Poll: 6 in 7 American voters say minorities are favored over Americans

A poll on Breitbart.

Funny, the GOP being nearly all white. And the people they feel are being "favored" over them are racial minorities. The SAME people Republicans hate.
Arrest those not loyal lock them in a military prison.
Who is going to arrest them ? And lock them up where ? How do you arrest them ? And who is them ? What prison ? How many of them do you intend on arresting and locking up ? If you really think any of these little guerilla groups consisting of overweight forty-something white guys playing in the woods are gonna do it ?
most of this will be solved because a war will break out..most of this can be done quietly
How can a war be quiet ?
Find a loyal commander who then brings in people loyal to you and him ONLY and who reports directly to you.
Who ? Richard Spencer ? Jared Taylor ? Basked Alaska ? Who is going to command this ?
Roll in tanks and the National Guard and cops etc....say there is a threat to negro's I DONT CARE. It can be done easily.
And how do you deal with the people who will not go along with it ?

There is no shortage of real veterans from urban, minority background. Yes the most disproportionately represented group come from white exurban and rural areas. Yes White supremacists have always Joined the military, to learn to fight in their little Rahowa thing. The flipside to that, is if they do start up their race war, you'll find there's a lot of minorities who've had that same training, as well as combat experience.

A truly successful war or campaign requires common goals and a shared strategy, and a majority of the folks that would be willing to engage in an armed resistance have just as many issues against each other as they do with the police (think of street gangs for example).

Also remember the white man had the technological in Vietnam and look what happened ?

The white man Napleon and his army had the technological edge in Haiti but they ended up loosing with Toussient L'Overture and Dessaline


View attachment 235963

Even in more recent times the battle of Mogadishu ? In 1993. The USA against the Somalian soldiers. The US soldiers came over there all full of themselves think that they were going to quell another uprising in Africa. There was a film about it, called black hawk down,

So what happened ? They ran them them out the country that’s what happened and dragged them from behind their trucks.

They knew the land. They knew the country. They knew the terrain. They made short of work of them. The Somalians guerrilla tactics were appropriate to the nature of the conflict and they were fanatically determined to drive out the Americans, whatever the cost.

And this is against the USA with their military might, all their big weapons and guns and money.

So if you committing genocide is gonna be an easy then you could be mistaken because when faced with death people will fight till hell freezes over and then fight on the ice

Offer them free shit 90% will go easily.
Think of something new. Whites have tried that tactic with their "bait" truck when the police tried have a truck load of nikes in the Chicago to try and get arrests.

White people systematically disarmarmed of black men in this country after the Civil War to make the African-American community especially vulnerable to white mob violence, racial pogroms, and ethnic cleansing. Even allowing for that fact, there was always resistance.

You will always be faced with mass resistance. But if you want groups of white and black extremists forming and roaming the streets to find and kill anyone who is not like them. Plenty of innocents will be massacred, families wiped out, communities looted and burnt. This is exactly what happened in Yugoslavia.

And that's the type of racism I prefer. In your face
The other 10% they want to get violent then so be it.
What can white people do to black people that they have not done already ?

This is burns your soul

Why can't black people just die !!!

They never expected us to last this long and grow stronger despite all the drugs, war, molestation, slavery, guns, police brutality, AIDS, glass ceilings, minstrel shows/ media destruction/ music destruction, prison systems, killings of our boys and girls, poison water/ food supply, Katrina, Haiti etc…etc…etc.

You are baffled at our resilience and cannot come to terms with it. If they were placed in our situation, any of them, they would have died off centuries ago! This is what they fear most but will NEVER dare admit.

How is it possible that we are still here?

So once again what are white people going to do to black people that have not tried to do already ?

I get it. You think the white man goal is to keep his blood line white. You have not accomplished that goal. It begs the question whether white folks are a natural race and how is it that other communities can breed so many children but white folks can only breed a few, in the bible it speaks of God cursing the stock (sperm) of nation that goes against his laws

The last thing they heard after "let them eat cake" was "off with their heads".
Arrest those not loyal lock them in a military prison.
Who is going to arrest them ? And lock them up where ? How do you arrest them ? And who is them ? What prison ? How many of them do you intend on arresting and locking up ? If you really think any of these little guerilla groups consisting of overweight forty-something white guys playing in the woods are gonna do it ?
most of this will be solved because a war will break out..most of this can be done quietly
How can a war be quiet ?
Find a loyal commander who then brings in people loyal to you and him ONLY and who reports directly to you.
Who ? Richard Spencer ? Jared Taylor ? Basked Alaska ? Who is going to command this ?
Roll in tanks and the National Guard and cops etc....say there is a threat to negro's I DONT CARE. It can be done easily.
And how do you deal with the people who will not go along with it ?

