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Poll confirms "jewish fascism" has replaced "jewish democracy" in Israel

Why are we talking about Hitler.

Hitler is irrelevant to this issue.
When you look at it, there is a lot of similarities between how the nazis treated the jews and how Israel treats the Pals.

The propaganda of hate, is exactly the same.
i am so sorry i am hurting ' chosen people ' .. probably i am in danger ..

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-TvSiYu8z2M]The Outrageous Racist Hypocrisy of Israel and World Zionism! - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uvtC_qzHVM4&feature=related]Jimmy Carter unveils truth about Israel - YouTube[/ame]

come one lets make peace .. leave all racist plans ..
when you look at it-----there is a lot of similarity between Adolf Abu ali and ----virtually all islamicists and Loin boy and Tinnie------all of them justify genocide and rape and pillage and enslavement The Shariah laws which describe the status of DHIMMIS (non muslims living in islamic lands) is almost word for word the same as the NUREMBURG laws which tinnie and loin boy and sunni and "because" fully support-------they, essentially, LEGALIZE both enslavement, exploitation, rape and genocide They are similar in DETAIL ----down to the YELLOW INSIGNIA that the jews are forced to wear under the filth that tinnia and sunni and loin boy and kvetch ----support feverently
Nice try you worthless sand n!gger, but Israel has more minorities in it's government than the ENTIRE ARAB World.

So get off your high horse and go fuck yourself!

A new poll of Israeli Jews by Camil Fuchs and commissioned by the New Israel Fund has alarming findings concerning the deterioration of democratic values in Israel.

The majority of the Jewish public, 59 percent, wants preference for Jews over Arabs in…job [appointments] in government ministries. Almost half the Jews, 49 percent, want the state to treat Jewish citizens better than Arab ones; 42 percent don’t want to live in the same building with Arabs and 42 percent don’t want their children in the same class with Arab children.

A third of the Jewish public wants a law barring Israeli Arabs from voting for the Knesset and a large majority of 69 percent objects to giving 2.5 million Palestinians the right to vote if Israel annexes the West Bank.

A sweeping 74 percent majority is in favor of separate roads for Israelis and Palestinians in the West Bank. A quarter – 24 percent – believe separate roads are “a good situation” and 50 percent believe they are “a necessary situation.”

Almost half – 47 percent – want part of Israel’s Arab population to be transferred to the Palestinian Authority and 36 percent support transferring some of the Arab towns from Israel to the PA, in exchange for keeping some of the West Bank settlements.

Although the territories have not been annexed, most of the Jewish public (58 percent ) already believes Israel practices apartheid against Arabs. Only 31 percent think such a system is not in force here. Over a third (38 percent ) of the Jewish public wants Israel to annex the territories with settlements on them, while 48 percent object.

…The survey indicates that a third to half of Jewish Israelis want to live in a state that practices formal, open discrimination against its Arab citizens. An even larger majority wants to live in an apartheid state if Israel annexes the territories.

…The interviewees did not object strongly to describing Israel’s character as “apartheid” already today, without annexing the territories. Only 31 percent objected to calling Israel an “apartheid state” and said “there’s no apartheid at all.”

In contrast, 39 percent believe apartheid is practiced “in a few fields”; 19 percent believe “there’s apartheid in many fields” and 11 percent do not know.
I guess the only thing we're waiting for now, is for Netanyahu to write his own version of Mein Kamf proposing his "Final Palestinian Solution".

If Hitler was alive today, he'd be an Israeli.
The MAJORITY of people in Israel are jews-----according to the ideology of many many islamo nazi pigs----there is no reason that they cannot VOTE ALL THE NON JEWS out of citizenship as has the shariah cesspit----SAUDI ARABIA and MALDIVES ------and----more or less-----as have many other shariah cespits who very much support oppression of non muslims-------for example---- Israel could LEGALLY emulate saudi arabia and outlaw the public celebration of stink is islam holidays and public prayers. In fact Israel would be just as justified in barring muslims from Jerusalem as muslims are in barring jews from YATHRIB (aka medina)

what is your problem ?? if Islam is a shit ... your religion is shitter than Islam ... when you have been stuck you just say IslamoNazi , Bad Islam bla bla bla :)
when you look at it-----there is a lot of similarity between Adolf Abu ali and ----virtually all islamicists and Loin boy and Tinnie------all of them justify genocide and rape and pillage and enslavement The Shariah laws which describe the status of DHIMMIS (non muslims living in islamic lands) is almost word for word the same as the NUREMBURG laws which tinnie and loin boy and sunni and "because" fully support-------they, essentially, LEGALIZE both enslavement, exploitation, rape and genocide They are similar in DETAIL ----down to the YELLOW INSIGNIA that the jews are forced to wear under the filth that tinnia and sunni and loin boy and kvetch ----support feverently
Sharia laws have nothing to do with Nuremburg Laws.

