Poll: Bush support holds despite Iraq, 9/11 hearings


Senior Member
Sep 28, 2003
Poll: Bush support holds despite Iraq, 9/11 hearings
By Susan Page, USA TODAY
WASHINGTON — President Bush's lead over Democrat John Kerry has widened a bit in a USA TODAY/CNN/Gallup Poll despite two weeks that have been dominated by a deteriorating security situation in Iraq and criticism of his administration's handling of the terrorism threat before the Sept. 11 attacks.
The survey, taken Friday through Sunday, showed Bush leading Kerry 51% to 46% among likely voters, slightly wider than the 3-point lead he held in early April. The shifts were within the margin of error of +/ 4 percentage points in the sample of likely voters.

The president's job approval rating was steady at 52%.

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So what your saying is The Democrats have had the full court press on Bush, and Bush ends up gaining widening his lead over Kerry? HAHA

Im starting to wonder how likely Kerry is to win any state other that Massachussetts.
Originally posted by Avatar4321
So what your saying is The Democrats have had the full court press on Bush, and Bush ends up gaining widening his lead over Kerry? HAHA

Im starting to wonder how likely Kerry is to win any state other that Massachussetts.

That is a good way of putting it. I'm optimisticly cautious when it comes to elections and polls this far out. Kerry will win several states, but not enough to win. :thup:
This poll simply shows evidence for what I've been saying all along...this will be an extremely close, hard-fought election.

It does show interesting results considering recent events in Iraq and the 9/11 comission. One would think those events would help Kerry gain numbers in such a poll, but that did not happen.
This is true. Bush should be down by double digits this early on. Dukakis was up 15 points on Bush Sr. in early april. Mondale was up by more than 10 points on Reagan in the 84 election in April. We know how those turned out. With all the onslaught on Bush in the recent months, im suprised he isnt down by the same. Maybe people are seeing through the BS.
Nah...it'll be close all the way through right up until election day. It doesn't matter what a poll taken in April says come November.

Originally posted by acludem
Nah...it'll be close all the way through right up until election day. It doesn't matter what a poll taken in April says come November.


So the BS hasnt been all for not then. Phew thank goodness or the Dems might as well give up now.
Originally posted by MtnBiker
Poll: Bush support holds despite Iraq, 9/11 hearings
By Susan Page, USA TODAY
WASHINGTON — President Bush's lead over Democrat John Kerry has widened a bit in a USA TODAY/CNN/Gallup Poll despite two weeks that have been dominated by a deteriorating security situation in Iraq and criticism of his administration's handling of the terrorism threat before the Sept. 11 attacks.
The survey, taken Friday through Sunday, showed Bush leading Kerry 51% to 46% among likely voters, slightly wider than the 3-point lead he held in early April. The shifts were within the margin of error of +/ 4 percentage points in the sample of likely voters.

The president's job approval rating was steady at 52%.

Full Story

Originally posted by MtnBiker
It does show interesting results considering recent events in Iraq and the 9/11 comission. One would think those events would help Kerry gain numbers in such a poll, but that did not happen.

I hope for the best, obviously, but there is a lot of time between now and election day for things to go terribly wrong in Iraq/Afghanistan. As if it could get much worse.

June 30th will play a big part in this.

I don't think there is any reason to think that this election will not be as close as the last election.

Remember that one? Where Bush LOST the popular vote.
Originally posted by nycflasher
I hope for the best, obviously, but there is a lot of time between now and election day for things to go terribly wrong in Iraq/Afghanistan. As if it could get much worse.

June 30th will play a big part in this.

I don't think there is any reason to think that this election will not be as close as the last election.

Remember that one? Where Bush LOST the popular vote.

Yes, June 30th will play a huge part. I don't think things are terrible there. I'm just not sure yet if Muslims can really understand the concept of democracy and freedom, I mean, their religion is against it after all.

Come June 30th WE MUST GET OUT.

Dubya needs to say: "People of Iraq, My coalition partners and I have done our best. It is up to you now to make your democracy grow into a properous and great nation. God speed...."

God bless
Originally posted by Gop guy
Yes, June 30th will play a huge part. I don't think things are terrible there. I'm just not sure yet if Muslims can really understand the concept of democracy and freedom, I mean, their religion is against it after all.

Come June 30th WE MUST GET OUT.

Dubya needs to say: "People of Iraq, My coalition partners and I have done our best. It is up to you now to make your democracy grow into a properous and great nation. God speed...."

God bless

As far as us "getting out" the US Military will still be there long long after this date. No where and at no time did we ever say we are leaving on the 30th of June.
Originally posted by nycflasher
I don't think there is any reason to think that this election will not be as close as the last election.

Remember that one? Where Bush LOST the popular vote.

Yawn. Are you still hung up on that shit? Gore is not president. Get over it. You don't get to sing "Don't Stop Thinking About Tomorrow" with Tippy & Hilly

Originally posted by nycflasher

Remember that one? Where Bush LOST the popular vote.
That might mean some thing if the President was elected by the popular vote.
Originally posted by JIHADTHIS
Yawn. Are you still hung up on that shit? Gore is not president. Get over it. You don't get to sing "Don't Stop Thinking About Tomorrow" with Tippy & Hilly


Get over yourself. I'm not hung up. I'm just suggesting that he BARELY won the last election and therefore shouldn't be over-confident about this one. But think what you want.

As far as us pulling out of Iraq, no there is no way we are going to go from 130,000+ troops to zero in that day!

Last I remember hearing, we will have a military presence there for up to 5 years. I'm scared about what is going to happen on June 30th. I just don't see this whole thing going smoothly. The Iraqi people need a trained police force but it is hard because they are up against terrorists lurking amongst them. Much like our soldiers are upo against now. Talk about a nation divided...
Originally posted by MtnBiker
That might mean some thing if the President was elected by the popular vote.

There are meanings in everything, it just depends on whether you choose to look.

To me it means that half of our country didn't support the President from the get go.

And that's not including the vote-rigging in Florida. But like I said, I'm over it.
Originally posted by nycflasher

To me it means that half of our country didn't support the President from the get go.

Using that reasoning then, less then half of the nation supported Clinton from the get go. I was no Clinton fan, however I accepted him as our President.
Originally posted by nycflasher
There are meanings in everything, it just depends on whether you choose to look.

To me it means that half of our country didn't support the President from the get go.

And that's not including the vote-rigging in Florida. But like I said, I'm over it.

Yea you sound over it. If we exclude the vote rigging in FLorida, then possibly Bush would have won the popular vote. It always seems that dead people vote Democrat for some reason.:p:

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