POLL: Are USMB Trump supporters okay with this plan?

Do you agree with this plan?

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1) True, it won't make parents more active in their kids lives...don't disagree with that...nothing there is nothing the Govt can do to keep parents from being deadbeats....but frankly that's not the point of school choice.
2) yes,it's true more people will want to go to private schools....and with more demand comes more product...I am sure you'll see more schools go up, you'll also see the pubic sector feel the need to get better a better product, which might help even out the demand
3) yes of course, the private schools will have the as they do now, the ability not to accept certain students. By the way, public schools also kick out kids that are constant trouble makers as well.

Nothing you said, supports your conclusion.

All the voucher system would do is give parents (obviously parents that care because they'd take the steps to get them) a chance to have a options for their kids. It's not going to solve the problem of deadbeat parents....it's not the intent.
That has NEVER happened in any voucher program that has been tried. These schools that you claim will pop-up cannot because they cannot meet the financing requirements.
Cool, don't disagee with you...but if someone wants it, it's not an "assault" on public schools. An assault on public schools is when bad teachers are protected from being fired, an assault on public schools is when students are allowed to be disruptive and uncontrolled...these sort of things undermine the education process. An individual wanting something from the Koran posted on the school wall, isn't an attack on the school, and doesn't undermine the education process.

I get that you are faithless, or at least, don't like any thing, especially religion, to come between you are your dembot cult, but people having faith in something beyond your cult, is not attack on education...well maybe cult education, but not real education

How about I walk into your place of employment and demand you boss fire you because I don't like the way you hold your coffee cup? Teachers are given due process because a teacher's certification is worth a couple of hundred thousand bucks. Parent complaints are often the basis of these firings. I have been there and been unjustly accused by numerous parents because their kids lie to them.

Religious beliefs have no business in public schools.
Most of those are great degree's. My daughter got a degree in biology and when she was nearing graduation discovered that 85% of those with her degree are never chosen to get a masters.

So there are a lot of kids with great degree's serving coffee.

Chosen? You jumped on the wrong word there, Spanky! You have to apply for a Master's program. Whether you get in or not usually depends on your GRE scores.
As it should be, dumbass. Those of us who know better than Liberals know the Dept. of Education was formed in 1978 as payola to the teachers' unions for endorsing Jimmah Cahtah in 1976. Before that, we had a quality educational system totally controlled AT THE LOCAL LEVEL as it should be.
More ignorance? Will you give up on lying about everything?
Did kids in or below poverty level do better back then? Nope! They do better now, with head start. That's a proven fact.

States support this program, and know the importance, and some like Florida have instituted their own preschool programs to cover even more children.

Head start loses all impact by the end of third grade.
Religion was taught in the public schools until the 1960's. Until some liberal judges "interpreted" the Constitution differently. There has been religion in school since the founding of our country. You would think that the people that actually wrote the document would know what was in it.
Perhaps it was decided that the Christian religion alone could not be established by the school system.
It's been SSDD with the ED since its formation, adopting every educational fad under the sun. Outcome based education, Common Core, new math, etc. All bullshit. And if the lunatic Left think pumping more money yielded good results, then 'sprain this. Why did private and parochial schools constantly kick district schools collective asses in every academic metric, and with far less money?
They choose their students.
Wrong again! The federal government only funds special education (IDEA) and reading programs for schools with a large number of poor students (Title I).

Pardon me, your lies are showing. If they aren't funding the shit in the paragraph below, how could they be cut?

On a call with reporters Tuesday, Cardona said the budget cuts would hurt students and student loan borrowers in part by eliminating loan forgiveness, "pulling 60,000 educators and support staff from schools" and "derail(ing) the response to the youth mental health crisis in this country."

Which one is national? Texas has no teacher's unions at all.

Wrong again skippy:

Texas AFT is a statewide union with 66,000 members, including educators, school employees, and retirees. We believe that education is the path to a just and democratic society and that the only way to give students a quality education is through the dedicated work of empowered public educators. And yes, we are a union.

How about I walk into your place of employment and demand you boss fire you because I don't like the way you hold your coffee cup? Teachers are given due process because a teacher's certification is worth a couple of hundred thousand bucks. Parent complaints are often the basis of these firings. I have been there and been unjustly accused by numerous parents because their kids lie to them.

Religious beliefs have no business in public schools.
Public school teaches are given due process because of the Constitution.

Bad teachers are protected because of unions and their alliance with dem politicians

i don’t disagree that religious beliefs have no business in schools…my point is a a quote from a bible isn’t an assault on public schools, allowing bad teachers to continue to educate is

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