POLL: Conservatives/Republicans: Should the Tea Party secede?

Should the Tea Party secede from the GOP?

  • Yes

    Votes: 17 68.0%
  • No

    Votes: 8 32.0%

  • Total voters


Kick the RINO's out. A third party would benefit the Dems. Conservative principles need to be pushed to the front within the party.
No third party. As one poster has already stated............REMEMBER ROSS PEROT.

You can't take back the GOP. You never had the GOP. If you want to control your own party, you need to form your own party. Regardless of what fantasies people might have, the "RINOs" are the GOP and they will continue to be the GOP.

I beg to differ.

It's a free country, you can differ all you like. But that doesn't change reality.


Kick the RINO's out. A third party would benefit the Dems. Conservative principles need to be pushed to the front within the party.
No third party. As one poster has already stated............REMEMBER ROSS PEROT.

You can't take back the GOP. You never had the GOP. If you want to control your own party, you need to form your own party. Regardless of what fantasies people might have, the "RINOs" are the GOP and they will continue to be the GOP.

I beg to differ.

It's a free country, you can differ all you like. But that doesn't change reality.

The reality is you're wrong.
Problem is, if the Tea Party left, they'd have to organise stuff, and do some actual work. That's not what they're about.
To those who want to kick out the RINOs and take back the GOP:

To what part of its history do you want to return, specifically? What year(s)?


Conservative values............somewhat of the time from the 90's and Newt...............but even then they were controlled by the Lobbyist.

The move to the Center by RINO's is BS............they might as well register as Democrats they way they capitulate on key issues to them.

They don't represent true conservatism.
They don't stand their ground on key issues.
And they are bought and paid for by special interests............which rules their opinions not for the people.


Kick the RINO's out. A third party would benefit the Dems. Conservative principles need to be pushed to the front within the party.
No third party. As one poster has already stated............REMEMBER ROSS PEROT.

You can't take back the GOP. You never had the GOP. If you want to control your own party, you need to form your own party. Regardless of what fantasies people might have, the "RINOs" are the GOP and they will continue to be the GOP.

those three clowns are not the GOP. They are history.

More fantasy. The leadership of the party didn't walk into their office one day, put up a sign and everyone just assumed they belonged there. They were voted in by the membership. Do you think the membership didn't know who they were? And when they finally leave those positions, they are not going to be replaced by any "true conservatives". If you want to control your party, you need to form your own party. You will never control the GOP.
The GOP needs to return to its principles and its base. Kick out the rinos.
What percentage of the party would you say are RINOs?


25%, but they are all in powerful positions.

Bingo! And they rule as if they were Senators in ancient Rome.

All one has to do is remember McCain's "gang of .................fill in the blank".

They were the only movers and the shakers and it really didn't matter that others were elected to serve.

These old bastards hold the power and the purse strings over all the other elected representatives. And it's their way or the highway.

We've seen punishments doled out to those that don't obey the inside the beltway hierarchy.

There is no difference between the ruling class in the Congress and Senate or the House of Lords in Britain.

It's disgusting.
Problem is, if the Tea Party left, they'd have to organise stuff, and do some actual work. That's not what they're about.

the tea party is not a party or an organization. it is a way of thinking.

Yeah, sort of politics for people who aren't really up to speed on things.

There are other parties in the world that have similar sort of mentality. UKIP in the UK for example. They use slogans like "get Britain back" and then show no policies that would actually do that. It's all about convincing people to vote without having sensible policies for how to run the country.


Kick the RINO's out. A third party would benefit the Dems. Conservative principles need to be pushed to the front within the party.
No third party. As one poster has already stated............REMEMBER ROSS PEROT.

You can't take back the GOP. You never had the GOP. If you want to control your own party, you need to form your own party. Regardless of what fantasies people might have, the "RINOs" are the GOP and they will continue to be the GOP.

those three clowns are not the GOP. They are history.

More fantasy. The leadership of the party didn't walk into their office one day, put up a sign and everyone just assumed they belonged there. They were voted in by the membership. Do you think the membership didn't know who they were? And when they finally leave those positions, they are not going to be replaced by any "true conservatives". If you want to control your party, you need to form your own party. You will never control the GOP.
A group within the party who challenges the status quo is already in effect a third party.
A third party would put a third candidate in many elections and sway the advantage to the left.

Ross Perot a prime example. It must be done from within................Unless we ditch the 2 party system all together.


Kick the RINO's out. A third party would benefit the Dems. Conservative principles need to be pushed to the front within the party.
No third party. As one poster has already stated............REMEMBER ROSS PEROT.

You can't take back the GOP. You never had the GOP. If you want to control your own party, you need to form your own party. Regardless of what fantasies people might have, the "RINOs" are the GOP and they will continue to be the GOP.

