Poll: 6 in 7 American voters say minorities are favored over Americans

Whites own and operate these companies. The white media does exist..
All of those companies favor the Democrats or the mainstream left party heavily, despite those parties moving towards absolute discrimination against white people via reparations and land grabs(land grabs are already happening in Europe right now).
I am a Racial Socialist. Google it if you are that interested in my actual beliefs. I am not a National Socialist although I do ally with them. I advocate for what's best for my race as I would expect ANY person to do. You seem to advocate just racism against whites and not what's best for blacks or whatever mud race you are. I don't truly care,your opinion matters as about as much as a piece of gum stuck to my shoe means to me.

You advocate white supremacy. An idiot whose ideas only get credence in places like this.
The white race IS superior but you miss one BIG thing when it comes to White Supremacy. I don't advocate White Supremacy because that means we would RULE over another race. My ultimate goal is a 100% completely white world....there would be no need for "white supremacy" other than the fact Whites ARE a superior race especially compared to Negro's and Latino's.

Bitch you are not superior to anybody regardless of their color. You're a punk ass white loser who won't amount to shit who will spend your life crying about how whites don't have what you think whites are entitled to. That all your sorry ass racial socialist shit is about . So go buy a ticket, plant your white racial socialist ass on a plane and move to Iceland or somewhere it is all white.
TRIGGERED! LOL....funny thing about ALL white places is eventually they are FORCED to accept nonwhite scum like you! Forsyth County Ga was all white in the late 80's now it looks like a mini version of Atlanta! If they had wanted to stay white they should have been allowed to do so! Keep whining because triggering you is absolutely HILARIOUS!
My ultimate goal is a 100% completely white world....there would be no need for "white supremacy" other than the fact Whites ARE a superior race especially compared to Negro's and Latino's.
Let's say white people are superior. You're the man. Because personally speaking I don't give a crap if someone thinks they're superior to me. I only care what they are gonna do about it.

Let's say you Odium are in charge. You have the power. You have your finger on the red button. You have the ability to cause global armageddon. You control, warfare, the media, the everything.

Right ? So two questions

  • So how would you go about creating this white world ?
  • Where is the cut off point gonna between who is and who is not white ?
First step is mass sterilization of ALL nonwhites that includes Jews,I would move ALL negro's to say South Florida below I-4 and set up a giant reservation and give them all the food and drugs and alcohol they need to live out their lives and I would sterilize EVERYONE of child bearing age so eventually they would all die off. Drop nukes on Israel first then Saudi Arabia and Africa.
The cut off point is simple,do they look white,consider themselves to be white,act white? Then they are white....I would personally leave that to the scientists to figure out and we can go from there.

So you do not believe in the United States of America. You do nor believe in any sort of Supreme Being. Got it.

Buster, as a person whose ancestors came from the Russian/Polish parts of Europe and the Island of Ireland, I will have to say this to you: What don't you go fuck yourself and stop shaming the rest of us.
I believe in the USA that my founding fathers wanted which if you read the naturalization acts of the 1790's you would understand meant FREE WHITE PEOPLE plain and simple in English for all to understand. YOU are a piece of leftist commie scum who deserves the ultimate penalty.Funny how someone from Poland/Russia is a communist in disguise still believes in the same ideology that your ancestors tried to get away from. What a pathetic excuse for a human being...you spit on their graves.
I am a Racial Socialist. Google it if you are that interested in my actual beliefs. I am not a National Socialist although I do ally with them. I advocate for what's best for my race as I would expect ANY person to do. You seem to advocate just racism against whites and not what's best for blacks or whatever mud race you are. I don't truly care,your opinion matters as about as much as a piece of gum stuck to my shoe means to me.

You advocate white supremacy. An idiot whose ideas only get credence in places like this.
The white race IS superior but you miss one BIG thing when it comes to White Supremacy. I don't advocate White Supremacy because that means we would RULE over another race. My ultimate goal is a 100% completely white world....there would be no need for "white supremacy" other than the fact Whites ARE a superior race especially compared to Negro's and Latino's.

