PolitiFact's "Lie of the Year" Turns Out to Be True

Politifact's bias is more of the "We need to pretend both sides are equally bad, therefore we need to find some reasons to criticize more Democrats!" thing. It's the standard mealymouthed phony-equivalence song and dance.

Thing is, such appeasement never works. No matter how often you attack Democrats, the right will still shriek "LIBERAL MEDIA!" at you, simply because you dared criticize a Republican.
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I wish you people would take the time to learn economics 101. Plants are made in nations to produce goods for sale. If Jeep made jeeps in China it's cause their market demands it to lower the costs.
In the US, Honda and Toyota has built plants as have China to product the MG. They hire US auto workers. Why ? To save money on exporting, tariffs and production standards for a specific national regulations of automobiles.

Not the point. I even specifically pointed the fact that there was likely nothing that could have been done because the move was economically sound in my last post. Not one person here has challenged the idea that Jeep did this because it makes sense for them to do so. The point was that PolitiFact calls this a lie, trumps it up to the lie of the year and the reality is that it was not a lie. That is political hackery. The fact remains that it simply was not a lie.
Bishop Willard's Lie of the Year is a perfect example of how professional liars can craft a DECEPTION with very carefully chosen truthful words.

PolitiFact | Inside the Meters: The Lie of the Year, still

The Romney campaign was crafty with its word choice, so campaign aides could claim to be speaking the literal truth, but the ad left a false impression that all Jeep production was being moved to China.


The Jeep ad took an issue for legitimate policy disagreement and twisted the facts to deceive voters. We stand by our decision to make it the Lie of the Year.
And here we have ed posting the asinine statement by PolitiFact that they stand by the decision to outline this as the lie of the year even though they ADMIT that it was not a lie. Now this is somehow the largest lie of the year (even though it was true) because PolitiFact got the wrong impression?

Folks, that’s not fact checking. That is political hackery for the side that they are rooting for. Fact checking is sticking to the facts. Like the FACT that the statement was literally true.

I agree, I remember posting an article in early 2011, to wit politifact in the face of both chambers ebing demcoratic and exec. too, spent 68%(I am pretty sure that was the number) of their time fact checking republicans...ok fine, but really? I'd think the party holding all the cards ( and as supra majority at for a session) would rate at least, par?

And my take was their 'explanations/commentary' sounded more like arguments in/for mitigation.....
You are making a false assumption that both Parties make an equal amount of statements that need fact checking. As usual, the Right latches on to a meaningless stat to support their preconceived premise of Liberal bias.

What is most revealing is what % of each Party's claims are true and false!!!!!

Fifty-two percent of Republican claims reviewed by the Tampa Bay Times fact-checking operation were rated "mostly false," “false” or “pants on fire,” versus just 24 percent of Democratic statements.

According to George Mason University's Center for Media and Public Affairs. By the same token, 54 percent of Democratic statements were rated as "mostly true" or "true," compared to just 18 percent of Republican statements.
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Progressives believe Politifact is unbiased because it agrees with their innate bias.

But then, progressives aren't very smart.

Many of them, yes, They prefer to bitterly cling to their opinions than acknowledge reality.

I'm pretty sure you've seen it for yourself: A progressive makes a claim, someone else provides hard evidence that the claim is incorrect -- and the prog still insists his claim is true.

Y'know...like in this whole thread.
You idiots need to read the original politifact article. It talked about Jeep manufacturing autos in China...for the Chinese.

I had seen the same thing coming from Ford actually. Exactly why now are you finding FORD, then JEEP, choosing China to start building it's next production plant? Where are all the big plans to invest capital into a large assembly line in the United States, to look to American workers? Could it be government regulations? What are the tax rates for businesses that are established and BUILT in the United States, compared to simply investing in China?


:cuckoo: Fail! - Lies! - Car companies are not paying tax in this country. :cuckoo:

Oh I'm sure Ford never has to be concerned about the corporate tax rate.

Published: April 27, 2012

DEARBORN, Mich. — The Ford Motor Company on Friday said that its profit fell by almost half in the first quarter, as higher taxes and a loss in Europe overshadowed improvements in its North American business.

Ford reported net income of $1.4 billion, 45 percent less than the $2.55 billion it earned in the same period of 2011. Revenue declined 2 percent, to $32.4 billion.

Officials attributed about half of the decline to the company’s tax rate quadrupling from a year ago. In addition, its European business swung to a $149 million pretax operating loss from a $293 million operating profit.

