Poll: Are you finally over Trump?

Is it finally time for the GOP to move beyond Trump?

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I was talking about Brandon, not Hunter. You're Canadian so you wouldn't understand that Brandon is a worse president than Carter and your snowflake of a prime minister.

Do you have a real response or are you going to live up to your user name and stick with weak insults, based on right wing media lies?
Do you have a real response or are you going to live up to your user name and stick with weak insults, based on right wing media lies?
So you think being called a Canadian is an insult? That's a bit thin-skinned but perhaps understandable and if is indeed an insult, I would agree it's pretty weak
One thing. There was supposed to be real social program reformation that the then Progs promised and did not deliver. We had massive tax cuts and an IRA where you even got a tax credit for putting money into it. Until that was eliminated after a couple of years. The Fiat Currency started running its deficits around Biden's first years a Senator.
You've paid attention 22
Yes the progs (yet again) did not deliver
and so the gnashing of teeth & wringing of hands marches on......

I'm just curious as to what made Democrat sheeples turn against the very nation that gave them everything they have today.

They call a man "Evil" and "bad" and "corrupt" that gave us CHEAP gas, CHEAP food, and CHEAP housing, with TONS of AMERICAN JOBS.

He didn't give us any of those. We had those things before he got into office and screwed everything up in 2020.

Cut off the money laundering schemes for 4 years of the criminals elements in upper government. Started managing government like the BUSINESS it is, and not some ATM to be abused anytime, as the others do.

He gave a damn about the US citizens' safety, but the others want "open borders" for all the psycho's, murderers, and drug dealers to just walk on in and set up shop and still get FREE government money from them.

Again, you could solve the undocumented problem with serious immigration reform, but since you guys won't do that, I guess you can live in mortal fear of Mexicans.

They call Trump all sorts of bad things.............and then install a brainless meat puppet of a pedophile in office

And this is where I can't take you seriously... When you have a substantive criticism of Biden, we can talk... but if you are just going to repeat crap you heard on fringe websites, I really don't have time for it.

And this is what they want? Why? Why do they want everybody dead? Why do they want this country destroyed? Why don't they just leave and move to Mexico, China, or Canada if they despise and hate this country so badly they want it completely anniahlated???

Guy, we are in better shape than we were in 2020.
We’re not all self-hating, American, White haters like yourself, doughboy.

Yet you avoid the question. It's pretty simple. Now that he's cost your party so much, is it time to admit he was a bad idea?

I was never a Trump fan but voted for him in 2020 because I didn't want the left's woke socialism and the economy destroyed with high inflation, which is exactly what we got.

yet, oddly, not a one of you predicted inflation in 2020.

You forgot an option.

Are you a democrat who still hates your life because you don't see TRUMP! behind bars and broke? Those are the people we should be worrying about and who will never get over TRUMP!.

When he goes to prison, I'll be totally over him... and he will, eventually. Or he'll cop some kind of deal after Biden wins a second term.
Okay, let's kind of get a feel where everyone is at. I put in a third choice for people who realized Trump was a terrible idea all along, but I want to see how many people still think he's helping your cause after Tuesday's Red Wave turned into a Pink Mist.
This is all you need to know iamwhatiseem
Look at all those Lefties who want you over Trump….Gee, I wonder why that might be?
Your little poll doesn't really allow for much in-between, does it. It's either Trump is God or the anti-Christ....while "allowing" people to assert being a republican only if they denounce Trump.

You fucking manipulative piece of dogshit. And you wonder why you're kind it's suspected by so many of election fraud. You are PROVING it in your own poll! :ahole-1:
Yet you avoid the question. It's pretty simple. Now that he's cost your party so much, is it time to admit he was a bad idea?

yet, oddly, not a one of you predicted inflation in 2020.

When he goes to prison, I'll be totally over him... and he will, eventually. Or he'll cop some kind of deal after Biden wins a second term.
Oh, Boy!
Fat Ass, self-hating American posts more bullshit exposing his mental illness.
Your little poll doesn't really allow for much in-between, does it. It's either Trump is God or the anti-Christ....while "allowing" people to assert being a republican only if they denounce Trump.

You fucking manipulative piece of dogshit. And you wonder why you're kind it's suspected by so many of election fraud. You are PROVING it in your own poll!

There really isn't much in-between.

You still think Trump is good for your movement/the country.
You used to think he was, but now you are having second thoughts
You knew he was dogshit from the get.
There really isn't much in-between.

You still think Trump is good for your movement/the country.
You used to think he was, but now you are having second thoughts
You knew he was dogshit from the get.
You hate anyone who loves the US.
The people you love hate their own nation which is why they want to live here.
You put the Zionist Entity in front of the US.
Why would you care about anything when you hate the US?
I don't mind being insulted by a fat loser with zero skills.
You should go back to school for a real skill.
Yet you avoid the question. It's pretty simple. Now that he's cost your party so much, is it time to admit he was a bad idea?

yet, oddly, not a one of you predicted inflation in 2020.

When he goes to prison, I'll be totally over him... and he will, eventually. Or he'll cop some kind of deal after Biden wins a second term.
Ummmmmmmmmmm, we were hoping Trump won.
How about this:

In spite of Trump's big mouth and coarse behavior, his policies were just what America needs to turn itself around. I will vote for him as long as no one else is doing that. He's proven to me that he WILL make good on what he says. Its like switching banks. I have no reason to bother unless the change brings phenomenal benefits.
There really isn't much in-between.

You still think Trump is good for your movement/the country.
You used to think he was, but now you are having second thoughts
You knew he was dogshit from the get.

There really isn't much in-between.

You used to think he was, but now you are having second thoughts
You knew he was dogshit from the get.
😆 There's plenty of people whose attitude or sentiment doesn't fit into this biased multiple choice bullshit poll...and look at all the idiots who thought Hillary would win in 2016! On that note, why would anyone believe those SAME people saying Trump isn't still popular?? It's just the flip side of the same lie. Nowhere did I say I was having second thoughts. You contradicted yourself almost in the same sentence you're so desperate. You said "You still think Trump is good for your movement/the country." Then you said "You used to think he was, but now you are having second thoughts" then you say "You knew he was dogshit from the get go". Which is it? It can't be all three! Who are you trying to convince???? You're so desperate you're just regurgitating whatever Freudian slip comes to your neurotic little mind!!! You sound fucking ridiculous.
Trump will destroy the GOP party and bring the whole thing down.
The trash GOP will lose in 2024 because of Trump.

I am so glad the disgraceful MAGA republicans are going to get exactly what they deserve.
Trump will destroy the GOP party and bring the whole thing down.
The trash GOP will lose in 2024 because of Trump.

I am so glad the disgraceful MAGA republicans are going to get exactly what they deserve.
And you'll get what you deserve...mugged and poor.

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