Politifact Launches Trump Golf Tracker

Obama averaged about 41 rounds a year. However, he wasn't anywhere near how many rounds Woodrow Wilson played while in office, a figure estimated to be around 1,200, which is bonkers. President Dwight Eisenhower played an estimated 800 rounds while president.
So I provide facts while you attempt to counter with estimates? :lmao:

You poor little dimwit. Such a minion to the left-wing masters.
Obama averaged about 41 rounds a year.
Good God...there are only 52 weeks in a year. That means he was playing golf nearly once a week. And considering how often he vacationed - he was basically golfing every week he wasn't on vacation.
It's not politifact, it is politifarce. Calling things what they actually are provides one a lot more coherent and accurate picture of reality...

This is an absolutely hilarious showcasing of pure bias. They actually think that they are making a fool out of Donald, when they are only making complete idiots out of themselves. A golf tracker? Seriously?
Trump has mainly golfed with various world leaders and as one very successful businessman, he knows it is a great way to discuss any business.

That is not what most of obama's golf outings were about.
If it's not about Obama, why did you lie about Michelle, Sasha and Malia?
I didn't lie. I never lie. Now stop trying to avoid the issue about you being an Obama cultist while accusing others of that.

Remember when I posted all of the video, links, facts about Barack Obama voting against raising the debt ceiling under George W. Bush and then demanding that it be raised under him (when the national debt was exponentially higher) and you made outrageous excuse after excuse for it - calling his vote against raising the debt ceiling as Senator a "symbolic vote"? Which, ironically, means you accused him of violating his oath of office. I can find all of that for you if you want me to.

That's a prime example of an ignorant (you) Obama cultist (you) defending hypocrisy to their last breath. You'd be wise to stay out of this one given your repulsive hypocrisy and devotion to all things Barack Obama.

Yes, Puppy, you lied. In your thread"not about Obama", this was you lying:

"Most of Michelle, Sasha, and Malia's shopping was done in Europe and Hawaii"

lol: You really are the perfect little Trump Cultist. "Remember that time"...:lol:
There is no lying there, snowflake. Now why do you accuse others of being a "cultist" when you were the ultimate Obama cultist?!?

Yes, "Patriot", you lied. Blatantly and ridiculously. This, and I quote, is a lie...a dumb one.

"Most of Michelle, Sasha, and Malia's shopping was done in Europe and Hawaii"
Anyone find out who and under what circumstances ALL of the Trump's golf outings were about? Japanese prime minister was one of them.

I think most of the golf outings were meetings with world leaders.

Is Trump taking a salary yet? No? Huh.

Does anyone here do any real business and does anyone know how many deals are done and discussions are done on a golf course? I can tell you it is an awesome ice breaker. Especially with leaders from countries where there may be some tension.

If you think Trump does not know how to schmooze people, then you are ignorant blobs. Most of you are just that.
Anyone find out who and under what circumstances ALL of the Trump's golf outings were about? Japanese prime minister was one of them.

I think most of the golf outings were meetings with world leaders.

Is Trump taking a salary yet? No? Huh.

Does anyone here do any real business and does anyone know how many deals are done and discussions are done on a golf course? I can tell you it is an awesome ice breaker. Especially with leaders from countries where there may be some tension.

If you think Trump does not know how to schmooze people, then you are ignorant blobs. Most of you are just that.

Right...Obama was just screwing off (because you know how "those people" are)...but Trump, he's doing business.

Your hypocrisy is expected. It's Trump's hypocrisy that is off the charts.

Trump used to criticize Obama for golfing. Now the White House is defending his own frequent outings.
Anyone find out who and under what circumstances ALL of the Trump's golf outings were about? Japanese prime minister was one of them.

I think most of the golf outings were meetings with world leaders.

Is Trump taking a salary yet? No? Huh.

Does anyone here do any real business and does anyone know how many deals are done and discussions are done on a golf course? I can tell you it is an awesome ice breaker. Especially with leaders from countries where there may be some tension.

If you think Trump does not know how to schmooze people, then you are ignorant blobs. Most of you are just that.

Right...Obama was just screwing off (because you know how "those people" are)...but Trump, he's doing business.

Your hypocrisy is expected. It's Trump's hypocrisy that is off the charts.

Trump used to criticize Obama for golfing. Now the White House is defending his own frequent outings.
You going to show us the specifics about the circumstances in regards to the golf outings?

I never knew Obama was a multi billion dollar businessman. He is? Oh, he isn't? What deals had Obama done on the golf course?