Ford, like other automakers, has been cautious about increasing production capacity after closing plants and eliminating tens of thousands of jobs in the last decade.

Ford’s operating profit in its North American unit rose 16% to $2.1 billion, giving the company a profit margin in that region of 11.5%--well above the 5% figure that U.S. auto makers once considered acceptable.

“The results legitimately set the bar higher for long-term earnings power of the Ford Motor Company,” Jefferies & Co. analyst Peter Nesvold said. He added that Ford’s North American margin was “extraordinary.”

Ford’s automotive gross cash rose to $23 billion, from $21.3 billion a year earlier. Its debt declined to $13.7 billion from $16.6 billion.

Ford Chief Financial Officer Bob Shanks said half the decrease in net income stemmed from a higher corporate tax rate, the result of Ford’s string of highly profitable quarters. The company’s rate was 33% in the first quarter, compared with 8.5% a year ago; the effect was a $612 million hit to net income, Shanks said.

In its Asia and Africa region, where the company is spending billions to expand in China and India, Ford posted a $95 million first-quarter loss.

Ford profit falls, tax rate rises - MarketWatch


Care to try that one again?
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Progressives believe Politifact is unbiased because it agrees with their innate bias.

But then, progressives aren't very smart.

Many of them, yes, They prefer to bitterly cling to their opinions than acknowledge reality.

I'm pretty sure you've seen it for yourself: A progressive makes a claim, someone else provides hard evidence that the claim is incorrect -- and the prog still insists his claim is true.

Y'know...like in this whole thread.

Many of them. Not all.

And of course I see the exact same behavior across the aisle. It's not party-related. It is human-related.
Many of them, yes, They prefer to bitterly cling to their opinions than acknowledge reality.

I'm pretty sure you've seen it for yourself: A progressive makes a claim, someone else provides hard evidence that the claim is incorrect -- and the prog still insists his claim is true.

Y'know...like in this whole thread.

Many of them. Not all.

And of course I see the exact same behavior across the aisle. It's not party-related. It is human-related.
On that we agree.
PolitiFact's "Lie of the Year" Turns Out to Be True
never heard any-one retract this before the 2012 election (or after)
and people say the media had nothing to do with electing BHO for his 2nd term
It is a crying shame, It is bias, It is a true slanderous and liable event(s) that Romney had the class to walk away from
could you imagine if this would have happened to BHO?

Why are you posting a nine-month-old article that's been thoroughly debunked months ago?

Jeep moved no production to China; its production there -- which it did like all car companies do because of the market potential -- had been previously shut down due to Chrysler's poor financial health. While they were restarting China they were also adding jobs and shifts in Michigan and Ohio. These are known facts. And we did this even before the election.

The Chinese production was already there and had gone dormant. That Chrysler was able to restart that production while simultaneously expanding in Ohio and Michigan is an indication of its revitalized finances. And when Romney lied about this it was a factor -- a big one methinks-- in his losing both Ohio and Michigan, his own home state. Because the workers sporting new jobs knew it was bullshit.
I had seen the same thing coming from Ford actually. Exactly why now are you finding FORD, then JEEP, choosing China to start building it's next production plant? Where are all the big plans to invest capital into a large assembly line in the United States, to look to American workers? Could it be government regulations? What are the tax rates for businesses that are established and BUILT in the United States, compared to simply investing in China?


I wish you people would take the time to learn economics 101. Plants are made in nations to produce goods for sale. If Jeep made jeeps in China it's cause their market demands it to lower the costs.
In the US, Honda and Toyota has built plants as have China to product the MG. They hire US auto workers. Why ? To save money on exporting, tariffs and production standards for a specific national regulations of automobiles.

Not the point. I even specifically pointed the fact that there was likely nothing that could have been done because the move was economically sound in my last post. Not one person here has challenged the idea that Jeep did this because it makes sense for them to do so. The point was that PolitiFact calls this a lie, trumps it up to the lie of the year and the reality is that it was not a lie. That is political hackery. The fact remains that it simply was not a lie.
Bishop Willard's Lie of the Year is a perfect example of how professional liars can craft a DECEPTION with very carefully chosen truthful words.

PolitiFact | Inside the Meters: The Lie of the Year, still

The Romney campaign was crafty with its word choice, so campaign aides could claim to be speaking the literal truth, but the ad left a false impression that all Jeep production was being moved to China.