There is no shortage of real veterans from urban, minority background. Yes the most disproportionately represented group come from white exurban and rural areas. Yes White supremacists have always Joined the military, to learn to fight in their little Rahowa thing. The flipside to that, is if they do start up their race war, you'll find there's a lot of minorities who've had that same training, as well as combat experience.

A truly successful war or campaign requires common goals and a shared strategy, and a majority of the folks that would be willing to engage in an armed resistance have just as many issues against each other as they do with the police (think of street gangs for example).

Also remember the white man had the technological in Vietnam and look what happened ?

The white man Napleon and his army had the technological edge in Haiti but they ended up loosing with Toussient L'Overture and Dessaline


View attachment 235963

Even in more recent times the battle of Mogadishu ? In 1993. The USA against the Somalian soldiers. The US soldiers came over there all full of themselves think that they were going to quell another uprising in Africa. There was a film about it, called black hawk down,

So what happened ? They ran them them out the country that’s what happened and dragged them from behind their trucks.

They knew the land. They knew the country. They knew the terrain. They made short of work of them. The Somalians guerrilla tactics were appropriate to the nature of the conflict and they were fanatically determined to drive out the Americans, whatever the cost.

And this is against the USA with their military might, all their big weapons and guns and money.

So if you committing genocide is gonna be an easy then you could be mistaken because when faced with death people will fight till hell freezes over and then fight on the ice

Offer them free shit 90% will go easily.
Think of something new. Whites have tried that tactic with their "bait" truck when the police tried have a truck load of nikes in the Chicago to try and get arrests.

White people systematically disarmarmed of black men in this country after the Civil War to make the African-American community especially vulnerable to white mob violence, racial pogroms, and ethnic cleansing. Even allowing for that fact, there was always resistance.

You will always be faced with mass resistance. But if you want groups of white and black extremists forming and roaming the streets to find and kill anyone who is not like them. Plenty of innocents will be massacred, families wiped out, communities looted and burnt. This is exactly what happened in Yugoslavia.

And that's the type of racism I prefer. In your face
The other 10% they want to get violent then so be it.
What can white people do to black people that they have not done already ?

This is burns your soul

Why can't black people just die !!!

They never expected us to last this long and grow stronger despite all the drugs, war, molestation, slavery, guns, police brutality, AIDS, glass ceilings, minstrel shows/ media destruction/ music destruction, prison systems, killings of our boys and girls, poison water/ food supply, Katrina, Haiti etc…etc…etc.

You are baffled at our resilience and cannot come to terms with it. If they were placed in our situation, any of them, they would have died off centuries ago! This is what they fear most but will NEVER dare admit.

How is it possible that we are still here?

So once again what are white people going to do to black people that have not tried to do already ?

I get it. You think the white man goal is to keep his blood line white. You have not accomplished that goal. It begs the question whether white folks are a natural race and how is it that other communities can breed so many children but white folks can only breed a few, in the bible it speaks of God cursing the stock (sperm) of nation that goes against his laws

The last thing they heard after "let them eat cake" was "off with their heads".
What I don't get about guys like Odium Taz is that they talk tough online and all this "race war" stuff but they ain't about that life. What even more weird is that they always talking about a "white homeland" and how it's natural to be with people who share the same culture

Well here's the thing

If it were so natural for folks to do this on their own then why in the world would it be necessary to have the likes of Richard Spencer and other people and have whole movements to push that notion ?

If it were natural, it would be impossible to sort of move whites that natural species instinct ? No ?

That means that white people wouldn’t have needed segregation laws to force separation, they wouldn’t have needed anti-miscegenation laws to require separation.

Those laws were passed for the very reason that white people in particular weren’t so sure that they weren’t supposed to stray.
Ummmm ... Americans ARE minorities... Everyone who ever came here has been a minority at one time or another.


Even these guys ...

White Americans are not a minority now, and it is wrong that they are discriminated against.

People often mistake me for a 'white American' ... I don't feel particularly discriminated against.

I do!

I am as white as you and yet those schmucks do not even know about my Jewish Lebanese Grandfather...

I am so white that some confuse me as Swedish or German even though part of me is Norwegian...

