PolitiFact's "Lie of the Year" Turns Out to Be True

You idiots need to read the original politifact article. It talked about Jeep manufacturing autos in China...for the Chinese.

Apparently, YOU need to read the article. Jeeps were being sold in China. Built HERE and then sold there. By that simple fact – the statement that we moved production from here to China is 100 percent true. Now, you can argue the merits of that move and Obama’s impact. Personally, I don’t think that there is anything that we could have done to avoid that maneuver. It was bound to happen but that was not the point of PolitiFact’s analyzation of the statement. Instead, they declared that not only was the statement a lie (when it was entirely true) but that it was also the BIGGEST LIE OF THE YEAR. Now, I think that the biggest lie of the year is CLEARLY Obama’s ‘more transparent’ government claims but I digress. It shows a clear and pitiful political slant for PolitiFact to declare a TRUE republican statement as the ‘lie of the year.’ That really smashes the whole nonpartisan claim. Hey, perhaps THAT could be the lie of the year :D
The more thoroughly a rightwing lie gets debunked, the more tenaciously they cling to it.
Hint: Progressives SAYING something is a lie is not proof it IS a lie.

But you unquestioningly and immediately believe it, don't you?

Progressives are dishonest.
the fact remains that what Romney said turned out to be exactly true..

He didn't lie, Poltifact did and you are defending the lie.

Romney claimed that Jeep was moving production OUT of the U.S. TO China.

That was the lie, and it's still a lie.

As per my last, no it is not a lie. Unless you show that Jeep did NOT sell any Jeeps in China previous to producing them there it is a fact that production was moved from the US to China.
You idiots need to read the original politifact article. It talked about Jeep manufacturing autos in China...for the Chinese.

So the jobs lost here, making Jeeps and shipping them to China, don't matter? It's lost American jobs.
the fact remains that what Romney said turned out to be exactly true..

He didn't lie, Poltifact did and you are defending the lie.

Romney claimed that Jeep was moving production OUT of the U.S. TO China.

That was the lie, and it's still a lie.

As per my last, no it is not a lie. Unless you show that Jeep did NOT sell any Jeeps in China previous to producing them there it is a fact that production was moved from the US to China.

You need to prove that production was cut here then. You can't, because it wasn't.

Show us the plant closing, or the production line that was shut down. Show us the layoffs.
Romney claimed that Jeep was moving production OUT of the U.S. TO China.

That was the lie, and it's still a lie.

As per my last, no it is not a lie. Unless you show that Jeep did NOT sell any Jeeps in China previous to producing them there it is a fact that production was moved from the US to China.

You need to prove that production was cut here then. You can't, because it wasn't.

Show us the plant closing, or the production line that was shut down. Show us the layoffs.

No I don’t. I already gave you all that I need to prove the claim. The fact that you want to ignore that in order to spin your way to whatever conclusion you want is irrelevant. I would not bother to engage with you further as your partisanship here is well established. There is no point as facts matter less than partisan blather to you.
You idiots need to read the original politifact article. It talked about Jeep manufacturing autos in China...for the Chinese.

I had seen the same thing coming from Ford actually. Exactly why now are you finding FORD, then JEEP, choosing China to start building it's next production plant? Where are all the big plans to invest capital into a large assembly line in the United States, to look to American workers? Could it be government regulations? What are the tax rates for businesses that are established and BUILT in the United States, compared to simply investing in China?


I wish you people would take the time to learn economics 101. Plants are made in nations to produce goods for sale. If Jeep made jeeps in China it's cause their market demands it to lower the costs.
In the US, Honda and Toyota has built plants as have China to product the MG. They hire US auto workers. Why ? To save money on exporting, tariffs and production standards for a specific national regulations of automobiles.
We have all been seeing and living a lie since January 2009.

the left ALWAYS lies.

it is MO for the left.

otherwise it can't get into power.

only they ignorant dupes can believe anything what comes from the left.

You tell 'em!
Truly amazing to me how fickle a leftist really is..

All it takes for them to throw their Union brethren under the bus and HEARTILY ENDORSE Globalization --------------------------------------------------

Is one PolitiFact involving a Republican candidate..
Welcome all you new "open world market types"... Glad to have ya aboard..

BTW: Foreign owned car companies in the US are pumping out about 30% of our cars and trucks.. THAT's a lot of jobs..
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Bishop Willard's Lie of the Year is a perfect example of how professional liars can craft a DECEPTION with very carefully chosen truthful words.

PolitiFact | Inside the Meters: The Lie of the Year, still

The Romney campaign was crafty with its word choice, so campaign aides could claim to be speaking the literal truth, but the ad left a false impression that all Jeep production was being moved to China.


The Jeep ad took an issue for legitimate policy disagreement and twisted the facts to deceive voters. We stand by our decision to make it the Lie of the Year.
The more thoroughly a rightwing lie gets debunked, the more tenaciously they cling to it.

As I'm sure we have already seen manufacturing, business capital investment,and FULL time employment just booming in the private sector under Obama, rather than a nation of food stamp recipients merely being observers to it as it developes somewhere else.
You idiots need to read the original politifact article. It talked about Jeep manufacturing autos in China...for the Chinese.

I am not the one who reported in the news that Romney lied days before the election
In 2004 CBS did what they could to effect the election fot POTUS
they got caught by the right so bad that the main stream could not ignore
this event was just as bad
BS- he said US production was being moved...jeebus it's easy to fool ignorant hater dupes...lol

Nope. Go back and read the original fact check linked in the article.

Lazy man, lazy.

And just how much efect it had on the election?
also why is it the main stream never corrected this?
It is a crying shame that the agenda has to be lied about to get passed
The more thoroughly a rightwing lie gets debunked, the more tenaciously they cling to it.

what lie would that be?

Alzheimer's, dude? Seriously. It's your thread. Do try to keep up.

The man claims there is this right wing lie that got de bunked and there is some cling to it?
this had an effect on the election of the most powerful man in the country
hang on to it?
it criminal

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