PolitiFact's "Lie of the Year" Turns Out to Be True

You idiots need to read the original politifact article. It talked about Jeep manufacturing autos in China...for the Chinese.

I had seen the same thing coming from Ford actually. Exactly why now are you finding FORD, then JEEP, choosing China to start building it's next production plant? Where are all the big plans to invest capital into a large assembly line in the United States, to look to American workers? Could it be government regulations? What are the tax rates for businesses that are established and BUILT in the United States, compared to simply investing in China?


Damn I wonder if it has anything to do with the rapidly rising middle class in China. A group of what, 500 million people?

Now surely you wouldn't expect a good capitalist organization like a car manufacturer to look at that market and say; iam gonna build me some cars and sell me some cars and make a lot of money for my shareholders. Right here in China.

Couple that with much lower wages, minimal pollution controls and the fact that if you build it there you don't have to pay shipping.

Other than that, I can't figure out why a company would build in China.

Especially as we continue to fall on our face with no hope in sight. Why stay here?

I'm sure it wouldn't make any sense for a corporation to build a plant in China that has a flat corporate tax rate of 25%, when they can keep one here in the United States at a consistent corporate tax rate of 40%. I'm sure the brilliant minds of all the executives would much rather set up shop here, we just have to meet the added cost of 800 new regulations this administration wants to push out each year. In fact why not double down on cost and build a new additional plant right here, before the new Health Care law is fully implemented. This way the government has the ability to dip into those pockets even further to spend more of what it can't afford. Add to that China's 9.7 tariff tax, and I'm sure an American auto maker can be VERY effective in competing with a manufacturing plant established in China. You're right, I can't see why any business wouldn't be encouraged to just build right here in the United States.

Small Business Regulations Surge Under Obama - Forbes


Corporate tax rates table | KPMG | GLOBAL

China - Tariff rate
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Bishop Willard's Lie of the Year is a perfect example of how professional liars can craft a DECEPTION with very carefully chosen truthful words.

PolitiFact | Inside the Meters: The Lie of the Year, still

The Romney campaign was crafty with its word choice, so campaign aides could claim to be speaking the literal truth, but the ad left a false impression that all Jeep production was being moved to China.


The Jeep ad took an issue for legitimate policy disagreement and twisted the facts to deceive voters. We stand by our decision to make it the Lie of the Year.

Hmmm....Let's see, PolitiFact got busted (again) lying for Barry, and who do you go back to for an excuse? PolitiFact.....:( No wonder we end up with totalitarian dictator wanna be's like Obama, Reid, and Pelosi....
Bishop Willard's Lie of the Year is a perfect example of how professional liars can craft a DECEPTION with very carefully chosen truthful words.

PolitiFact | Inside the Meters: The Lie of the Year, still

The Romney campaign was crafty with its word choice, so campaign aides could claim to be speaking the literal truth, but the ad left a false impression that all Jeep production was being moved to China.


The Jeep ad took an issue for legitimate policy disagreement and twisted the facts to deceive voters. We stand by our decision to make it the Lie of the Year.

Hmmm....Let's see, PolitiFact got busted (again) lying for Barry, and who do you go back to for an excuse? PolitiFact.....:( No wonder we end up with totalitarian dictator wanna be's like Obama, Reid, and Pelosi....

100% my point
in addition there mis no way I could support any-one alive today to be dog catcher much less the POTUS if lying was the requirement to get him elected
it takes everything away from that agenda from that moment on
You idiots need to read the original politifact article. It talked about Jeep manufacturing autos in China...for the Chinese.

I had seen the same thing coming from Ford actually. Exactly why now are you finding FORD, then JEEP, choosing China to start building it's next production plant? Where are all the big plans to invest capital into a large assembly line in the United States, to look to American workers? Could it be government regulations? What are the tax rates for businesses that are established and BUILT in the United States, compared to simply investing in China?


I wish you people would take the time to learn economics 101. Plants are made in nations to produce goods for sale. If Jeep made jeeps in China it's cause their market demands it to lower the costs.
In the US, Honda and Toyota has built plants as have China to product the MG. They hire US auto workers. Why ? To save money on exporting, tariffs and production standards for a specific national regulations of automobiles.