How do I live with this conflict raging within!!!
Arrest those not loyal lock them in a military prison.
Who is going to arrest them ? And lock them up where ? How do you arrest them ? And who is them ? What prison ? How many of them do you intend on arresting and locking up ? If you really think any of these little guerilla groups consisting of overweight forty-something white guys playing in the woods are gonna do it ?
most of this will be solved because a war will break out..most of this can be done quietly
How can a war be quiet ?
Find a loyal commander who then brings in people loyal to you and him ONLY and who reports directly to you.
Who ? Richard Spencer ? Jared Taylor ? Basked Alaska ? Who is going to command this ?
Roll in tanks and the National Guard and cops etc....say there is a threat to negro's I DONT CARE. It can be done easily.
And how do you deal with the people who will not go along with it ?

There is no shortage of real veterans from urban, minority background. Yes the most disproportionately represented group come from white exurban and rural areas. Yes White supremacists have always Joined the military, to learn to fight in their little Rahowa thing. The flipside to that, is if they do start up their race war, you'll find there's a lot of minorities who've had that same training, as well as combat experience.

A truly successful war or campaign requires common goals and a shared strategy, and a majority of the folks that would be willing to engage in an armed resistance have just as many issues against each other as they do with the police (think of street gangs for example).

Also remember the white man had the technological in Vietnam and look what happened ?

The white man Napleon and his army had the technological edge in Haiti but they ended up loosing with Toussient L'Overture and Dessaline


View attachment 235963

Even in more recent times the battle of Mogadishu ? In 1993. The USA against the Somalian soldiers. The US soldiers came over there all full of themselves think that they were going to quell another uprising in Africa. There was a film about it, called black hawk down,

So what happened ? They ran them them out the country that’s what happened and dragged them from behind their trucks.

They knew the land. They knew the country. They knew the terrain. They made short of work of them. The Somalians guerrilla tactics were appropriate to the nature of the conflict and they were fanatically determined to drive out the Americans, whatever the cost.

And this is against the USA with their military might, all their big weapons and guns and money.

So if you committing genocide is gonna be an easy then you could be mistaken because when faced with death people will fight till hell freezes over and then fight on the ice

Offer them free shit 90% will go easily.
Think of something new. Whites have tried that tactic with their "bait" truck when the police tried have a truck load of nikes in the Chicago to try and get arrests.

White people systematically disarmarmed of black men in this country after the Civil War to make the African-American community especially vulnerable to white mob violence, racial pogroms, and ethnic cleansing. Even allowing for that fact, there was always resistance.

You will always be faced with mass resistance. But if you want groups of white and black extremists forming and roaming the streets to find and kill anyone who is not like them. Plenty of innocents will be massacred, families wiped out, communities looted and burnt. This is exactly what happened in Yugoslavia.

And that's the type of racism I prefer. In your face
The other 10% they want to get violent then so be it.
What can white people do to black people that they have not done already ?

This is burns your soul

Why can't black people just die !!!

They never expected us to last this long and grow stronger despite all the drugs, war, molestation, slavery, guns, police brutality, AIDS, glass ceilings, minstrel shows/ media destruction/ music destruction, prison systems, killings of our boys and girls, poison water/ food supply, Katrina, Haiti etc…etc…etc.

You are baffled at our resilience and cannot come to terms with it. If they were placed in our situation, any of them, they would have died off centuries ago! This is what they fear most but will NEVER dare admit.

How is it possible that we are still here?

So once again what are white people going to do to black people that have not tried to do already ?

I get it. You think the white man goal is to keep his blood line white. You have not accomplished that goal. It begs the question whether white folks are a natural race and how is it that other communities can breed so many children but white folks can only breed a few, in the bible it speaks of God cursing the stock (sperm) of nation that goes against his laws

The last thing they heard after "let them eat cake" was "off with their heads".
What I don't get about guys like Odium Taz is that they talk tough online and all this "race war" stuff but they ain't about that life. What even more weird is that they always talking about a "white homeland" and how it's natural to be with people who share the same culture

Well here's the thing

If it were so natural for folks to do this on their own then why in the world would it be necessary to have the likes of Richard Spencer and other people and have whole movements to push that notion ?

If it were natural, it would be impossible to sort of move whites that natural species instinct ? No ?

That means that white people wouldn’t have needed segregation laws to force separation, they wouldn’t have needed anti-miscegenation laws to require separation.

Those laws were passed for the very reason that white people in particular weren’t so sure that they weren’t supposed to stray.

I've never advocated for a race war or a white homeland. You must have me confused with all the nignags here.
A poll on Breitbart.

Funny, the GOP being nearly all white. And the people they feel are being "favored" over them are racial minorities. The SAME people Republicans hate.
Sigh if you had read all the replies you would have seen Breitbart just reported on it the poll is actually from a legit polling agency.
Ummmm ... Americans ARE minorities... Everyone who ever came here has been a minority at one time or another.