The Jeep ad took an issue for legitimate policy disagreement and twisted the facts to deceive voters. We stand by our decision to make it the Lie of the Year.
And here we have ed posting the asinine statement by PolitiFact that they stand by the decision to outline this as the lie of the year even though they ADMIT that it was not a lie. Now this is somehow the largest lie of the year (even though it was true) because PolitiFact got the wrong impression?

Folks, that’s not fact checking. That is political hackery for the side that they are rooting for. Fact checking is sticking to the facts. Like the FACT that the statement was literally true.

No, it literally isn't. The operative word is moving. You can't "move" something to a place where it already is. Moreover if you DID move something it would no longer be in its original spot. So neither bears any resemblance to the reality.
I wish you people would take the time to learn economics 101. Plants are made in nations to produce goods for sale. If Jeep made jeeps in China it's cause their market demands it to lower the costs.
In the US, Honda and Toyota has built plants as have China to product the MG. They hire US auto workers. Why ? To save money on exporting, tariffs and production standards for a specific national regulations of automobiles.

Not the point. I even specifically pointed the fact that there was likely nothing that could have been done because the move was economically sound in my last post. Not one person here has challenged the idea that Jeep did this because it makes sense for them to do so. The point was that PolitiFact calls this a lie, trumps it up to the lie of the year and the reality is that it was not a lie. That is political hackery. The fact remains that it simply was not a lie.
Bishop Willard's Lie of the Year is a perfect example of how professional liars can craft a DECEPTION with very carefully chosen truthful words.

PolitiFact | Inside the Meters: The Lie of the Year, still

The Romney campaign was crafty with its word choice, so campaign aides could claim to be speaking the literal truth, but the ad left a false impression that all Jeep production was being moved to China.


The Jeep ad took an issue for legitimate policy disagreement and twisted the facts to deceive voters. We stand by our decision to make it the Lie of the Year.
And here we have ed posting the asinine statement by PolitiFact that they stand by the decision to outline this as the lie of the year even though they ADMIT that it was not a lie. Now this is somehow the largest lie of the year (even though it was true) because PolitiFact got the wrong impression?

Folks, that’s not fact checking. That is political hackery for the side that they are rooting for. Fact checking is sticking to the facts. Like the FACT that the statement was literally true.

No, it literally isn't. The operative word is moving. You can't "move" something to a place where it already is. Moreover if you DID move something it would no longer be in its original spot. So neither bears any resemblance to the reality.

Yeah, we know, outsourcing is only a bad thing when a repub president can be blamed.

Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk
Not the point. I even specifically pointed the fact that there was likely nothing that could have been done because the move was economically sound in my last post. Not one person here has challenged the idea that Jeep did this because it makes sense for them to do so. The point was that PolitiFact calls this a lie, trumps it up to the lie of the year and the reality is that it was not a lie. That is political hackery. The fact remains that it simply was not a lie.

And here we have ed posting the asinine statement by PolitiFact that they stand by the decision to outline this as the lie of the year even though they ADMIT that it was not a lie. Now this is somehow the largest lie of the year (even though it was true) because PolitiFact got the wrong impression?

Folks, that’s not fact checking. That is political hackery for the side that they are rooting for. Fact checking is sticking to the facts. Like the FACT that the statement was literally true.

No, it literally isn't. The operative word is moving. You can't "move" something to a place where it already is. Moreover if you DID move something it would no longer be in its original spot. So neither bears any resemblance to the reality.

Yeah, we know, outsourcing is only a bad thing when a repub president can be blamed.

Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk

Actually the laws of physics that make moving something to a place where it already is impossible, don't really care what political parties are in power.
And by the way Chrysler is not a political party anyway. Who knew.

Perhaps Romney has moved reading comprehension to China... :dunno:

Sent from my computer using Common Frickin' Sense
No, it literally isn't. The operative word is moving. You can't "move" something to a place where it already is. Moreover if you DID move something it would no longer be in its original spot. So neither bears any resemblance to the reality.

Yeah, we know, outsourcing is only a bad thing when a repub president can be blamed.

Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk

Actually the laws of physics that make moving something to a place where it already is impossible, don't really care what political parties are in power.
And by the way Chrysler is not a political party anyway. Who knew.

Perhaps Romney has moved reading comprehension to China... :dunno:

Sent from my computer using Common Frickin' Sense

I can't possibly roll my eyes any harder.

Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk
Politifact's bias is more of the "We need to pretend both sides are equally bad, therefore we need to find some reasons to criticize more Democrats!" thing. It's the standard mealymouthed phony-equivalence song and dance.