Not the point. I even specifically pointed the fact that there was likely nothing that could have been done because the move was economically sound in my last post. Not one person here has challenged the idea that Jeep did this because it makes sense for them to do so. The point was that PolitiFact calls this a lie, trumps it up to the lie of the year and the reality is that it was not a lie. That is political hackery. The fact remains that it simply was not a lie.
Bishop Willard's Lie of the Year is a perfect example of how professional liars can craft a DECEPTION with very carefully chosen truthful words.

PolitiFact | Inside the Meters: The Lie of the Year, still

The Romney campaign was crafty with its word choice, so campaign aides could claim to be speaking the literal truth, but the ad left a false impression that all Jeep production was being moved to China.


The Jeep ad took an issue for legitimate policy disagreement and twisted the facts to deceive voters. We stand by our decision to make it the Lie of the Year.
And here we have ed posting the asinine statement by PolitiFact that they stand by the decision to outline this as the lie of the year even though they ADMIT that it was not a lie. Now this is somehow the largest lie of the year (even though it was true) because PolitiFact got the wrong impression?

Folks, that’s not fact checking. That is political hackery for the side that they are rooting for. Fact checking is sticking to the facts. Like the FACT that the statement was literally true.
I had seen the same thing coming from Ford actually. Exactly why now are you finding FORD, then JEEP, choosing China to start building it's next production plant? Where are all the big plans to invest capital into a large assembly line in the United States, to look to American workers? Could it be government regulations? What are the tax rates for businesses that are established and BUILT in the United States, compared to simply investing in China?


I wish you people would take the time to learn economics 101. Plants are made in nations to produce goods for sale. If Jeep made jeeps in China it's cause their market demands it to lower the costs.
In the US, Honda and Toyota has built plants as have China to product the MG. They hire US auto workers. Why ? To save money on exporting, tariffs and production standards for a specific national regulations of automobiles.

Not the point. I even specifically pointed the fact that there was likely nothing that could have been done because the move was economically sound in my last post. Not one person here has challenged the idea that Jeep did this because it makes sense for them to do so. The point was that PolitiFact calls this a lie, trumps it up to the lie of the year and the reality is that it was not a lie. That is political hackery. The fact remains that it simply was not a lie.
Bishop Willard's Lie of the Year is a perfect example of how professional liars can craft a DECEPTION with very carefully chosen truthful words.

PolitiFact | Inside the Meters: The Lie of the Year, still

The Romney campaign was crafty with its word choice, so campaign aides could claim to be speaking the literal truth, but the ad left a false impression that all Jeep production was being moved to China.


The Jeep ad took an issue for legitimate policy disagreement and twisted the facts to deceive voters. We stand by our decision to make it the Lie of the Year.
And here we have ed posting the asinine statement by PolitiFact that they stand by the decision to outline this as the lie of the year even though they ADMIT that it was not a lie. Now this is somehow the largest lie of the year (even though it was true) because PolitiFact got the wrong impression?

Folks, that’s not fact checking. That is political hackery for the side that they are rooting for. Fact checking is sticking to the facts. Like the FACT that the statement was literally true.

The original politifact lie o meter said that Jeep would be producing automobiles in China for the Chinese. Mittens implied that ALL production was moving hence the lie.
I had seen the same thing coming from Ford actually. Exactly why now are you finding FORD, then JEEP, choosing China to start building it's next production plant? Where are all the big plans to invest capital into a large assembly line in the United States, to look to American workers? Could it be government regulations? What are the tax rates for businesses that are established and BUILT in the United States, compared to simply investing in China?


I wish you people would take the time to learn economics 101. Plants are made in nations to produce goods for sale. If Jeep made jeeps in China it's cause their market demands it to lower the costs.
In the US, Honda and Toyota has built plants as have China to product the MG. They hire US auto workers. Why ? To save money on exporting, tariffs and production standards for a specific national regulations of automobiles.

Not the point. I even specifically pointed the fact that there was likely nothing that could have been done because the move was economically sound in my last post. Not one person here has challenged the idea that Jeep did this because it makes sense for them to do so. The point was that PolitiFact calls this a lie, trumps it up to the lie of the year and the reality is that it was not a lie. That is political hackery. The fact remains that it simply was not a lie.
Bishop Willard's Lie of the Year is a perfect example of how professional liars can craft a DECEPTION with very carefully chosen truthful words.