Your ignorance is astounding. Hypocrisy? Tell all of us how the republicans are the party of the rich again as Obama and the rest of the global warmer liberals spent time on a $300 million dollar Geffen superyacht in France.


LOL at you.
Anyone find out who and under what circumstances ALL of the Trump's golf outings were about? Japanese prime minister was one of them.

I think most of the golf outings were meetings with world leaders.

Is Trump taking a salary yet? No? Huh.

Does anyone here do any real business and does anyone know how many deals are done and discussions are done on a golf course? I can tell you it is an awesome ice breaker. Especially with leaders from countries where there may be some tension.

If you think Trump does not know how to schmooze people, then you are ignorant blobs. Most of you are just that.

Right...Obama was just screwing off (because you know how "those people" are)...but Trump, he's doing business.

Your hypocrisy is expected. It's Trump's hypocrisy that is off the charts.

Trump used to criticize Obama for golfing. Now the White House is defending his own frequent outings.
You going to show us the specifics about the circumstances in regards to the golf outings?

I never knew Obama was a multi billion dollar businessman. He is? Oh, he isn't? What deals had Obama done on the golf course?

Your ignorance is astounding. Hypocrisy? Tell all of us how the republicans are the party of the rich again as Obama and the rest of the global warmer liberals spent time on a $300 million dollar Geffen superyacht in France.


LOL at you.

So only businessmen know the "right" way to golf? And there's no way the black guy could figure that sort of thing out, right?

You want to know who he golfed with? Lucky for you, a partisan hack like you, took care of that. (And, unlike Drumph, he didn't hide it.

The Obama Golf Counter - I will not rest until...

The GOP's image problem isn't my concern, but most people think the GOP favors the wealthy.


All the Goldman Sachs execs in Twitterlini's cabinet don't help.
If it's not about Obama, why did you lie about Michelle, Sasha and Malia?
I didn't lie. I never lie. Now stop trying to avoid the issue about you being an Obama cultist while accusing others of that.

Remember when I posted all of the video, links, facts about Barack Obama voting against raising the debt ceiling under George W. Bush and then demanding that it be raised under him (when the national debt was exponentially higher) and you made outrageous excuse after excuse for it - calling his vote against raising the debt ceiling as Senator a "symbolic vote"? Which, ironically, means you accused him of violating his oath of office. I can find all of that for you if you want me to.

That's a prime example of an ignorant (you) Obama cultist (you) defending hypocrisy to their last breath. You'd be wise to stay out of this one given your repulsive hypocrisy and devotion to all things Barack Obama.

Yes, Puppy, you lied. In your thread"not about Obama", this was you lying:

"Most of Michelle, Sasha, and Malia's shopping was done in Europe and Hawaii"

lol: You really are the perfect little Trump Cultist. "Remember that time"...:lol:
There is no lying there, snowflake. Now why do you accuse others of being a "cultist" when you were the ultimate Obama cultist?!?

Yes, "Patriot", you lied. Blatantly and ridiculously. This, and I quote, is a lie...a dumb one.

"Most of Michelle, Sasha, and Malia's shopping was done in Europe and Hawaii"
That is 100% true and you know it. Now...are you going to acknowledge your appalling hypocrisy in defending all things Barack Obama while accusing others of being "Trump cultists"? No wonder you don't want to talk about it - I'd be embarrassed too if I were you.
Right...Obama was just screwing off (because you know how "those people" are)...but Trump, he's doing business.

Your hypocrisy is expected. It's Trump's hypocrisy that is off the charts.
That's amazing coming from the ultimate hypocrite who defended Barack Obama for voting against raising the debt ceiling as a Senator and railing against it and then demanding that it be raised under him so he could spend like a drunk Paris Hilton.
Trump ran on a campaign promise that he would never play golf. He spent years blasting Obama for golfing, and is now on course to completely eclipse the number of times Obama golfed. A golf tracker for his fatass is hilarious. Thanks for telling me, I will probably be posting about it regularly.

Please show us all where President Trump said he would NEVER play golf.

Nor is it a vacation. He has owned Mar-a-Lago since the 1980's. It is his HOME which makes it the Southern Whitehouse. Which means he owns the golf course as well.

Your desperation is duly noted! You have nothing else since he is doing great things for America and you still have your panties in a twist because he trounced your terrible candidate. Grow up!
Right...Obama was just screwing off (because you know how "those people" are)...but Trump, he's doing business.