Thing is, such appeasement never works. No matter how often you attack Democrats, the right will still shriek "LIBERAL MEDIA!" at you, simply because you dared criticize a Republican.

BHO stated that our ins would go down
That is not even close to the truth
google it and see if ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, etc... has covered this?

BHO stated that this (ACA) would create jobs. The truth is part time jobs are exploding
google that

It was and has allways been a fact that Saddam had MWDs. in fact after years of looking there where over 500 out dated and somewhat useless weapons found. Weapons Saddam was suppose to have gotten rid of. Also the speech Hans Blix gave was very damming to Sadam and was the event that led to the invasion

Google either event and what you get is 99% blame on GWB alone for the faulty intel

the MEDIA is biased
this event effected the POTUS election
that should scare the crap out of every-one as Rather tried to do in 04
Not the point. I even specifically pointed the fact that there was likely nothing that could have been done because the move was economically sound in my last post. Not one person here has challenged the idea that Jeep did this because it makes sense for them to do so. The point was that PolitiFact calls this a lie, trumps it up to the lie of the year and the reality is that it was not a lie. That is political hackery. The fact remains that it simply was not a lie.

And here we have ed posting the asinine statement by PolitiFact that they stand by the decision to outline this as the lie of the year even though they ADMIT that it was not a lie. Now this is somehow the largest lie of the year (even though it was true) because PolitiFact got the wrong impression?

Folks, that’s not fact checking. That is political hackery for the side that they are rooting for. Fact checking is sticking to the facts. Like the FACT that the statement was literally true.

I agree, I remember posting an article in early 2011, to wit politifact in the face of both chambers ebing demcoratic and exec. too, spent 68%(I am pretty sure that was the number) of their time fact checking republicans...ok fine, but really? I'd think the party holding all the cards ( and as supra majority at for a session) would rate at least, par?

And my take was their 'explanations/commentary' sounded more like arguments in/for mitigation.....
You are making a false assumption that both Parties make an equal amount of statements that need fact checking. As usual, the Right latches on to a meaningless stat to support their preconceived premise of Liberal bias.

What is most revealing is what % of each Party's claims are true and false!!!!!

Fifty-two percent of Republican claims reviewed by the Tampa Bay Times fact-checking operation were rated "mostly false," “false” or “pants on fire,” versus just 24 percent of Democratic statements.

According to George Mason University's Center for Media and Public Affairs. By the same token, 54 percent of Democratic statements were rated as "mostly true" or "true," compared to just 18 percent of Republican statements.

hell my health care has only tripiled sense ACA
nothing to see here
it has effected no-ones full time job
I had seen the same thing coming from Ford actually. Exactly why now are you finding FORD, then JEEP, choosing China to start building it's next production plant? Where are all the big plans to invest capital into a large assembly line in the United States, to look to American workers? Could it be government regulations? What are the tax rates for businesses that are established and BUILT in the United States, compared to simply investing in China?


:cuckoo: Fail! - Lies! - Car companies are not paying tax in this country. :cuckoo:

Oh I'm sure Ford never has to be concerned about the corporate tax rate.

Published: April 27, 2012

DEARBORN, Mich. — The Ford Motor Company on Friday said that its profit fell by almost half in the first quarter, as higher taxes and a loss in Europe overshadowed improvements in its North American business.

Ford reported net income of $1.4 billion, 45 percent less than the $2.55 billion it earned in the same period of 2011. Revenue declined 2 percent, to $32.4 billion.

Officials attributed about half of the decline to the company’s tax rate quadrupling from a year ago. In addition, its European business swung to a $149 million pretax operating loss from a $293 million operating profit.

Ford, like other automakers, has been cautious about increasing production capacity after closing plants and eliminating tens of thousands of jobs in the last decade.

Ford’s operating profit in its North American unit rose 16% to $2.1 billion, giving the company a profit margin in that region of 11.5%--well above the 5% figure that U.S. auto makers once considered acceptable.

“The results legitimately set the bar higher for long-term earnings power of the Ford Motor Company,” Jefferies & Co. analyst Peter Nesvold said. He added that Ford’s North American margin was “extraordinary.”

Ford’s automotive gross cash rose to $23 billion, from $21.3 billion a year earlier. Its debt declined to $13.7 billion from $16.6 billion.

