PolitiFact Sheet: 3 things to know about the 'gun show loophole'


Any other questions?

Here's the problem - your side isn't with you.

My side is rational thought and common sense.

So that's why YOUR side has passed laws that allow women to murder their babies - to the tune of 50 million since 1973. Yeah, all "peace and "love" aren't you....

There is no law that allows anyone to murder babies.

Well of course not skippy!! That's where you "educated" liberals come into play....women have murdered babies legally in this country since Roe V Wade in 1973. The difference? You "educated" tyrants call it a "woman's right" and the rest of the world calls it murder. 50 million - an entire generation of babies. And you assholes call yourselves "compassionate". You are no better than ISIS.

It's funny that you think a fetus and a baby are interchangeable terms.
90% support for closing the loopholes.
Says who? The anti-gun mob?

Says virtually every poll ever taken.
Great. Then you should be able to produce a link.


See, you are from the "democracy" crowd. The guys that believe in mob rule. Hell, if you assholes had your way, only New York and the (USSR) of California would ever elect a president. Go away fool. Thankfully, the founders were intelligent enough to see your kind coming down the street.
The govt doesn't need to know how many and what I have.

Just as much as you "need" an endless supply of guns.

"Need" is not the issue, but desire.

Pursuit of happiness and all that stuff.

It is certainly no business of yours or anyone else to decide what I "need".

Of course it's my business. I live in this country.

You're free to leave (I hear Canada is nice) anytime you so please. I promise, we'll muddle along without you.....

Nah, I'll think I'll stick around. You'll (hopefully) be dead soon enough along with the rest of the stone-aged inbreds who refuse to evolve with the rest of the world.
Here's the problem - your side isn't with you.

My side is rational thought and common sense.

So that's why YOUR side has passed laws that allow women to murder their babies - to the tune of 50 million since 1973. Yeah, all "peace and "love" aren't you....

There is no law that allows anyone to murder babies.

Well of course not skippy!! That's where you "educated" liberals come into play....women have murdered babies legally in this country since Roe V Wade in 1973. The difference? You "educated" tyrants call it a "woman's right" and the rest of the world calls it murder. 50 million - an entire generation of babies. And you assholes call yourselves "compassionate". You are no better than ISIS.

It's funny that you think a fetus and a baby are interchangeable terms.

Far from it. To me, they are babies. To you - they are expendable flesh. Again, no better than ISIS.
Spoken like someone who isn't a responsible gun owner.

Spoken like someone that has no clue about responsible gun owners

I know you're not one of them. What else ya got?

know you're not one of them.


Your stance in this thread is proof enough.


what have I posted that proves I'm not a 'responsible gunowner' ?

Refusing to discuss sensible gun laws. Proves you're not mature enough to own a gun yourself.
What's so bad about background checks and gun "titles" so you can follow the ownership and wipe out straw purchases .

What is so bad about truth that you freedom hating democrats refuse to ever tell it? :dunno:

Will you be purged from the party it you post something that isn't a lie?
The govt doesn't need to know how many and what I have.

Just as much as you "need" an endless supply of guns.

"Need" is not the issue, but desire.

Pursuit of happiness and all that stuff.

It is certainly no business of yours or anyone else to decide what I "need".

Of course it's my business. I live in this country.

You're free to leave (I hear Canada is nice) anytime you so please. I promise, we'll muddle along without you.....

Nah, I'll think I'll stick around. You'll (hopefully) be dead soon enough along with the rest of the stone-aged inbreds who refuse to evolve with the rest of the world.

Your major malfunction sonny, is that you truly believe that "yours" outnumber "ours". That has never been the case - and, until the public school system finally brainwashes the last generation into believing the way you do - this country will be long gone by then. Hillary will have seen to that.

Jesus, you need to wake the hell up....
Just as much as you "need" an endless supply of guns.

If Hillary were to become ruler, what provisions would you demand for a speech permit? Will we have to prove we "need" to say things critical of the party? How long will speech permits last? A week? A year? If we say something the party doesn't like, how long will we be prohibited from speaking?
What's so bad about background checks and gun "titles" so you can follow the ownership and wipe out straw purchases .
We already have background checks and straw purchases are illegal. Enforce the present laws. We don't need any new ones.

We don't have universal background checks.
There is no federal law regarding checks for private sales.
Nonetheless, it's illegal to sell to a felon and it's illegal for a felon to possess a gun.

FWIW, I favor allowing felons to vote and own guns after their sentence is up.
What's so bad about background checks and gun "titles" so you can follow the ownership and wipe out straw purchases .
We already have background checks and straw purchases are illegal. Enforce the present laws. We don't need any new ones.

We don't have universal background checks.
There is no federal law regarding checks for private sales.


The Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act of 1993 established the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS), which allows the seller to check a buyer’s eligibility with a search that usually takes less than a minute. The system was fully launched in 1998. Before selling a gun, the gun store worker calls in to the FBI or other designated law enforcement agency to run a check against the system’s records. If the prospective buyer’s record doesn’t raise a red flag – possible triggers include a person having been adjudicated as mentally ill or being sought by law enforcement – the sale is cleared to go through.

The only problem that I have with the above is the idea that it "usually takes less than a minute". Bullshit. I have waited for days for checks.
Anyone found in possession of an unlicensed, unregistered weapon gets a mandatory 25 year sentence.

Thanks Comrade Pot. We remember what what you did last time.

What's so bad about background checks and gun "titles" so you can follow the ownership and wipe out straw purchases .
We already have background checks and straw purchases are illegal. Enforce the present laws. We don't need any new ones.

You can't enforce a law that doesn't exist. I can legally sell a gun to a felon because I can legally sell it without having him go through a background check..
That's a state by state issue

And, regardless of the state, a background check MUST be completed by the FBI. You sell a gun without a background check (Chicago for example) and BOTH the seller and the buyer are federal felons.


Only 18 states and DC require paperwork for private sales.
What's so bad about background checks and gun "titles" so you can follow the ownership and wipe out straw purchases .
We already have background checks and straw purchases are illegal. Enforce the present laws. We don't need any new ones.

You can't enforce a law that doesn't exist. I can legally sell a gun to a felon because I can legally sell it without having him go through a background check..
That's a state by state issue

And, regardless of the state, a background check MUST be completed by the FBI. You sell a gun without a background check (Chicago for example) and BOTH the seller and the buyer are federal felons.


Only 18 states and DC require paperwork for private sales.

National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) | Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives

Read it and weep....

LOL, I love the sources you washed up nutters throw out there.

Is it fair to assume that when you read the Constitution, you cry out "IT BURNS, IT BURNS?"

Your general hatred of civil rights, is this based on a hatred of people?
My side is rational thought and common sense.

So that's why YOUR side has passed laws that allow women to murder their babies - to the tune of 50 million since 1973. Yeah, all "peace and "love" aren't you....

There is no law that allows anyone to murder babies.

Well of course not skippy!! That's where you "educated" liberals come into play....women have murdered babies legally in this country since Roe V Wade in 1973. The difference? You "educated" tyrants call it a "woman's right" and the rest of the world calls it murder. 50 million - an entire generation of babies. And you assholes call yourselves "compassionate". You are no better than ISIS.

It's funny that you think a fetus and a baby are interchangeable terms.

Far from it. To me, they are babies. To you - they are expendable flesh. Again, no better than ISIS.
My side is rational thought and common sense.

So that's why YOUR side has passed laws that allow women to murder their babies - to the tune of 50 million since 1973. Yeah, all "peace and "love" aren't you....

There is no law that allows anyone to murder babies.

Well of course not skippy!! That's where you "educated" liberals come into play....women have murdered babies legally in this country since Roe V Wade in 1973. The difference? You "educated" tyrants call it a "woman's right" and the rest of the world calls it murder. 50 million - an entire generation of babies. And you assholes call yourselves "compassionate". You are no better than ISIS.

It's funny that you think a fetus and a baby are interchangeable terms.

Far from it. To me, they are babies. To you - they are expendable flesh. Again, no better than ISIS.

Here's the thing, It doesn't matter what you think.You can't change the definition of a word because you feel like it. That is why words have meanings.
What's so bad about background checks and gun "titles" so you can follow the ownership and wipe out straw purchases .

Background checks don't stop criminals...they just don't. Criminals use people with clean records to buy their guns at licensed gun dealers....so if those people went to a private seller, they could pass that background check too...making the call for universal background checks pointless for the reason of stopping criminals..

Mass shooters can pass background checks too...the few who can't steal their guns or buy them illegally.

registering guns does not do anything for straw purchases.....they report the guns stolen.....they are then clean.

Felons do not have to register illegal guns..as per the Haynes v. United States supreme court decision...

Most crime guns found in Illinois...are 11 years on the street before they are found....this factoid was from a recent article by Kevin D. Williamson...

And gun registration is only needed in order to confiscate guns in the future. Besides being a waste of time, money and manpower....
If parking lot gun trades without a name check are already illegal what does the radical left suggest? Dump the Constitution and break into homes of suspected gun owners? It should be noted that Barry Hussein could have closed the no fly list loophole but he didn't want to anger his criminal jihad base.
This is as stupid as it is ignorant and wrong.

The courts have upheld background checks as Constitutional, and the Supreme Court has never invalidated them.

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