PolitiFact | Inside the Meters: The Lie of the Year, still

The Romney campaign was crafty with its word choice, so campaign aides could claim to be speaking the literal truth, but the ad left a false impression that all Jeep production was being moved to China.


The Jeep ad took an issue for legitimate policy disagreement and twisted the facts to deceive voters. We stand by our decision to make it the Lie of the Year.
And here we have ed posting the asinine statement by PolitiFact that they stand by the decision to outline this as the lie of the year even though they ADMIT that it was not a lie. Now this is somehow the largest lie of the year (even though it was true) because PolitiFact got the wrong impression?

Folks, that’s not fact checking. That is political hackery for the side that they are rooting for. Fact checking is sticking to the facts. Like the FACT that the statement was literally true.

and the manin stream media repeated that lie over and over
it made a difference
just google the damn thing and watch what still comes up today
I had seen the same thing coming from Ford actually. Exactly why now are you finding FORD, then JEEP, choosing China to start building it's next production plant? Where are all the big plans to invest capital into a large assembly line in the United States, to look to American workers? Could it be government regulations? What are the tax rates for businesses that are established and BUILT in the United States, compared to simply investing in China?


I wish you people would take the time to learn economics 101. Plants are made in nations to produce goods for sale. If Jeep made jeeps in China it's cause their market demands it to lower the costs.
In the US, Honda and Toyota has built plants as have China to product the MG. They hire US auto workers. Why ? To save money on exporting, tariffs and production standards for a specific national regulations of automobiles.

Not the point. I even specifically pointed the fact that there was likely nothing that could have been done because the move was economically sound in my last post. Not one person here has challenged the idea that Jeep did this because it makes sense for them to do so. The point was that PolitiFact calls this a lie, trumps it up to the lie of the year and the reality is that it was not a lie. That is political hackery. The fact remains that it simply was not a lie.
Bishop Willard's Lie of the Year is a perfect example of how professional liars can craft a DECEPTION with very carefully chosen truthful words.

PolitiFact | Inside the Meters: The Lie of the Year, still

The Romney campaign was crafty with its word choice, so campaign aides could claim to be speaking the literal truth, but the ad left a false impression that all Jeep production was being moved to China.


The Jeep ad took an issue for legitimate policy disagreement and twisted the facts to deceive voters. We stand by our decision to make it the Lie of the Year.
And here we have ed posting the asinine statement by PolitiFact that they stand by the decision to outline this as the lie of the year even though they ADMIT that it was not a lie. Now this is somehow the largest lie of the year (even though it was true) because PolitiFact got the wrong impression?

Folks, that’s not fact checking. That is political hackery for the side that they are rooting for. Fact checking is sticking to the facts. Like the FACT that the statement was literally true.
No, they admit it was a professionally CRAFTED lie. You are claiming that a professionally CRAFTED lie, designed to deliberately deceive, is not a lie. :cuckoo:
I wish you people would take the time to learn economics 101. Plants are made in nations to produce goods for sale. If Jeep made jeeps in China it's cause their market demands it to lower the costs.
In the US, Honda and Toyota has built plants as have China to product the MG. They hire US auto workers. Why ? To save money on exporting, tariffs and production standards for a specific national regulations of automobiles.

Not the point. I even specifically pointed the fact that there was likely nothing that could have been done because the move was economically sound in my last post. Not one person here has challenged the idea that Jeep did this because it makes sense for them to do so. The point was that PolitiFact calls this a lie, trumps it up to the lie of the year and the reality is that it was not a lie. That is political hackery. The fact remains that it simply was not a lie.
Bishop Willard's Lie of the Year is a perfect example of how professional liars can craft a DECEPTION with very carefully chosen truthful words.

PolitiFact | Inside the Meters: The Lie of the Year, still

The Romney campaign was crafty with its word choice, so campaign aides could claim to be speaking the literal truth, but the ad left a false impression that all Jeep production was being moved to China.