Even these guys ...

White Americans are not a minority now, and it is wrong that they are discriminated against.

People often mistake me for a 'white American' ... I don't feel particularly discriminated against.

I do!

I am as white as you and yet those schmucks do not even know about my Jewish Lebanese Grandfather...

I am so white that some confuse me as Swedish or German even though part of me is Norwegian...

How do I live with this conflict raging within!!!

You ain't discriminated against.
A poll on Breitbart.

Funny, the GOP being nearly all white. And the people they feel are being "favored" over them are racial minorities. The SAME people Republicans hate.
Sigh if you had read all the replies you would have seen Breitbart just reported on it the poll is actually from a legit polling agency.

Breitbart is alt right fake news.
A poll on Breitbart.

Funny, the GOP being nearly all white. And the people they feel are being "favored" over them are racial minorities. The SAME people Republicans hate.
Sigh if you had read all the replies you would have seen Breitbart just reported on it the poll is actually from a legit polling agency.

Breitbart is alt right fake news.
BOY I don't give a flying fuck about your opinion...you are insignificant.
A poll on Breitbart.

Funny, the GOP being nearly all white. And the people they feel are being "favored" over them are racial minorities. The SAME people Republicans hate.
Sigh if you had read all the replies you would have seen Breitbart just reported on it the poll is actually from a legit polling agency.

Breitbart is alt right fake news.
BOY I don't give a flying fuck about your opinion...you are insignificant.

I am a grown ass man. You are the boy. A punk ass college boy with formula breath.

What you don't give a fuck about don't matter because you are the ring in the toilet bowl, bitch. Other whites are ashamed that you are part of their race. So if you don't approve of what I say, I am on the right track.
A poll on Breitbart.

Funny, the GOP being nearly all white. And the people they feel are being "favored" over them are racial minorities. The SAME people Republicans hate.
Sigh if you had read all the replies you would have seen Breitbart just reported on it the poll is actually from a legit polling agency.

Breitbart is alt right fake news.
BOY I don't give a flying fuck about your opinion...you are insignificant.

I am a grown ass man. You are the boy. A punk ass college boy with formula breath.

What you don't give a fuck about don't matter because you are the ring in the toilet bowl, bitch. Other whites are ashamed that you are part of their race. So if you don't approve of what I say, I am on the right track.
You get triggered so much boy. Just another beast of the field....soon enough soon enough.
A poll on Breitbart.

Funny, the GOP being nearly all white. And the people they feel are being "favored" over them are racial minorities. The SAME people Republicans hate.
Sigh if you had read all the replies you would have seen Breitbart just reported on it the poll is actually from a legit polling agency.

Breitbart is alt right fake news.
BOY I don't give a flying fuck about your opinion...you are insignificant.

I am a grown ass man. You are the boy. A punk ass college boy with formula breath.

What you don't give a fuck about don't matter because you are the ring in the toilet bowl, bitch. Other whites are ashamed that you are part of their race. So if you don't approve of what I say, I am on the right track.
You get triggered so much boy. Just another beast of the field....soon enough soon enough.

Triggered my ass. You are a little punk college boy talking shit on the internet you never would to a grown mans face. I'm quite sure you don't talk to any blacks on campus like this.Your day will never be. You are too soft.


You really don't know what you are up against fool. You guys talk all this shit about us being so violent. So l'm going play you little boy. If we are so violent that we have no qualms killing each other in the high numbers whites like you claim, do you think we are scared of a bunch of dumb ass whites like you? Or death?

So let a old man give your young stupid ass some wisdom. When you go to war against an opponent who is not scared to die, you cannot win. Whites like you talk, but when it's game time, you don't produce.
Last edited:
Sigh if you had read all the replies you would have seen Breitbart just reported on it the poll is actually from a legit polling agency.

Breitbart is alt right fake news.
BOY I don't give a flying fuck about your opinion...you are insignificant.

I am a grown ass man. You are the boy. A punk ass college boy with formula breath.

What you don't give a fuck about don't matter because you are the ring in the toilet bowl, bitch. Other whites are ashamed that you are part of their race. So if you don't approve of what I say, I am on the right track.
You get triggered so much boy. Just another beast of the field....soon enough soon enough.

Triggered my ass. You are a little punk college boy talking shit on the internet you never would to a grown mans face. I'm quite sure you don't talk to any blacks on campus like this.Your day will never be. You are too soft.


You really don't know what you are up against fool. You guys talk all this shit about us being so violent. So l'm going play you little boy. If we are so violent that we have no qualms killing each other in the high numbers whites like you claim, do you think we are scared of a bunch of dumb ass whites like you? Or death?

