POLL: Are Republicans fighting "Pure Evil"?

Are Republicans fighting "Pure Evil"?

  • 1. Yes, of course.

    Votes: 18 48.6%
  • 2. No, of course not.

    Votes: 14 37.8%
  • 3. I don't want to answer. I just want to complain about the question.

    Votes: 5 13.5%

  • Total voters
Exactly how do you abort "beyond" birth?
Be specific!

{"If a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen. The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother," Northam said, alluding to the physician and mother discussing whether the born infant should live or die.}

Infanticide is the holy grail of the pro-abort movement and the dream of democrats.
Nazi Mac puts up a troll post and then calls those he trolled "full of crap, boring and worthless."

Nazi Mac is a worthless pile of shit - and a troll.
I sometimes wonder what role the force of evil plays in what we see in the Democratic Party these days. Perhaps they're under a spell. How could so many well-intentioned people advocate for such wickedness like they do? 🤔
Neither party seems to want to strengthen social security and Medicare. There are those that would like to see them ended. That's a truly scary thing considering that wages are woefully behind and have lost ground every year since many moons ago.
Like this: "I'm a Republican (or a Democrat, or whatever), but if elected, I vow to represent the interests of all my constituents, not simply those of my party. That means I won't sign major legislation unless it has broad support. I won't sign anything passed on a pure partisan majority, regardless of which "side" it is.

That means we're not going to pass laws, or implement policy, unless there's agreement, on all sides, that it's a good idea. The government is not your tool for fighting the culture war. It's here to ensure we can all get along peacefully, not to serve as a weapon to beat up on people you don't like."
Hahaha…have you been living under a rock?
You act as if we are dealing with JFK Democrats, you act as if the parties are only separated by the small things….ALL good real core Americans see todays Leftist Democrats as Americas greatest enemy, our greatest threat.
There will be no deals being made, no bipartisanship until the Left is exterminated.
Hahaha…have you been living under a rock?
You act as if we are dealing with JFK Democrats, you act as if the parties are only separated by the small things….ALL good real core Americans see todays Leftist Democrats as Americas greatest enemy, our greatest threat.
There will be no deals being made, no bipartisanship until the Left is exterminated.
Well you will have to buy law, let independents who don't subscribe to Democrat NOR, Republican ideals.
Well you will have to buy law, let independents who don't subscribe to Democrat NOR, Republican ideals.
There are no “independents” these days. There is no middle ground. Those whom claim to be independent are always just embarrassed lefties in disguise like you.
No, you're describing the shrieking, partisan shitstains who are destroying the country. Fuck you very much.
Yeah yeah…those who are committed to protecting and preserving all things the American Way are the ones destroying the country while those filthy Change America fucks call the degradation and destruction of America….PROGRESS!
I always knew you were just an embarrassed Leftist.
Their “common sense” tells them Trump worked harder for core America and core Americans than has any other POTUS in decades.
At what price?

President for Life?

Becoming (in a political sense) a banana republic in order to obtain some short-term political or economic or cultural gain?

No thank you.

As far as decency goes….it’s crystal clear, you Lefties have NONE.
I am not a Leftie, and I have a fairly-well -developed sense of decency and honor and right-and-wrong.
Nobody decent glamorizes baby killing, nobody decent thinks chicks with dicks and man on man ass banging is cool….nobody decent wants to teach 6 year olds about sex and faggots, nobody decent wants to teach young black kids that they are inferior.
I happily concede that the worst of the Left embraces such filth and that much of the rest of the Left tolerates such filth in order to show a united front.

All of that is wrong... sins against God and Nature... not only to be avoided, but to be actively resisted, so long as the alternative is not autocracy or dynasty.

Face it, you, like Mac1958 run on emotion
Oh, I'm just as capable as the next fellow of giving-in to emotional stimuli, but I try (and usually succeed) not to let emotion dominate my decision-making.

Of course... those red-hatted bellowing screaming chanting throngs of Neanderthals at Rump rallies are all cold, emotionless Vulcan-like logicians, right?

and Trump‘s affective style of governing hurts your feelings
Nope. Hell, I think that much of his agenda and much of what he did was actually GOOD for the country, in many ways.

Hammer the illegals. Hammer the Chinese. Make the Allies pay their fair share. Build the wall. Put money back in people's pockets. Etc., etc., etc.

He looks great ON PAPER, but... in practice... his own big mouth and his own twitter account and his own profound character flaws were his own worst enemy.

He is an autocrat and a demagogue and an arrogant elitist... unfit for high office and unworthy of the sacred trust to which he was sworn (and foresworn).

He is a liar and a cheat and a fraud and has one of the more fragile self-centered egos ever to pollute the Oval Office... that, too, is evil... of a dangerous kind.

, he doesn’t make you feel warm and fuzzy
Couldn't give two $hit$ less about that in this context... he is not a Leader of Men nor is he a Leader of Nations... he should have stuck to Real Estate Fraud.
as he is laser focused on governing
He is laser-focused on personal power and adoration and does whatever he thinks the plebs will praise and thank and reward him for the most.

If he thought that he could win and retain power and adoration by painting clown-faces on the statues of Union generals, he would do just that.

In the end, he's just another shape-shifter and vote-whore, like the rest of 'em, with a better-than-average sense of what gets under the skin of the plebs.

He plays the Right like Charlie Daniels used to play the fiddle... and, in this case, the Devil Went Down to Georgia (to try to buy 11,780 votes).

ONLY for good, real core Americans
You mean... a President for his Base, and not all Americans? Don't look now but your Make America White Great Again bedsheet is showing...
and not all those weirdos, degenerates, lowlifes and foreigners you cherish.
Not me. As far as I'm concerned you can drive 'em all off a cliff. But I'll grant you that idiot Dems DO seem to attract weirdos like Rump attracts Neanderthals.


Tell ya what, slick... you dump your Orange Kool-Aid Kon-Man and serve-up somebody else who can advance his agenda and I'll vote alongside you again.
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I think Kari Lake will make a great Governor, her comments are at times a bit over the top but she is on the side of America, that's all that matters. Democrats are on the side of China, is that evil? I don't know, but it's dead wrong if you care about THIS country.

Continuously crying there was massive election fraud in Arizona, when her own state proved multiple times there wasn't, is NOT on the side of America. It's actually detrimental to America.

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