POLL: Are Republicans fighting "Pure Evil"?

Are Republicans fighting "Pure Evil"?

  • 1. Yes, of course.

    Votes: 18 48.6%
  • 2. No, of course not.

    Votes: 14 37.8%
  • 3. I don't want to answer. I just want to complain about the question.

    Votes: 5 13.5%

  • Total voters
I think Kari Lake will make a great Governor, her comments are at times a bit over the top but she is on the side of America, that's all that matters. Democrats are on the side of China, is that evil? I don't know, but it's dead wrong if you care about THIS country.
An excellent example of the binary thought processes of Trumpism. One or the other, either/or, Good vs. Evil.

They'll put up with anything, no matter how destructive, no accountability, if they fit the tribe narrative otherwise.
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In summation:

Pure evil is shutting down our fossil fuel industry, grooming children to be homosexual, calling Republicans fascists, letting our border be overwhelmed by illegal aliens, wanting to limit the 2nd amendment.....Just to name a few. All Democrat positions.

Except that NONE of those things are happening. Biden isn't shutting down fossil fuels. Children are not being groomed. Your border is NOT being overwhelmed by immigrants. The 2nd Amendment doesn't allow unrestricted gun ownership no matter what the NRA tells you.

Serious poll. Serious thread. Very serious. Dead serious.

See Kari Lake's comments below. It appears that today's Republicans believe that anyone who doesn't agree with them, including never-Trump Republicans, Independents, Moderates, Lefties, are demonic, satanic and evil. I've been called all of them, multiple times.

Are you serious when you say that?

Please vote and comment.

I had to go with Don't want to answer since I have to complain about the question. It wasn't clear to me, are the RINOs fighting MAGAs, are MAGAs fighting RINOs, or are they both fighting Dems?
Except that NONE of those things are happening. Biden isn't shutting down fossil fuels. Children are not being groomed. Your border is NOT being overwhelmed by immigrants. The 2nd Amendment doesn't allow unrestricted gun ownership no matter what the NRA tells you.

Shut up, leftard troll

Go away.
I had to go with Don't want to answer since I have to complain about the question. It wasn't clear to me, are the RINOs fighting MAGAs, are MAGAs fighting RINOs, or are they both fighting Dems?
They're all just fighting.

Too bad neither party is interested in governing sanely.
No, of course not.

Republicans, having surrendered their common sense and decency to an Orange-tinted traitorous con-man, are in no position to pass judgment on others.
Their “common sense” tells them Trump worked harder for core America and core Americans than has any other POTUS in decades.
As far as decency goes….it’s crystal clear, you Lefties have NONE. Nobody decent glamorizes baby killing, nobody decent thinks chicks with dicks and man on man ass banging is cool….nobody decent wants to teach 6 year olds about sex and faggots, nobody decent wants to teach young black kids that they are inferior.
Face it, you, like Mac1958 run on emotion and Trump‘s affective style of governing hurts your feelings, he doesn’t make you feel warm and fuzzy as he is laser focused on governing ONLY for good, real core Americans and not all those weirdos, degenerates, lowlifes and foreigners you cherish.
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Serious poll. Serious thread. Very serious. Dead serious.

See Kari Lake's comments below. It appears that today's Republicans believe that anyone who doesn't agree with them, including never-Trump Republicans, Independents, Moderates, Lefties, are demonic, satanic and evil. I've been called all of them, multiple times.

Are you serious when you say that?

Please vote and comment.

As usual your poll is fraught with dishonesty, and loaded...Not to mention the victimhood you display everytime you post one of these "when did you stop beating your wife" jokes of a poll...

What Conservatives want is a stop to Republican's "going along to get along" bs....All that does is allow Democrats to rule when in power, and out....We want small, Constitutional based government where they stay the hell out of what ever is not spelled out in their enumerated powers....

Clearly you and the rest of the SDA progressives see that as a threat.
An excellent example of the binary thought processes of Trumpism. One or the other, either/or, Good vs. Evil.

They'll put up with anything, no matter how destructive, no accountability, if they fit the tribe narrative otherwise.
Hate is easier than thinking. And it's a prerequisite for the lesser-of-two-evils scam.
They're all just fighting.

Too bad neither party is interested in governing sanely.
How would one govern the insane sanely?
Republicans, by and large are the same Republicans they’ve always been whereas Democrats have become fucking lunatics.
As usual your poll is fraught with dishonesty, and loaded...Not to mention the victimhood you display everytime you post one of these "when did you stop beating your wife" jokes of a poll...

What Conservatives want is a stop to Republican's "going along to get along" bs....All that does is allow Democrats to rule when in power, and out....We want small, Constitutional based government where they stay the hell out of what ever is not spelled out in their enumerated powers....

Clearly you and the rest of the SDA progressives see that as a threat.
And yet, many of your fellow obedient Trumpsters have said, quite clearly, "Yes".

So, as usual, you're just full of crap, boring and worthless.
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How would one govern the insane sanely?

Like this: "I'm a Republican (or a Democrat, or whatever), but if elected, I vow to represent the interests of all my constituents, not simply those of my party. That means I won't sign major legislation unless it has broad support. I won't sign anything passed on a pure partisan majority, regardless of which "side" it is.

That means we're not going to pass laws, or implement policy, unless there's agreement, on all sides, that it's a good idea. The government is not your tool for fighting the culture war. It's here to ensure we can all get along peacefully, not to serve as a weapon to beat up on people you don't like."
Except that NONE of those things are happening. Biden isn't shutting down fossil fuels. Children are not being groomed. Your border is NOT being overwhelmed by immigrants. The 2nd Amendment doesn't allow unrestricted gun ownership no matter what the NRA tells you.


Lol, all of those things are happening. If your head goes any deeper into the earth, you'll be seeing beijing shortly.

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