Your hypocrisy is expected. It's Trump's hypocrisy that is off the charts.
That's amazing coming from the ultimate hypocrite who defended Barack Obama for voting against raising the debt ceiling as a Senator and railing against it and then demanding that it be raised under him so he could spend like a drunk Paris Hilton.

Except you'll never find me not supporting raising the debt ceiling.

And yes, Obama displayed rank hypocrisy on his debt ceiling vote. There is a difference between when he voted "no" than when the GOP did it...do you know what it was?
Except you'll never find me not supporting raising the debt ceiling.
Except that you did when Obama did. You supported it and defended him.
And yes, Obama displayed rank hypocrisy on his debt ceiling vote. There is a difference between when he voted "no" than when the GOP did it...do you know what it was?
Yes...you gave me this bullshit idiotic line before. The "difference", according to you, is that Obama actually wanted the debt ceiling raised, knew that it would be, and so he cast a "symbolic vote" against it. Which is the most desperate, bat-shit crazy excuse I've ever heard.

For starters - even if that were true - that means Obama violated his oath of office. Votes are sacred and are supposed to represent his constituents. They are not something to be used "symbolically".

Anyone who genuinely wanted something done and voted against it just to make a statement is not fit to hold office. That's juvenile, idiotic, and a slap in the face to everyone who gave their life for liberty and a representative government.
Except you'll never find me not supporting raising the debt ceiling.
Perhaps nothing has ever illustrated your absurdity quite like that statement. If you'll (and I quote) "never" not support raising the debt ceiling - then why even have one?!? Just hand them a blank checkbook and tell them to "have at it". :eusa_doh:
Except you'll never find me not supporting raising the debt ceiling.
Except that you did when Obama did. You supported it and defended him.

Link to it, liar.
Post #354
Yes, he did cast such a vote, but no, he’s not a hypocrite, not even a small one. The reason is simple. Democrats made no threats when they cast their votes. They knew they were going to lose and had no real intention of winning.

It was March 16, 2006, when Obama cast the fateful vote. But the Democrats’ votes, Obama’s included, were purely symbolic. The Republicans controlled the Senate at the time, 55-45. The increase in the debt limit, the fourth in George W. Bush’s tenure, passed, 52-48, with three Republicans voting with all the Democrats.

But the Democrats knew they were going to lose. They were in the minority; duh. They did not choose to filibuster, which they could have done and which would have meant the Republicans needed 60 votes. If they’d done so, that would have been hardball, and in that case, Obama would have been a participant in a real threat against American creditworthiness. Even then it wouldn’t have been the same as what the GOP is doing now, unless those 45 Democrats had demanded, oh, that Bush rescind his tax cuts or his Medicare Part D bill or some other signal legislative achievement.

But the Democrats did no such thing. They cast symbolic votes to force Republicans to vote to increase the debt limit. So Obama’s 2006 vote means nothing and bears no resemblance to what’s going on today.
Except you'll never find me not supporting raising the debt ceiling.
Except that you did when Obama did. You supported it and defended him.

Link to it, liar.
Post #354
Yes, he did cast such a vote, but no, he’s not a hypocrite, not even a small one. The reason is simple. Democrats made no threats when they cast their votes. They knew they were going to lose and had no real intention of winning.

It was March 16, 2006, when Obama cast the fateful vote. But the Democrats’ votes, Obama’s included, were purely symbolic. The Republicans controlled the Senate at the time, 55-45. The increase in the debt limit, the fourth in George W. Bush’s tenure, passed, 52-48, with three Republicans voting with all the Democrats.

But the Democrats knew they were going to lose. They were in the minority; duh. They did not choose to filibuster, which they could have done and which would have meant the Republicans needed 60 votes. If they’d done so, that would have been hardball, and in that case, Obama would have been a participant in a real threat against American creditworthiness. Even then it wouldn’t have been the same as what the GOP is doing now, unless those 45 Democrats had demanded, oh, that Bush rescind his tax cuts or his Medicare Part D bill or some other signal legislative achievement.

But the Democrats did no such thing. They cast symbolic votes to force Republicans to vote to increase the debt limit. So Obama’s 2006 vote means nothing and bears no resemblance to what’s going on today.

It was someone else's article and it reiterates exactly what I said. There was a HUGE difference between what Senator Obama and Democrats did and what the GOP did. I did not defend not raising the debt ceiling so you're still a liar. We have to pay our bills.

Why are you still deflecting from your thread "not about Obama"? Because you lied about the female Obamas?

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