Bitch you are not superior to anybody regardless of their color. You're a punk ass white loser who won't amount to shit who will spend your life crying about how whites don't have what you think whites are entitled to. That all your sorry ass racial socialist shit is about . So go buy a ticket, plant your white racial socialist ass on a plane and move to Iceland or somewhere it is all white.
TRIGGERED! LOL....funny thing about ALL white places is eventually they are FORCED to accept nonwhite scum like you! Forsyth County Ga was all white in the late 80's now it looks like a mini version of Atlanta! If they had wanted to stay white they should have been allowed to do so! Keep whining because triggering you is absolutely HILARIOUS!
My ultimate goal is a 100% completely white world....there would be no need for "white supremacy" other than the fact Whites ARE a superior race especially compared to Negro's and Latino's.
Let's say white people are superior. You're the man. Because personally speaking I don't give a crap if someone thinks they're superior to me. I only care what they are gonna do about it.

Let's say you Odium are in charge. You have the power. You have your finger on the red button. You have the ability to cause global armageddon. You control, warfare, the media, the everything.

Right ? So two questions

  • So how would you go about creating this white world ?
  • Where is the cut off point gonna between who is and who is not white ?
First step is mass sterilization of ALL nonwhites that includes Jews,I would move ALL negro's to say South Florida below I-4 and set up a giant reservation and give them all the food and drugs and alcohol they need to live out their lives and I would sterilize EVERYONE of child bearing age so eventually they would all die off. Drop nukes on Israel first then Saudi Arabia and Africa.
The cut off point is simple,do they look white,consider themselves to be white,act white? Then they are white....I would personally leave that to the scientists to figure out and we can go from there.

Funny how in reality it has been whites who have forced themselves on everybody else as they ran away from the poor conditions in their "white" countries. But it is readily apparent that you do not reside in reality.
WHITES have not forced themselves on anyone,WHITE TRAITORS with Jewish advisers pushing them towards bad policies invaded other white countries,I disagree with almost EVERY invasion,war etc this country has been involved in.
I am a Racial Socialist. Google it if you are that interested in my actual beliefs. I am not a National Socialist although I do ally with them. I advocate for what's best for my race as I would expect ANY person to do. You seem to advocate just racism against whites and not what's best for blacks or whatever mud race you are. I don't truly care,your opinion matters as about as much as a piece of gum stuck to my shoe means to me.

You advocate white supremacy. An idiot whose ideas only get credence in places like this.
The white race IS superior but you miss one BIG thing when it comes to White Supremacy. I don't advocate White Supremacy because that means we would RULE over another race. My ultimate goal is a 100% completely white world....there would be no need for "white supremacy" other than the fact Whites ARE a superior race especially compared to Negro's and Latino's.

Bitch you are not superior to anybody regardless of their color. You're a punk ass white loser who won't amount to shit who will spend your life crying about how whites don't have what you think whites are entitled to. That all your sorry ass racial socialist shit is about . So go buy a ticket, plant your white racial socialist ass on a plane and move to Iceland or somewhere it is all white.
TRIGGERED! LOL....funny thing about ALL white places is eventually they are FORCED to accept nonwhite scum like you! Forsyth County Ga was all white in the late 80's now it looks like a mini version of Atlanta! If they had wanted to stay white they should have been allowed to do so! Keep whining because triggering you is absolutely HILARIOUS!
My ultimate goal is a 100% completely white world....there would be no need for "white supremacy" other than the fact Whites ARE a superior race especially compared to Negro's and Latino's.
Let's say white people are superior. You're the man. Because personally speaking I don't give a crap if someone thinks they're superior to me. I only care what they are gonna do about it.

Let's say you Odium are in charge. You have the power. You have your finger on the red button. You have the ability to cause global armageddon. You control, warfare, the media, the everything.

