PolitiFact Sheet: 3 things to know about the 'gun show loophole'

Anyone found in possession of an unlicensed, unregistered weapon gets a mandatory 25 year sentence.

So much for "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED", right? How about we tell women that, in order to murder their baby, they register their intent with the federal government before the procedure can be done legally? If not, 25 year mandatory sentence.

Or, how about this: any illegal border jumper that has been caught and returned repeatedly, then murders an American Citizen, the family of the murdered can receive compensation from the "sanctuary city" that flaunted federal law for years.

Those ok with you, too?


Any other questions?

Here's the problem - your side isn't with you.

My side is rational thought and common sense.
Anyone found in possession of an unlicensed, unregistered weapon gets a mandatory 25 year sentence.

Why dont' they do something like that to felons now?

Have a record, have a firearm, mandatory 25 year sentence.

Needs to be stricter. ANYONE found in possession of a gun not registered to them.....25 years Minimum. If we want to get serious about sorting out responsible gun owners from those who aren't capable of handling that sort of power, we need to get real with the punishments.

Not going to happen in a free country,

Not without a civil war between gun owners, and those thinking like you.

Like I said earlier - we allow illegals to come in to this country REPEATEDLY and kill our citizens - then they waltz back across the border laughing at us. The left wants guns out of the hands of LAW-ABIDING citizens. A disarmed population is ripe for tyranny - which the left has been pining for since the 60s.

No, only you want that.

Really? Are you really being honest here? I call bullshit.
Anyone found in possession of an unlicensed, unregistered weapon gets a mandatory 25 year sentence.

Why dont' they do something like that to felons now?

Have a record, have a firearm, mandatory 25 year sentence.

Needs to be stricter. ANYONE found in possession of a gun not registered to them.....25 years Minimum. If we want to get serious about sorting out responsible gun owners from those who aren't capable of handling that sort of power, we need to get real with the punishments.

I don't believe in registration and I don't believe in "licensing". The second amendment says "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED". Now, if you want to impose mandatory sentencing for ANY crime committed with a firearm - I'm fine with that. But take this into consideration before you agree with me. You guys have the ACLU. It will never happen.

It also says "well regulated" but you forget to include that portion.

And your point is? "Well-regulated" meant :"disciplined" in the 1700s.

Congrats! You're the last remaining person alive from the 1700s who was there and can interpret what they meant.
Anyone found in possession of an unlicensed, unregistered weapon gets a mandatory 25 year sentence.

Why dont' they do something like that to felons now?

Have a record, have a firearm, mandatory 25 year sentence.

Needs to be stricter. ANYONE found in possession of a gun not registered to them.....25 years Minimum. If we want to get serious about sorting out responsible gun owners from those who aren't capable of handling that sort of power, we need to get real with the punishments.

I don't believe in registration and I don't believe in "licensing". The second amendment says "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED". Now, if you want to impose mandatory sentencing for ANY crime committed with a firearm - I'm fine with that. But take this into consideration before you agree with me. You guys have the ACLU. It will never happen.

It also says "well regulated" but you forget to include that portion.

Well regulated refers to the militia, not the people
Anyone found in possession of an unlicensed, unregistered weapon gets a mandatory 25 year sentence.

So much for "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED", right? How about we tell women that, in order to murder their baby, they register their intent with the federal government before the procedure can be done legally? If not, 25 year mandatory sentence.

Or, how about this: any illegal border jumper that has been caught and returned repeatedly, then murders an American Citizen, the family of the murdered can receive compensation from the "sanctuary city" that flaunted federal law for years.

Those ok with you, too?


Any other questions?

Here's the problem - your side isn't with you.

My side is rational thought and common sense.

So that's why YOUR side has passed laws that allow women to murder their babies - to the tune of 50 million since 1973. Yeah, all "peace and "love" aren't you....
What's so bad about background checks and gun "titles" so you can follow the ownership and wipe out straw purchases .
We already have background checks and straw purchases are illegal. Enforce the present laws. We don't need any new ones.
Anyone found in possession of an unlicensed, unregistered weapon gets a mandatory 25 year sentence.

Why dont' they do something like that to felons now?

Have a record, have a firearm, mandatory 25 year sentence.