Ford Chief Financial Officer Bob Shanks said half the decrease in net income stemmed from a higher corporate tax rate, the result of Ford’s string of highly profitable quarters. The company’s rate was 33% in the first quarter, compared with 8.5% a year ago; the effect was a $612 million hit to net income, Shanks said.

In its Asia and Africa region, where the company is spending billions to expand in China and India, Ford posted a $95 million first-quarter loss.

Ford profit falls, tax rate rises - MarketWatch

Ford profit falls, tax rate rises - Washington Post

Care to try that one again?

waht makes it worse is the consumer pays that tax for ford and the lib thinks that no-one is paying taxes here
I had seen the same thing coming from Ford actually. Exactly why now are you finding FORD, then JEEP, choosing China to start building it's next production plant? Where are all the big plans to invest capital into a large assembly line in the United States, to look to American workers? Could it be government regulations? What are the tax rates for businesses that are established and BUILT in the United States, compared to simply investing in China?


:cuckoo: Fail! - Lies! - Car companies are not paying tax in this country. :cuckoo:

Oh I'm sure Ford never has to be concerned about the corporate tax rate.

the effect was a $612 million hit to net income, Shanks said.

In its Asia and Africa region, where the company is spending billions to expand in China and India, Ford posted a $95 million first-quarter loss.

Ford profit falls, tax rate rises - MarketWatch

Ford profit falls, tax rate rises - Washington Post

Care to try that one again?

Notice how you lie & divert from Chrysler to Ford! Ford like the other companies are still tax leach. They are subsidized because we have socialism for auto companies in this country to offset 25% import tax in China. OMFG Ford says they may have to pay $612 million in tax. What of the hundreds of millions in state income tax diversions they get???? What about all the TIFF tax avoidance??? Ford would have closed if it were not for the $63.4 billion bailout of all the auto companies!

U.S. ‘Very Disappointed’ By China’s Auto Import Tariffs

China's Tax Revenue - Half of it comes from the USA

Retards keep whining about fake tax problem in this country when China is the one taxing us out of jobs. We must fight trade tariffs with trade tariffs & not let it destroy us because you retards have no clue. :cuckoo: We have to build car companies in China to get around their import tax, not US corporate tax.

US middle class is carrying the tax load. Not the rich or corporations.

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waht makes it worse is the consumer pays that tax for ford and the lib thinks that no-one is paying taxes here

You are an idiot. :cuckoo: 100% of income & payroll tax on labor is passed on to the consumer in the USA. Corporate tax is only paid on profit if they make a profit which will likely come from overseas.

China's trade tariffs, USA low dividend tax & USA high labor tax are the problem.
:cuckoo: Fail! - Lies! - Car companies are not paying tax in this country. :cuckoo:

Oh I'm sure Ford never has to be concerned about the corporate tax rate.

the effect was a $612 million hit to net income, Shanks said.

In its Asia and Africa region, where the company is spending billions to expand in China and India, Ford posted a $95 million first-quarter loss.

Ford profit falls, tax rate rises - MarketWatch

Ford profit falls, tax rate rises - Washington Post

Care to try that one again?

Notice how you lie & divert from Chrysler to Ford! Ford like the other companies are still tax leach. They are subsidized because we have socialism for auto companies in this country to offset 25% import tax in China. OMFG Ford says they may have to pay $612 million in tax. What of the hundreds of millions in state income tax diversions they get???? What about all the TIFF tax avoidance??? Ford would have closed if it were not for the $63.4 billion bailout of all the auto companies!

U.S. ‘Very Disappointed’ By China’s Auto Import Tariffs

China's Tax Revenue - Half of it comes from the USA

Retards keep whining about fake tax problem in this country when China is the one taxing us out of jobs. We must fight trade tariffs with trade tariffs & not let it destroy us because you retards have no clue. :cuckoo: We have to build car companies in China to get around their import tax, not US corporate tax.

US middle class is carrying the tax load. Not the rich or corporations.


does not include capital gains.
very mis leading
most corporations only make 5-8% profit
also corporations pay 0 in any tax
the consumer pays for it all any-way
that burden is passed on to us
waht makes it worse is the consumer pays that tax for ford and the lib thinks that no-one is paying taxes here

You are an idiot. :cuckoo: 100% of income & payroll tax on labor is passed on to the consumer in the USA. Corporate tax is only paid on profit if they make a profit which will likely come from overseas.

China's trade tariffs, USA low dividend tax & USA high labor tax are the problem.

what do you think that says bud?
what does the consumer pays that tax for ford mean to you?
my point about the libs is most do not realize that

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