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Poll confirms "jewish fascism" has replaced "jewish democracy" in Israel

Keep trying-----fcking----you want me to be shit on YOUR LEVEL-----nope muslims are not all shit-----but SHARIAH IS ALL SHIT ISLAMICISM IS ALL SHIT ISLAMIC IMPERIALISM CALIPHATE CRAP IS ALL SHIT unfortunately there is a growing trend among muslims to support that shit

Rosie says for the very 1st time since I have been here on this fascist cabaal of islamo jewish pigs:

"nope muslims are not all shit"

halle bloody lujah

praise the lady!!!
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Turkey has a history of PERIODIC ISLAMIC FILTH-----then they become normal again This is not the first time that the Turks have decided to go back into the stink and filth of isalmicism --------historically ----turkish nazis have engaged in massacres of both jews and christians IN TURKEY
dont forget the kurds, sweetie...40,000 and counting

the blessed ataturk who was born in greece also killed many thousands of sharia type muslims but also some real sweet sufi dervish muslims in konya where Rumi had his community of great poetic wisdom; the whirling dervishes doin no harm to anyone
et al,

Let's get back to the core of the discussion.

Ask the question without injecting irrelevant and inflammatory allegations or derailing connections.

Most Respectfully,
sorry----I did not mean to leave out the kurds I am responding to my own misunderstanding which was corrected by a relative of mine thru marriage whose family had lived in Turkey probably since the Isabella expulsion in that they still speak spanish at home I had had the mistaken belief that the turks were always very moderate and did not engage in----stuff----other than that armenian thing------But, in fact, the armenian thing as not all that -------out of character
I have an Israeli aunt-by-marriage. Her mother lived and worked in Turkey for years, selling cell phones. Turkey was a good friend to Israel for years, until this accursed new President, Edrogan or whatever, came to power, and then you turned against us. Very sad. I am going to visit Israel, G-d Willing, in Feb. If I swung by Turkey, would you have me as a guest?
wait a minute Mr forever

Turkey turned against Israel because of the murder by Israeli commandos of 9 turks on the 1st gaza flotilla and for no other reason

All erdogan wants from Israel is a proper and sincere apology.

And that Buffoon of a gangster Avigdor Liebermann the foreign Minister has refused to do so.

As soon as he does apologiise, it will be business as usual as before.

Check your facts, matey

Why should Israel apologize? Turkey was invading Israel. It is Turkey who should apologize.

if you really don't understand the vital importance to Israel of its alliance with Turkey and dont know the flotilla was way way in international waters you don't deserve an answer

Liebermann has already said he WILL apologise...

Are you a worse gangster than he is???

Real true Mafia he is; loads of criminal charges against him in israeli courts, and very serious ones too
Keep trying-----fcking----you want me to be shit on YOUR LEVEL-----nope muslims are not all shit-----but SHARIAH IS ALL SHIT ISLAMICISM IS ALL SHIT ISLAMIC IMPERIALISM CALIPHATE CRAP IS ALL SHIT unfortunately there is a growing trend among muslims to support that shit

Rosie says for the very 1st time since I have been here on this fascist cabaal of islamo jewish pigs:

"nope muslims are not all shit"

halle bloody lujah

praise the lady!!!

another idiotic comment from FK (fake kvetch) I responded to your fellow FCKING----who CLAIMED that I said "all muslims are shit" ------ for the origin of "all muslims are shit" look to your fellow FK----------I never expressed that idea -----FCKING did
Vague general opinion polls regarding attitudes a group of people have towards THE OTHER GROUP of people have no value without COMPARISONS The opinion poll in Israel---in order to be reasonably evaluated would have to be compared so a similar style poll in a MUSLIM COUNTRY A good way of testing the poll would be to test SAUDI OPINION regarding the "rights" of its 20% non muslim population as in "SHOULD THEY HAVE RIGHTS EQUAL TO MUSLIM CITIZENS"? Israel exists in the MIDDLE EAST and half of the population actually does have a FAMILY LEGACY of living in "muslim" countries Evaluating Israeli popular "opinion" in isolation is silly
Will I be able to live in Um-Al-Fahem? Will I be able to live in Yarka? in Rahat?

No I would not.

And committies are not to go to hell. There are many Kibbutzim which still use them. If you want to keep an agricultural society, or a religious one, for instance, you have the right to. no one can tell you to change your town or village in which generations lived in just because they feel like it.