I beg to differ.

It's a free country, you can differ all you like. But that doesn't change reality.

The reality is you're wrong.

Sure. That's why McConnell was elected majority leader. What were the results on that now? Oh yeah. It was unanimous. Clearly no support there.


Kick the RINO's out. A third party would benefit the Dems. Conservative principles need to be pushed to the front within the party.
No third party. As one poster has already stated............REMEMBER ROSS PEROT.

You can't take back the GOP. You never had the GOP. If you want to control your own party, you need to form your own party. Regardless of what fantasies people might have, the "RINOs" are the GOP and they will continue to be the GOP.

those three clowns are not the GOP. They are history.

More fantasy. The leadership of the party didn't walk into their office one day, put up a sign and everyone just assumed they belonged there. They were voted in by the membership. Do you think the membership didn't know who they were? And when they finally leave those positions, they are not going to be replaced by any "true conservatives". If you want to control your party, you need to form your own party. You will never control the GOP.
A group within the party who challenges the status quo is already in effect a third party.
A third party would put a third candidate in many elections and sway the advantage to the left.

Ross Perot a prime example. It must be done from within................Unless we ditch the 2 party system all together.

We pulled it off up here. Couldn't work within the Progressive Conservative party any more.

We are now a majority as the Conservative Party of Canada.


Kick the RINO's out. A third party would benefit the Dems. Conservative principles need to be pushed to the front within the party.
No third party. As one poster has already stated............REMEMBER ROSS PEROT.

You can't take back the GOP. You never had the GOP. If you want to control your own party, you need to form your own party. Regardless of what fantasies people might have, the "RINOs" are the GOP and they will continue to be the GOP.

I beg to differ.

It's a free country, you can differ all you like. But that doesn't change reality.

The reality is you're wrong.

Sure. That's why McConnell was elected majority leader. What were the results on that now? Oh yeah. It was unanimous. Clearly no support there.

Still doesn't mean all are rino's


Kick the RINO's out. A third party would benefit the Dems. Conservative principles need to be pushed to the front within the party.
No third party. As one poster has already stated............REMEMBER ROSS PEROT.

You can't take back the GOP. You never had the GOP. If you want to control your own party, you need to form your own party. Regardless of what fantasies people might have, the "RINOs" are the GOP and they will continue to be the GOP.

those three clowns are not the GOP. They are history.

More fantasy. The leadership of the party didn't walk into their office one day, put up a sign and everyone just assumed they belonged there. They were voted in by the membership. Do you think the membership didn't know who they were? And when they finally leave those positions, they are not going to be replaced by any "true conservatives". If you want to control your party, you need to form your own party. You will never control the GOP.
A group within the party who challenges the status quo is already in effect a third party.
A third party would put a third candidate in many elections and sway the advantage to the left.

Ross Perot a prime example. It must be done from within................Unless we ditch the 2 party system all together.

Then ditch the 2 party system. That is not written in stone, it just happened. If you all believe that you constitute a majority in the country then the result will be a win. Ross Perot clearly did not represent a majority. If you compare yourselves to him, then you must think you also do not represent a majority and aren't capable of standing on your own.

The real problem I guess is in these terms you keep tossing out. You all call yourselves "true conservatives" and the rest of us "RINOs". However, given that it was our party in the first place and you are late comers, it is actually the opposite. We are the true conservatives and you all are the RINOs. If you think we are going to just roll over and let you have our party, you are out of your minds. You are a minority in our party and you will always be a minority in our party. A loud minority, I'll grant, but a minority nonetheless. If you ever want to be more than that, then get off your backsides and start your own party. In other words, grow up, get a job and move out of our basement.
You can't take back the GOP. You never had the GOP. If you want to control your own party, you need to form your own party. Regardless of what fantasies people might have, the "RINOs" are the GOP and they will continue to be the GOP.

I beg to differ.

It's a free country, you can differ all you like. But that doesn't change reality.

The reality is you're wrong.

Sure. That's why McConnell was elected majority leader. What were the results on that now? Oh yeah. It was unanimous. Clearly no support there.

Still doesn't mean all are rino's

No. Just the vast majority.


Kick the RINO's out. A third party would benefit the Dems. Conservative principles need to be pushed to the front within the party.
No third party. As one poster has already stated............REMEMBER ROSS PEROT.

You can't take back the GOP. You never had the GOP. If you want to control your own party, you need to form your own party. Regardless of what fantasies people might have, the "RINOs" are the GOP and they will continue to be the GOP.

those three clowns are not the GOP. They are history.