Right ? So two questions

  • So how would you go about creating this white world ?
  • Where is the cut off point gonna between who is and who is not white ?
First step is mass sterilization of ALL nonwhites that includes Jews,I would move ALL negro's to say South Florida below I-4 and set up a giant reservation and give them all the food and drugs and alcohol they need to live out their lives and I would sterilize EVERYONE of child bearing age so eventually they would all die off. Drop nukes on Israel first then Saudi Arabia and Africa.
The cut off point is simple,do they look white,consider themselves to be white,act white? Then they are white....I would personally leave that to the scientists to figure out and we can go from there.

I'm curious about something, and you don't have to answer if you don't want.

Does it anger you that your beliefs are so reviled that you can't speak them out in public without risking your job or your legitimate associations?

Doesn't it just get your goat that you can't share your opinions and beliefs anywhere except behind the anonymity of a keyboard?

That you have to resort to cowering in the dark to spew your hate?
I do speak in public about my views, I post them all over social media,I put them on my bumper stickers,shirts,hats,etc etc..I hand out literature I try and wake other white people up to the truth I also do NOT post where I work online and never will. That's what gets most idiots caught,that or doing dumb shit while being caught on video.
First step is mass sterilization of ALL nonwhites that includes Jews,
No. No

I did not say "non whites or Jews"

I said black people.

So let me get this straight the main issue you have is population control ?
I would move ALL negro's to say South Florida below I-4 and set up a giant reservation and give them all the food and drugs and alcohol they need to live out their lives and I would sterilize EVERYONE of child bearing age so eventually they would all die off.
OK. And would you plan on getting milions of African Americans in Florida ?
Drop nukes on Israel first then Saudi Arabia and Africa.
The problem is Israel has nukes.

So they would fire back just back with there nukes.

And what happens then ?

Maybe you think you will be safe in your bunker while the rest of America slowly dies from the radioactive fall out poisoning.

But the fact is - There is no crawling out of a bunker.

The residual radiation spread over the landmass of the planet will ensure at least 200 years of inhabitability and much longer for the consumption of food.

Therefore, any bunker must be able to withstand 200 years of continual habitation, air circulation, energy consumption and stored food and when the 10 generation of survivors finally manages to crawl out of the bunker, they will still starve or eat radioactive food and have horribly deformed children, thus ending humanity after a lengthy struggle for survival.

The only thing Nuclear Weapons were EVER good for is to threaten your neighbours on earth and promise self-destruction.

There is no them and us with nuclear weapons

When you threaten with nuclear weapons, you are only holding a gun to your own head and yelling. “I am going to kill myself, and you, and THEN you will be sorry.”

It’s murder-suicide

I just hope if you survive the bomb just long enough to truly experience the horrors of the nuclear war you so want.

Actually, nah, you’d still be blaming the liberals and Black people until your last breath.

Saudia Arabia and Africa pretty feed the world with food, oil and crops. Not a good idea to nuke to them either

The mobile phone or I-phone you have in your pocket, or laptop would not even work without congolese coltan
Force them to South Florida.We got trains,we got vehicles,we got airplanes,declare martial law and force them there...Yep Israel has nukes no surprise there. That's why we send a nuclear warhead ASAP into Israel if we have to use deception to do it so be it.If we have to sneak one in via a "terrorist group" in the region OK fine with me. It will happen either way.If Israel somehow manages to attack the USA OK that's fine we can stop them from hitting or if they do hit it will be DC which is just a Jewish infested shithole anyways.
The cut off point is simple,do they look white ?
There are many people who look white but have black ancestry.

These are twins Marcia and Millie Biggs. Born to black father and white mother

View attachment 234665

The pic below is Trojan Bellasrio on the right. She looks white but that is her African American mother on the left


This is Gaberielle Reece. She used to play pro volleyball


Proper Ayran stock. Hitler would be proud. Right ?


Her dad was black Afro Trindanian

consider themselves to be white,act white? Then they are white.
I don't understand what you mean.

