POLL: Are USMB Trump supporters okay with this plan?

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So you equate spending with the quality of education?
No, if that were true, every country in the world would be begging to adopt our healthcare system.

Free school meals for all poor children in Europe: An ...​

https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com › doi › full › chso

by AC Guio — Three Member States provide universal free meals for all age groups (Finland, Sweden and Estonia). The gradual expansion of the scheme in ...

The OECD’s figures show that income inequality plays a huge part in dragging down the US’s scores and that America lags behind other countries in its ability to help lower-income students. Is it even possible to fix the country’s mathematics scores without first addressing poverty in the US, the lack of government support for low-income families and the paucity of prenatal care?

Arguing against a bill that would offer free school meals to all students in Minnesota, Republican state Senator Steve Drazkowski said Tuesday that he had "yet to meet a person in Minnesota that is hungry" or doesn't have access to enough food.

Drazkowski argued that "hunger is a relative term," saying that he was "hungry" after having eaten only a cereal bar for breakfast earlier in the day. Among his criticisms of the bill is the lack of a definition of the concept of hunger.

Spending $$$ in the right places may help but cutting everything in sight is worse.
No, if that were true, every country in the world would be begging to adopt our healthcare system.

Free school meals for all poor children in Europe: An ...

View attachment 780369
https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com › doi › full › chso
by AC Guio — Three Member States provide universal free meals for all age groups (Finland, Sweden and Estonia). The gradual expansion of the scheme in ...

The OECD’s figures show that income inequality plays a huge part in dragging down the US’s scores and that America lags behind other countries in its ability to help lower-income students. Is it even possible to fix the country’s mathematics scores without first addressing poverty in the US, the lack of government support for low-income families and the paucity of prenatal care?

Arguing against a bill that would offer free school meals to all students in Minnesota, Republican state Senator Steve Drazkowski said Tuesday that he had "yet to meet a person in Minnesota that is hungry" or doesn't have access to enough food.

Drazkowski argued that "hunger is a relative term," saying that he was "hungry" after having eaten only a cereal bar for breakfast earlier in the day. Among his criticisms of the bill is the lack of a definition of the concept of hunger.

Spending $$$ in the right places may help but cutting everything in sight is worse.
Liberal twaddle.
Funny how you ignored these three little words in your quote:
Didn't ignore it, if I did it wouldn't be in the link.
There's no problem with little faggots playing in sports, it's the guys competing against girls/women
I don't believe in that.
This is a perfect example.

Trans runner beat 14K women in London Marathon after ...​

New York Post
https://nypost.com › 2023/04/25 › trans-runner-gleniq...

3 days ago — Transgender runner Glenique Frank competed in the London Marathon as a trans athlete, just months after running the New York Marathon as male ...
and having full access to their bath/locker rooms the schools and many States are refusing to allow.
That should be left up to the individual schools.
Why do you commies want to destroy everything it means to be a girl/woman?

Um, you are kind of making my point... the red states are dumber.
Well its obvious you can't read

Look at CA on yours and mine. Yours claims CA is highly educated yet they are some of the stupidest people in the nation

Look at Montana
Look at Iowa
North and South Dakota

All not "very educated" according to you, yet all have high IQs
Well its obvious you can't read

Look at CA on yours and mine. Yours claims CA is highly educated yet they are some of the stupidest people in the nation

Look at Montana
Look at Iowa
North and South Dakota

All not "very educated" according to you, yet all have high IQs
"Educated" to far Left Communists like Joe means fully brainwashed into the "I hate America" ideology.
Didn't ignore it, if I did it wouldn't be in the link.

I don't believe in that.
This is a perfect example.

Trans runner beat 14K women in London Marathon after ...

View attachment 780377
New York Post
https://nypost.com › 2023/04/25 › trans-runner-gleniq...
3 days ago — Transgender runner Glenique Frank competed in the London Marathon as a trans athlete, just months after running the New York Marathon as male ...

That should be left up to the individual schools.

I don't believe in that.
Yet you vote for the perverts that are pushing it, go freaking figure.

NONE of them in a separate group or club.
ALL of them in a public place.
Just like public drag queen shows, I don't want to see that shit when going shopping at the mall.

So I guess you think the building that houses the Supreme Court should be demolished, right?

What if you get to the afterlife and find out that Allah is the Supreme Deity?

My big fear is I get to the afterlife and I find out Amaterasu is the supreme Deity and she wants to have a talk with me about "Yellow Fever".
What if you answered my question instead of dodging it
What if you get to the afterlife and find out that Allah is the Supreme Deity?

My big fear is I get to the afterlife and I find out Amaterasu is the supreme Deity and she wants to have a talk with me about "Yellow Fever".
I am not afraid because I know beyond any doubt that Jeaus Christ is the I AM, the Sovereign G-d of Creation, and my Redeemer.
What if you answered my question instead of dodging it

Uh, you have an answer... that you didn't understand it isn't my problem.

I am not afraid because I know beyond any doubt that Jeaus Christ is the I AM, the Sovereign G-d of Creation, and my Redeemer.

And out there is a Muslim who is equally convinced Allah is his sovereign God of Creation.

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