So let a old man give your young stupid ass some wisdom. When you go to war against an opponent who is not scared to die, you cannot win. Whites like you talk, but when it's game time, you don't produce.
My gawd....blue gum...you are SERIOUSLY boring me. You want to start some real shit I will give you my address you give e a time and date.. I will sit on the porch and wait for ya....no problems for me and up here in North Georgia they know who doesn't belong here so :)
up here in North Georgia they know who doesn't belong here so

Like Andrew Young? Former Black mayor of Atlanta and UN Ambassador?

Or Maynard Jackson, also a former Black mayor of Atlanta?

Or, Stacey Abrams?

The faculty and students of Georgia Institute of Technology, a black college that is one of the top five engineering schools in the US?

Or Spelman College, Clark Atlanta or Morehouse?

Are these the folks you can see 'don't belong'?
up here in North Georgia they know who doesn't belong here so

Like Andrew Young? Former Black mayor of Atlanta and UN Ambassador?

Or Maynard Jackson, also a former Black mayor of Atlanta?

Or, Stacey Abrams?

The faculty and students of Georgia Institute of Technology, a black college that is one of the top five engineering schools in the US?

Or Spelman College, Clark Atlanta or Morehouse?

Are these the folks you can see 'don't belong'?
NORTH GEORGIA....Guess you missed that part. I can't help nor do I care what APElanta does...that place is a disgusting cesspool. I make sure our 9mm goes with us with both clips full when we dare go to Apelanta.
up here in North Georgia they know who doesn't belong here so

Like Andrew Young? Former Black mayor of Atlanta and UN Ambassador?

Or Maynard Jackson, also a former Black mayor of Atlanta?

Or, Stacey Abrams?

The faculty and students of Georgia Institute of Technology, a black college that is one of the top five engineering schools in the US?

Or Spelman College, Clark Atlanta or Morehouse?

Are these the folks you can see 'don't belong'?
NORTH GEORGIA....Guess you missed that part. I can't help nor do I care what APElanta does...that place is a disgusting cesspool. I make sure our 9mm goes with us with both clips full when we dare go to Apelanta.

And this will be he guy who takes you down if you pull any nonsense. I've asked him to send me the CS photos for my scrapbook.


Just a question. You don't have to answer if you don't want.

Will they let you into Valhalla if you're taken down by a Black police officer?
up here in North Georgia they know who doesn't belong here so

Like Andrew Young? Former Black mayor of Atlanta and UN Ambassador?

Or Maynard Jackson, also a former Black mayor of Atlanta?

Or, Stacey Abrams?

The faculty and students of Georgia Institute of Technology, a black college that is one of the top five engineering schools in the US?

Or Spelman College, Clark Atlanta or Morehouse?

Are these the folks you can see 'don't belong'?
NORTH GEORGIA....Guess you missed that part. I can't help nor do I care what APElanta does...that place is a disgusting cesspool. I make sure our 9mm goes with us with both clips full when we dare go to Apelanta.

And this will be he guy who takes you down if you pull any nonsense. I've asked him to send me the CS photos for my scrapbook.


Just a question. You don't have to answer if you don't want.

Will they let you into Valhalla if you're taken down by a Black police officer?
I am sure he will. I take our 9mm for protection from the animals that call that hellhole home. We go,we do what needs done and we leave. No eating,no shopping etc until we are at least north of town by 25 miles or more. I won't go to Valhalla I am not a Pagan of any kind.
up here in North Georgia they know who doesn't belong here so

Like Andrew Young? Former Black mayor of Atlanta and UN Ambassador?

Or Maynard Jackson, also a former Black mayor of Atlanta?

Or, Stacey Abrams?

The faculty and students of Georgia Institute of Technology, a black college that is one of the top five engineering schools in the US?

Or Spelman College, Clark Atlanta or Morehouse?

Are these the folks you can see 'don't belong'?
NORTH GEORGIA....Guess you missed that part. I can't help nor do I care what APElanta does...that place is a disgusting cesspool. I make sure our 9mm goes with us with both clips full when we dare go to Apelanta.

And this will be he guy who takes you down if you pull any nonsense. I've asked him to send me the CS photos for my scrapbook.


Just a question. You don't have to answer if you don't want.

Will they let you into Valhalla if you're taken down by a Black police officer?
I won't go to Valhalla I am not a Pagan of any kind.

So many neo-Nazis and fans of Hitler claim to be followers of Nordic paganism. Mea culpa for that assumption.

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