So a person who consider themselves white is white ? Is that all it takes to get in the white club ? And what is acting white ?
I don't consider any of those white...they all have negro features if you look close enough,skull size,nose shape,lips etc etc.

Whites own and operate these companies. The white media does exist..

Jewish owned actually..I already posted WHO the Jew is that owns/controls those.
Ummmm ... Americans ARE minorities... Everyone who ever came here has been a minority at one time or another.


Even these guys ...

White Americans are not a minority now, and it is wrong that they are discriminated against.

People often mistake me for a 'white American' ... I don't feel particularly discriminated against.
They don't expect you to over tip?
Ummmm ... Americans ARE minorities... Everyone who ever came here has been a minority at one time or another.


Even these guys ...

White Americans are not a minority now, and it is wrong that they are discriminated against.

People often mistake me for a 'white American' ... I don't feel particularly discriminated against.
They don't expect you to over tip?

I already gave my 'tip'.
Force them to South Florida.We got trains,we got vehicles,we got airplanes,declare martial law and force them there...Yep Israel has nukes no surprise there. That's why we send a nuclear warhead ASAP into Israel if we have to use deception to do it so be it.If we have to sneak one in via a "terrorist group" in the region OK fine with me. It will happen either way.If Israel somehow manages to attack the USA OK that's fine we can stop them from hitting or if they do hit it will be DC which is just a Jewish infested shithole anyways.

I have fantasies too. The difference is, my fantasies have a lot more chance of coming true.

Force them to South Florida.We got trains,we got vehicles,we got airplanes,declare martial law and force them there..
But we still have not go to the "How"

How do you force 30 million black people into Florida ? I mean mobilising 30 million people is great task and I'm not saying it can't be done because one thing I don't do is under-estimate the white supremacist

But how could such a thing be accomplished without mass violence ?
How do you handle the fact that there are thousands of black people in the Army who won't go along with it ?
And how do you handle the fact that force alone won't do it because guns are readily available across the USA ?

These are question I’ve been posing to white nationalists for over long time.

And in every case, they wimp out it.

They do this because they know that even if they can convince large numbers of whites to agree with some of their basic arguments about so-called reverse discrimination, immigration, or the problems of “political correctness,” trying to convince whites of genocidal movements would immediately sink them.

Just bring it and come clean.

There is nothing preventing white people from fleeing racially integrated areas and moving to suburbs, exurbs, or small towns in Montana like the one Richard Spencer calls home.

If that were all the nationalists wanted they would hardly require a political movement to attain their goals.
I don't consider any of those white...they all have negro features if you look close enough,skull size,nose shape,lips etc etc.
So this women is not white to you ?

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Force them to South Florida.We got trains,we got vehicles,we got airplanes,declare martial law and force them there..
But we still have not go to the "How"

How do you force 30 million black people into Florida ? I mean mobilising 30 million people is great task and I'm not saying it can't be done because one thing I don't do is under-estimate the white supremacist

But how could such a thing be accomplished without mass violence ?
How do you handle the fact that there are thousands of black people in the Army who won't go along with it ?
And how do you handle the fact that force alone won't do it because guns are readily available across the USA ?

These are question I’ve been posing to white nationalists for over long time.

And in every case, they wimp out it.

They do this because they know that even if they can convince large numbers of whites to agree with some of their basic arguments about so-called reverse discrimination, immigration, or the problems of “political correctness,” trying to convince whites of genocidal movements would immediately sink them.

Just bring it and come clean.

There is nothing preventing white people from fleeing racially integrated areas and moving to suburbs, exurbs, or small towns in Montana like the one Richard Spencer calls home.

If that were all the nationalists wanted they would hardly require a political movement to attain their goals.
I don't consider any of those white...they all have negro features if you look close enough,skull size,nose shape,lips etc etc.
So this women is not white to you ?

Considering the mass hysteria and the oppressive elements that prevent white people from so much as starting white organizations for completely benign and justifiable reasons, your post about what white nationalists supposedly could do if they only dropped their nonexistent genocidal rhetoric rings completely hollow.

