did I ever suggest that the government would micromanage everyone's life and income, rendering everyone equal and bland like tasteless oatmeal? I never suggested that at all, that's just another one of your silly, disingenuous caricatures.

Having rich and poor is a normal human condition

So is disease, hunger, war, a life expectancy of 40 ..etc. You need to evolve and grow up. People like you are a public health hazard, undermining human progress and well-being. What morally and intellectually inept people like yourself fail to grasp is that we're all in this together and when there's illness or "inflammation" in one area of society, it ultimately negatively affects everyone, undermining your own health and security. Whenever we have the means to reduce or eliminate human suffering and scarcity, we should, if not must. Otherwise, everyone is at risk of loss and failure.

America is great because more people can improve themselves and live comfortably no matter what income level they start at provided they make wise personal decisions.

In an ideal world that would be the case, but that's not how the real world works, including our society. People flourish when they have access to resources, as opposed to being born in poverty and in an unstable home and community plagued with drugs and crime. When there is a robust social safety net for the working class and communities in general, everyone does well. Both the wealthy employer class and their employees. Everyone gets access to resources and opportunities for personal growth and success.

Competitive, modern market economies need robust government-developed and supported infrastructure and good regulations. The wealthy express otherwise in their propaganda that is consumed by the working class, but behind closed doors they cherish government infrastructure and support it, provided it serves their vested interests. The big-money capitalists love government regulations when they make the cost of entry into their industry much more expensive, increasing their market share and profits. What is needed is an effective regulatory framework that serves everyone's interests, not just the ruling class. One that contributes to the public good.
Arent you a proud communist?

If not you sure sound like one

Despite denials its clear that you do want a managed economy with predetermined results
Which States Allow the Permitless Carry of Guns? 221128
DBA Nov’22 Swsatp: The clear difference is that there is no provision in the Constitution giving a blanket right to abortion. You may WANT that to be the case, but it isn’t there. dbvxyz 221128 Swsatp00137

Politics, MAGA and Evangelicals 240210
There is no right to protection of life liberty and pursuit of happiness as a separate individual unborn person except through the rights of its birth mother in the Constitution of the United States of America.

You may WANT that to be the case, but it isn’t there

Women in the workforce deal exclusively physically emotionally and at times financially with the strains of giving birth.

So every time you vote Republican you vote to deny liberty to women who work and cause inexcusable hardships, specifically at the lower income and asset accumulation scale.

You shit on working women every time you mark your secret ballot for a Republican.

nfbw 240210 Vpmaez00664 to dbvxyz 221128 Swsatp00137
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They have fallen into some destructive binary thinking patterns that are only reinforced by the voices they trust. I see the Left do some of the same things, but not nearly to the degree the GQP has over the last decade or so.

To me, the goal should be in finding an optimal point on the spectrum between reasonable help and dynamic self reliance. Both sides of this make reasonable assertions, but unless the two can collaborate and share ideas, where we ALL have skin in the game to make it work, this ridiculous and counterproductive all-or-nothing tug of war will continue.

That goes for virtually ALL issues, by the way.
Its obvious that Mac1958 has a bias against republicans unless they are moderate business as usual swamp rats who are wiling to conspire with democrats
Arent you a proud communist?

If not you sure sound like one

Despite denials its clear that you do want a managed economy with predetermined results
Not now but eventually, in the future, when advanced automation and artificial intelligence get to a certain level of efficiency and precision, society will be forced by necessity to adopt a non-profit, centrally planned, democratic-run system of mass-production, but we're about 40 or 60 years from that. That's around the 2060s/70s, not in the next 20 years.

That's the nature of technology, it renders markets obsolete due to lack of wage labor. Even well-known billionaire capitalists admit that advanced technology is inevitably going to eliminate capitalism


Trump will be in a cage fight with an angry grisly bear known as rule of law this spring and summer. He will be broken, bruised bloodied and beaten to every point but death as voters watch the tortured death of the Republican Party that keeps betting against the bear.

SCOTUS will sharpen the grisly’s claws and teeth next week and tie The Donald’s tiny little hands behind his back.

Will Trump cop a plea; Flee the country; or fight the bear when the USSC sides with rule law and the American voters who rejected this grifter in 2020.
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Trump will be in a cage fight with an angry grisly bear known as rule of law this spring and summer. He will be broken, bruised bloodied and beaten to every point but death as voters watch the tortured death of the Republican that keeps betting against the bear.

SCOTUS will sharpen the grisly’s claws and teeth next week and tie The Donald’s tiny little hands behind his back.

Will Trump cop a plea; Flee the country; or fight the beAR the USSC sides with rule law and the American voters who rejected this grifter in 2020.

Gibberish and wishful thinking.

Trump is in the driver's seat
Not now but eventually, in the future, when advanced automation and artificial intelligence get to a certain level of efficiency and precision, society will be forced by necessity to adopt a non-profit, centrally planned, democratic-run system of mass-production, but we're about 40 or 60 years from that. That's around the 2060s/70s, not in the next 20 years.

That's the nature of technology, it renders markets obsolete due to lack of wage labor. Even well-known billionaire capitalists admit that advanced technology is inevitably going to eliminate capitalism

Futurists are good at making predictions but usually not so good at living long enough to be around when they dont come true
Its obvious that @Mac1958 has a bias against republicans
It is not obvious at all. Why not refute something based on facts or provide countervailing sensible logic and reasoning instead of this emotional generic goop or pigslop that you prefer to roll around in?
It is not obvious at all. Why not refute something based on facts or provide countervailing sensible logic and reasoning instead of this emotional generic goop or pigslop that you prefer to roll around in?
Mac1958 is a lib who is unwilling to admit his own bias
Trump is in the driver's seat
His downpayment on that Beverly Hillbillies Truck Ellie Mar is $50 million in legsl fees and $83 million in penalties for finger-raping a woman like he brags about he can do.

And the bear is just getting started.

Trump may be in the driver seat but Jeb’s ole truck is burnin’ oil, and the steering wheel ain’t bolted down.

You have cause to be optimistic though because all four tires are only flat on the bottom,
Trump is in the driver's seat


it’s called rule of law. Ask a lawyer who does not need what little money you have left what rule of law is.

And for Christ’s sake, Jesus just pay poor old Rudy the $2 million you owe him.

He was loyal to your madnes to the end.
His downpayment on that Beverly Hillbillies Truck Ellie Mar is $50 million in legsl fees and $83 million in penalties for finger-raping a woman like he brags about he can do.

And the bear is just getting started.

Trump may be in the driver seat but Jeb’s ole truck is burnin’ oil, and the steering wheel ain’t bolted down.

You have cause to be optimistic though because all four tires are only flat on the bottom,

Save it fool, for all your blabbering and ridiculous crap Trump is odds on favorite.

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