The Jeep ad took an issue for legitimate policy disagreement and twisted the facts to deceive voters. We stand by our decision to make it the Lie of the Year.
And here we have ed posting the asinine statement by PolitiFact that they stand by the decision to outline this as the lie of the year even though they ADMIT that it was not a lie. Now this is somehow the largest lie of the year (even though it was true) because PolitiFact got the wrong impression?

Folks, that’s not fact checking. That is political hackery for the side that they are rooting for. Fact checking is sticking to the facts. Like the FACT that the statement was literally true.

The original politifact lie o meter said that Jeep would be producing automobiles in China for the Chinese. Mittens implied that ALL production was moving hence the lie.

so if BHO implies that ACA will not make my ins go up, wait, he did not imply that, he stated that as a fact
My ins did go up
X 3 allmost
thats a lie
I wish you people would take the time to learn economics 101. Plants are made in nations to produce goods for sale. If Jeep made jeeps in China it's cause their market demands it to lower the costs.
In the US, Honda and Toyota has built plants as have China to product the MG. They hire US auto workers. Why ? To save money on exporting, tariffs and production standards for a specific national regulations of automobiles.

Not the point. I even specifically pointed the fact that there was likely nothing that could have been done because the move was economically sound in my last post. Not one person here has challenged the idea that Jeep did this because it makes sense for them to do so. The point was that PolitiFact calls this a lie, trumps it up to the lie of the year and the reality is that it was not a lie. That is political hackery. The fact remains that it simply was not a lie.
Bishop Willard's Lie of the Year is a perfect example of how professional liars can craft a DECEPTION with very carefully chosen truthful words.

PolitiFact | Inside the Meters: The Lie of the Year, still

The Romney campaign was crafty with its word choice, so campaign aides could claim to be speaking the literal truth, but the ad left a false impression that all Jeep production was being moved to China.


The Jeep ad took an issue for legitimate policy disagreement and twisted the facts to deceive voters. We stand by our decision to make it the Lie of the Year.
And here we have ed posting the asinine statement by PolitiFact that they stand by the decision to outline this as the lie of the year even though they ADMIT that it was not a lie. Now this is somehow the largest lie of the year (even though it was true) because PolitiFact got the wrong impression?

Folks, that’s not fact checking. That is political hackery for the side that they are rooting for. Fact checking is sticking to the facts. Like the FACT that the statement was literally true.
No, they admit it was a professionally CRAFTED lie. You are claiming that a professionally CRAFTED lie, designed to deliberately deceive, is not a lie. :cuckoo:

bull shit
read the link
Now one could argue—and I suspect many pro-free trade, pro-globalization conservatives would make this argument—that expanding production overseas is good for Jeep, and what's good for Jeep in the long-run is ultimately good for the jobs they sustain in the U.S. job market. And if you dig deep into the PolitiFact ruling, that's their essential objection to Mitt Romney's ad: It implies that it would be better for Jeep to create more jobs in the U.S. in the short-term, instead of expanding overseas production. So in the end, PolitiFact's beef with the Romney ad was an entirely argumentative disagreement about what course of action Jeep should take, not a factual objection to Romney's true statement that Jeep was going to start building cars in China. However, disagreeing about the implications of manufacturing Jeeps in China doesn't justify calling Romney a liar for accurately stating Jeeps would be manufactured in China. PolitiFact didn't even dispute that, and even conceded the "Lie of the Year" was built on a "grain of truth." Rather, PolitiFact explicitly argued producing Jeeps in China is a good thing:
Too deep. PolitiFact was simply doing what the rest of their leftist buddies on the MSM were doing. Campaigning for Obama.

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Pure Pubcrappe as always, hater dupe. It's STILL NOT JEEPS TO BE SOLD HERE, IT'S FOR CHINA AND FURRINERS...

Hey you supremely ignorant douchebag!

It's Jeeps that could have been made HERE and sold to China. Idiot!
Except, if they are made here and imported into China there is an added tax by China that makes then too expensive to sell in China. Hence they are made in China to avoid China's added tax.
Get it?

I don't see how that is really germane:eusa_eh:, if the point is creating jobs overseas to make products that could be made here, I think the point salient point Romney made is ............correct(?).
You idiots need to read the original politifact article. It talked about Jeep manufacturing autos in China...for the Chinese.