White people don’t have the power and privilege to just start up ridiculous, hypocritical, radical and anti-intellectual enterprises like BLM. White people are oppressed beyond your understanding and imagination.
Force them to South Florida.We got trains,we got vehicles,we got airplanes,declare martial law and force them there..
But we still have not go to the "How"

How do you force 30 million black people into Florida ? I mean mobilising 30 million people is great task and I'm not saying it can't be done because one thing I don't do is under-estimate the white supremacist

But how could such a thing be accomplished without mass violence ?
How do you handle the fact that there are thousands of black people in the Army who won't go along with it ?
And how do you handle the fact that force alone won't do it because guns are readily available across the USA ?

These are question I’ve been posing to white nationalists for over long time.

And in every case, they wimp out it.

They do this because they know that even if they can convince large numbers of whites to agree with some of their basic arguments about so-called reverse discrimination, immigration, or the problems of “political correctness,” trying to convince whites of genocidal movements would immediately sink them.

Just bring it and come clean.

There is nothing preventing white people from fleeing racially integrated areas and moving to suburbs, exurbs, or small towns in Montana like the one Richard Spencer calls home.

If that were all the nationalists wanted they would hardly require a political movement to attain their goals.
I don't consider any of those white...they all have negro features if you look close enough,skull size,nose shape,lips etc etc.
So this women is not white to you ?

We got a military,police,border patrol,etc etc...deputize the local Klan LOL....Sure there will be violence but once we cut off all of the free shit coming to them HERE and they can't get food or drugs or alcohol or anything else and we offer it on the reservation 90% will go freely....negro's LOVE free stuff....The trouble makers will be breaking the law under martial law and be subject to arrest and dealt with by the criminal justice system quickly. There are a few books out there on how to do it. 1 is called Dark Millennium.
We got a military,police,border patrol
Ok. So the military,police and border patrol in your scenario should go into all black people's houses, guns pointed and force black people to go to Florida ?

Have I got that right ?
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We got a military,police,border patrol
Ok. So the military,police and border patrol in your scenario should go into all black people's houses, guns pointed and force black people to go to Florida ?

Have I got that right ?
In essence sure. In fact it would be under martial law and these idiots would be out rioting as they ALWAYS do,breaking into homes,breaking into stores,shooting and killing each other etc. Offer them all food,drugs,alcohol,condoms etc they want they will be taken care of and moved to South Florida and be sterilized.
In essence sure. In fact it would be under martial law and these idiots would be out rioting as they ALWAYS do,breaking into homes,breaking into stores,shooting and killing each other etc. Offer them all food,drugs,alcohol,condoms etc they want they will be taken care of and moved to South Florida and be sterilized.
I'm talking about actually getting 30 million black ppl into Florida.

So it it's Martial Law then it will be a military but the military is not uniformly conservative, nor is it homogeneous in ethnic make-up. A lot of the troops and their leaders come from the same demographics that you despise. If you’re going to pull a coup, you need to have your ducks lined up in a row.

In essence sure. In fact it would be under martial law and these idiots would be out rioting as they ALWAYS do,breaking into homes,breaking into stores,shooting and killing each other etc. Offer them all food,drugs,alcohol,condoms etc they want they will be taken care of and moved to South Florida and be sterilized.
I'm talking about actually getting 30 million black ppl into Florida.

So it it's Martial Law then it will be a military but the military is not uniformly conservative, nor is it homogeneous in ethnic make-up. A lot of the troops and their leaders come from the same demographics that you despise. If you’re going to pull a coup, you need to have your ducks lined up in a row.

