Politifact gives obama a "True" on his Isis is contained comment

If you took the words, "out of context," from the english language; the dem party would collapse.
Politifack the left wing hack. I think it's fair to say Rhodes didn't change anyone's mind.

What Barack Obama said about ISIS being contained

Aha. So politifact was the Holy Bible of factchecking when it gave Obama the Lie of the Year award,

but but but

now it's hackery?

lol, who didn't see this coming, sooner or later?

I pointed out to them after their endless Hillary lies campaign that on Poltifact Hillary has a better record than the leading every GOP candidate and huge margin over Trump and Carson.

Then it became hackery.

And we appreciated you pointing out how bad they usually are.
Hilarious. I knew right wingers were taking his comments out of context. I just never bothered to go see how. They do that for every one. You didn't build that. What difference does it make. When you are a bankrupt and mean spirited political party, what else can you do?

When they say let him die or feed the poor and they will breed that's not out of context. They mean it.
If you took the words, "out of context," from the english language; the dem party would collapse.
Politifack the left wing hack. I think it's fair to say Rhodes didn't change anyone's mind.

What Barack Obama said about ISIS being contained

Aha. So politifact was the Holy Bible of factchecking when it gave Obama the Lie of the Year award,

but but but

now it's hackery?

lol, who didn't see this coming, sooner or later?

Him winning "lie of the year" from politifact just show had incredibly outrageous was his lie.

that's the one they got right. .

See? The rightwing propaganda machine factchecking the factcheckers. That works as follows:

If they like it it must be right.

If they don't like it it must be wrong.

You people are depressingly ignorant.
"When Obama said "we have contained them," it’s within a plainly defined scope: ISIS’s territorial ambitions in Iraq and Syria. This context is bolstered by the fact that Stephanopoulos asks Obama about the ground efforts in those two countries."

I told you so yesterday.

Too bad Obama didn't have a banner saying "Mission Accomplished" hanging behind him when he said that.

He never said the mission was accomplished in fact he made the opposite quite clear.

You people need to turn off the radio and learn to read.

Ah crap, I meant a banner saying "Containment Accomplished."

BTW, what did Bush actually say about the mission being accomplished?

He said the battle of Baghdad was over.

It wasn't.
If you took the words, "out of context," from the english language; the dem party would collapse.
Politifack the left wing hack. I think it's fair to say Rhodes didn't change anyone's mind.

What Barack Obama said about ISIS being contained

Aha. So politifact was the Holy Bible of factchecking when it gave Obama the Lie of the Year award,

but but but

now it's hackery?

lol, who didn't see this coming, sooner or later?

I live in Tampa Bay.
I like most people in Tampa Bay agree with this title of the St. PetersburgTampa Bay Times..."West Pravda" because the St. PetersburgTampa Bay Times, is owned by the Poynter Institute which OWNS
Politifact. Poltifact.org is BIASED.
And here is an acknowledged anti-Poltifact web site that has shown this political bias really destroys the credibility of Poltifact.

How do you know PolitiFact is biased?
Through a variety of factors. Journalists tend to lean ideologically left. The St. PetersburgTampa Bay Times, which started PolitiFact in conjunction with the Congressional Quarterly, is a traditionally liberal paper. We note that PolitiFact's stories appear to damage Republicans far more often than Democrats despite the fact that PF tends to choose about as many stories dealing with Republicans as for Democrats. If the selection process was blind then either proportions should be approximately even or else the party with worse ratings should receive more ratings overall according to what PolitiFact lists as its selection criteria. Plus our independent research helps confirm the hypothesis.
PolitiFact Bias
"When Obama said "we have contained them," it’s within a plainly defined scope: ISIS’s territorial ambitions in Iraq and Syria. This context is bolstered by the fact that Stephanopoulos asks Obama about the ground efforts in those two countries."

I told you so yesterday.

Too bad Obama didn't have a banner saying "Mission Accomplished" hanging behind him when he said that.

He never said the mission was accomplished in fact he made the opposite quite clear.

You people need to turn off the radio and learn to read.