Needs to be stricter. ANYONE found in possession of a gun not registered to them.....25 years Minimum. If we want to get serious about sorting out responsible gun owners from those who aren't capable of handling that sort of power, we need to get real with the punishments.

Not going to happen in a free country,

Not without a civil war between gun owners, and those thinking like you.

Spoken like someone who isn't a responsible gun owner.

Spoken like someone that has no clue about responsible gun owners

I know you're not one of them. What else ya got?
A Democrat was trying to push this through as a piece of legislation that would 'address the Orlando terrorist attack'....until a reporter pushed him on it and pointed out this had nothing to do with the Orlando attack and would have not prevented it.
Why dont' they do something like that to felons now?

Have a record, have a firearm, mandatory 25 year sentence.

Needs to be stricter. ANYONE found in possession of a gun not registered to them.....25 years Minimum. If we want to get serious about sorting out responsible gun owners from those who aren't capable of handling that sort of power, we need to get real with the punishments.

Not going to happen in a free country,

Not without a civil war between gun owners, and those thinking like you.

Spoken like someone who isn't a responsible gun owner.

Spoken like someone that has no clue about responsible gun owners

I know you're not one of them. What else ya got?

know you're not one of them.

Why dont' they do something like that to felons now?

Have a record, have a firearm, mandatory 25 year sentence.

Needs to be stricter. ANYONE found in possession of a gun not registered to them.....25 years Minimum. If we want to get serious about sorting out responsible gun owners from those who aren't capable of handling that sort of power, we need to get real with the punishments.

Not going to happen in a free country,

Not without a civil war between gun owners, and those thinking like you.

Like I said earlier - we allow illegals to come in to this country REPEATEDLY and kill our citizens - then they waltz back across the border laughing at us. The left wants guns out of the hands of LAW-ABIDING citizens. A disarmed population is ripe for tyranny - which the left has been pining for since the 60s.

No, only you want that.

Really? Are you really being honest here? I call bullshit.

You're arguing against something that no one is honestly suggesting. YOU are the problem.

And save your energy, and dont bother sharing an article about some random liberal who wants to ban all guns. I'm talking about sensible gun laws that allow responsible owners to keep their weapons and restrict guns from those who aren't responsible.
Anyone found in possession of an unlicensed, unregistered weapon gets a mandatory 25 year sentence.
Thank you for the picture of Hillary's America: Shred the Constitution and fill the jails with those who support and defend the Constitution.
Anyone found in possession of an unlicensed, unregistered weapon gets a mandatory 25 year sentence.

So much for "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED", right? How about we tell women that, in order to murder their baby, they register their intent with the federal government before the procedure can be done legally? If not, 25 year mandatory sentence.

Or, how about this: any illegal border jumper that has been caught and returned repeatedly, then murders an American Citizen, the family of the murdered can receive compensation from the "sanctuary city" that flaunted federal law for years.

Those ok with you, too?


Any other questions?

Here's the problem - your side isn't with you.

My side is rational thought and common sense.

So that's why YOUR side has passed laws that allow women to murder their babies - to the tune of 50 million since 1973. Yeah, all "peace and "love" aren't you....

There is no law that allows anyone to murder babies.
Anyone found in possession of an unlicensed, unregistered weapon gets a mandatory 25 year sentence.

Why dont' they do something like that to felons now?

Have a record, have a firearm, mandatory 25 year sentence.

Needs to be stricter. ANYONE found in possession of a gun not registered to them.....25 years Minimum. If we want to get serious about sorting out responsible gun owners from those who aren't capable of handling that sort of power, we need to get real with the punishments.

I don't believe in registration and I don't believe in "licensing". The second amendment says "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED". Now, if you want to impose mandatory sentencing for ANY crime committed with a firearm - I'm fine with that. But take this into consideration before you agree with me. You guys have the ACLU. It will never happen.

It also says "well regulated" but you forget to include that portion.

Now granted, I'm an old man - but not THAT old.

The Second Amendment: The Framers' Intentions
Needs to be stricter. ANYONE found in possession of a gun not registered to them.....25 years Minimum. If we want to get serious about sorting out responsible gun owners from those who aren't capable of handling that sort of power, we need to get real with the punishments.

Not going to happen in a free country,

Not without a civil war between gun owners, and those thinking like you.