More fantasy. The leadership of the party didn't walk into their office one day, put up a sign and everyone just assumed they belonged there. They were voted in by the membership. Do you think the membership didn't know who they were? And when they finally leave those positions, they are not going to be replaced by any "true conservatives". If you want to control your party, you need to form your own party. You will never control the GOP.
A group within the party who challenges the status quo is already in effect a third party.
A third party would put a third candidate in many elections and sway the advantage to the left.

Ross Perot a prime example. It must be done from within................Unless we ditch the 2 party system all together.

Then ditch the 2 party system. That is not written in stone, it just happened. If you all believe that you constitute a majority in the country then the result will be a win. Ross Perot clearly did not represent a majority. If you compare yourselves to him, then you must think you also do not represent a majority and aren't capable of standing on your own.

The real problem I guess is in these terms you keep tossing out. You all call yourselves "true conservatives" and the rest of us "RINOs". However, given that it was our party in the first place and you are late comers, it is actually the opposite. We are the true conservatives and you all are the RINOs. If you think we are going to just roll over and let you have our party, you are out of your minds. You are a minority in our party and you will always be a minority in our party. A loud minority, I'll grant, but a minority nonetheless. If you ever want to be more than that, then get off your backsides and start your own party. In other words, grow up, get a job and move out of our basement.
Ross Perot was an example of how a third party candidate lost the election to Clinton. I never compared myself to him. YOU DID THAT.

To the Status Quo................If you support McLame, Bone Head, and Graham Nuts.............................then you aren't a Conservative...............and all this talk.........HOW YOU MADE THE GOP...............who they hell are you and do you have a mouse in your pocket?

Conservative Movements helped the GOP time and time again........but you would say the Conservatives are the problem.................How about 18 TRILLION reasons why we shouldn't listen to you..........................If that is Conservatism then I have some Ocean Front Property for you in Arizona................that is if we get the illegals off the land there first...................................

Your GRAND OLE PARTY didn't even have the BALLS to stand up to Obama on funding AMNESTY.................It's illegal yet the GOP gave the Green Light..............

When the status quo GOP grows a freaking spine let me know..................

3rd Party would be a direct challenge to the GOP STATUS QUO................and would be a godsend to the Dems......


Kick the RINO's out. A third party would benefit the Dems. Conservative principles need to be pushed to the front within the party.
No third party. As one poster has already stated............REMEMBER ROSS PEROT.

You can't take back the GOP. You never had the GOP. If you want to control your own party, you need to form your own party. Regardless of what fantasies people might have, the "RINOs" are the GOP and they will continue to be the GOP.

I beg to differ.

It's a free country, you can differ all you like. But that doesn't change reality.

The reality is you're wrong.

Sure. That's why McConnell was elected majority leader. What were the results on that now? Oh yeah. It was unanimous. Clearly no support there.


Kick the RINO's out. A third party would benefit the Dems. Conservative principles need to be pushed to the front within the party.
No third party. As one poster has already stated............REMEMBER ROSS PEROT.

You can't take back the GOP. You never had the GOP. If you want to control your own party, you need to form your own party. Regardless of what fantasies people might have, the "RINOs" are the GOP and they will continue to be the GOP.

I beg to differ.

It's a free country, you can differ all you like. But that doesn't change reality.

The reality is you're wrong.

Sure. That's why McConnell was elected majority leader. What were the results on that now? Oh yeah. It was unanimous. Clearly no support there.

Just like he lied to get Senators to vote for the trade deal, I have no doubt he lied to Senators and said he would be fair and balanced and not become a Republican Harry Reid.

Which by the way he has become. Harry Reid with an R beside his name.
You can't take back the GOP. You never had the GOP. If you want to control your own party, you need to form your own party. Regardless of what fantasies people might have, the "RINOs" are the GOP and they will continue to be the GOP.

those three clowns are not the GOP. They are history.

More fantasy. The leadership of the party didn't walk into their office one day, put up a sign and everyone just assumed they belonged there. They were voted in by the membership. Do you think the membership didn't know who they were? And when they finally leave those positions, they are not going to be replaced by any "true conservatives". If you want to control your party, you need to form your own party. You will never control the GOP.
A group within the party who challenges the status quo is already in effect a third party.
A third party would put a third candidate in many elections and sway the advantage to the left.

Ross Perot a prime example. It must be done from within................Unless we ditch the 2 party system all together.

Then ditch the 2 party system. That is not written in stone, it just happened. If you all believe that you constitute a majority in the country then the result will be a win. Ross Perot clearly did not represent a majority. If you compare yourselves to him, then you must think you also do not represent a majority and aren't capable of standing on your own.