In each time the Palestinians started shooting missiles upon the south, he almost never responded in a way a Prime minister should when his civilians are under attack.

Look at what Erdugan did. a Syrian missile hit Turkey, and he almost brought the entire area to an open war.

Israel had more than 500(!) missiles this year! villages were destroyed and civilians injured, and the Hamas now laugh their head off, because Israel is weak to respond.

Only in the last 3 daws nearly 90 rockets hit the south. Previously he only attacked after launching missiles, because it was an election year and it would have looked bad if he didn't respond to rockets. So he cut of some heads. hours later, dozens of missiles hit the south, tens lose their homes, people get injured. Not even a tiny response. hours later we hear of an humiliating "hudna" with Hamas. You know what Bibi says? "Because they have a holiday" and "because Hamas Asked for it".

"Because they have a holiday"

You can look and check for yourself and see that always in Israeli holidays they launch rockets. including this year.

Netanyahu doesn't respond. Not only that, in most of the cases he doesn't even answer to southerners when we call out for him to stop this situation.

Netanyahu is a leftist.

In each time the Palestinians started shooting missiles upon the south,...

We hear a lot of complaints about that but nobody ever mentions why that happens.

Let's look at the Palestinian village of Najd, for example. Najd was a farm community in the district of Gaza whose existence predated the Ottoman Empire. Najd was attacked by Israel's Negev Brigade before the beginning of the 1948 war and the villagers were driven into what is now called the Gaza Strip.

Since it is illegal to acquire land through the threat or use of force, Israel has never legally acquired this land. The land remains occupied.

Israel destroyed the village and built the settlement of Sderot on the village land.

That is one ugly kid in your avatar! You should keep that kid hidden when you go out!

Ugly indeed.


Stuff it, loser.
Tinnie has stated that in cases in which war and conflict led to a CHANGE IN DEMGRAPHICS if there are villages that "ONCE WERE.........."of this or that people------then the Old residents have a RIGHT TO TOSS POISON NAIL BOMBS ON THE NEWER RESIDENTS ------think how many villages in "muslim countries" that tinnie WANTS to see strewn with the dead bodies of muslim kids-------because the places were once jewish villages-------there are such places in many parts of the world Iraq, Yemen, Egypt, Morocco etc etc gee tinnie---NO THANKS Hebron is a case in point----in 1929 the whole jewish population was displace by tinnies fave---BABY THROAT SLITTING now tinnie insists that jews murder the muslim babies with nail bombs
Great news. Netanyahu has formed a coalition with Lieberman for the next Israeli election. Soon this entire Zionist agenda of Netanyahu's peace offerings, security fence & land concessions to keep the Palestinians captives in Israel will be over.

They can return to their home country of Jordan.
Lipush, please explain the rational for separate roads?

Why are you for this and what would it accomplish?? :cool:

You mean like the roads in Mecca that only Muslims can use?
Mecca is only one small town in Saudia Arabia. It can barely accommodate the millions of pilgrams who come there every year. So the authorities ban tourists because they would put additional strain on the facilities and clog the roads even further.

But people of any race, religion, or ethnicity, can travel anywhere else in Saudia Arabia with no problem. :cool:

I bet you've never been to Mecca, they only let real sand monkeys go there.
Great news. Netanyahu has formed a coalition with Lieberman for the next Israeli election. Soon this entire Zionist agenda of Netanyahu's peace offerings, security fence & land concessions to keep the Palestinians captives in Israel will be over.

They can return to their home country of Jordan.

So who gets the land the Pals vacate?
Keep trying-----fcking----you want me to be shit on YOUR LEVEL-----nope muslims are not all shit-----but SHARIAH IS ALL SHIT ISLAMICISM IS ALL SHIT ISLAMIC IMPERIALISM CALIPHATE CRAP IS ALL SHIT unfortunately there is a growing trend among muslims to support that shit

That's because the only way for a muslim man to get his wife to agree with him is to beat her until she does.
Great news. Netanyahu has formed a coalition with Lieberman for the next Israeli election. Soon this entire Zionist agenda of Netanyahu's peace offerings, security fence & land concessions to keep the Palestinians captives in Israel will be over.

They can return to their home country of Jordan.

Although I'm not thrilled about them being there, I don't think the world would go for mass deportations. I think we should work for a realistic solution to the conflict.

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