Arrest those not loyal lock them in a military prison....most of this will be solved because a war will break out..most of this can be done quietly,Find a loyal commander who then brings in people loyal to you and him ONLY and who reports directly to you. Roll in tanks and the National Guard and cops etc....say there is a threat to negro's I DONT CARE. It can be done easily. Offer them free shit 90% will go easily. The other 10% they want to get violent then so be it. Its very simple cut off their food stamps,tv etc and they will go where that stuff is.
Arrest those not loyal lock them in a military prison.
Who is going to arrest them ? And lock them up where ? How do you arrest them ? And who is them ? What prison ? How many of them do you intend on arresting and locking up ? If you really think any of these little guerilla groups consisting of overweight forty-something white guys playing in the woods are gonna do it ?
most of this will be solved because a war will break out..most of this can be done quietly
How can a war be quiet ?
Find a loyal commander who then brings in people loyal to you and him ONLY and who reports directly to you.
Who ? Richard Spencer ? Jared Taylor ? Basked Alaska ? Who is going to command this ?
Roll in tanks and the National Guard and cops etc....say there is a threat to negro's I DONT CARE. It can be done easily.
And how do you deal with the people who will not go along with it ?

There is no shortage of real veterans from urban, minority background. Yes the most disproportionately represented group come from white exurban and rural areas. Yes White supremacists have always Joined the military, to learn to fight in their little Rahowa thing. The flipside to that, is if they do start up their race war, you'll find there's a lot of minorities who've had that same training, as well as combat experience.

A truly successful war or campaign requires common goals and a shared strategy, and a majority of the folks that would be willing to engage in an armed resistance have just as many issues against each other as they do with the police (think of street gangs for example).

Also remember the white man had the technological in Vietnam and look what happened ?

The white man Napleon and his army had the technological edge in Haiti but they ended up loosing with Toussient L'Overture and Dessaline



Even in more recent times the battle of Mogadishu ? In 1993. The USA against the Somalian soldiers. The US soldiers came over there all full of themselves think that they were going to quell another uprising in Africa. There was a film about it, called black hawk down,

So what happened ? They ran them them out the country that’s what happened and dragged them from behind their trucks.

They knew the land. They knew the country. They knew the terrain. They made short of work of them. The Somalians guerrilla tactics were appropriate to the nature of the conflict and they were fanatically determined to drive out the Americans, whatever the cost.

And this is against the USA with their military might, all their big weapons and guns and money.

So if you committing genocide is gonna be an easy then you could be mistaken because when faced with death people will fight till hell freezes over and then fight on the ice

Offer them free shit 90% will go easily.
Think of something new. Whites have tried that tactic with their "bait" truck when the police tried have a truck load of nikes in the Chicago to try and get arrests.

White people systematically disarmarmed of black men in this country after the Civil War to make the African-American community especially vulnerable to white mob violence, racial pogroms, and ethnic cleansing. Even allowing for that fact, there was always resistance.

You will always be faced with mass resistance. But if you want groups of white and black extremists forming and roaming the streets to find and kill anyone who is not like them. Plenty of innocents will be massacred, families wiped out, communities looted and burnt. This is exactly what happened in Yugoslavia.

And that's the type of racism I prefer. In your face
The other 10% they want to get violent then so be it.
What can white people do to black people that they have not done already ?

This is burns your soul

Why can't black people just die !!!

They never expected us to last this long and grow stronger despite all the drugs, war, molestation, slavery, guns, police brutality, AIDS, glass ceilings, minstrel shows/ media destruction/ music destruction, prison systems, killings of our boys and girls, poison water/ food supply, Katrina, Haiti etc…etc…etc.

You are baffled at our resilience and cannot come to terms with it. If they were placed in our situation, any of them, they would have died off centuries ago! This is what they fear most but will NEVER dare admit.

How is it possible that we are still here?

So once again what are white people going to do to black people that have not tried to do already ?

I get it. You think the white man goal is to keep his blood line white. You have not accomplished that goal. It begs the question whether white folks are a natural race and how is it that other communities can breed so many children but white folks can only breed a few, in the bible it speaks of God cursing the stock (sperm) of nation that goes against his laws

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When will you racists figure out that Essen is the wrong brother to fuck with?

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