Like I said earlier - we allow illegals to come in to this country REPEATEDLY and kill our citizens - then they waltz back across the border laughing at us. The left wants guns out of the hands of LAW-ABIDING citizens. A disarmed population is ripe for tyranny - which the left has been pining for since the 60s.

No, only you want that.

Really? Are you really being honest here? I call bullshit.

You're arguing against something that no one is honestly suggesting. YOU are the problem.

And save your energy, and dont bother sharing an article about some random liberal who wants to ban all guns. I'm talking about sensible gun laws that allow responsible owners to keep their weapons and restrict guns from those who aren't responsible.

I'm talking about sensible gun laws that allow responsible owners to keep their weapons and restrict guns from those who aren't responsible.

How is that going to keep criminals from getting firearms?
Anyone found in possession of an unlicensed, unregistered weapon gets a mandatory 25 year sentence.

Why dont' they do something like that to felons now?

Have a record, have a firearm, mandatory 25 year sentence.

Needs to be stricter. ANYONE found in possession of a gun not registered to them.....25 years Minimum. If we want to get serious about sorting out responsible gun owners from those who aren't capable of handling that sort of power, we need to get real with the punishments.

I don't believe in registration and I don't believe in "licensing". The second amendment says "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED". Now, if you want to impose mandatory sentencing for ANY crime committed with a firearm - I'm fine with that. But take this into consideration before you agree with me. You guys have the ACLU. It will never happen.

It also says "well regulated" but you forget to include that portion.

Well regulated refers to the militia, not the people

Oh look two people in the same thread who were there and can interpret for us! How lucky are we???
So much for "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED", right? How about we tell women that, in order to murder their baby, they register their intent with the federal government before the procedure can be done legally? If not, 25 year mandatory sentence.

Or, how about this: any illegal border jumper that has been caught and returned repeatedly, then murders an American Citizen, the family of the murdered can receive compensation from the "sanctuary city" that flaunted federal law for years.

Those ok with you, too?


Any other questions?

Here's the problem - your side isn't with you.

My side is rational thought and common sense.

So that's why YOUR side has passed laws that allow women to murder their babies - to the tune of 50 million since 1973. Yeah, all "peace and "love" aren't you....

There is no law that allows anyone to murder babies.

Well of course not skippy!! That's where you "educated" liberals come into play....women have murdered babies legally in this country since Roe V Wade in 1973. The difference? You "educated" tyrants call it a "woman's right" and the rest of the world calls it murder. 50 million - an entire generation of babies. And you assholes call yourselves "compassionate". You are no better than ISIS.
Needs to be stricter. ANYONE found in possession of a gun not registered to them.....25 years Minimum. If we want to get serious about sorting out responsible gun owners from those who aren't capable of handling that sort of power, we need to get real with the punishments.

Not going to happen in a free country,

Not without a civil war between gun owners, and those thinking like you.

Spoken like someone who isn't a responsible gun owner.

Spoken like someone that has no clue about responsible gun owners

I know you're not one of them. What else ya got?

know you're not one of them.


Your stance in this thread is proof enough.
Why dont' they do something like that to felons now?

Have a record, have a firearm, mandatory 25 year sentence.

Needs to be stricter. ANYONE found in possession of a gun not registered to them.....25 years Minimum. If we want to get serious about sorting out responsible gun owners from those who aren't capable of handling that sort of power, we need to get real with the punishments.

I don't believe in registration and I don't believe in "licensing". The second amendment says "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED". Now, if you want to impose mandatory sentencing for ANY crime committed with a firearm - I'm fine with that. But take this into consideration before you agree with me. You guys have the ACLU. It will never happen.

It also says "well regulated" but you forget to include that portion.

Well regulated refers to the militia, not the people

Oh look two people in the same thread who were there and can interpret for us! How lucky are we???

Now if there was someone on the other side that has actually read it.
The govt doesn't need to know how many and what I have.

Just as much as you "need" an endless supply of guns.

"Need" is not the issue, but desire.

Pursuit of happiness and all that stuff.

It is certainly no business of yours or anyone else to decide what I "need".

Of course it's my business. I live in this country.

You're free to leave (I hear Canada is nice) anytime you so please. I promise, we'll muddle along without you.....

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