The real problem I guess is in these terms you keep tossing out. You all call yourselves "true conservatives" and the rest of us "RINOs". However, given that it was our party in the first place and you are late comers, it is actually the opposite. We are the true conservatives and you all are the RINOs. If you think we are going to just roll over and let you have our party, you are out of your minds. You are a minority in our party and you will always be a minority in our party. A loud minority, I'll grant, but a minority nonetheless. If you ever want to be more than that, then get off your backsides and start your own party. In other words, grow up, get a job and move out of our basement.
Ross Perot was an example of how a third party candidate lost the election to Clinton. I never compared myself to him. YOU DID THAT.

To the Status Quo................If you support McLame, Bone Head, and Graham Nuts.............................then you aren't a Conservative...............and all this talk.........HOW YOU MADE THE GOP...............who they hell are you and do you have a mouse in your pocket?

Conservative Movements helped the GOP time and time again........but you would say the Conservatives are the problem.................How about 18 TRILLION reasons why we shouldn't listen to you..........................If that is Conservatism then I have some Ocean Front Property for you in Arizona................that is if we get the illegals off the land there first...................................

Your GRAND OLE PARTY didn't even have the BALLS to stand up to Obama on funding AMNESTY.................It's illegal yet the GOP gave the Green Light..............

When the status quo GOP grows a freaking spine let me know..................

3rd Party would be a direct challenge to the GOP STATUS QUO................and would be a godsend to the Dems......

If you don't challenge the rulers of the RINOS and wipe them out by third party you are never going to get rid of the upper tier of the RINO's.

Ever. And you can vote in whoever you want, but it won't mean jack shit once they are inside the beltway. EVAH.

But say you don't want to form a specific third party. Obviously the fear runs deep although I don't understand it.

Think of tea party candidates running as independents en masse and then caucasing when they wanted to with true Republicans. Think of the power they would wield.

That might work as well.
those three clowns are not the GOP. They are history.

More fantasy. The leadership of the party didn't walk into their office one day, put up a sign and everyone just assumed they belonged there. They were voted in by the membership. Do you think the membership didn't know who they were? And when they finally leave those positions, they are not going to be replaced by any "true conservatives". If you want to control your party, you need to form your own party. You will never control the GOP.
A group within the party who challenges the status quo is already in effect a third party.
A third party would put a third candidate in many elections and sway the advantage to the left.

Ross Perot a prime example. It must be done from within................Unless we ditch the 2 party system all together.

Then ditch the 2 party system. That is not written in stone, it just happened. If you all believe that you constitute a majority in the country then the result will be a win. Ross Perot clearly did not represent a majority. If you compare yourselves to him, then you must think you also do not represent a majority and aren't capable of standing on your own.

The real problem I guess is in these terms you keep tossing out. You all call yourselves "true conservatives" and the rest of us "RINOs". However, given that it was our party in the first place and you are late comers, it is actually the opposite. We are the true conservatives and you all are the RINOs. If you think we are going to just roll over and let you have our party, you are out of your minds. You are a minority in our party and you will always be a minority in our party. A loud minority, I'll grant, but a minority nonetheless. If you ever want to be more than that, then get off your backsides and start your own party. In other words, grow up, get a job and move out of our basement.
Ross Perot was an example of how a third party candidate lost the election to Clinton. I never compared myself to him. YOU DID THAT.

To the Status Quo................If you support McLame, Bone Head, and Graham Nuts.............................then you aren't a Conservative...............and all this talk.........HOW YOU MADE THE GOP...............who they hell are you and do you have a mouse in your pocket?

Conservative Movements helped the GOP time and time again........but you would say the Conservatives are the problem.................How about 18 TRILLION reasons why we shouldn't listen to you..........................If that is Conservatism then I have some Ocean Front Property for you in Arizona................that is if we get the illegals off the land there first...................................

Your GRAND OLE PARTY didn't even have the BALLS to stand up to Obama on funding AMNESTY.................It's illegal yet the GOP gave the Green Light..............

When the status quo GOP grows a freaking spine let me know..................

3rd Party would be a direct challenge to the GOP STATUS QUO................and would be a godsend to the Dems......

If you don't challenge the rulers of the RINOS and wipe them out by third party you are never going to get rid of the upper tier of the RINO's.

Ever. And you can vote in whoever you want, but it won't mean jack shit once they are inside the beltway. EVAH.

But say you don't want to form a specific third party. Obviously the fear runs deep although I don't understand it.

Think of tea party candidates running as independents en masse and then caucasing when they wanted to with true Republicans. Think of the power they would wield.

That might work as well.
Third party and independents run down here..........and it usually ends up a spoiler vote.................which is my concern.
I beg to differ.

It's a free country, you can differ all you like. But that doesn't change reality.

The reality is you're wrong.

Sure. That's why McConnell was elected majority leader. What were the results on that now? Oh yeah. It was unanimous. Clearly no support there.

Still doesn't mean all are rino's

No. Just the vast majority.

Name them.

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