Ah crap, I meant a banner saying "Containment Accomplished."

BTW, what did Bush actually say about the mission being accomplished?

He said the battle of Baghdad was over.

It wasn't.

Facts not guesses where are your sources??? If the battle of Baghdad wasn't over, then how did the below happen?

The Battle of Baghdad, also known as the Fall of Baghdad, was a military invasion of Baghdad that took place in early April 2003, as part of the invasion of Iraq.

Three weeks into the invasion of Iraq, Coalition Forces Land Component Command elements, led by the U.S. Army 3rd Infantry Division moved into Baghdad. The United States declared victory on April 14, and President George W. Bush gave his Mission Accomplished Speech on May 1.

Baghdad suffered serious damage to its civilian infrastructure, economy, and cultural inheritance from the fighting, as well as looting and arson. During the invasion, the Al-Yarmouk Hospital in south Baghdad saw a steady rate of about 100 new patients an hour.[7]

Several thousand Iraqi soldiers were killed in the battle, and a very small number of coalition forces. After the fall of Baghdad, Coalition forces entered the city of Kirkuk on April 10 and Tikrit on April 15, 2003.
Battle of Baghdad (2003) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But when cheerleaders like you and these guys helped the barbarians/insurgents by telling the world the US mIlitary are the bad guys, that the insurgents are
the heros... YOU tell me why we shouldn't believe you and your fellow American haters were happy when the Paris attacks occurred as you would probably
cheer them!


Senator Obama said "troops are air-raiding villages and killing civilians," Isn't this what you are saying right now???
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid(D) "War is lost", (Wouldn't the insurgent barbarians find this statement helpful in recruiting?"Hey we have USA on the Run"!!!)
U.S. Rep. John Murtha(D) "Our troops killed innocent civilians in cold blood,” (A barbarian says "SEE even their politicians admit USA are cold blooded killers"!
Senator Kerry (D) "American soldiers going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children." Kerry calling our troops TERRORISTS!!!
"When Obama said "we have contained them," it’s within a plainly defined scope: ISIS’s territorial ambitions in Iraq and Syria. This context is bolstered by the fact that Stephanopoulos asks Obama about the ground efforts in those two countries."

I told you so yesterday.

Too bad Obama didn't have a banner saying "Mission Accomplished" hanging behind him when he said that.

He never said the mission was accomplished in fact he made the opposite quite clear.

You people need to turn off the radio and learn to read.

Ah crap, I meant a banner saying "Containment Accomplished."

BTW, what did Bush actually say about the mission being accomplished?

He said the battle of Baghdad was over.

It wasn't.

"When Obama said "we have contained them," it’s within a plainly defined scope: ISIS’s territorial ambitions in Iraq and Syria. This context is bolstered by the fact that Stephanopoulos asks Obama about the ground efforts in those two countries."

I told you so yesterday.

Too bad Obama didn't have a banner saying "Mission Accomplished" hanging behind him when he said that.

He never said the mission was accomplished in fact he made the opposite quite clear.

You people need to turn off the radio and learn to read.

Ah crap, I meant a banner saying "Containment Accomplished."

BTW, what did Bush actually say about the mission being accomplished?

He said the battle of Baghdad was over.

It wasn't.


Then you quote me what he did say, with a link.
RW's have been living in conspiracy world for so long nothing else matters to them.

Clinton will provide them with another 8 years of target practice.
If you took the words, "out of context," from the english language; the dem party would collapse.
Politifack the left wing hack. I think it's fair to say Rhodes didn't change anyone's mind.

What Barack Obama said about ISIS being contained

Aha. So politifact was the Holy Bible of factchecking when it gave Obama the Lie of the Year award,

but but but

now it's hackery?

lol, who didn't see this coming, sooner or later?

I live in Tampa Bay.
I like most people in Tampa Bay agree with this title of the St. PetersburgTampa Bay Times..."West Pravda" because the St. PetersburgTampa Bay Times, is owned by the Poynter Institute which OWNS
Politifact. Poltifact.org is BIASED.
And here is an acknowledged anti-Poltifact web site that has shown this political bias really destroys the credibility of Poltifact.