I had seen the same thing coming from Ford actually. Exactly why now are you finding FORD, then JEEP, choosing China to start building it's next production plant? Where are all the big plans to invest capital into a large assembly line in the United States, to look to American workers? Could it be government regulations? What are the tax rates for businesses that are established and BUILT in the United States, compared to simply investing in China?


:cuckoo: Fail! - Lies! - Car companies are not paying tax in this country. :cuckoo: They are actually subsidized.

Workers are taxed out of work in this country to subsidize Wallstreet. Corporate pays 0% effective tax rate & they get bail-outs & subsidies. Wallstreet fat cats only pay 13% effective tax rate without payroll taxes. Workers pay 26% effective federal tax rate + 7.5% federal payroll tax rate. The enormous tax on work to subsidize wallstreet & corporate make it is cheaper to fire all the US workers & hire foreigners.
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I had seen the same thing coming from Ford actually. Exactly why now are you finding FORD, then JEEP, choosing China to start building it's next production plant? Where are all the big plans to invest capital into a large assembly line in the United States, to look to American workers? Could it be government regulations? What are the tax rates for businesses that are established and BUILT in the United States, compared to simply investing in China?


I wish you people would take the time to learn economics 101. Plants are made in nations to produce goods for sale. If Jeep made jeeps in China it's cause their market demands it to lower the costs.
In the US, Honda and Toyota has built plants as have China to product the MG. They hire US auto workers. Why ? To save money on exporting, tariffs and production standards for a specific national regulations of automobiles.

Not the point. I even specifically pointed the fact that there was likely nothing that could have been done because the move was economically sound in my last post. Not one person here has challenged the idea that Jeep did this because it makes sense for them to do so. The point was that PolitiFact calls this a lie, trumps it up to the lie of the year and the reality is that it was not a lie. That is political hackery. The fact remains that it simply was not a lie.
Bishop Willard's Lie of the Year is a perfect example of how professional liars can craft a DECEPTION with very carefully chosen truthful words.

PolitiFact | Inside the Meters: The Lie of the Year, still

The Romney campaign was crafty with its word choice, so campaign aides could claim to be speaking the literal truth, but the ad left a false impression that all Jeep production was being moved to China.


The Jeep ad took an issue for legitimate policy disagreement and twisted the facts to deceive voters. We stand by our decision to make it the Lie of the Year.
And here we have ed posting the asinine statement by PolitiFact that they stand by the decision to outline this as the lie of the year even though they ADMIT that it was not a lie. Now this is somehow the largest lie of the year (even though it was true) because PolitiFact got the wrong impression?

Folks, that’s not fact checking. That is political hackery for the side that they are rooting for. Fact checking is sticking to the facts. Like the FACT that the statement was literally true.

I agree, I remember posting an article in early 2011, to wit politifact in the face of both chambers ebing demcoratic and exec. too, spent 68%(I am pretty sure that was the number) of their time fact checking republicans...ok fine, but really? I'd think the party holding all the cards ( and as supra majority at for a session) would rate at least, par?

And my take was their 'explanations/commentary' sounded more like arguments in/for mitigation.....
I wish you people would take the time to learn economics 101. Plants are made in nations to produce goods for sale. If Jeep made jeeps in China it's cause their market demands it to lower the costs.
In the US, Honda and Toyota has built plants as have China to product the MG. They hire US auto workers. Why ? To save money on exporting, tariffs and production standards for a specific national regulations of automobiles.

Not the point. I even specifically pointed the fact that there was likely nothing that could have been done because the move was economically sound in my last post. Not one person here has challenged the idea that Jeep did this because it makes sense for them to do so. The point was that PolitiFact calls this a lie, trumps it up to the lie of the year and the reality is that it was not a lie. That is political hackery. The fact remains that it simply was not a lie.
Bishop Willard's Lie of the Year is a perfect example of how professional liars can craft a DECEPTION with very carefully chosen truthful words.

PolitiFact | Inside the Meters: The Lie of the Year, still

The Romney campaign was crafty with its word choice, so campaign aides could claim to be speaking the literal truth, but the ad left a false impression that all Jeep production was being moved to China.


