POLL: Are USMB Trump supporters okay with this plan?

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Not many are pushing for this, but having the feds running our educational system is ridiculous. If you haven't noticed, people like you from Illinois have a slightly different idea of just how our children should be educated than many states in the South. Each state should be able to manage their own curriculum.

I was a teacher for 21 years. During my career, the federal government had almost no impact whatsoever. They don't run schools. Even the military's dependent schools are run by an organization in the Department of Defense. The go-to for conservatives is always to bash things they do not understand, like the Education Department.

If I had a dime for every exaggeration made by conservatives about public education, I would have more money than I could spend. I hate what the blue state liberals have done to public education in their areas, but most of us out here in fly-over country have never heard of CRT or any of the other BS programs common in the liberal dominated states and school districts. We did not deal with any transgender issues and lack of communication by parents was one of our greatest concerns. I failed thousands of students in my career after listening to conservatives bitching that no one could fail. Do the work and learn the material and you passed. Don't and you won't!

It makes me ashamed to be a conservative having to listen to conservatives bashing public education with a broad brush and complete ignorance of how schools work.
You have a point there. We don't teach kids about talking snakes and our kids have a good understanding on how evolution works. So there's that.

Of course, part of the problem is that because Texas is the largest market for textbooks, the textbook publishers tend to dumb down the textbooks to play in Texas, which is why we NEED federal standards.

But, man, you can't argue with results, can you? Check out these maps!


So my 86 year-old mother not having a high school diploma is held against me having a Master's degree. Is that what your chart says?

BTW, the last category in the bottom map's legend makes the whole map bogus.
Actually, I think we need a lot of education reform. I think we need to limit the ability of teacher unions to protect bad teachers. And the idiocy of spending more on special ed kids than we spend on the kids who are going to eventually become functioning members of society is a bit silly.

But all that said... vouchers aren't a solution.
So you don't believe in due process? Typical liberal.
I would say that is the ideal. But not in all cases. If you know that the kid is gay and his parents are screaming homophobic Christian assholes, you certainly don't out the kid to the parents. That would be putting the child's life in danger.

Gender identity isn't a psychosis. Argument fail.

Actually, up until 2008 or so, I voted Republican. And then after 8 years of Geo. W. Stupid's brilliant leadership, I found myself with a busted 401K, and underwater mortgage and a 25% reduction in pay.

The thing is, I did well under Clinton, even though I didn't like him. I did okay under Obama. Under Bush, the hits just kept coming because the guy kept finding ways to fuck things up.

You misspelled Democrats.
I would have zero problem completely shutting the Dept of Ed down, like Reagan wanted to do. Since it's Inception the Dept of Ed and proved to be a total waste of taxpayer money, with both test scores and dropout rates going the wrong direction. DC is the only place in the world where an agency can be a total failure and get more and more money every year.

Neither of those are under the responsibility of the Education Department. Pardon me but your ignorance is showing.
Republicans, and white conservatives, have long been hostile to public schools. School desegregation drove white evangelicals to become the strongest Republican demographic. Ronald Reagan promised to end the Department of Education in 1980. Trump put Betsy DeVos in charge of the Department of Education, precisely because she was a leading proponent (and funder) of defunding public schools, and funneling it to religious schools.
During her confirmation hearings it became clear that she knew nothing about education, and provided plagiarized and laughably bad answers to questions, asserting that teachers need guns to ward off grizzly bear attacks.

Republican candidates talk about “school choice” and putting God and prayer back in schools.

Conservative states such as Arizona, Florida, and Texas have been particularly aggressive in “school choice” reform that undercuts school funding. Pennsylvania gubernatorial candidate (and insurrectionist Christian nationalist) Doug Mastriano goes a step further.
His educational plan is to eliminate property taxes, which is where half of the money for Pennsylvania schools comes from, and replace the lost revenue with vouchers for $9,000. This covers only half of what it costs to educate a student there.

Teabaggers want to fund religious schools with taxpayer $$$.

Supreme Court Decision Paves Way for Public Funds to ...

View attachment 779813
National Education Association
https://www.nea.org › new-from-nea › supreme-court-...
Jul 21, 2022 — Makin, issued on June 21, further breaches the separation between church and state by requiring states to fund private religious schools if they ...

Texas bill would require Ten Commandments in public ...

View attachment 779814
Washington Post
https://www.washingtonpost.com › 2023/04/21 › texas...
5 days ago — Thou shalt have the Ten Commandments in Texas public schools? ... Greg Abbott (R) signs it into law, the measure would go into effect Sept.
What the fuck is a teabagger, and no, we don't want to hear of your sexual fetishes?

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