How do you know PolitiFact is biased?
Through a variety of factors. Journalists tend to lean ideologically left. The St. PetersburgTampa Bay Times, which started PolitiFact in conjunction with the Congressional Quarterly, is a traditionally liberal paper. We note that PolitiFact's stories appear to damage Republicans far more often than Democrats despite the fact that PF tends to choose about as many stories dealing with Republicans as for Democrats. If the selection process was blind then either proportions should be approximately even or else the party with worse ratings should receive more ratings overall according to what PolitiFact lists as its selection criteria. Plus our independent research helps confirm the hypothesis.
PolitiFact Bias
When they use to have those forums on the sptimes I used to be a bit of a hell raiser on there. I don't know how many times I was banned.
If you took the words, "out of context," from the english language; the dem party would collapse.
Politifack the left wing hack. I think it's fair to say Rhodes didn't change anyone's mind.

What Barack Obama said about ISIS being contained

Aha. So politifact was the Holy Bible of factchecking when it gave Obama the Lie of the Year award,

but but but

now it's hackery?

lol, who didn't see this coming, sooner or later?

Him winning "lie of the year" from politifact just show had incredibly outrageous was his lie.

that's the one they got right. .

See? The rightwing propaganda machine factchecking the factcheckers. That works as follows:

If they like it it must be right.

If they don't like it it must be wrong.

You people are depressingly ignorant.
"When Obama said "we have contained them," it’s within a plainly defined scope: ISIS’s territorial ambitions in Iraq and Syria. This context is bolstered by the fact that Stephanopoulos asks Obama about the ground efforts in those two countries."

I told you so yesterday.
ya, i heard that kind of rhetoric for 10 years, we called vietnam.
Politifact the same organization that first claimed "if you like your plan you can keep your plan" as true and a year latter called it the lie of the year
like they are in anyway credible
Even the liberal press corps called out Obama on his 'contained' FAIL, you have to be a real liberal ass sniffer to defend him on this.
"When Obama said "we have contained them," it’s within a plainly defined scope: ISIS’s territorial ambitions in Iraq and Syria. This context is bolstered by the fact that Stephanopoulos asks Obama about the ground efforts in those two countries."

I told you so yesterday.

Too bad Obama didn't have a banner saying "Mission Accomplished" hanging behind him when he said that.

He never said the mission was accomplished in fact he made the opposite quite clear.

You people need to turn off the radio and learn to read.

Ah crap, I meant a banner saying "Containment Accomplished."

BTW, what did Bush actually say about the mission being accomplished?

He said the battle of Baghdad was over.

It wasn't.

Facts not guesses where are your sources??? If the battle of Baghdad wasn't over, then how did the below happen?


So you admit you've never even read Bush's Mission Accomplished speech.
If you took the words, "out of context," from the english language; the dem party would collapse.
Politifack the left wing hack. I think it's fair to say Rhodes didn't change anyone's mind.

What Barack Obama said about ISIS being contained

Aha. So politifact was the Holy Bible of factchecking when it gave Obama the Lie of the Year award,

but but but

now it's hackery?

lol, who didn't see this coming, sooner or later?

Even a blind squirrel.............................................. Some lies are so blatant and provable even Politifact can't justify them.

Do you even know what containment means in the context the term was used?

Yes, but the context was pure BS. The JV team brought down an airliner and conducted a coordinated attack in Paris. Who give a shit if they didn't take over another village in Syria.
Too bad Obama didn't have a banner saying "Mission Accomplished" hanging behind him when he said that.

He never said the mission was accomplished in fact he made the opposite quite clear.

You people need to turn off the radio and learn to read.

Ah crap, I meant a banner saying "Containment Accomplished."

BTW, what did Bush actually say about the mission being accomplished?

He said the battle of Baghdad was over.

It wasn't.

Facts not guesses where are your sources??? If the battle of Baghdad wasn't over, then how did the below happen?


So you admit you've never even read Bush's Mission Accomplished speech.
Thinking Error:Hopover

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