The Nuremburg Laws criminalized wars of choice. You can only attack another country in self defense. Making up reasons to attack sovereign nations, is a war crime. Show me where Sharia Law deals with that?
I agree.

We need to stop the Arab occupation of Jewish lands ASAP:D

i see in you that you are happy when you kill people sorry not people ... animals

Hamas people are not animals.

Animals kill in order to eat or not be eaten.

Hamas kills because it is a wicked organization dedicated to eliminate Jews.
lipush can i ask you.......

is it true israeli arabs have different car number plates and passports to Israeli Jews

and west bank cars different ones again??

why, exactly? is this not ghetto stuff that jews of all people should NOT do unless ABSOLUTELY necessary?

maybe I'm wrong or out of date here; that's why I am asking you before shootin my load!

I was quite impressed with your previous answers to loinboy, and F.amazingly ignorant by the way.
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Nice try you worthless sand n!gger, but Israel has more minorities in it's government than the ENTIRE ARAB World.

So get off your high horse and go fuck yourself!
I'm a white Irish Catholic who could care less what you think.

But thanks for the cyber-tan.
I am glad that just about everyone ESPECIALLY Tinnie----agrees that the city of Yathrib (later renamed 'medina' ) should be cleansed of the stinking carcass of the rapist pig and handed back to the jews who inhabited it for more than 1000 years before rapist muhummad was born
I am glad that just about everyone ESPECIALLY Tinnie----agrees that the city of Yathrib (later renamed 'medina' ) should be cleansed of the stinking carcass of the rapist pig and handed back to the jews who inhabited it for more than 1000 years before rapist muhummad was born
You make such a good German.
when you look at it-----there is a lot of similarity between Adolf Abu ali and ----virtually all islamicists and Loin boy and Tinnie------all of them justify genocide and rape and pillage and enslavement The Shariah laws which describe the status of DHIMMIS (non muslims living in islamic lands) is almost word for word the same as the NUREMBURG laws which tinnie and loin boy and sunni and "because" fully support-------they, essentially, LEGALIZE both enslavement, exploitation, rape and genocide They are similar in DETAIL ----down to the YELLOW INSIGNIA that the jews are forced to wear under the filth that tinnia and sunni and loin boy and kvetch ----support feverently
Sharia laws have nothing to do with Nuremburg Laws.

The Nuremburg Laws criminalized wars of choice. You can only attack another country in self defense. Making up reasons to attack sovereign nations, is a war crime. Show me where Sharia Law deals with that?

Try again, FILTHY AND DISGUSTING LIAR-----I am referring to the parts of the NEUREMBURG LAWS that involve social restrictions on Jews and the stinking filth of shariah which also deals with social restrictions on jews-----VIRTUALLY IDENTICAL STINKING SHIT adolf abu ali got most of his stinking filth from the filth of shariah
Try again, FILTHY AND DISGUSTING LIAR-----I am referring to the parts of the NEUREMBURG LAWS that involve social restrictions on Jews and the stinking filth of shariah which also deals with social restrictions on jews-----VIRTUALLY IDENTICAL STINKING SHIT adolf abu ali got most of his stinking filth from the filth of shariah
Post the link of the specific law you are referring to, or shut your fuckin' mouth!
Tinnie reaffirms his demand that the city of YATHRIB (aka 'medina') be cleansed of the stinking carcass of muhummad ibn abdullah and returned to the jews who lived in that city and which was a JEWISH CITY for more than 1000 years before the birth and the crminal career of the rapist pig of mecca
when you look at it-----there is a lot of similarity between Adolf Abu ali and ----virtually all islamicists and Loin boy and Tinnie------all of them justify genocide and rape and pillage and enslavement The Shariah laws which describe the status of DHIMMIS (non muslims living in islamic lands) is almost word for word the same as the NUREMBURG laws which tinnie and loin boy and sunni and "because" fully support-------they, essentially, LEGALIZE both enslavement, exploitation, rape and genocide They are similar in DETAIL ----down to the YELLOW INSIGNIA that the jews are forced to wear under the filth that tinnia and sunni and loin boy and kvetch ----support feverently
Sharia laws have nothing to do with Nuremburg Laws.

The Nuremburg Laws criminalized wars of choice. You can only attack another country in self defense. Making up reasons to attack sovereign nations, is a war crime. Show me where Sharia Law deals with that?

The Zionists attacked and occupied Palestine by choice. The Palestinians did not go to Europe and attack the Zionists.

The so called "air strikes" are when ISraeli vessels spot brigades about to launch rockets. It strikes the launchers, they sometimes get killed.

That is how the last Haslamah started. Check the facts before saying nonsense please.
That's what you always say, but those are just bullshit lies. If what you're saying is true, then why won't Israel allow independent organizations like the ICRC, AI, HRW or Physician's for Human Rights, access to the area to see for themselves. Israel will not allow anyone from the media to go into those areas. And that's because, what you and the Israeli government says happened, is not what happened.