The Jeep ad took an issue for legitimate policy disagreement and twisted the facts to deceive voters. We stand by our decision to make it the Lie of the Year.
And here we have ed posting the asinine statement by PolitiFact that they stand by the decision to outline this as the lie of the year even though they ADMIT that it was not a lie. Now this is somehow the largest lie of the year (even though it was true) because PolitiFact got the wrong impression?

Folks, that’s not fact checking. That is political hackery for the side that they are rooting for. Fact checking is sticking to the facts. Like the FACT that the statement was literally true.

I agree, I remember posting an article in early 2011, to wit politifact in the face of both chambers ebing demcoratic and exec. too, spent 68%(I am pretty sure that was the number) of their time fact checking republicans...ok fine, but really? I'd think the party holding all the cards ( and as supra majority at for a session) would rate at least, par?

And my take was their 'explanations/commentary' sounded more like arguments in/for mitigation.....

The first clue that I ever noticed that showed PolitiFact’s bias was when I read that (or possibly a similar) thread. It is bald faced and they are clearly left leaning. The sad part is that the left here can’t handle that fact. There is evidence all over this thread of them exploding and tripping all over themselves to defend an outright falsehood that they printed and then actually stood by. It is pathetic.

For those of us that bother to acknowledge reality, we understand that ALL ‘sources’ are going to inherently be biased to one degree or another. That is simply part of the human condition. There is ample evidence that PolitiFact is leaning to the left even beyond this glaring example but those that carry water for the left will never see it that way.
No, they admit it was a professionally CRAFTED lie. You are claiming that a professionally CRAFTED lie, designed to deliberately deceive, is not a lie. :cuckoo:

Actually, I am claiming that something that is factually correct (as the PolitiFact statement admitted) is actually NOT a lie no matter how you want to take it. That is cold hard fact by the way.

You are the one that is claiming that something 100% factual is somehow able to be equated with a lie and the lie of the year at that. That is a hell of a whopper in itself by the way.
No, they admit it was a professionally CRAFTED lie. You are claiming that a professionally CRAFTED lie, designed to deliberately deceive, is not a lie. :cuckoo:

Actually, I am claiming that something that is factually correct (as the PolitiFact statement admitted) is actually NOT a lie no matter how you want to take it. That is cold hard fact by the way.

You are the one that is claiming that something 100% factual is somehow able to be equated with a lie and the lie of the year at that. That is a hell of a whopper in itself by the way.
The best way to lie is tell just enough "truth" to deceive, and then shut up! That is what Bishop Willard did. It was the lie of the year because the choice of the most deceptive words possible shows PREMEDITATION.

A half-truth is a whole lie.
- Yiddish Proverb
No, they admit it was a professionally CRAFTED lie. You are claiming that a professionally CRAFTED lie, designed to deliberately deceive, is not a lie. :cuckoo:

Actually, I am claiming that something that is factually correct (as the PolitiFact statement admitted) is actually NOT a lie no matter how you want to take it. That is cold hard fact by the way.

You are the one that is claiming that something 100% factual is somehow able to be equated with a lie and the lie of the year at that. That is a hell of a whopper in itself by the way.
The best way to lie is tell just enough "truth" to deceive, and then shut up! That is what Bishop Willard did. It was the lie of the year because the choice of the most deceptive words possible shows PREMEDITATION.

A half-truth is a whole lie.
- Yiddish Proverb
Or you could just grow the fuck up.

But I doubt it.
Hey you supremely ignorant douchebag!

It's Jeeps that could have been made HERE and sold to China. Idiot!
Except, if they are made here and imported into China there is an added tax by China that makes then too expensive to sell in China. Hence they are made in China to avoid China's added tax.
Get it?

I don't see how that is really germane:eusa_eh:, if the point is creating jobs overseas to make products that could be made here, I think the point salient point Romney made is ............correct(?).

What good is making products here if the can't be sold? The cost of shipping the finished cars to China plus the tax China puts on imported cars puts the price of the cars out of reach for the Chinese market. GM and Chrysler failed because they were producing cars they could not sell. Now Bishop Willard and the America-hating Right want the car companies helped by Obama to fail so it is understandable that they want then to make cars they can't sell.

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