Poll: Are you finally over Trump?

Is it finally time for the GOP to move beyond Trump?

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Regardless, Trumpism is now woven into the fabric of American politics. It's not going anywhere and as a result the GOP and America indeed shall never be the same.

Yes it is going somewhere - back under the rock it crawled out from under. What part of Americans rejected Trump and all of his lying candidates, are YOU not getting?

Americans don't want an authoritarian dictator. And they don't want your right wing fascist party of fear and hate. Stop lying to the American people and come up with some plans and programs that people will vote FOR.
One thing. There was supposed to be real social program reformation that the then Progs promised and did not deliver. We had massive tax cuts and an IRA where you even got a tax credit for putting money into it. Until that was eliminated after a couple of years. The Fiat Currency started running its deficits around Biden's first years a Senator.

The Fiat Currency started running its deficits when RONALD REAGAN WAS ELECTED.
Trump (or somebody in his Administration) accomplished a lot of great things despite overwhelming resistance during his four years in office. I voted for him twice, enthusiastically. But I will not vote for him again, either in a primary or general election.

He is a political albatross and needs to GTFO. The sooner the better.
Okay, let's kind of get a feel where everyone is at. I put in a third choice for people who realized Trump was a terrible idea all along, but I want to see how many people still think he's helping your cause after Tuesday's Red Wave turned into a Pink Mist.
The more you loons cry about Trump, the more I support him.
Yes it is going somewhere - back under the rock it crawled out from under. What part of Americans rejected Trump and all of his lying candidates, are YOU not getting?

Americans don't want an authoritarian dictator. And they don't want your right wing fascist party of fear and hate. Stop lying to the American people and come up with some plans and programs that people will vote FOR.
The lesson there is not to be swayed by a pretty face or a "good speaker" but rather to look closely at policies.

Of course THAT would have you voting Dem and I'm sure the "idea" of that concerns you because you have been indoctrinated to vote Republican.
Except that Ds never enact policies they campaign on.
Okay, let's kind of get a feel where everyone is at. I put in a third choice for people who realized Trump was a terrible idea all along, but I want to see how many people still think he's helping your cause after Tuesday's Red Wave turned into a Pink Mist.
Imma go with D: Your poll sucks.

I am an independent who is sick of Trump and the rest of DC and I want to disband the FedGov forever.
I'm just curious as to what made Democrat sheeples turn against the very nation that gave them everything they have today.

They call a man "Evil" and "bad" and "corrupt" that gave us CHEAP gas, CHEAP food, and CHEAP housing, with TONS of AMERICAN JOBS.
Cut off the money laundering schemes for 4 years of the criminals elements in upper government. Started managing government like the BUSINESS it is, and not some ATM to be abused anytime, as the others do.

He gave a damn about the US citizens' safety, but the others want "open borders" for all the psycho's, murderers, and drug dealers to just walk on in and set up shop and still get FREE government money from them.

They call Trump all sorts of bad things.............and then install a brainless meat puppet of a pedophile in office, that effectively destroys everything a good president did for us, and continually destroying American citizens with no regard for human life at all.

And this is what they want? Why? Why do they want everybody dead? Why do they want this country destroyed? Why don't they just leave and move to Mexico, China, or Canada if they despise and hate this country so badly they want it completely anniahlated???

The people that brain-washed you must have used some pretty strong detergent, because it's obvious that your brain is totally corroded!
For the sake of brevity and accuracy, can we just shorten the phrase "MAGA Idiots" to just "Maggots"?
Did people really think he was going to pivot once he backed into the Presidency?
Yes, actually.

Many who voted for Trump believed – incorrectly – that once in office Trump would ‘straighten up and fly right,’ that when Trump was exposed to the gravity of the Oval Office and the importance and responsibility of being president, he’s stop behaving like a ridiculous clown, smile and wave at the cameras as a figurehead like Reagan, and allow people who understood how government works run the country.

As it turned out those who voted for Trump were wrong, to the detriment of the nation; indeed, much of the damage Trump caused in irreparable.
Regardless, Trumpism is now woven into the fabric of American politics. It's not going anywhere and as a result the GOP and America indeed shall never be the same.
Trumpism is the product of the GOP; and it’s part of American politics as scar from a self-inflicted wound – a reminder that the American people should never make that mistake again.
Yes it is going somewhere - back under the rock it crawled out from under.
Unfortunately not.

The fear, ignorance, racism, bigotry, and hate that is Trumpism/’MAGA’ will remain an ongoing threat to the American political process and democracy.

Americans must be vigilant in their opposition to Trumpism/’MAGA’ – as they were this year.
The Fiat Currency started running its deficits when RONALD REAGAN WAS ELECTED.
It started in the early 1970's. The Fiat Currency was under some measure of control for decades after it legislated in 1913. Well, it was used for WW 1 and the Roaring 20's which cause the Great Depression and WW 2. And then Korea and Viet Nam. And all things in between. It was tied to Bretton Woods as the Fiat Dollar became the defacto reserve currency of the world with it tied to gold if other nations wanted gold instead of dollars. France wanted gold in their dollar investments, and we did nt have it. Nixon went to a basket of currencies and turmoil happened. OPEC demanded price increases for oil and hindsight is we should have taken it back then. We then slowly tied the dollar to oil. Two oil shocks before Reagan. Deficits happened before Reagan. The chasm between Progs and Repubs became more apparent as social programs mushroomed in costs and Social Security the same. So, who pays or paid for it. The taxes were excruciating by 1980 with inflation and stagnant wages being brutal to employees with multiple tax brackets and no inflation indexing. This before Reagan. Perhaps you should see what the taxes would be without the Reagan tax cuts legislation for citizens today. No one would work for the pittance they woud earn.

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