Israel Uses Palestinians for Target Practice

Gazans are locked down in isolation. They live in a virtual war zone. Incursions, bombings, and border killings happen regularly.Bogus threats are claimed. Civilians are killed or injured in cold blood. Farmers are shot in their fields. Children straying too close to Israel’s border are murdered for sport. Israeli soldiers literally use them for target practice. It’s no joke. Little boys and girls die or get injured.
I believe I posted a video showing farmers getting shot at. Why does Israel do that? Pulling cabbage out of the ground has nothing to do with Israeli security. Shooting farmers, shows just how sick and evil Israeli policy towards the Palestinian's is. But I'm sure, that's an issue you look the other way on.

As far as who initiates the violence, notice I can cite specific examples and dates to prove my argument. You, on the otherhand, speak in generalities, hypotheticals and common IDF propaganda that only terrorists were targeted, or what you said above, "they spotted the rockets before they were fired". Yet you show no proof of that claim.

But I can prove mine!

On September 1, Israeli F-16s attacked Gaza’s Al-Maqousy Towers residential area. Palestinian medical sources reported two injuries. Buildings were also damaged. Wounded residents were hospitalized.

Palestinian fishermen at sea face frequent Israeli attacks. On August 28, two men fishing close to shore were accosted and arrested in two separate incidents. One vessel was heavily damaged.

In the week ending August 30, Israeli soldiers shot and seriously wounded a Gazan woman. They violently dispersed a peaceful West Bank demonstration. They injured 11 Palestinian civilians. They included a child, an elderly woman, and four journalists.

On August 29, Addameer said Israeli settlers keep targeting Daraghneh family members. They live in Laban village near Nablus. Incidents happen virtually daily. The latest one left two children hospitalized.
Until you can deal with your role in the violence you create, by constantly making excuses for Israeli atrocities, nothing will get better. And if you (Israel) keeps going the way it is, sooner or later, the world is going to say "Enough!" and do something about it.

This is the incident that started all this:

Google Translate

So don't say I lie. look at the date and time.
Concerning non-violence: it is criminal to teach a man not to defend himself when he is the constant victim of brutal attacks.
when you look at it-----there is a lot of similarity between Adolf Abu ali and ----virtually all islamicists and Loin boy and Tinnie------all of them justify genocide and rape and pillage and enslavement The Shariah laws which describe the status of DHIMMIS (non muslims living in islamic lands) is almost word for word the same as the NUREMBURG laws which tinnie and loin boy and sunni and "because" fully support-------they, essentially, LEGALIZE both enslavement, exploitation, rape and genocide They are similar in DETAIL ----down to the YELLOW INSIGNIA that the jews are forced to wear under the filth that tinnia and sunni and loin boy and kvetch ----support feverently
Sharia laws have nothing to do with Nuremburg Laws.

The Nuremburg Laws criminalized wars of choice. You can only attack another country in self defense. Making up reasons to attack sovereign nations, is a war crime. Show me where Sharia Law deals with that?[/QUOTThe Zionists attacked and occupied Palestine by choice. The Palestinians did not go to Europe and attack the Zionists.

Tinnie is claiming that in the early 1800s ZIONIST JEWS invaded palestine heavily armed with guns and bombs and scimitars and comitted massacres against arabs DESTROYING THEIR VILLAGES and slitting the throats of their infants and raping their daughters-------now he will descirbe those battles that took place -------from 1800 to 1910 OVER TO YOU TINNIE or are you too busy dancing on the dead bodies of infants with slit throats in HONOR OF ALLAH?

for the record----In 1900 persons with the mindset of Tinnie in NEW YORK CITY considered the migration of black americans from the southern part of the USA a kind of "INVASION" so they hanged blacks from lamp posts It happened in New York City-------early 1900s The town of my childhood was FILLED with Tinnie types -----I know him well All nazi pigs consider anything not THEM an "invasion" giving the nazi pig types a RIGHT and even a RESPONSIBILTY to murder them, rape them and slit the throats of their babies ----to the delight of tinnie

Tinnie------the people who did the murdering of blacks----way back in the early 1900s were largely of Irish and Scotch background-------and you? An interesting factoid is that THEY blamed the influx on jews who they claimed "EMPLOYED" blacks

now tell us about those attacks-----surely you know what sort of WEAPONS the ZIONIST brought in from Europe tell us tell us what YOU KNOW SO WELL
I agree.

We need to stop the Arab occupation of Jewish lands ASAP:D

i see in you that you are happy when you kill people sorry not people ... animals

Hamas people are not animals.

Animals kill in order to eat or not be eaten.

Hamas kills because it is a wicked organization dedicated to eliminate Jews.

:D you are funny who want to eliminate someone is you ..!! Muslims never have a problem with another religion .. do you capable to understand this ?? muslim have no problem with Jews... if you wanna learn what islam says how to treat non-muslims look öy signature .. then look your all post to see how you are ignorent and racist and hater ... but you are such a racist and hater .. you hate from Muslims... if you have a chance you will remove all muslims... am i wrong ??

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